Good evening, everyone. Im larry kudlow. This is the kudlow report. We are live here at 7 00 p. M. Eastern and 4 00 p. M. Pacific. We begin tonight with some breaking news. President obama has just finished the phone call with russian president Vladimir Putin. The white house says president obama reminded putin that his actions in ukraine are illegitimate. But there is a way to solve the conflict diplomatically. President obama also said secretary of state kerry would continue talks with Russian Foreign minister sergei lavrov. And dow jones reports the u. S. Has joined the europeans in putting out a warning to all banks to watch out for any transactions made by former ukrainian president viktor yanukovych. Lets get the latest in kiev from nbcs ian williams. Good evening. Reporter good day to you. Anger here in kiev as this latest escalation of tension in crimea. The government in kiev saying that it was illegal, it was unconstitutional, also a little bit earlier today, i spoke to the u. S. Ambassador here who described it as one more step in what he described as the creeping annexation of crimea by russia. Seen from here, russia does seem to be in a real hurry to grab crimea, perhaps thinking if they can create facts on the ground there, it will become much more difficult to unravel under international pressure. Youll recall that the parliament in crimea, which is very prorussian, had scheduled a referendum for the end of march. The question on that referendum was to bec greater autonomy, n independence. But today seemingly out of the blue, parliament passed a resolution calling for joining russia and leaving ukraine. Now, that, they say, will be put to a referendum on the 16th of march, just ten days from now with little doubt about the result. Other menacing developments down in crimea today, the storming by armed men of the local television station, which was still broadcasting ukrainian programs. Instead they put russian programs on the air. At the same time, the deputy head of the prorussian administration down there said that once an independence vote is made and hes in little doubt it will be then the ukrainian troops who are still down there will be what he calls occupiers if they dont surrender their weapons. Very worrying developments in this big escalation today down in crimea, larry. Many thanks to ian williams. So as crimea gets ready to take a vote on becoming part of russia, take a listen to what the leader of ukraines opposition parrot toty told cnb morning. Hes worried as head of the ukraine. Why . Because ukraine the people 1p ont want to live with rulesr live without rules, live with the corruption without human rights. And thats why the people want the changes, if we will be successful, im more than sure everybody in the ukraine wants to live in a european country with european standards of life. It will be a very bad example for russia. Joining us now is former White House National security adviser Steven Hadley and michael mcfall. Mr. Mcfall just days ago departed as u. S. Ambassador to russia. Gentlemen, thank you very much. Begin with you, steve hadley. S president obama correctly said the referendum to join russia would be a breach of international law, a breach of ukraines constitution. But i guess my question is, how can it be stopped . It probably cant be stopped in terms of the referendum Going Forward with the Russian Troops basically occupying the country with the accelerated schedule, its pretty clear and how its going to come out, pretty unlikely that the referendum would be defeated. So it looks like that this reallyc is a grab. There were announcements today that the Russian Parliament is taking steps to ease the m cooing of crimea into russia should that referendum pass. So in the short run, its probably going to be very difficult to block the referendum. The question is, what are the steps we should take to deter russia from trying this elsewhere . And then secondly, as klitschko said, we need to focus on building a prosperous, free and detective ukraine so at some point the people of crimea will realize the mistake they are making. I want to get back to that, back to your oped piece regarding steps that should be taken let me get to ambassador michael mcfall. It seems like people want deals. But this annexation of crimea, if i may call it that, is not part of a deal. Where does this put the putin obama relationship today . Well, this was a major escalation, a major move by president putin and his supporters in crimea. And i agree with steve. I dont see how you roll this back once they take this vote because president putin is going to say, look, im just respecting the will of the people of crimea. And how do you back down from that . Whats the dealc you can put i place to say, well, actually we didnt mean that referendum . So im quite pessimistic about what happens next. With respect to the relationship with putin and obama, this is a very difficult moment in u. S. russian