waters that once made him a living and in so many ways gave him a life. his friends say the oil spill and all that's happened since weighed heavily on. we don't know what happened that made him end his life. the concern now is that he will not be the last. the strain is growing. church groups are bringing in extra clergy along the coast. 1500 people have received counseling, according to catholic charities. experts are seeing more drinking, more domestic violence, more despair. here is david mattingly. >> reporter: people who knew him say allen kruse lived to fish. those closest to him say that life unraveled when the oil spill hit the gulf waters where he worked. >> he thought it was dead? >> yes. >> reporter: he said that to you? >> yeah. >> reporter: and there was no hope fishing was going to come back? >> not in his lifetime. >> reporter: kruse was a leader, drumming up business in good time. >> fishing will be good all summer. >> reporter: voice iing frustrations of the community in the bad times. >> today that the oil entered the gulf, my phone quit ringing. >> reporter: just a month after that interview, kruse was found on his boat dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. for 14 days he worked for bp, hauling boom, looking for oil. he felt his role in the cleanup as a bp vessel of opportunity was worthless. >> that's what he told you? >> yes. >> reporter: that he felt like he was being put out there just for show? >> that's what he told his wife. didn't tell me that. he told his wife. that's what she told me just a while ago. >> he told me it was madness. >> reporter: kruse's friends told me he felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the disaster and they're all feeling the stress. >> this has been a long-term situation. this started in 2004 with a direct hit from hurricane ivan. then the next year was katrina. then sky rocketing fuel prices, fishing regulations and an oil spill. this has been six years that this area has really suffered a lot of stress. >> reporter: stress that his friends believed finally became too much for kruse and now they're worried about others. >> reporter: are you afraid that maybe one of your other friends out there might be thinking about something extreme? >> sure. we worry about that. >> we worry about that every day. >> reporter: what are you going to do about it? >> that's why we're trying to get the word out. >> reporter: as a gesture to the community grieving for him, kruse's family thought it would be best for his boat to be brought here to his port. here it is right now, the rookie. his friends say there's really no better way that they could think of to pay tribute to a man who loved what he did for a living and loved the waters where he worked. it's the rookie's final voyage, carrying a cargo of uncertainty and sorrow. david mattingly, cnn, orange beach, alabama. >> man, it is a lot of, lot of hurt down here. a lot of what really amounts to post traumatic stress. the immediate cause of the stress is over for hundreds of thousands of people for returning troops and around the gulf it keeps on going, with no end in site. exxon valdez spill sparked a wa wave. it will be a long time. mayor, thanks for being with us. you knew allen kruse, didn't you? >> yes, sir. i knew it very well. he was a good friend, good husban husband. >> there's a lot of people on the edge. we feel hopeless. we feel helpless. we don't feel like there's an advocate out there. we feel like our politicians, right and left, we're pawns in their political game. bp is absolutely spinning $50 million worth of falsehoods while at the same time they're doing nothing. as far as i'm concerned that they should be doing and taking care of us and making us hole as they continue the claim to the world they're going to do. the last two weeks, it's really, really ramped up. >> you said his death also makes you angry. what about it that angers you? >> you have no idea how angry i am. i shouldn't even be here talking to you about it. it should have never happened. 11 lives on that rig should have never happened. because of corporate greed and i never even thought i would use that word, selfishness, pursuit of the dollar. that's my true belief. we have this catastrophe. and it's exactly what gives capitalism a bad name. it gives corporate greed validit validity. >> i lost a brother to suicide. it's the kind of thing everyone is always left asking why and a lot of times there's no actual answer for what's going through somebody's mind. a spike in the kind of mental health issues that have popped up after other oil spills. what kind of resources are available for folks in alabama where you are and other places? >> well, we've got the county mental health. we've got a councilman actually in our city that's tasked with formulating a plan. we're bringing in, asking all the preachers and all the churches to step up and help. we have a weekly meeting at lunch on wednesdays where we invite the entire community in for support. bp is there to ask questions. folks vent. the big thing is we have to love each other. we can't let go. we can't give up. i mean, our way of life is threatened. >> you mentioned this ad campaign, this $50 million that bp has been spending. originally, they had those ads with tony hayward. clearly those aren't working. they have ads with a guy name darryl willis who is heading up the claims process for bp. in case viewers haven't been subjected to it i want to play a little bit of this ad. >> i was born and raised in louisiana. i volunteered for this