attacked. the call had gone out to protest after prayers, but government forces were there, waiting with weapons. watch. [ chanting in foreign language ] [ gunfire ] >> the firing goes on and on. troops shooting not to warn or wound, we are told, but to kill. you'll hear shortly from a protester who was there in that crowd. there is also new video coming in by the hour, just now we discovered some footage. we don't know the precise location, but we do know it was taken today, just as the person who took it was hit. [ gunfire ] >> we don't know what happened to the person taking those images. we have no reliable casualty figures either from that incident or many others across tripoli. the terrible truth is we simply do not know and we do not know what happens to the people in these video clips. to the badly wounded protesters like this man here. or elsewhere to this injured mercenary, this is a remarkable moment, though. you see a mercenary apparently a foreigner in camouflage, the man on top of him, apparently shielding him, covering him with his body. he and a small circle of protesters protecting this mercenary from the angry mob. protecting a man who just moments before was apparently roaming the streets with orders to kill. keeping them honest, orders from the man who showed up today in tripoli's green square with his henchmen and promised to open up his arsenals and turn libya into a red flame. >> translator: we are prepared to break any aggression by the people, the armed people and the time will come when all the ammunition warehouse also be open for the people to defend the country. i came here in order to greet you, greet your courage, and i tell you to repel them. moammar gadhafi is not a president, neither a king nor a head of state. neither any high position but the people love him, because we are the glory, dignity. look, america, look. look to the libyan people. this is moammar gadhafi among the libyan people. among the masses of the libyan people. >> he speaks about himself in the third person. that was gadhafi defiant. there was also gadhafi the clown. >> translator: here, youth, take your liberty efficient are where, in the streets. dance, sing, live with dignity. live with high morals. moammar gadhafi is one of you. dance. dance and sing and be happy. >> dance and sing and be happy. a killer promises to open up his arsenal to crush dissent. dance and sing and be happy, he says. he hires outsiders to turn streets into killing grounds and he tells his people to dance and sing and be happy. we hear gunfire echoing throughout the night, and we are told he says that the people should dance and sing and be happy. it's not just the father spreading lies and threats, it's the son as well, today. his nave is saf and for years he's travelled in the west in slick suits and shaking hands with dignitaries and well-known singers, pretending to be a man of civilization and reform. he's cast his lot with his father now, and claims everything is normal. take a look at this new interview he did, the son did, first caught by a photographer with a smile and a wink. right to the camera. i got to tell you, when we first saw that, we couldn't believe that. there's blood in the streets but after years of living and feasting on millions in oil money being protected and pampered, this man is cocky and smug as ever. we don't know what's going on in his head but his words are defiant and disastrous. >> we have plan a, plan b, plan c. plan a to live and die in libya. plan b is to live and die in libya. plan c is to live and die in libya. >> he continued to blame outside terrorists for the uprisings. and most shocking of all, he said the regime would never kill its own people. he lies and he smiles and he winks. global pressure is starting to build today. there's no doubt about that. the hope is, it's the beginning of the end. the fear is, what gadhafi fight do between now and then. and just in case there is anyone listening tonight who might believe the gadhafis who say they would never kill their own people, although i find it hard to believe anybody would believe it. but tonight more proof, a man who says he saw people die on the streets of tripoli after friday prayers. what happened when you left -- what happened after mosque today? >> people were in groups walking down the streets. the military came and they tried to shoot at people. and they weren't shooting to scare people off, they were shooting to kill. they killed people in front of my eyes. children, old men. >> you saw people dying? >> yes. i seen people dying. >> who was doing the shooting? >> military, military people. they call them revolutionaries. >> were they special forces -- it wasn't special forces it was revolutionary committees? >> yes. they had ak-47 and they were shooting at people and we thought -- people had knives and they were shooting with machine guns. >> what was it like for you to see this? >> it was very, very -- i couldn't believe this. people were running off in every direction. we want the united nations and the united states to have a no-fly zone over libya. that's what we want to do. we don't want any military intervention in libya. we don't want them in our country. we can do this on our own. i know that the united states doesn't give a damn about us. i know that the united states, all they care about is the oil, oil prices going up. and i know all they care about is the oil. i