what was going on in moore? i asked the question because moore, big chunks of it were destroyed on may 20 in the tornado then. i was there for a few days in the aftermath. i wonder how badly moore has done this time around. >> i'm not sure, wolf. but one problem you have with a lot of damaged areas that still haven't been cleaned up yet is you have a lot of loose debris. today, we had high winds move into those areas. i don't know for sure whether or not actual tornadoes hit, but i can tell you that strong winds impacted that area. i think that might have caused some issues with all that debris getting kicked up and flying around. >> they lost a lot of power over there, as well. how close did you get to the storm on this day, ben? >> we we are about a half mile away from the tornadoes that formed south of the el reno airport. it started off as small, stovepipe tornadoes but grew into a half mile to mile wide tornado that moved east from our