relations. Its a major turning point. I think it will be with us if this holds, this will be with us for months and years to come. Steve hadley, the president has also been very firm, at least at the level of rhetoric, talking today about visa sanctions and oligarch sanctions, what i call them. Bank sanctions for people responsible for what happened in the ukraine, access to banks and so forth. How do you enforce those sanctions, steve hadley . I know weve talked about this before relative to the soviet, russian invasion into georgia. How do you enforce sanctions . Weve actually learned a lot about sanctions in the last five years, largely learned at how to sanction iran in connection with their nuclear program. We now know how to go after oil and gas sanctions. Weve done it in iran. We actually know how to exclude countries from the International Financial system, particularly from the u. S. Financial system. So the Treasury Department has been working on this andc wev got a lot of ways to do this. Weve also got the magnisky act, allows them to freeze the assets in the United States and deny visas to those individuals and organizations that were part of this aggression in the crimea. We talked about this last night, very important. I just was speculating, mr. Hadley. I dont know a thing. You know it, i dont know. Both you know it but if the oligarchs who are so tight with putin wanted to come and go to the u. S. , if they have assets deposited in u. S. Banks and we stop that, wouldnt that be an effective way, wouldnt they get pretty angry at putin . I think one of the things you want to do in your sanctions is target people who have influence with president putin. And the oligarchs are certainly one group. The other thing is whether you can constrain movements of peoples, whether you constrain movements of diplomats. But i would not focus only on the sanctions. There are other things that we have done. Weve increased the aircraft that are participating in the air defense flying over the baltics. Weve announced that were going to expand u. S. Participation in a military exercise in poland. I think its also important to reassure the countries of central and Eastern Europe that we stand with them, to recommit to nato, recommit to the defense of europe. And at the same time do things that will hopefully deter president putin from trying this thing elsewhere. Ambassador, what do you think of what mr. Hadley wrote in his oped piece, deploy force, particularly regarding poland, the baltics and romania. Dangling or moving forwards dangling is not the right word. Moving towards nato membership. Mr. Hadley talked about montenegro, georgia, ukraine and mall doe va. Would those steps be effective in your view . Theyre smart and have to be done. And i think this moment right now proves the wisdom of nato expansion. There are lots of russians living ethnic russians living in nato countries. Those countries are a lot safer today than ukraine is. But i dont think it will be it wont make putin reverse what hes doing in crimea. On the contrary, i think the discussion about sanctions economic sanctions, particularly looking at the financial system, if there comes a point in time where russian banks cant use american dollars to do transactions, thats goingc too a lot of damage to a lot of major not talking about multibilliondollar corporations in russia that have assets all over the world. Second, in the oil and gas sector, steve is absolutely right. I worked on sanctions for five years for three years when i was at the white house, with respect to iran. Weve learned how to do it much better. And if you look at the largest joint venture potential joint venture between a russian stateowned company and a western company, its rossneft and exxonmobil. I thought that was a good deal in terms of integrating the russian economy. But if were going to go towards a coercive way, thats going to be where youre going to hit the russian economy hard and the head of rossneft just happens to be a very close associate of Vladimir Putin. Steve hadley, why isnt the u. S. , particularly the administration, making a bigger push for liquid natural gas, something that could be exported . I know its not going to happen in a day or a week. But they would make a strong statement, get the Keystone Pipeline through, start the approval, lets say speed up, lightning fast approval of lng projects, which people in the industry believes they could get it out in a couple of years . Whats the am nistration waiting for . I think the administration actually will come around to that view. I know House Speaker boehner was calling for this just yesterday. I think this is a what we need to do is to reduce the strategic dependence of europe on oil and gas from russia. And its about diversification of supply lines, diversecation of source and using the availability of gas in the United States through lng to export to europe. All these things we need to do and they send a