just want them to help these people. they are dying every day. and they don't have weapons. >> and you feel a no-fly zone would help you on the ground? >> yes, no-fly zone, because he would not be able to use -- to use planes. he would not be able to use shoot us from the skies. because he can -- he can destroy the whole city in just minutes with airplanes. pilots have landed in malta. they have asked pilots to strike the city, but they refuse, because they couldn't strike their own people. so they handed their planes in malta. so he's running out of options. more people are joining the revolution every day, military officers, generals in the army are supporting the people. he's losing his best supporters. it's only a matter of time. >> thank you for talking to us. i know it's a great risk. we'll continue to talk with you in the days ahead. thank you. i want to bring in ben wedeman now in libya, foreign affairs correspondent jill dougherty and professor fouad ajami. ben, we've seen these remarkable crowds today in benghazi where you are, rallying in support of people in tripoli. as we heard from the people in tripoli, it is another story all together. are people in benghazi in close contact with people in tripoli? and can they do anything to influence events on the ground there? >> reporter: very close contact. they're in very close contact. in fact, people are constantly handing me phones of their relatives in tripoli to talk to them, to gather information so the cell phones work. so you can actually get in contact with tripoli very easily. they're doing what they can here. in fact, we're hearing that there is a move to put together some sort of force that might be able to go help the people of tripoli in fighting back against the regime. but the problem is that whereas the regime in tripoli has airplanes, tanks, armored personnel carriers and helicopters, there's very little in the way of heavy machinery, heavy weaponry that can be used against those forces here. it's mostly rpgs, ak-47thth, some surface-to-air missiles but not the weaponry to bring down the regime. also, it's more than a thousand kilometers between benghazi and tripoli. >> that was going to be my next question. so if it's a thousand kilometers, i'm assuming the gadhafi regime would have advance notice and have an opportunity to attack anyone on that road. >> reporter: yes. and let's not forget that right smack dab in the middle of that is the city of sirt on the mediterranean coast, which is gadhafi controlled territory. cities along the coast have fallen to the anti-gadhafi forces, but there is a long stretch of very thinly populated territory that divides eastern from western libya. >> jill, tonight president obama signed an executive order on sanctions which targets the gadhafi government and protecting if assets that belong to the people of libya. that's a quote. how is that supposed to work? >> we just got a briefing a few moments ago from treasury officials. any of the assets that are held first by the regime and the regime includes, and they specifically were named here, moammar gadhafi and four of his children, any assets that are held in u.s. financial institutions or u.s. controlled financial institutions anywhere in the world are frozen. so, again, it has to do with the regime. and then also the government. assets by the central bank and that sovereign wealth fund, where all the oil money goes, that is all frozen. it's held in those institutions and then it will be eventually returned, they say, to the libyan people. we asked how much money is there? and they didn't say specifically, but they said it is substantial sums by any account. >> fouad, the sanctions make any difference whatsoever to what happened in tripoli? >> no, we've seep this movie before about the sanctions. gadhafi endured a generation, 15 years or so of sanctions. we also have another case of sanctions is, which our viewers will remember very well, which is saddam hussein, who endured sanctions from 1991 to 2003, when president george bush decapitated his regime. the sanctions never worked. anyone with money can break these sanctions, bust them with great ease. and one thing we know about the sanctions, to pass sanctions, if you do a round of sanctions in the security council, there you need the russians and the chinese. the only kinds of resolutions and provisions that would pass in the united nations are really mild. these sanctions ready don't -- this is not what this conflict is about. it's a fight -- it's a tale of two cities. tripoli is fighting for its life. ben gaz si a relatively free city. and this fight between the new libya living on hope and the old libya, sanctions don't apply to it. >> i was sitting there watching gadhafi's son, safe, who is the most presentable of all the thuggish sons and the most polished, who does try to represent himself and has for years tried to represent to the world as the new libya. but he is as thuggish in the end, fouad, as the representatives of the old regime. >> i think these people, the house of gadhafi, they've crossed the rubicon. there are no more meetings in new york. they can't come to universities and be wined and dined. this is over. they are now fighting for their dominion in the only primitive way they know. i think of this fight, i've been thinking about this in the last few days. this is a kind of -- this is almost the spanish civil war in the '30s. this