Side. Also this evening, the evidence mount, obama care isnt good for young people and it isnt good for doctors either. And we have a special guest, governor bobby jindal of louisiana. And call it the great Interest Rate debate. Are raising rates hurting Home Builders . Or maybe they should stop whining, all that coming up on kudlow report right now. First up, its official, u. S. Attorney announcing criminal charges today against sac capital, four counts of security fraud, one count of wire fraud and a new cooperating witness in the governments sevenyear investigation. We welcome kayla tausche, cnbcs scott cohn and Bethany Mclean. Last friday night, it was the s. E. C. Bringing a civil lawsuit against sac capital. All of a sudden within a weeks time they flip. Now its a criminal lawsuit against the entire firm. Why did this flip happen . Well, these two things were not mutually exclusive, larry. We knew when the s. E. C. Brought ie its administrative action on friday, there could be criminal charges for the coming. What changed is they did get that new cooperating witness. On monday, richard lee, a former sac capital employees entered into a plea agreement. He has a maximum potential prison sentence up to 25 years but he did agree to cooperate, provide documents and testify before the grand jury. And this is a man with a history of Insider Trading. There are some mentions when he was being interviewed for the job, some people flagged lee and said, steve cohen, this guy has a history and cohen and others overlooked it. There are a lot of stocks involved here. But he flipped this week and he has been participating in this. So really, that could have been a turning point, from a civil suit to a criminal suit. The Justice Department had been trying to go after cohen and s. E. C. But they could never put it together in a criminal. Now they did and it could be this guy lee. The s. E. C. Put out this 46page white letter to its employee on monday saying you will not found a witness to testify that they heard these things, cohen specifically in the s. E. C. s case involved in any of these trades or squirrely tactics. But today we have seen that richard lee at least has decided to be a cooperating witness. He is someone who will testify. We dont know what hell say at this point but at least the department of justice believes he has some insider information. They got themselves a big fish. Beth ani, they are still trading, theyre in business. And some are quoted are saying if they can get through this criminal process while theyre trading, maybe the charges wont stick, maybe they will. Is it interesting to you that sac will not shut down and they will continue to do what they do . It is interesting. And sac put out two statements today. One said weve done nothing wrong and the second statement said its business as usual. I talked to a few people on wall street and i actually thought there was a risk that street firms were going to shut them down and say this firm is under indictment, we cant continue to do business with them. The street it for the most part sticking by sac. The argument is if you dont do that and shut them off, the argument becomes a conviction. You might say the street gets an awful lot of business from steve cohens sac and theyre in no more of a hurry to see them go out of business than steve cohen is. You dont have the 2008 financial crash issue as long as theyre open for business and people are willing to trade. I assume the dealers are going to extend credit . I assume they will, too. Theres a reputational issue and a credit issue that people always face when they decide to do business with someone, right . And a credit issue or a credit risk would have shut down the trading. But because cohen trades in mostly liquid securities and because he himself is worth so much money, i think people on the street have decided theres not really a credit issue here. So then the credit is reputational al. Do you continue to do business with a company that has been indicted . And then the issue is theyve havent been convicted, they havent been indicted. They are heavily funded. They manage 14 billion but their total regulatory assets, 51 billion. So theres not the counterparty risk we saw in the crisis but i think the risk and i think the u. S. Attorneys off knew if did you decide to shut them down full stop in one day at that really accounts for allowing them to operate, even while this is going on, so we dont have a crisis. Yes. Scott cohen, welcome back, tell me, youve got some breaking news, fed, the department of justice, the s. E. C. Wants to clean out all of assets of sac capital . Correct. This is the civil part of what the attorney general filed today. Its a criminal complaint. The civil complaint seeks any and all sac assets. What theyre alleging is that sac basically took the profits from Insider Trading, funneled them through the rest of the business. Thats Money Laundering, they say. They want to go after any and all assets. They also want civil Money Laundering penalties and under the law those penalties can be equal to the amount of property thats seized. Were talking about potentially billions of dollars. Now, the issue here, and the attorney general made this clear and company, sac, came out later in the day and talked about how theres likely to be a protective order and thats going to allow the company to continue to work with these trading partners so they will continue to do business because bharara doesnt want innocent partners to get sucked into at some point there could be a credit risk. If youre saying the goal of the s. E. C. Is complete forfeiture of assets, that could affect credit decisions. We dont know that yet. Maybe thats not going to be true tomorrow when they open for business, but at some point the clock may run