message that we need to send, which is over the long term, were going to reduce puntins leverage on europe and were going to have the means then to sanction him in a way that is not going to be such an adverse impact on europe and hopefully that will serve to deter this kind of action in the future. Last one, ambassador mcfaul, a lot of conservatives have been blaming president obama saying he wasnt prepared for this, he hasnt been a strong leader and so forth and so on. To me, right now, Vladimir Putin is the enemy, not president obama. So thats just my simple way of looking at life. But i know youve been an influential adviser on russia. Do you believe, sir,c that the socalled russian reset in retrospect was a good idea . Yes. And not because anybody was trying to make friends with Vladimir Putin or not. It was about pursuing American National interests. Were we better off to have sanctions against iran . My answer is yes. And that was done by passing a u. N. Security Council Resolution that brought that about. Were we right to open up a Northern Distribution Network to supply our troops through the north and not just through pakistan . My answer is yes. Were we better off to sign the new start treaty . My answer is yes. Are we better off with russia in the World Trade Organization . My answer is yes. That doesnt mean that somehow those things led to putin invading crimea. With all due respect, i do know my history of soviet interventions and russian interventions. Russia invaded georgia when National Security adviser steve hadley was there, they didnt stop him. Marshal law was declared in poland in 1981 when Ronald Reagan was in the white house. And despite all their efforts, they couldnt stop that. Eventually they did. Eventually reagan did with some help from ms. Thatcher and pope john paul. I just want to c it took eight years after marshal law. I understand. I want to get mr. Hadley in before we leave. I wanted you to rebut because this is a charge in my opinion, sir, and im a novice at this game Vladimir Putin is the enemy right now. President obama is not. Thats just my view. On that point, but mr. Hadley, was the russian reset a good or bad idea at the time . Do you think its helped or hurt our relationship . One, i think we ought to be rallying behind president obama. This is a difficult crisis. And i hope that on a bipartisan basis the congress will come around and support what hes trying to do. Secondly, michaels right. There were benefits from the reset. But i think we take some responsibility here. I think the Bush Administration, we did do some things in the wake of georgia. But we did not use economic sanctions against russia. I think in retrospect, that was a mistake. I think secondly that the Obama Administration moved too quickly to start the reset. We needed a reset, of course there would be. But it probably would have been better and i would feel better if we had used economic sanctions in the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration had then been able to continue them and to continue them longer before we did the respa. Would it have made a difference . I dont know. But id feel a little bit better. I think michael would probably feel better if wed done both of those. Very interesting idea. Gentlemen, we have to go. I appreciate your candor, both of you, Steven Hadley, ambassador michael mcfaul. Hope youll come back and help us again on this difficult subject. Were almost exactly five years removed from the market bottom back in 2009. The dow fell to as low as 6,600 then. What if we took a deep breath and started buying, just at that moment . Cnbcs dominic chu will join us with a look at some stocks you know are up a massive amount since that time. I mean massive amount. Thats next up on kudlow. Later on, the countdown on for the big february jobs report, coming out at 8 30 tomorrow morning. Many experts are predicting a very disappointing number. But you know what . Many experts are frequently wrong. Anyway, dont forget, free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. Free market capitalism and freedom are huge issues in this whole ukraine putin argument. Im ked lo. Well be right lack. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 a month . Yup. All 5 of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line, anytime, for 15 a month. Low dues, great terms. Lets close new at t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business. You cant always see them. But its our job to find them. The answers. The solutions. The innovations. All waiting to help us build Something Better. Something more amazing. 