he wants to know who owns guns, where they are and everyone who owns them. that's not according to emily miller. >> hold on. you just made a jump in logic. cornel, let me ask you about this jump in logic she just made. do you believe the president, that anybody who wants to expand background checks to cover private sales, gun show sales, however small the gun show sales may be, wants automatically every gun to be registered in this country? i don't see the two are equated. >> it's a conspiracy theory leap and unfortunately, all the people who want guns aren't emily because if they were, we wouldn't have these mass tragedies that we see almost weekly right now. we wouldn't be, you know, in this studio ten minutes away from southeast d.c. where these people are reminded of the ravages of gun violence -- >> even us -- >> it is against the law. you know what they do? emily, they're not getting their gun from d.c. that's the problem. >> yes, they are. >> no, they're not getting their guns from d.c. >> how do you know? >> just like people in new york, there is a -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> we know that because mayor bloomberg and the chief of police in new york city will tell you there is a pipeline of guns coming into the city from southern states. >> mayor bloomberg wants -- >> you're saying the chief of