flight in a normal flight would go downstairs. >> even if there's a mechanical problem. can you see a reason why somebody would? >> he's right. i was only referring to after a plane is parked at the gate -- >> even if there's some sort of mechanical issue you don't see a reason to go down there. >> that wouldn't be part of the checklist. unless you can see where the smoke is originating perhaps, you'd get into that galley, we have a way to access into that compartment. and you bring a fire extinguisher down. >> jim sciutto, john goleo, thanks for joining us also. also cnn aviation analyst les abend. he'll stick around. a little later on we've got a lot more ahead. new insight from our panel of seasoned pilots. do they believe that flight 370 was hijacked? we're going to run through the top scenarios that investigators are looking at. and as i said, the frustrating thing -- if you've been following this -- that each of these though possible is --