is the spanish civil war with gadhafi playing the role of franco, and a free country, a liberal country, a humane country facing the guns of a very brutal regime, willing to kill its own people to survive. >> do you think he is able to hold on for a long time or do you think -- are we talking days? >> you know, i don't know. this is a question that one really can't answer with any confidence. you can see that all the assets of the regime are collapsing around him. you can see his diplomats quitting on him. and we don't know what he will decide. i think sometimes we romanticize these guys, like saddam, like gadhafi. we all remember that amazing scene when our forces flushed out saddam and he came out without firing a shot. he came out saying i'm saddam hussein, i'm the president of iraq and i'm willing to negotiate. the same may be true of gadhafi and his children. these are not people bred to fight and die. you never fight if you have massive bank accounts overseas. you unite with the funds and the wealth you plundered. >> we'll have more with ben and jill and fouad in a moment. live chat is up and running. up next. horror stories from americans who finally got out of libya. they were stuck on that ferry. guns crackling all around them. you'll hear directly from them. later, inside gadhafi's mind. as close as we can get. rare perspective from a man who is by his side for years, worked as a translator for gadhafi. i talked to him about what that was like and how he says he was constantly living in fear. we'll also talk to a former cia officer with sources in the intelligence community in libya and he'll tell us what he's hearing from them. pretty unpredictable. from knowing when my next job will be to what i'll actually be doing. so in the rest of my life i like control. especially in my finances. that's why i have slate with blueprint. i can make a plan to pay off everyday things and avoid interest, or pay down my balance faster on the big stuff. that saves money. with slate from chase, i have everything under control... ♪ ...financially. announcer: debit card control and credit card flexibility. get both with slate. [ male announcer ] when the food we eat has nutritional gaps... so do we. but with more key nutrients than one-a-day essential, centrum fills those gaps better. centrum. complete from a to zinc. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. motrin pm. people in libya say, and when we talk to them on the phone every day and we talk to numbers of them every day on the phone, they say they want the world to know the truth about what they are seeing about what they are going through. many want outside help, but they don't want others to liberate them. we hear that time and time again. they want to liberate themselves. i spoke with another protester and he told me this revolution has to belong to the people fighting for it. >> one thing i'm happy about right now is that we are -- we are taking things into our own hands. i mean, unlike with all due respect to the iraqis, somebody came in to give them democracy. you know, this way this is like we earned it. hopefully when we do get it -- >> that's what you want, you want democracy? >> yes. and we want to earn it by ourselves. >> they want to earn it. another voice telling the story from tripoli. 168 others are beginning to tell their own stories from malta tonight. americans who finally made it out. the weather cleared. their ferry left tripoli harbor and six hours later docked in malta. they arrived with stories, some of them horror stories. ivan watson was there to greet them and joins us now. ivan, you saw the ferry come into the port today. what did the passengers say, what was their mood like? >> reporter: very strange to see a destination for hundreds of thousands of tourists from cruise ships and now it's part of an exodus of people fleeing libya right now. and there have been a number of boats now arriving throughout the night, anderson. the people we talked to, they came out and said most of them had spent days and nights trapped inside their houses, hiding from the gunfire out in the streets. unable to connect with the outside world because the internet had been shut off and because the telephones had been shut off. you remember those strategies used by hosni mubarak also in egypt to the east of here. take a listen to what one young woman had to say to us, an american of libyan descent who traveled with eight family members to malta today. >> well, we were in our house for four days without leaving our house, because we heard gunshots outside. machine guns i'm pretty sure. protesters against the police. stories about complete massacres of neighborhoods. things like that. but what really just drove us to leave was the night gadhafi gave his speech and threatened -- >> the son? >> no, no, colonel gadhafi, when he gave a speech and he threatened -- i mean, his speech, to hear him say he's going to come house to house and door to door if we don't stop rising up against him, those aren't everyonely threats. >> reporter: anderson, what's really surprising is all of these libyans that i talked to are still too scared to speak out against moammar gadhafi. out loud on camera, even when they've reached safety on another island. the culture of fear there is still very, very strong. >> that's interesting. ivan, thanks. we spoke about sanctions before the break. the white house tonight blocking