assignment, because this is my home. i'll be here in the gulf as long as it takes to make this right. >> you actually know this guy. why does it make you mad? >> it makes me mad every time i see it. i don't consider this gentleman an honorable man. he doesn't follow up on his promises. he has no compassion for us whatsoever. what they say in the ad is the perfect example of how to lie with statistics. they talk about $100 million given away. you know what? our annual tourism revenue is $2.3 billion. you look at the coast, we're probably $7 to $8 billion. they don't need to spend $50 million if they step up, do the honorable thing, make it right like they said they would, they would never have to spend a dime. we would be their best pr we could ever get. we would be singing their praises to high heaven. that's not what's happening. >> mr. mayor, i appreciate you coming on, talking to us. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. please extend our cone dole e conedolensences to the kruse family. >> i will. thank you for talking with me. a top bp executive has everyone asking tonight which doug suttles do you believe, the one who says he has never downplayed the impact of the spill or the one who downplays the impact of the spill and we have video to show you? we're keeping them honest. later, the oil after it enters -- new word of underwater plumes of oil and new denials from bp. ed markey has questions about that and about all the dispers a. nts bp is pumping into the sea. there's a number of questions about how many are still out there. 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>> i think that's a good range. i don't know the precise number, but i think it's somewhere around that number and that's been both our estimate and that of the unified command that government agencies are working with. >> 5,000 barrels a day, we've always said it was an estimate all of us came together to make. >> for a long time, he was sticking with 1,000 barrels. the last three of those intervi interviews were done shortly after bp released video, video they had been looking at for weeks of the leaking pipe. mr. suttles was talking of that 5,000 barrel oil immediately after a purdue university professor looked at a 30-second clip of it and estimated it at 30,000 barrels, which turned out to be pretty accurate because the government says it's 60,000 barrels leaking a day. mr. suttles and bp stuck to what was a very low number. joining me once again is plaquemines parish president billy nungesser. do you think they were underestimating? >> absolutely. they're still underestimating the amount of marsh land that's being impacted. the 30 acres is the latest figure they've given us. we've shown you where it's over 3,000 acres, approaching 4,000 acres as we stand here today. we continue to get hit hard. you know, the plume moving away from -- we're still getting hit every day in barataria bay, every day we're getting hit. >> do you think they believe some of their statements or do you think that they get a central marching order? obviously these are questions i would love to be asking them. >> you know, anderson, it's getting to t point now where you don't know who to believe. you know, when we asked -- we were told it was never coming ashore. it was going to stay. that's why we were spraying the dispersants, keep it offshore, break it up. then when we said it's coming ashore under the surface, we can't see it, who's evaluating whether we should still be spraying zers ants? it's not doing what they said it was going to do. we know if they don't spray them, it will come to the surface. it will be ugly but at least we can see what we're fighting and pick it up. every day we're getting hit in different areas of the marsh land, as you saw. we wake up the next morning, and another area is impacted. >> yesterday there was a big blow for what you believe is a good effort, which is a sand berm you had permission to build. you now have to wait anywhere from five to nine days to build a pipeline out to a farther area for you to dredge new sand to build these sand berms to protect the inland. how was it today? any progress? >> absolutely not. they're sticking to their decision. it may have an impact on the stabilization of that island. that island that ten days ago was beneath the -- would stabilization impact could it have on an island that's under water? this is ridiculous, the comment that is she made that said we ought to get a bunch of volunteers together to put the pipe together. it's not a tinker toy set. it's a pipe you could drive your car in that has to be weld and slit into the ocean two miles out and transported to the island. it's going to take days in good weather. >> any progress today on any front that you saw in your realm? >> no. >> in plaquemines parish. >> we're at war says the president. yet this lady, who thinks we can help with volunteers putting the pipe together, has the ability to stop this island. the sad part is we got oil coming back our way. there's a nesting ground, 1,000 feet away from where we stopped. by friday, 3,000 feet would have protected. if that island gets infected with oil, the blood is on her hands. she stopped it. >> when you hear that a fisherman in alabama committed suicide -- again, we don't know what goes through somebody's mind. we can't say necessarily it was because of the spill or what he was experiencing after it, but his friends say he was gradually becoming more and more despondent. >> i saw it tonight. i came from venice, the wildlife federation