get answers. i spoke moments ago with marco rubio who lean and and sounded like he was going to be for this authorization vote and then vis-a-vis still not sure because he has some questions still. but, i think for the most part, you did see even some of the most traditionally liberal democrats, surprisingly, very much for this. barbara boxer for example, i went back and looked. she was a senator in 2002 who voted against the iraq resolution. she made clear she thinks this is very different, it's not an open-ended vote and something she thinks is very necessary. you heard that from a lot more of the democrats and maybe republicans than i would have anticipated. >> seems like the president would get the votes in democratically led senate. what about the house? >> reporter: the president got a huge assist from the house speaker today. those are word s i don't under much, anderson, but he got assistance from boehner today and the house majority today who came out of a meeting with the