of downtown oklahoma city. it's jogged to the south a little bit but this is a very densely populated area that it's moving into and this is the one that wreaked havoc earlier as it crossed the interstate. we have the second circulation in yukon -- >> samantha, i'm sorry, i'm just getting more information. i understand the national weather service -- >> 90 mile per hour winds moving into moore. excuse me. just getting reports of that. you can see this cell right here which has taken a little bit of a southerly direction and is now aimed at that area that was struck some ten days ago or so on may 20th. this next cell moving in. then we have yet more development on the back side of this with a third defined circulation now. so moore is now in the crosshairs of this warning that's in place. i don't know if we can check the skies and you can show me how long it's going to take. you can see it's right here on the edge of moore, moving in that direction, more of an

Related Keywords

Interstate 35 ,One ,South ,I 40 ,Circulation ,Yukon ,Downtown Oklahoma City ,Bit ,Havoc ,So Moore ,Samantha ,Weather Service ,Information ,Cell ,Im Sorry ,90 ,East Southeasterly Direction ,Back Side ,Development ,May 20th ,Ten ,20 ,Place ,Warning ,Edge ,Skies ,More ,Crosshairs ,

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