access to libyan assets in america before putting out that executive order, the white house signalled the possibility of tougher measures to come. >> there are no options we're taking off the table. but what we're focused on are the options that we can take to affect the situation in the near term. and we would like to see the kind of concerted, broad based international action that can compel the libyan government to cease and dissist from the actions they are taking. >> they said they would like a no-fly zone over their country to prevent gadhafi from using helicopter gunships or jets against them. the woman who we spoke to last night, trapped in her apartment for more than five days, she's especially impassioned about it. >> the only way something can happen is to put the right kind of action, the right kind of movement and the first step, make libya a no-fly zone. if you make libya a no-fly zone, no more mercenaries can come in. >> we did speak to her today. she didn't want to speak again tonight out of security concerns. she says she is doing okay under the circumstances. we are dying, though, she went on to say, and there needs to be action. i spoke tonight with a retired four-star general wesley work and asked him in a no-fly zone was a possibility. general clark, i talked to a woman last night in tripoli who was begging the world for some -- for some action and she was saying a no-fly zone. is that a possibility? >> yes, a no-fly zone is a possibility, although the latest word that i received through press reports was that the french are opposed to the no-fly zone. that will have to be hashed out in nato. but it is a possibility. >> in terms of action that could be taken, military action or other action, what do you see? what are the possibilities? >> you know, first of all, you've got to have a basis for it. so some kind of a humanitarian resolution, acting under chapter 7 of the united nations gives a legal basis for it. then you have to determine what's the object of the action. presumably to alleviate humanitarian suffering. so where there's a food crisis, you could insert troops, deliver supplies, take airfields and so forth. if it becomes more pointed going against these mercenaries who are in there and actually intervening in the violence, then it's a different matter and you have different sets of objectives and different forces. >> it would seem that this is the time that the u.s. would be trying to communicate via whether intelligence connections or other countries to that inner circle of gadhafi and essentially saying look, the time is now to get off the fence and take this guy out or remove him somehow from power. >> i'm sure that's being done. i would be surprised if lots of messages haven't been delivered pointedly as well as by the message delivered by all of the international outcry in the coming together of international institutions. >> the other question is, what comes after gadhafi? and i guess if the u.s. took a very hands on military role in removing him, then all of a sudden the u.s. somehow is expected to play some sort of a role in what comes next. i don't think that's a role the u.s. wants to be in. >> i think that's exactly right. it's not -- this is not iraq. but it is 6.5 million people. it's a big country. it's spread out. it's a libyan problem essentially. but right now we're in this terrible quandary because there is violence. his mercenaries have a very limited half life in this situation. people are still outraged and protesters are converging on tripoli it seems. i think we'll see something decisive in the near future. >> you think the clock's ticking? you don't think this can drag on for weeks? >> i don't think it -- no, i don't think it can drag on for weeks because gadhafi doesn't have that kind of staying power. first of all, the sanctions will chill all his relations even with the african countries where he's purchased so much support. secondly, there's enough anger directed against gadhafi's regime, he's lost legitimacy. so bit by bit, the elements of the police and the army and the mercenaries, they'll be looking for their own way out. >> general wesley clark, appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. coming up, the future of libya with or without gadhafi, what that might be like. we'll talk with professor fouad ajami, jill dougherty and ben wedeman. and new insights into gadhafi's regime. i'm going to talk with a former insider. more than 30 years ago, he took part in a plot to overthrow gadhafi. he was exposed and had to flee the country. ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil. go to missing something? 