basically, and it seems like in justin bieber's case. and also, i mean, he's been working, you know, and earning money, i guess, for his family, and no doubt for himself. >> right. >> and all these people around him for a long time. >> right. >> there is a permissive attitude of all the people around these people usually, isn't there? >> yeah, there is several layers to the comments you're making here, anderson. and first of all, yes, of course they make lots of money for lots of people, including themselves, and they love their work. if, indeed, this is a substance abuse disorder, the number one reason my celebrity patients don't do well is they don't take the time off work and/or they go back to work prematurely. it happens all the time. there is also the issue of the sick offense around the individual. in the world, he would be ubrought to a physician and the physician would say you need months of work of structured treatment that we're going to focus before we send you back to work. i'm relieved to hear mark say that the attorneys are looking out for the client and not just focused on getting them out of the legal mess they get