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Absolutely. This time around, its always hindsight to go back and say, i should have bought back then. But a lot of these companies ended up looking like dollar penny stocks in the depth of the crisis back in march of 2009. Were going to highlight a few of them. Lets go back in the time machine and say, hey, heres a company that were going to put up a mystery chart for you. This stock, you could have bought it for 60 bucks back in march of 2009. It was founded in 1994. Its in seattle. It is a techish type company, a survivor of the first internet stock boom. Andc if i told you it was the Biggest Online retailer out there even i would know its amazon. By the way, jim cramer and i interviewed jeff bezos the night or the day after he reported his first quarterly profit. Jimmy and i actually talked to him. This stock has gone from 60 to a 372 stock. Massive return. This one is an industrial. You could have bought this bad boy for 4 per share back in march of 2009. Now, it started in 1923 as a textile company. It owns cessna aircraft, the small aircraft, bell helicopters and for all you golfers out there, theyre also the guys who make those ezgo golf carts. Im talking about textron. Its an industrial conglomerate. Whose former ceo, a good man, was a catastrophe as fed chairman in the 1970s. Please go on. That stock is up 900 . 4 bucks to 40 bucks, not bad. Were going to end on a wellknown company. Its up 2,100 since the march 2009 lows. If you had a time machine, you could have paid 3 per share back in march of 2009. This is a media giant of a company. It was formerly part of the viacom family of networks and now it is home to Bob Schieffer and the political show face the nation on sundays. You know which network im talking about. It is, of course, cbs. Obviously a competitor here in this country. But that stock was a 3 stock back then. Its a 68 stock now. Thats a 2,100 return just over that time span. Were not in a time machine, but the best performers since the bottom, Consumer Discretionary up 325 . Absolutely. Whats the biggest push cars are in there. Sure. But you told me earlier, media is in there. Media is in there. Cbs is part of that. Youve got car, youve got travel and leisure, big names in hotels and airlines. Youve got anything that the consumer spends money on is part of this broader last one, next best since the bottom, financials. Yes. 258 . Thats sort of an odd one because theyve had so much trouble, so many questions is that because thek crashed so low or because theyre good investment . Theyve bounced back a lot. The jury is still out. A lot of people are buying the big banks. Youre talking about insurance companies, real estate companies. Its the big banks, yes, they did come back from the real depths of the crisis. But the federal government helped them a lot. Of course. The federal government helped a lot of them. Thats right. But also the real estate side of things is where people are getting a little more optimistic about things. If you look at commercial real estate, investment trusts, that may show signs of life. If the bull run continues, then hopefully americans, two of the biggest things on their mind, unemployment, whether or not they have a job, and what their house is worth. And their stock portfolio. Of course. I like the reit story. Thats a good indicator of business. Were going to come back later in the show and talk about the new Federal Reserve numbers on Household Wealth that came out today. We hit a new record high. It has to be good for something. Theres trillions mentioned in that story. Dominic chu, is he the best or what . Now, a mystery that is confounded the world of finance for years might finally be solvp. The elusive and secretive creator of bitcoin may have been found. Cnbc went to his house today. Well show you what happened next when we come back. Please stay with us. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. My mom works at ge. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. In a we believe outshining the competition tomorrow quires challenging your Business Inside and out today. At cognizant, we help forwardlooking Companies Run better and run different to give your customers every reason to keep looking for you. So if youre ready to see opportunities and see them through, we say lets get to work. Because the future belongs to those who challenge the present. Welcome back to the kudlow report. Im Bertha Coombs with this news alert. A media circus today outside the l. A. Home of the man newsweek says is the inventor of bitcoin. He is a 64yearold Software Developer who lives in temple city, california, east of los angeles. He reportedly admitted to developing the controversial currency to newsweek. Today, if you take a look at the media scrum outside his home, he denied being involved with bitcoin. But he was being swarmed by reporters as he was doing so. Who is it . This is harriet. Im here with cnbc. We wanted to ask you a couple of quick questions. I dont know who cnb is. Here with a new station, cnbc, part of nbc. We wanted to ask you a couple of quick questions. Im sorry. Not interested. Are you the founder of bitcoin . Im sorry. Im not interested. Afterc denying it to our harriet taylor, he denied it again when he stepped outside and was