put on a festival. they're seeing no help, seeing a lady stop something that will protect us because of something that might, would've, could've, should've been, standing in our way. they're out there tonight sucking up oil. they're not going to give up the fight. those are true american that is believe in saving our wetlands and we're fighting bureacrats in washington. >> a kind of adrenaline gets you through. this is this new horrible situation, you have to deal with it. now day 66, the adrenaline gone and the reality of the daily grind and this, you know, never-ending oil. it really does wear on you. >> the highs and lows of thinking we've got the team at the table to move forward and the only way we're going to win this is for the coast guard, bp, the government all to be on the same team pulling together. it's not been that way. at some point it's been a fight with each and every one of them. come out of a meeting monday. bp coast guard on the ground, willing to move ahead. today, we find out the orders that the coast guard said yes, order the boom. do this. bp now is refusing to pay for it. well, if the coast guard is in charge and bp is not approving it, we have a problem. >> we'll talk to billy more in a moment about a potential tropical storm and what that might do. it's out there. we're going to tell you where exactly it is. we'll talk to billy about what impact that could have if it comes here. also ahead, ed markey on the plumes of oil bp still denies and we'll talk to chad myers about the weather system i just talked about. billy will join us for that as well. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. 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[ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at aarp.org. today congressman ed markey asked the epa for more information on dispersants being used in the gulf. ed markey and others believe it's toxic and could have detrimental affect on wildlife and people here in the gulf. i spoke with the congressman earlier this evening. congressman, is bp still using too many dispersants? >> well, i've asked the coast guard and i have asked the epa to tell me what the decisions have been made that affect bp's use of these dispersants. i am still very concerned about the impact that this uncontrolled science experiment can have long term in the gulf of mexico. and that's why i am demanding that we learn more in public about why bp continues to use the dispersants and what the conditions are that allow them to use them. >> bp has reportedly used 272,000 gallons of dispersants in the gulf since the epa directed the company to cease using them about four weeks ago, except in rare cases. do you know what these allegedly rare cases are that they're using them in? >> well, again, the coast guard has the final say on the use of dispersants. and that is why i am asking the coast guard to give me the information that they are using in order to allow bp to continue to use the dispersants or if bp is using these dispersants in contravention of an order of the coast guard in accordance with the epa. >> you say bp has exceeded the amount that they were supposed to use under the water? >> yeah. bp continues to contend that there are no underwater plumes and use evidence from noaa to say that there are no underwater plumes. but they were, in fact, looking at the data from noaa west of the well. east of the well, noaa says that they have confirmed that there are underwater plumes. so we just continue with bp to have this denial of reality, which has been characteristic of the way in which they've dealt with these issues since day one. >> and as far as you understand, what is the danger of these plu plumes? scientists say that they're depleting oxygen, killing off parts of the food chain. is that correct? >> yes. these unwater plumes ultimately, because of the chemicals, because of the oil and this toxic stew can consume oxygen in the ocean, which ultimately will asphyxiate the marine life in the gulf of mexico. we have to be very careful that what we're doing in the gulf right now with the oil, with the dispersants doesn't wind up having a generational impact on the marine life in perhaps the most important area of our country for marine life. >> has the epa been tough enough? it seems several weeks ago they sent this strongly worded letter to bp basically saying cease and desist, drop back the number of dispersants, percentage of dispersants you're using, cut it by 75%. bp now apparently, according to the epa, has cut it back 68%. do you think the epa is being tough enough? >> that's why i'm asking the questions of the coast guard and the epa. ultimately, the call is made by the coast guard. so, we have to get that information from them. what other criteria, how much is still being shot into the ocean or on the ocean, and what are the standards being used in terms of the long-term impact on the gulf of mexico? right now, i can't give you the answers to that. >> congressman marky, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you for having me on. as always, we would love to hear more from bp than just a news release or written statement. that's why every day we continue to invite bp executispokesman t on the program. we've been asking every single day we've been here in the gulf. if you don't believe that, take a look. 360 has repeatedly tried to get this guy, bp's chief ceo, tony hayward on to the program. he has passed repeatedly. i want to invite anyone from bp. after weeks of telling us no, thanks, bp tonight agreed to answer