next chapter is going to be for them, but he has mentioned to me that there is a place or there are people who are struggling who may want to remain sell celebate or work on relationships with their spouses even though they have same sex attractions. but, moving forward, they would like to have an organization that's much more inclusive that anyone can come to, he said. >> i look forward to speaking to him tomorrow night. thank you very much, thanks. as i mentioned, allen chambers has agreed to come on the program. we look forward to that. for that, let us know what you think. follow me on twitter@anderson cooper. after nine days of questioning, an all fe pail jury has been chosen to determine george zimmerman's fate. he said he is fine with the jury selection. it has a lot of people talking. also ahead, not just a boughtle, but how to fight for and against for politics in the years to come we'll be right back.