out on that and people may withhold credit. Its a highly leveraged operation. And its the Justice Department thats making these civil allegations. But basically the way they seem to have structured it is that they will be able to continue doing business until and unless theyre found guilty, both in the criminal case or in the civil case as well. Theyre two separate actions. At that point, yes, then presumably in the government e prevai prevails, they would get everything and then you have a problem. The counterparties are going to have to look at this and see how it goes and decide if they want to continue doing business and putting this for risk. For now theyre going to be carved out of this and protected. It works until it doesnt work. It works until the Authorities Say it doesnt work. Bethany mclean, i want to ask you one more question. Your view of their definition, the Justice Department, the u. S. Attorney, Insider Trading, has he expanded that definition . That may be the center of the whole case. Its a pretty traditional definition. There are six people who have pled guilty and eight who have been charged, when you look at the cases, its pretty black and white and conventional Insider Trading. Its different from older Insider Trading. Its trying to get the earnings of a Technology Company or results of a Clinical Trial before those things are public. But its pretty black and white. The aggressive thing is taking the actions of six people or eight people allegedly and extending it to the entire firm. Its not expert witnesses, for example, or third party sources. Its much more direct than that . Is that your thought . Well, it is. Its people at sac having got information from, say, Expert Networks, people who are directly involved in a Clinical Trial and shunting passing on this information or people at sac saying in an email ive gotten a secondhand read from somebody at the company, meaning theyre close to a source who is inside the company. So its pretty clear. Most people look at that and say thats inside information, i would know if i gotting someth like that, i shouldnt trade on it. Most people who look at these cases say theyre pretty black and white. Go ahead, scott. The other big difference here between Insider Trading now and the Rudy Giuliani days is you have these emails, you have these wiretaps they can get and there may be wiretaps in this case, we dont know. You have not only matching trades with time and sales and things like that. Now you have emails, you have a whole lot more range of evidence available to prosecutors now than back in the day. But Insider Trading at the end of the day is Insider Trading. Kayla, you want to take us o out . Bethany was talking about Expert Networks. Even though sacs compliance code outlawed the use of Expert Networks in 2006, yet years later he was still using them. The managers were aware and they were citing that as a loophole in the compliance code saying they had this in lip service, to use the attorney generals words and there were a lot of loopholes and they didnt use it. The information they did get from the Expert Network they are qualifying in this indictment and in the s. E. C. Action as Insider Trading. Theyre using that to make an example of sac saying you did not apply your own compliance code in so many situations, this is just one glaring example. Were going to leave it. Thank you kayla tausche, scott cohn, Bethany Mclean thank you very much. Obama care, its bad for young people, its bad for doctors. Well talk about it next with bobby jindal who says its all unworkab unworkable. Free Market Capital is the best path to prosperity. Free Market Capital also includes the rule of law. Im kudlow. Well be right back. Could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Yep, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know some owls arent that wise . Dont forget im having brunch with meghan tomorrow. Who . Meghan, my coworker. Who . Seriously . Youve met her like three times. Who . sighs geico. Fifteen minutes could save you. Well, you know. [ male announcer ] what . investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401 k s . go to etrade and roll over your old 401 k s to a new etrade retirement account. None of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. Etrade. Less for us. More for you. Is that true . Says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and thats heart healthy. [ dad ] jan . So is obama care dead on arrival . Republican Governor Scott walker and bobby jindal penned this joint oped today in the wall street journal arguing that obama care is unworkable and will leave the American People paying a heavy and unnecessary price. We are honored to be joined exclusively by governor bobby jindal. It is great to see you. Besides the fact that all the businesses are going to dump their wage workers into these pools that havent even been created yet, these insurance pools, and besides the fact that theres no verification, what else is new . I mean, i dont see any part of this thats going to work. Youre exactly right. Its great to be back on the show. Thank you for having me. This is a bad idea, now you have bad execution, all missing their selfimposed deadlines. They told the small businesses, theyre not going to have multiple options, theyre not going to be able verify income for those getting subsidiesubsi. Every time they goatet to a de d deadline, they miss it. Remember they said if you have a doctor you like, youll be able to keefe that doctor. The president said it would cut premiums and theyre going up instead. In my home state of louisiana, blue crossblue shield has said theyll participate but they said premiums could go up substantially for people. I think there are going to be a lot of disappointed, very frustrated people. This