win. do you see that happening here? i mean, obviously, you're confident about yourself. >> i do. i do. anderson. >> you see the success of carson and trump somehow peaking? >> well, my view is, anderson, people want somebody who can land the plane and right now people are saying okay, throw anything out there and let me take a look. i'm so frustrated with the status quo and anderson, to use a basketball analogy, i can play, i can hit the three-pointer and play the inside game. i've been an outsider fighting the establishment most of my career. you don't get to a balanced budget in washington or turn ohio around without stepping on a heck of a lot of toes but i know how to get it done. if there is anything this country needs now, it needs to have a really revitalized economy and i know how to do that in washington but i'll tell you one other thing it needs, that is a renewed spirit, stronger family, stronger neighborhoods, neighbors caring about one another.