>> reporter: tom and julie were trying to make sure neighbors were safe and they found a scar stuck to a face. his son brice shot this video as his father made his way to the car. >> i see this little hand come out of the window and i'm like oh my god. that's not what you want to see. so he's waving and that means, you know, you got to go get him. >> i couldn't stand up. the current was too strong there that would have swept me away. tom hardly could stand on his own feet, now he had to drag me, too. >> reporter: tom hugged george from the back. george hugged his yorkie. at one point george started to float away and tom grabbed him but couldn't make the last 50 yards. it was his wife and son brice came in the water and to the rescue. bringing george, tom and yes, tila to safety. >> when you see when somebody left saved your life, really and