surrounded. Newsweeks report claims that hes been private about his career. As with the controversy surrounding bitcoin itself, the report is now raising questions because it is based on circumstantial evidence. Meantime, tonight, larry, japans finance minister, taro aso, says hes unsure. And there is discussion within the japanese government as to who should regulate bitcoin following the fall of the mt. Gox exchange. I wrote a column on this whole thing. Thank you for your report. I just want to say once again, bitcoin is not real money. Period. End of sentence. Other than that, i dont know this guy. I dont know a thing about him. Bertha coombs, i know a lot about you. Great work. Thanks for helping us out. Now, the delays and changes to obamacare just keep coming. So does special exemptions for the unions. Get this, its almost all for nothing. The latest breaking story from the Washington Post today shows only a tiny handful of the previously uninsured are actually signing up for obamacare. The whole point of the law is c moot. We need a moratorium on all of it if you ask me. Senator john thune about to join us to talk about all of it. Stay with us. Captain obvious im in a hotel. And a hotel is the Perfect Place to talk to you about hotels. Allyoucaneat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. The hotel gym is short for gymnasium. The hotel pool is usually filled with water. And the best dot com for booking hotels, is hotels. Com. Its on the internet, but you probably knew that. Or maybe not, i dont really know you. Bellman welcome back, captain obvious. Captain obvious yes i am. All those words are spelled correctly. Anbe a name and not a number . Tor scottrade. Ron im never alone with scottrade. I can always call or stop by my local office. Theyre nearby and ready to help. 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It was another outrage politically charged decision buried deep in the Obama Administrations 335page report, namely, starting next year, many union health plans will be exempt from obamacares reinsurance fee. That may force everyone else to pay extra to cover this convenient union crony carveout. Joining us, Senate Republican conference chairman john thune of south dakota. Senator thune, as always, welcome back to the kudlow report. Let me get this right. This thing is couched, renewals can take place if you get you got a couple of more years for renewals. But in the fine print, a lot of labor unions who are selfinsured dont have to pay this tax or fee, why is that . Larry, nice to be with you, as always. c this is cronyism at its worst. What they did and this might explain why the unions when they met at the white house here not too long ago were very muted when they came out. I think they got exactly what they wanted. They got an exemption from the reinsurance tax thats supposed to apply to all selfinsured plans to help fund the cost of caring for people with preexisting conditions. And so the unions basically now have gotten a waiver from that, which means all the other selfinsured plans are going to have to pay more because this was set to raise a certain amount of revenue and so to get to that amount of revenue, that means they have to assess these other selfinsured plans. It is an amazing just defiance, i think, of the law and the American People and all the other taxpayers across this country are going to get stuck paying the bill. I think they were looking to raise 20 billion, 25 billion. But labor unions are selfinsured. Arent there a lot of businesses that are selfinsured and are you inferring that somebodys going to have to pay a higher tax in order to make those numbers meet . Sure they are. The way this thing works is you said it, 25 billion in revenue. And so what they spread that among a certain number of folks who are in selfinsuredc plans. When you exempt all the ta tafthartley plans, the union selfinsured plans, it means that gets spread among those left to pay it. Youve got businesses, charitable organizations, other folks out there who are insuring themselves, who have to pay this assessment, this tax, if you will, reinsurance tax, to help cover the cost of people with preexisting conditions. Churches . Yeah, and churches, youre exactly right. There are charitable organizations out there all of whom are going to be stuck with a higher bill because the president chose to do a political favor for his donors and his allies, in this case, the labor unions. What gives him the authority to do this . This goes back to the whole Bigger Picture issue. What gives him the Legal Authority to just change these laws willynilly . Youve got liberal law professors like Jonathan Turley at George Washington saying, everybodys going to rue the day, democrats will rue the day they give mr. Obama this kind of power. Now republicans will come in and change laws democrats dont want. This is not a small change. This is a big money change. It really is. And its the 30th or thereabouts