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i spoke with bob bear, intelligence columnist and the author of "the company we keep." he's a former cia officer. and also i spoke with professor assad, a former gadhafi aide and now a history professor at western connecticut sate university. in the '70s he took part in a plot to overthrow gadhafi. here's what i talked to them about earlier. bob, what are gadhafi's military capabilities at this point? >> he is reduced to about 5,000 soldiers, regular soldiers. he has a large number of civilians. he's handed out arms to them, mercenaries, mainly from chad and nigeria. but regular forces isn't much, about 5,000, about a division. >> he has special forces controlled by one of his sons, right? >> he controls the 32nd battalion. it's an elite battalion, but it's nothing in terms of the forces he's facing, and these large number of protesters. >> professor assad, does he trust his own military around him? >> no. he never did. even when i was -- from the very beginning, since he came to power, you have to remember the first coup, first attempted coup against him happened only one year after he took over power. >> so professor, you were involved in an attempted coup against him, that his intelligence services reportedly intercepted before it happened. how effective are his intelligence services? >> his intelligence services were very effective. in past years. in recentese, they began to disintegrate a little bit because he favored his security and militia forces over the military. you have to remember what bob was saying, he doesn't have control over the military. and even the military that he has, even the ones who defected, really they were not trusted by him and they were not armed and trained as well as his security forces. i tell you an example that when i was working for him, one of the -- one of the officers actually confided in me once, and he was with the rank of a major. he said that -- i am carrying a pistol, i am carrying a rifle. and he said, i don't have ammunition on me. >> he didn't want people around him to have bullets in their weapons. >> exactly. exactly, anderson. he didn't trust the military. so he really cut them short all the time because he was afraid that they might take him over and remove him from power. >> bob, when you look at how dictators like this often end up and get taken out, i was thinking about kabili in the congo, shot by somebody within his own inner circle. how do you see this playing out, do you think that's the most likely scenario for gadhafi? >> well, i heard early this morning that gadhafi may go only a couple more days before he has to leave tripoli. this is what the inner circle is saying. they said he can't hold on much longer. >> where are you hearing this? you talked to somebody inside? >> yes, yes, from libyan intelligence who i've known for 25 years. i can't tell you where they're passing out disinformation, but he says that gadhafi has completely lost his mind. the inner circle is afraid that he's starting -- going to use artillery on the cities, these rocket launchers that fire about 36 rockets. he's capable of anything. they're also telling me that he released from prison 110 fundamentalist, islamic fundamentalists and has given them arms. what he's told them to do is attack foreigners. now, we know that he's come out and said al qaeda is taking over this rebellion. the fact is, that he's helping the west turns to him and says we'll help you stop this. but of course, it's not going to work. >> professor, when you saw him speak today, you know him, you used to translate what he would say. what did you see when you saw that man, how did he seem to you? >> i've been observing him very closely, and i'm trying to read the signals from his face, from his hand gestures. this is a desperate man who is willing to go down with everybody else. he's not going to go down by himself. >> bob, how do you see this playing out? and what should viewers, what should we be watching for over the next 24, 48 hours? >> people inside the inner circle are hoping that there's somebody from outside that will come in and intervene. you know, the best thing that could happen if he were assassinated at this point. i see a spasm of violence in the retaking of tripoli. i think he's capable of killing a lot of people before he's finally forced out. this administration is going to be faced with the dilemma, do we intervene if foreign hostages are taken? do we have enough troops? i see it getting a lot worse. >> when we look at gadhafi speak, any outsider will say this guy, whether he's crazy or not, he seems nonsensical and ridiculous and rambling and incoherent. when people were actually working for him, and i know you tried to have a coup against him and ultimately had to flee the country for your life, but i mean, did you see him as ridiculous then, were you just scared of him? what did the people around him, how would you talk about him? >> everybody was afraid. it is the element of fear, because he was very brutal from the very beginning, with anybody who opposed him. especially -- and his brutality really began to manifest itself very clearly and everybody in libya began to notice it, particularly those of us who were working for him and we were close to him. it just started with his green book, publishing of his green book, what he called the green march over libya, which is basically to destroy every libyan in a situation, whatever it is, and then everything fits in his regime. he did that in 1973. that's where really most of the libyans began to turn away from him completely. before that, it was mainly the east. the east never accepted him. the day he took over power, the east never accepted him. >> bob, at this point, from an intelligence perspective, i would assume that the u.s. would be trying to contact, and i don't know what other kind of relations they have with the inner circle or others in the intelligence field inside tripoli right now, but i would assume they would be trying to contact them and sending them very clear messages, you've got to take action against this man, and you have to do that now. >> oh, i think absolutely. the united