all three boys confessed. >> which is why that we were within four hours of receiving the call able to have people in jail. >> reporter: the 15-year-old who was accused of sexual assaulting paige was dealt with by juvenile authorities. but 17-year-old barnett and the teen said to have taken the video saw their felony charges dropped. >> you ever told by the prosecutor's office why he dropped the charges? >> no. >> not even today you don't note reason? >> no. >> reporter: then incredibly, people started ganging up on the girls. they found themselves shunned around town and at school. they were bullied in person and online. daisy's mother was fired from her job. it was all too much for daisy. >> ultimately, i tried committing suicide at numerous amounts of times. and i [ inaudible ]. >> i hope you're better now. are you? >> i am. >> reporter: these families and others in the community think the prosecutor was pressured into dropping the charges because of political and social connections the suspects have. we of course wanted to find out why the prosecutor made the