>> reporter: yeah, i think so. barbara has been smoking, using marijuana for 40 years, the grandmother that we interviewed. if you saw those joints, i don't know if you could see them through the video there, they were like the size of small cannons. i have a couple of them here in the wrapping. this one's a blueberry one. and they're very very big. so they smoked a couple of those before they put iminto the doob tube as she called it. and they were really high. plus they were chewing on some of the edibles. they had those in the car. there's no alcohol served or anything like that. but one thing that i did learn this week, very important, is here's a little bit, here's a couple of buds here. this is considered an seteva. a high energy which coloradoens apparently like because they're very active people. this is one called indica. this means like sort of in the couch. you can get seteva or indica. crawl into fetal position and into the couch. people here definitely prefer the setevas.