retired fire fighter, bob was summoned by a neighbor with an unusual problem. >> there was a big bear in the backyard. >> reporter: when he rounded the corner he knew he was going to leave this one alone. >> that's a big bear. a huge bear. >> a huge bear with an equally huge appetite. as bob started snapping pictures he noticed the bear hauled a 20 pound bag of dog food from a neighbor's garage and was chowing down. >> bob couldn't keep the camera still because he started laughing. the bear like a person who has eaten too much was tossing and turning. >> repositioned three, four times. stretched out. it just laid there. eventually dozed off. >> the bear eventually walked off into the wood where we can assume he did what bears do in the woods. this is just the latest in a series of events proving bears are pretty much just like us. they eat too much. they fall asleep. they chill in daytona beach. >> got in the hammock. laid back like it was a tourist