background does it surprise you it's taking this long? >> well, you know, these kind of investigations overseas where you don't control the environment are particularly challenging. remember, we reported here that it took the fbi weeks to get the security situation sufficiently under control that they could even get to the benghazi consulate. and that's a real indication of why this is so complicated. i think it's a real testament. you remember right around the time that secretary clinton was testifying before congress in mid-january, fbi director mueller, it was publicly reported he had gone and met with the libyans to encourage and try to push them for additional cooperation. seems like it's paying off. >> fran, appreciate the reporting. thank you very much. we should also state fran is a member of the cia external advisory committee. in august of 2012, she visited libya with her employer, mcandrew and forbes and met with ambassador chris stevens. now keeping them honest a massive action to break up with authorities call a $300 million illegal gambling operation, a scam that suckered people into convenience casinos with the

Related Keywords

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