states and the cia has got connections with libya, after lockerbie was settled. it was a very close connection and i'm sure right now that this administration is sending messages, cease and desist. otherwise we're going to do something. >> bob bear, appreciate your expertise, and professor assad as well. thank you so much. still ahead tonight, gadhafi not backing down. his threats only getting worse. our panel weighs in on where this crisis is headed next. we'll talk to fouad ajami and ben wedeman. isha sesay has the other headlines. when we come back, i'll have the latest on the first court appearance on the saudi national arrested on terror related charges. he's charged with attempted use of a weapon of massive destruction. that and much more just ahead. and go everywhere. to help revitalize a neighborhood in massachusetts, restore a historic landmark in harlem, fund a local business in chicago, expand green energy initiatives in seattle. because when you're giving, lending and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. the one time of year red lobster creates so many irresistible ways to treat yourself to lobster. like our new lobster-and-shrimp trio with a parmesan lobster bake, our decadent lobster lover's dream with both sweet maine and buttery rock lobster tails and eleven more choices, each served with a salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. come celebrate lobsterfest right now at red lobster. should i bundle all my policies with nationwide insurance ? 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[ gunfire ] [ screams ] >> again, we can't confirm what happened to that perp nor their condition at this point. when you talk to people in tripoli or benghazi, it's not religion they speak of. they speak of simply wanting a normal life. >> i just want to be a voice to be heard. i want people to know that we are -- we are here in libya, we want freedom, we want democracy, and we don't want gadhafi. >> one of the protesters in tripoli tonight. let's bring back in ben wedeman who is in benghazi, jill dougherty and fouad ajami, as well. fouad, as you watch a video like that, again, you hear these voices, what -- and as we go into this weekend, what are you going to be watching for in the hours and the days ahead? >> i was watching ben wedeman today and there was an image in a way that captured for me what the fight was about. ben wedeman was facing the camera and behind him this mass of people in benghazi. this is not egypt. this is a very sparsely populated country, a huge country. there was this big crowd in benghazi. behind them was the rolling sea on a stormy day. i thought, here i've seen a metaphor for this. these people will have to win or will have to die and submit to moammar gadhafi. indeed, what they are telling us from benghazi, what the crowd or the people are saying is, either we win or we will die. in fact, what he has in store for them is a new period of servitude if he were to prevail. so i think they will fight. and they understand, for the most part, that they are on their own. and we have to understand here as americans, that president obama does not want to take ownership of this issue. in fact, when he talks about multilateral solutions, he's been very clear and very honest in his own way that he doesn't want to do much about libya. i think there's something odd about our president, and it's something that a colleague of mine has pointed out, the great editor, leon. he says president obama is really convinced that american imperialism is a problem. that any intervention in the middle east would be seen as a deed of imperialism. i happen to disagree with him. i happen to believe in humanitarian intervention. but that's the call that's come from the white house. >> ben, when you talk to people in benghazi, do they talk about hopes for military intervention by outside powers? >> reporter: some people do. some people think that's the only salvation for them in this situation. many of them would like to see the imposition of a no-fly zone. but publicly, really what you're hearing is they don't want any foreign intervention, any military intervention. in fact, the city council of benghazi met this evening, and they voted unanimously against any form of foreign intervention, military or otherwise. the public stance is, they're going to fight this man, this dictator, and they're going to fight him alone, and they're hoping they're going to win, because otherwise things could get very bad here. anderson? >> ben, in terms of oil production, the east is vitally important. how much control do they have over the oil in the east in anti-gadhafi territory now? >> well, in the eastern part of the country, they have complete control over that oil. and there is a lot of pressure to completely cut it off. but i spoke with somebody in the committee that runs benghazi, and they said that just to strangle -- just to cut off the flow of funds to the government of tripoli, they would be more than happy to completely cut it off. but technically, it's a problem. some of these pipelines are so old, that if you stop pumping, they quickly become blocked with wax from the residue of the oil. so they have to maintain a certain level of production. but our understanding is that the workers in those oil fields and the engineers along the pipeline are fully in support of the anti-gadhafi forces. anderson? >> jill, what are you hearing