it. i think it's a lot of that. we need to go back to reagan's words when he used to say my 80% friend is not my 20% enemy. we need to be in the community and we need to accept, i think, different voices within our party. >> joining me, cnn political contributor, margaret hoover and charles blow and gale trotter. margaret, the rnc chairman is saying the republican party's policies are sound, that it's the message that has to change. is that the case? >> i think he's largely right there, although you do notice in his messaging, the other thing when he said 80/20, what he's saying there is there has got to be room for people who have different views on different issues which means we're getting rid of this necessity to have absolute orthodoxy on every issue, people that don't believe the same things we believe on say gay marriage or immigration reform, he's preaching tolerance within the context of the movement and the party which is new. that's fantastic. i'm very heartened by this