waiver or delay or exemption orc carveout for a favored constituency of the president. If youre a friend of the president , you get treated differently than the rest of the American People. And i think thats whats such an outrage about this. And the question is, on what authority does he do it . Obviously with the democrats controlling the senate here on capitol hill, he has the votes. About the only way youre going to be able to stop him is to go to court. And there are some organizations who will be doing that. Theyre going to rue the day. Let me move on, another subject. Late in the day, posted on the front page of the Washington Post website, by amy goldstein, a pair of surveys out today, n mckenzie and company, get this, one in ten only one in ten uninsured people who would qualify for private health plans through the new marketplace have signed up. One in ten. 10 . Right. That has to be a disaster. This is the liberal entitlement state crumbling before our eyes. This is exactly what they didnt want. I dont get it. Well, i think whats happening is the American People have turned thumbs down on this. There was a poll last week, a New York Times poll, National Media poll in which only 6 of the people polled thoughtc tha the Health Care Law was working as it was intended. 92 either said it needs to be changed or repealed. So i think theres just a rejection by the American People of this, larry. And the fact that the president continues to have to do these carveouts and delays and exemptions suggests that they know it is hurting and harming americans. And thats why theyre delaying it. If its so good for people, why are they delaying and why are people as you said, one in ten all eligible for it signing up for it . The last point, youve got a threeyear extension for the renewal of canceled insurance projects, a lot of people. Youve got a twoyear extension for business. Im sure thats going to be a threeyear extension. Im willing to bet the entire thing, this march 31st date is going to be extended because nobodys signing up. I said, how about a threeyear moratorium on the entire plan . That doesnt mean you repeal everything. That means you go back and let the congress rework this program. Youre already halfway there. Obamas doing it himself. No mandates in the meantime, no mandates, no tax penalties, no Insurance Company billouts and moratorium. Hes doing it himself. Why dont you do itc and make official and then just start all over again . Im with you on that. I think that would be a great idea. I actually think that this march 31st deadline where the individual mandate kicks in, do you really think theyre going to enforce the penalties if people dont sign up . Of course not. I dont think they are. I think youll see that delayed, too. It would make sense to go back and do that. I think the president and his party up here in congress who jammed this through, they are going to rue the day that, one, they put this thing through on a total party line basis but secondly now that the president has by unilaterally his own authority decided to waive huge elements and portions of this i think thats going to come back to haunt them. But the best solution would be to just stop it for everybody and lets go back and start over. Timeout. Stop it. Timeout, moratorium because youre right, sir. Whats bad for the goose will be bad for the gander. Thats what a lot of these democrats dont seem to understand, giving mr. Obama that kind of authority. Senator john thune, we thank you very much for coming back on the show. Now, on the eve of the big jobs report tomorrow, we want to get a top ceos take on the economy right now and where he thinks its going. The ceo, tom rogers, from tivo is going to join us live up next. c please stay with us. Were kudlow. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 a month . Yup. All 5 of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line, anytime, for 15 a month. Low dues, great terms. Lets close new at t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business. Geico motorcycle. See how much you could save. Just whats Holding Business back from hiring and kicking the economy into high gear . Is it taxes . Is it obamacare . Washington budget gridlock . Who knows . Anyway, we bring in our show for the first time, i guess, to share his Economic Perspective from the corner office, tivo president and ceo, tom rogers. A very old friend. Tom, thank you for coming on. Thanks for having me. I cant believe after all these years involved with cnbc from the very beginning and youre starting here that ive never been on your show before. Great to be here. I am pleased to have you here. I want to get to the tivo turnaround in a minute. But give me your take on the economy and business. Where do we stand now in your vision . Im not going to predict job report numbers. But we clearly need more consumer demand. And the key issue is, isnt there enough consumer demand . Theres not because we have a job