for the most part these boxes, locations are standardized. but it depends on whose installation you have for your avionics package where they will be located. >> john, can you think of any nonnefarious reason for a pilot or somebody else to go down there and shut systems off? >> they never should go downstairs, never. there's no reason why anyone in flight in a normal flight would go downstairs. >> even if there's a mechanical problem. les, can you see a reason why somebody would? >> no. he's right. i was only referring to after a plane is parked at the gate -- >> even if there's some sort of mechanical issue you don't see a reason to go down there? >> that wouldn't be part of the checklist. unless you can see where the smoke is originating perhaps, you'd get into that galley, we have a way to access into that compartment. and you bring a fire extinguisher down. >> jim sciutto, john goleo, thanks for joining us also. also, cnn aviation analyst les