our questions. we've been asking for somebody and last night we finally got somebody. i guess, i don't know, we didn't get them again tonight. we invited bp to be on this program but they declined. the invitation stands. we interviewed a top official d days ago and haven't heard from them since. for weeks we've invited bp ceo tony hayward to come on the program. bp doesn't come on this program for some reason, though we invite them to every single night. again we invited bp to come on this night. other than the one time they have shown up, they basically don't return our phone calls anymore. we have invited executives from bp to come on the program. the invitation stands. i will wake up early. tony hayward apparently loves to appear on morning shows. i will happily wake up early in the morning just to talk to him. i invite anybody from bp or the government to inform the american public and the world, frankly, who is watching right now what is occurring. i can't understand a reason why they wouldn't. as always, we invite him on this program. we invite any bp official on this program and they've yet to take up our invitation. tonight, of course, they said no. bp did give us one interview, which we appreciated, on may 19th. we'll keep asking. we hope they change their mind. we think we would be very fair. i don't yell or anything. they refused to come on my program, probably three weeks or so. every night we ask them. they don't return our phone calls at this point. again, we invite them on the program. as you saw there, bp did give us one interview, which we appreciate, one on may 19ingth. we'll keep asking. it's easy for me to smile about this and almost make a joke about it. it's not a joking matter. people here deserve answers and deserve transparency. throughout the program tonight i've tried to represent bp's position as much as i can in conversations. we always invite them on the program. again, we invite them on the program tonight. they declined. as always, we invited bp to be on the program tonight. of course, they said no. so, yet again, we invite bp to be on the program. a new threat to the gulf. national "weather center" says there is a high chance of a tropical system developing in the caribbean. chad myers, we'll check in with him. a dolphin died yesterday. fears it won't be the last. frankly it's not the first. we'll talk to alexander cousteau about what's happening out there to marine animals. there may be a tropical disturbance -- there may be a tropical -- there may be a tropical disturbance out there in the caribbean. we're going to bring in chad myers, who is tracking this for us. where is this thing? and what is it? >> it's a disturbance. it doesn't have a name or anything. they are running computer models on t it's not significant yet. there's cuba right through there. there's haiti right here. so, all well south into the caribbean, where there are some very warm water. there is the potential for this to develop into something. it is still going to travel off to the west, we believe, possibly head toward the yucatan peninsula. worst case scenario, it would be on up into somewhere in the gulf of mexico. let's take a look at what the computers are saying, at least for now. here are a few of them. not all of them. a few of them are doing other things. here is jamaica, cuba. south of there and it travels and turns like they typically do, eventually turning to the right -- without a turn to the right, it stays into belize and mexico and makes rain. that would be fantastic. if it's going to turn, like all the model -- you can see the models here. if it's going to turn, it makes a big difference whether it goes to the west of the oil slick, which is right there, or the east of the oil slick, which is right there. why would it matter so much? it matters so much because depending on the travel -- here is another track. i'll show you all the other tracks. this is everything we have. if it takes this line, all of a sudden, the winds blow this way. offshore, taking the oil away from land. perfect scenario. it doesn't get better than that. now, if the storm goes off to the west, the winds blow this way and blows all that oil right onshore. it won't pick up the oil and rain oil 50 miles inland, but a whipping wind, you've been in it. your lips taste like saltwater, you can get the spray to be picked up and blow this water and oil inland at least a mile or so. the big story would be how far the storm surge would take it in. would it be three miles, four miles, ten miles? and that would pollute an awful lot of land if the storm goes to the west and pushes the oil to the north. anderson? >> chad, thanks very much. we'll continue to monitor the tropical disturbance and bring you the latest on where it's going, what we know as soon as we know it. let's talk to billy nungesser about what kind of preparations there are. obviously folks are saying this is an active season. i'm always skeptical of predictions. you never really know. how do you prepare for this? >> we've had meetings with bp and the coast guard. we're still waiting for all their equipment and personnel. we've actually picked out a place in the north end of the parish. i don't think we'll get all the equipment, all the people out, realistic. even if we pull the trigger on their evacuation the same time we do the offshore rigs, logistically having barges with 200, 300 men that have to be transported by boat back to shore is a big task. so, we're going to take this location as a last resort to hunker down in the north end of