priority. >> he was a soldier with us but always a teacher. he just wanted to always be there for the kids. they loved him. he would tell us stories all the time about them and as a coach, too. he did all kinds of things. we knew that he was there to protect them. >> reporter: officials have not released any information about the 12-year-old shooter. but they believe the weapon he used, a ruger .9 mile melimetere from his home. >> he was really a nice kid. he would make you smile when you were having a bad day. if you were -- he would just ask you if he could bayou something and he was just really a nice kid. i saw him getting bully aied a couple times and i think he took out his bullying on that. >> reporter: police still don't know why the boy did what he did but kyle nucom told jake tapper what he heard. >> he was yelling a bunch of