in another shocking case, jaycee dugard's 18 years of captivity ended because two california police officials saw something that didn't add up and told them to dig deeper. he saw philip garrido, dugard's kidnapper, was with his two children. something about the two children wasn't right. a hunch to call the parole officer cracked the case. garrido didn't have two daughters to their knowledge. great to have you here. also, amber, a waitress at an idaho restaurant who spotted a child seen in a missing children's poster. rather than ignore the resemblance, she called the police, saving the kidnapped child. heroes certainly in our eyes. so explain to me how did philip garrido come to you? >> philip garrido came -- i was an events manager at u.c. berkeley with the police department. he came into the office in an attempt to get a permit for an event he wanted to host on campus. >> what about him -- what was that gut intuition?