people don't quite know who to get into power. but one of the things i'm being told, also, is that the shiites are genuinely terrified still. they are very afraid what will happen now is that the sunnis might think they can again take over. >> bobby, i mean, you've worked in iraq for a long, long time and known maliki for a long time. do you have belief he's the leader that can reach out to sunnis and reach out to kurds. >> no, anderson. he's had plenty of opportunities to do that and he's doing none of it. he hasn't been doing it in the last 7 two hours when the pressure is great to do so. when it's clear his policies aren't succeeding, he's not shown flexibilities. i've known him for a long time. i met him before he was considered prime minister candidate and even back then, he was very much a shiite partisan and his policies in government have remained consistently