>> it is dangerous for them right now. everything is a calculated risk when it comes to firefighting, but any time you're establishing a line on top of a ridge and the fire is below you, that's one of the recipes we have for disaster. >> amazing. gary joins me live from groveland, california. what is the latest for the fire damage in yosemite park? >> reporter: 6% of the park, anderson, has been consumed by flames, 41,000 acres, but it's not the part of the park where tourists go. we mentioned before the yosemite valley and the southern part of the park hasn't been touched yet. also not touched yet are groves of sequoia trees. these are some of the tallest and oldest living things in the universe. some of the trees, anderson, are up to 300 feet tall, that's the length of a football field, and some of them are up to 3500 years old. >> gary, appreciate the reporting. stay safe. isha has the bulletin.