>> yeah, well for me that's not politics. i mean, that's sort of part of catholic social teaching at this point as he has said. it's funny, i always find it interesting politicians say when i agree with the pope he's talking about spiritual matters. when i don't agree with him, it's political basically. you know, care for the environment. care for the poor. right? care for refugees and migrants. those are all deeply religious questions because jesus asked us to care for the least of our brothers and sisters, right? and, you know, god asked us to as the book of genesis said to till the earth and keep it, but in cyclical said, we have done way too much tilling and not enough keeping. so these are religious questions. if they have political ramifications, so be. >> we have to leave it there. we'll have fascinating discussions all throughout this week. john allen, bruce, father, thank you for being with us. we look forward to more of your words. coming up next, what the papal security looks like from high above manhattan. we'll take you aboard a new york police helicopter, show you some of the technology that can see