journalist being there. but as we try to figure out how much worse this could get, you've seen a lot of people, right, who still don't know where their family members are. >> reporter: yes, absolutely. the people who evacuate out of those hard-hit areas, many of them are congregating here at the sabu air field waiting for news. you have to remember that communications are completely down in so many of these islands. so these people just have not heard from their loved ones since that supertyphoon hit. these c 130 hercules that are picking up aid and delivering it and then bringing back people who have evacuated from these hard-hit towns, they are really the lifeline between these islands and the outside world. but definitely, a lot of the missing and there are thousands of them, many of them are presumed dead. and that is the frightening reality, erin. >> anna kwan, thank you very much reporting as we said from