and there was no bleeding. so it was a perfect delivery in a very imperfect environment. once the baby was born, the entire hospital applauded. a baby named baya joy bringing relief in the midst of such intense human suffering. >> and there have been i think three birth in that makeshift hospital which is for this area is the only hospital. you had talked to somebody who said that they didn't know what a storm surge was. they didn't know to evacuate. >> yes. this man came up to me and said, why didn't they call it a tsunami? we note word tsunami. if the government had mentioned it will be like a snauk tsunami would have evacuated. >> they didn't know the surge of water would be coming through. >> they assumed it was a high tide or a few waves. he said if the word "tsunami" had been mentioned to people so many more people would be evacuated and live today. >> we'll take a quick break and be joined by all our