about the next steps in terms of the administration? are there next steps? >> well, there are. but it's really because of the unpredictability of the situation, they have a really wide panopli of things they can do. one reason for the sanctions is not only to hit gadhafi and members of his government, but try to peel away members of the government who realize that they can end up having their livelihood or their lives affected very strongly by these sanctions. so in other words, isolate them from him. then also they're talking about using intelligence, u.s. intelligence to monitor exactly what's going on in there. and then finally, we're reminded constantly by the officials here that the military is involved in this, in all of the planning. so i think you have to say that they don't obviously want to take military action. but that is part of the planning too. and significantly jay carney said today that it's not the end point, that there could be more. and that they are building a case against gadhafi. and that could mean taking him to the icc, the international criminal court. there are a lot of different things -- >> fouad, i was rereading some tom friedman stuff from years ago. he was writing about sort of a sense of shame in the arab world. i remember you saying that you think shame has quit the arab lands now. what do you mean by that? >> when you look at the arab world today, i have this simple dichotomy of cultures, they're either guilt cultures or shame cultures. you could shame a ruler, you could shame hosni mubarak, you could shame someone, but arabs came to see a world without limits. these rulers could do anything. look at this republic of farce and cruelty that this man, moammar gadhafi and his children have imposed on these poor people. they captured them 42 years ago. they won them, so to speak. and they do all kinds of things without shame. and i think this is the dilemma of the arab world today. i've pointed this out in an earlier discussion with you, anderson. we were talking about the africans have had missions of rescue for african people who were trapped and had terrible regimes. the arabs haven't. this element of shame that we need to see in the air rob world again. >> fouad, again, i appreciate you being with us all week as you have been. jill and ben, please stay safe. a lot more happening in the world tonight. a man arrested in texas for allegedly attempting to build a weapon of mass destruction. and a crucial move in wisconsin, one that's not getting support from the protesters who have been gathered at the state capital. [ female announcer ] dry, itchy skin? ordinary lotions may not help. new cortizone-10 hydratensive relieves it with moisturizers plus the power of cortizone-10. new hydratensive lotion. checking other headlines. isha sesay joins us with a "360" news and business bulletin. the saudi national in the united states on the student visa is planning to plead not guilty to federal charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. the 20-year-old khalid al-m aldawsari was in court today, he allegedly bought explosive equipment and researched targets, including the home of former president george bush. the wisconsin state assembly passed a controversial budget bill that thousands had been protesting. the bill changes benefits and limits collective bargaining rights for teachers and most state workers. the bill still has to pass the state senate where it faces a tough fight. stocks closed higher today, but fear over libya and oil made it the worst week for the market since november. the dow was up 52 points, ending the week at 12,130. anderson, after charlie sheen went on yet another radio rant, production on "two and a half men" has been canceled for the rest of the season. sheen told the alex jones radio show, he'll make movies with superstarred instead of working with idiots. >> he's a jerk either way. but if that wasn't the rantings of someone high, there's no excuse. what he said was unbelievable. i don't know if you heard that rant. >> i did. >> any way, again, i feel bad for his dad and family and kids. isha, thank you very much. see you monday. we'll go back to libya at the top of the hour. i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 1966. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees. bed that keeps you tossing, turning and waking up with back pain-just because it's on sale. or you could choose this: a revolution in sleep called the sleep number bed. a bed so ingenious, it calibrates to the precise zone of comfort your body needs. wow. during the ultimate sleep number event, every bed set is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and while supplies last, save an astonishing 50% on the final closeout of our innovative limited-edition bed. now's the time to graduate from coils, springs and sleepless nights to a bed that in clinical trials relieved back pain in 9 out of 10 people. this is probably the longest i've been on my back. i usually can't stay in this position. a bed that adjusts separately on each side so couples can finally sleep soundly together in the same bed. i actually enjoy sleeping next to my husband now. hurry in now to the only place you'll find the sleep number bed: one of our sleep number stores nationwide. call or click for the store near you. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore.

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