the parish. we will not put the citizens in harm's way. when the contra flow goes into place, those vessels and buses will not be allowed on the highway. we're planning for it. it's just going to be a mighty task. >> obviously, you know, the drilling wells will have to shut down. the rigs will have to, you know, be moved and the boom, obviously, will -- >> be gone. it will end up right here where we are if it's a bad storm. you're right. the coast guard has regulations, which a lot of people don't realize, on these vessels. they used to bring them in to the inner canals. coast guard says no more. they have to get them out of there. there's not really a picked out, safe haven place for the barges and vessels. they can't all head up river. depending on the storm surge and which way it's coming. it's a mighty task. last year, the last hurricane where gustav and ike, we sunk 74 vessels, barges in the parish. we will not allow them to be there as torpedos for the levees. >> they can literally become torpedos, get picked up. >> that's what happened in plaquemines parish in katrina, everywhere we had a levee break, we had a barge inside the levee. we will sink them. afterwards you pump them out, bring them back up. we're waiting for their plans. we have to have a backup plan as the parish to make sure we make it safe. >> scary times. billy, appreciate you being with us. >> thank you so much. still a lot more ahead tonight. we'll take a look at what's happening to marine mammals out in the water. we'll have a lot more in a moment. let's check in with randi kaye to joins us for "360" bulletin. a change in command but not in strategy. general david petraeus supports president barack obama's deadline to start withdrawing troops from afghanistan. joint chiefs chairman mike mullen endorse the president's decision to relieve general stanley mccrystal of duty. president obama says he and russian president, dmitry medvedev have reset relations. medvedev agreed to export to russia. the two presidents are following each other on twitter. arriving in the u.s., waived his right to extradition hearing in jamaica. days of deadly riots in kingston. that match in wimbledon is finally over. isner beat mahut 70-68 in the final set. there it is, right there. finally ending. the match lasted more than 11 hours and took three days, easily, anderson, the longest tennis game on record. >> just incredible match. and to see it finally end, i think everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. i also do not believe they are following each other on twitter. >> the two presidents? >> come on. like president obama is sitting there, following people on twitter? i doubt it. i hope not. do they have time for this? >> he has more important things to do, that's for sure. >> i certainly would hope he's doing that rather than trying to come up with 140 character little pithy sayings. >> let's hope so. >> randi, thanks. up next, dolphins endangered, this is what happened on a florida beach yesterday. what's being done to help the marine mammals today? we'll talk to the granddaughter of jack cousteau. 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>> absolutely, anderson. i think we'll see a lot more marine mammal casualties in the months to come. >> why is that? >> marine mammals are incredible sensitive to the environment, especially at the surface. they come up to breathe. they have very delicate mucus membranes. their eye, mouth, blow holes can be incredibly painful when it comes in contact with the oil. when they come to the surface to breathe, they can inhale the fumes from the oil and that can cause discomfort and damage to their lungs. >> when a dolphin comes up, its blow hole takes in air and it could actually be taking in oil, getting oil inside itself? >> the fumes from the oil can be inhaled and those fumes are very toxic and probably very painful. >> you said that dolphins are an indicator species. what exactly does that mean? >> indicator species are species that show us what is happening in the environment and what can actually happen to human health as well. for example, when i was working with dolphins in the indian river lagoon with harbor branch, we were looking at these dolphins that all of a sudden were having diseases that we had never seen before. they were suffer iing from brai viruses and heart murmurs and skin blisters and all sorts of things that we couldn't figure out what was causing them until we realized that what was causing them was all of the pollution that we were putting into the water. and i think it's naive to think if it's happening to marine mammals it's not happening to us. i think we are just as sensitive to the n environment as a dolphin is. >> do you have any sense, long term, what this means for dolphins in the gulf? you see them -- i'm stunned. if you haven't been here, they're really everywhere. you see them. i was on a dock recently in one place and -- in venice and there were dolphins right by the dock. >> we saw a lot of dolphins close to shore. i think that's happening for two reasons. they sense the oil. they're moving closer to shore, where there isn't oil. and so there's a huge population surge right now of not only dolphins, but sea turtles and fish and sharks and whale sharks. that's because they're getting away from the oil. what's happening is closer to shore, they're entering an oxygen depleted environment. and that's going to take its toll on them as well. >> i was out with the governor a couple of weeks ago here off one barrier island. we saw a dolphin that