take a hand swab to be able to test it for gun residue. we don't know the results of those tests and what it might mean, but the attorney stresses to us that he did this voluntarily by his own and fully cooperated, because this man says, he says, has nothing to hide. >> ed, i appreciate that reporting. again, we will talk to a district attorney in texas in another county who says that law enforcement in texas is under attack tonight. they are beefing up security. we will talk to him about who he thinks may be behind some of these shootings. gary tuchman joins us shortly with another new angle, one you will only see here. now to our top story tonight. also a "360" exclusive. dr. conrad murray, michael jackson's former physician, a man with the training to save lives and the solemn duty to preserve it. the question is, did he fail on both counts? a jury thought so, convicted him of involuntary manslaughter in the death of michael jackson. he is appealing that verdict, even as a civil lawsuit begins today. jackson's mother and children are suing the concert promoter aeg live with big money at

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