he has in many ways defined the debate. >> you are right, anderson. i am glad that they have stood up and condemned what he said. i am glad jeb bush find it personally offensive. i frankly am very disappointed the only words hillary clinton could come up with to talk about what donald trump said very disappointed. very disappointed is what you are when your new puppy pees on the carpet. what donald trump said was offensive. it was disgusting. it was racist. it was wrovenlgtng misinformed. you would think the democrat presumptive nominee could come up with stronger words than very disappointed to describe it. >> bill, be clear if donald trump is on that debate stage and no reason to believe he is number two in the poles he earned a place there. paul says it's good for the democratic party. you say it's good for the republican party. why is it good for the republican party, because it allows the other candidates to define themselves in his reflection and sort of show themselves as different as him?