seemed to be in distress, basically just circling around very close to shore. they actually called it in to wildlife officials. i suppose if anybody comes across what they think is a dolphin in distress or affected dolphin they should try to call local authorities? >> absolutely. they should definitely not try to move the animal or put it back in the water. people who are trained to deal with these kinds of situations are the only people who should actually be touching or moving or taking care of the animal in any way. >> and is it possible that, you know, large numbers of marine mammals have died but have just sunk? they wouldn't necessarily wash ashore, correct? >> they wouldn't. they wouldn't. anderson, you've been down there. you've seen this as it happens. this is an experiment in so many ways. we've actually never dealt with something lick this before. we have no way of knowing how the animals are being impacted, what's happening to them. there was a huge sperm whale that was found 77 miles south of the rig that was dead, had been dead about a week when it was found and nobody knows why it died. it wasn't oiled in any way. 350 sea turtles have washed ashore so far, none of them have been oiled either. we don't know why they're dying and we don't know how many are dying. we only find the ones that are ashore. you're absolutely right. we actually have no idea. >> incredibly disturbing. alexandra cousteau, thank you for being with us. >> thanks, anderson. family-run business run here along the gulf now in jeopardy. they've been distributing oysters off louisiana since 1876. then came the bp spill and everything has changed. wow! that's a low price! wow! that's a low price! i'm sorry. did you say something about a low price? wow! that's a low price! i know! 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>> we normally do about 30,000 oyst oysters in a day. >> 30,000? >> process them. >> yes, right here. those shuked oysters are used for oyster rockefeller, oysters bienville, all these great recipes. >> normally you would be getting, did you say, 30,000 oysters a day through here? >> just for the shuck. we sell oysters for oyster bars. that's another, shoot, 20,000 a day. >> walk-in refrigerator should be full of oysters. >> this is what we have left. >> these are the only oysters you have left? >> that's it. >> it's all but empty. >> what is this? this is four, five, six, seven -- you have ten bags of oysters. >> we have ten bags of oysters that will go to the oyster bas.s >> ukt imagine what it's like for you, seeing this room empty. >> it's a first. >> the fifth generation in their family to run p & j's, new orleans oyster distributor for 134 years. >> can you get oysters now here? >> we are still able to get a few oysters but it's dwindling. and the louisiana production is short because there's a combination of reasons. different variables. one being that there's too much fresh water coming in from the two freshwater diversions on the east and west side of the river. so, that causes more -- >> that kills off the oysters? >> kills off the oyster. and the other reason is we have precautionary closures throughout the state. our farmers are not producing. >> so far, they've laid off 11 of their 23 employees. wayne gordon still has a job, but after 24 years here, he's not sure how much longer his job will last. >> we're close knit. we're like family here. just to see everyone part their separate ways and saying this is it for us. we may not ever work together ever again is disheartening. >> p & j's will start shipping in oysters from the east and west coast and their accountant is now preparing records to submit a claim with bp. >> we don't know where they'll take us. we're hoping we'll be made whole. we don't know if that's going to occur. >> al and his brother are still trying to figure out what happens next, still hopeful they could one day bring back the louisiana oysters they've always sold. >> it's beyond our control. and the amount of oil that's out there, i just don't know what the future entails. >> i hope in the future we'll be able to come back. this is what i know. this is what we've learned. this is what we've grown up doing. so, hopefully, the future will be okay for the oysters and p & j oyster company will be able to bring louisiana oysters back. and all my hopes are that we'll be able to do this and my sun will be able to carry on our tradition. >> a tradition that survived countless natural disasters, but which may not survive this catastrophe made entirely by man. let's check some of the other headlines tonight. randi kaye joins us with the "360 bulletin. randi? >> hi again, anderson. police are arresting a man in toronto with gasoline cans, pellet guns and a crossbow in his car. police say they took him in when he could not explain why he had them. michael jackson's last physician, conrad murray, wasn't the one to give the singer a fatal overdose of propofol. at least that's what murray's attorney says, giving a hint of the defense for his client, charged with involuntary manslaughter. tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of michael jackson's death. high winds and temperatures in the 90s tomorrow as they battle a blaze north of flagstaff. more than 14,000 acres burned. officials say it all started with an unattended campfire that got out of control. those are the other headlines, anderson. >> imagine battling those flames in that heat. unbelievable. that's it from here. up next, soledad o'brien with a cnn documentary "gary & tony have a baby."