creation problem. Number thats not the right number to look at. Its how many people are really participating in the economy versus what used to be. Weve seen no growth there at all. The kind of job creation were having, whatever the number is, isnt enough to really get job participation back at those levels. I think youre spoton. How do you kick that into high gear . Well, i happen to have a view that where we have the problem is at the lower end of the economy. I think college graduates, people with graduate degrees, could we do more . Yes. But unemployment there and job participation is okay. The other end of the economy where youre seeing people leave the job market, high school graduates, Male High School graduates, we have a problem because we lost so many construction jobs. We dont have the kind of opportunities there to bring jobs back. My immediate answer, and its tempered by another answer, but my immediate answer, probably not one you like, is we do need some infrastructure stimulus. Weve got to do something here to create the kind of jobs im okay with infrastructure. What im not okay with is using infrastructure as some shortterm stimulus plan. Its like the president saidc couple of years ago. There werent as many shovelready jobs as he predicted. Any congressman will tell you from the transportation committee, we need more infrastructure, bridges, tunnels look at any airport. But you have to have a tenyear horizon. Thats the way that game works. Now, i want to ask you this. You wont like this question. Is Obamacare Holding back hiring . Are they worried about taxes and regulation . And ill ask you another one, is it spending and deficits and debt and the threat of higher taxes . Is that part of the mix . Obamacare obviously has its issues and the latest Development Today is a further indication of that. But i dont believe anybody is really not hiring because of obamacare. Its a variable Health Care Cost for your employees. What you do with that. But i dont really believe it stops individual hires. What i do believe is that Health Care Costs are a fundamental part of solving our longterm debt equation. I happen to be part of the ceo group of fix the debt, a critical bipartisan effort on the part of ceos to bring some real attention to the longterm debt issue. Thats got to be fixed. That, too, is a longterm horizon issue. You cant look at itc as a singleyear effort in one form or another. We need a deal. We need a deal and Health Care Costs are key. Just in the last youre going to come back in the next segment. Who is romeo and why is that crucial to the tivo turnaround . Romeo is tivo, romeo is our newest product and its a play on words. For those who love television, romeo in the shakespearean sense and roameo, no matter where you are, you have a tablet with you, i was in montreal this morning. Opened up my ipad, watched my Home Television set while i was up in canada. It gives you the full flexibility to have your television with you wherever you are. And for people passionate about television, that mobility thing is a big thing. Is that something youre going to set up in my home . Were going to turn you into a i have to do better. A romantic guy when it comes to television. Tom rogers, please stay i tivo you efe e night. You had a great turnaround. Youre known for that. Thats a great congratulations to you. Thank you. We want you to join our stock market panel and talk a little bit about jobs. Were going to preview the big jobs report tomorrow. We also want to take to the markets and see whether its going to come back or not. Im kudlow. Stay with us. Much more to do tonight. But its our job to find them. The answers. The solutions. The innovations. All waiting to help us build Something Better. Something more amazing. A safer, cleaner, brighter future. At boeing, thats what building Something Better is all about. Impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u. S. . At t. Rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. 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Comcast was honored to bring every minute of every medal of nbcuniversals coverage to every screen. So whats next . Rio 2016. Welcome to whats next. Comcast nbcuniversal. Were hours away from fridays big jobs report. Top economists forecast february nonfarm payrolls to come in at 152,000. They think the Unemployment Rate ticks lower to 6. 5 . So will frozenomics puts the job report on ice or is there an upside surprise ahead . Brian kelly, john sylvia and tom rogers with us. John, 150,000. You taking the over or the under . Were taking the under at 135,000. We certainly agree with the Unemployment Rate at 6. 