years. they've never completely been put to rift. to rest. here is drew griffin with more. >> reporter: for some of the people that know marco rubio like his former unpaid republican consultant chris ingram, the candidate's explanations are doing little to clear up the controversy. >> to me having known him and seeing him in action and seeing the pattern of behavior of his, the sense of entitlement, the explaining things away without taking any kind of actual accountability or responsibility for what he's done, blaming others and there's always an excuse. >> reporter: questions of marco rubio's spending on a republican party charge card first surfaced in his u.s. senate campaign in 2010 when the tampa bay times and "miami herald" were leaked these, two years of records from when marco rubio was a powerful state lawmaker in tallahassee. the records show lots of personal spending that include movie tickets, charges to a wine store, a family vacation and even $1,000 for damage to his mini van and thousands more for