5 . But i agree with mr. Rogers, the point being is that were looking at the Participation Rate and the unemployment population ratio giving us a sense of the total labor market input into the overall economy, along with the aggregate hours index. c i agree with mr. Rogers. Thats going to really tell us whats going on mr. Rogers is dead right on this. But i have to follow up. You said youre taking the under, is that right . I want to get this straight. The under . Yeah, ive got the under, 135,000. Now tell me why in succinct fashion youre taking the under. I think there is a definite weather effect going on relative to trend. Its the weather. All right. Its the weather. Do you agree with that, brian kelly . Well, yes and no. I take the under, i agree with him on that. I think theres more to it than weather. When i look at services thats where youre starting to see a decline. We even saw it in the revisionses back in november when it wasnt weather. So to me, i think there is a trend of weakening job growth. But i think tomorrow if we get an under, the markets not going to care. Everybodys going with weather. Say you get 80,000, 85,000, what does it do to the stock market . Who cares . Say you get 225,000 market rips. Right now i dont know. Im a bridge player. Not a poker player. I take the over. You take the over. I do take the over, just because all you guys are so pessimistic. Thats true. Youre saying the market goes to hell if i think the market goes higher if we get 225,000. c i think people have fully priced in and fully understood what a tapering that tapering is going to be here unless the economy craters, were going to have tapering. Thats priced into the market. Then you get, things are better than we thought. What happens if the weather gets better . Now were going to get 250,000s, 275,000s. New york Federal Reserve president bill dudley, interviewed today by the ace reporter of the wall street journal. Dudley says his Economic Outlook is optimistic, 3 growth, and the feds not going to change its policy of slowing down bond purchase. Hes optimistic. He says 3 . Do you agree or disagree with bill dudley . Hes the new york fed, the vice chairman of the open market thats interesting because i spent half my week in Silicon Valley and i spent half my week in new york. When i spend that time in Silicon Valley, that 3 sounds about what people think. Maybe even a little better. Theres an optimism out there. Surprisingly, its optimism based on creating companies that dont necessarily create jobs as opposed to creating productivity, which hurts jobs. But theres an optimism there. When im in new york, its kind of the economy is going to be tepid. Im not sure the people i talk to feel that theres a clear 3 consensus at this point. c and theres a little more pessimism. Blend the two, you get probably close to 3 . I worry about new york as horses. This mayor who is not my favorite mayor wants to do away with the horse carriages on central park. What are we going to do with those poor horses . Horses are like live we have to worry about horses. I dont like that at all. John, we got a big report on u. S. Household net worth. A record. Yes, sir. A record 80. 7 trillion. A new record. And also inside that record, profits hit a new record, 12. 7 of gdp. I want to know, something goods got to come out of that if net wealth and profits are at record highs. I think, again, when you start out with the wealth factor, its homes and its financial markets, financial assets. I think whats going to come out is a much better Consumer Spending number in 2014 relative to 2013. So from my point of view, we do think growth in 2014 is going to be better than 2013. Im not sure how mr. Dudley is calculating that 3 number, if its a yearoveryear number, well take the under on that one. We dont think the economy will be thatc strong. But it will be better than last year. Brian kelly, something good i dont know whether its going to be 3 or not. Lets say dudley is right. These are facts, through the Fourth Quarter from the Federal Reserve fund. 70. 7 trillion. Homes and stocks have risen, the two biggest drivers in this. Some goods got to come out of that. Wealth leads to spending and investment and growth. Its got to. Right. That was the whole plan, to prime the pump. Thats where we are right now. Whether weve reached that escape velocity i dont think we have. I think were still probably about 2 , 2. 5 economy at best. But you have to be concerned about whats happening elsewhere. Whether chinas going to derail us. Thats what the risk to this economy and this market are, are outside our control. I actually am coming around to disagreeing with that. I think profits are everything. Tom rogers, you get the last statement. Would you buy or sell stocks here . I would be a cautious buyer of stocks, but i am a much bigger believer that when it comes to Consumer Spending and therefore something igniting jobs, people feeling confident about the Housing Market means more than the stock market. Youve got to have a broader feeling of wealth. Thats a plus, too. Thank you. Appreciate it. Tom rogers, great stuff. Nice to have you on. c john, thank you. Brian, thank you. Thats it for this evenings show. Im kudlow. 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