is a bad law. The excuse it needs to be repealed. Labor unions are really annoyed. Theyre losing their Cadillac Health care packages, which goes all the way back to subsidies in the late 1940s, the socalled tafthartley subsidy. Their workers may wind up insurance exchanges in a much smaller, much less generous insurance package. You got three of the Largest Labor unions riding the administration saying this could destroy the 40hour work week, the back bone of the middle class, three labor unions that helped this president get elected and it is time they repealed the mandate for employers, not individuals. That makes no sense. They need to repeal the entire law. We dont need a onesizefitsall solution on Pe Health Care from washington, d. C. I dont see, governor, seriously how you can keep the individual mandate going without a verification system. Unless im completely cynical. Let me ask you. Maybe team obama wants that. They want the entire world to sign up for it so they can have the control and the fees and they really dontverification. Am i being too cynical there . No, theyve proven i think the left has always wanted a governmentrun, singlepair system. The government will dictate what pricing they can offer, what profit they can make it. This is governmentrun health care. This is a administration very comfortable with people depe dependent on the government. Were finding theyre also incompetent. They cant even, cuku execute t own bad law. We know what works in louisiana may be different from what works in wisconsin. We dont need b. C. D. C. Telling us what doctors, how we can get health care. He said he was going to provide choice in competition. Thats not happening. He said if you like your doctor or health plan, you can keep it. Thats not happening either. Its not doing anything to make health care more affordable. If he was serious, he would have allowed to us buy insurance across state lines. Give the tax breaks to the families and individuals for heavens sakes. You and i visited in washington at the National Review conference and there, among other places, you famously said the gop had become the stupid party. I dont disagree with that necessarily. All i want to ask you is this the republicans in the house are now faced with a largescale Immigration Reform bill. What is your opinion . Should they go through and try to actually pass an Immigration Reform bill . Yes, they should. One, weve got to secure our border. We talked about lets just do it. I mean the border governors in congress, not the bureaucrats in this administration saying theyve done it. Once weve done that is corre, o help folks come out of the shadows. Lets make it. Lets say well legalize them as soon as the border is secured. Lets say they cant be on government welfare programs. Lets say it will take them time before we put them on the pathway to citizenship. Say they got to learn english and were going to deport criminals. All of us had somebody in our family that came here to seek a better quality of life and seek the american dream. Thats good for those families and good for america. Thats great for our economy. The kinds of people who come here to work hard and get an education, they love america and they love the values we teach our kids not to take advantage. And its also in my humble opinion its extremely progrowth. Last one, governor. If you were on the phone tonight with House Speaker john boehner, would you then urge him to pull together a bill on Gop Health Care reform . Absolutely. We have to be for things. It starts with securing the border. Right now were training people and exporting them to other people to compete with us. Security the border first but absolutely, as a party, we cant just be the party of no. We have to be the party of solutions, growing the economy, helping the middle class. Really thank you very much, louisiana government bobby jindal. I appreciate it. Its great to see you, i appreciate it. How accurate are reports saying that obama care is a raw deal for young people and a reason for doctors to quit health care all together . The great outdoors. And a great deal. Thanks to dad. Nope eeeeh. Oh, guys lets leave the deals to hotels. Com. Ooh that one nice. Got it oh my gosh this is so cool. Awesome perfect yep, and no angry bears. The Perfect Place is on sale now. Up to 40 off. Only at hotels. Com why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to your doctor. This is the age of taking action. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. If youre young and healthy, take note your Health Care Premiums are set to rise under obama care. And dont just take my word for it. Thats from a new report by the Government Accountability office. It gets worse. If you do get sick, it could become harder to find a doctor. Thats because a new survey confirms that physicians are indeed quitting or plan to retire because of the hugely Unpopular Health care bill. Lets join a surgeon at mount sinai help and our old friend betsy mccoy, author of beating obama care. Betsy, theres a lot of interesting stuff in this gao study. If youre a 30yearold in reasonably good health and youre making 35,000 a year, you dont qualify for any subsidy you have to pay 2,039 for the worst plan out there and they will not sign up. The worst plan is a plan with a 5,000 deductible. So that young man who is going to write a check for over 220 every month will get nothing back. How many months before he says before writing a checks to the obama exchange, let me mike a car payment. One of the thing is the default crisis because the assisters who are going to coax people to enroll in these plans are getting paid in most states 58 per enrollee. Never mind whether the enrollee is capable of paying the premium every month or intends to pay who is tpaying it . The state exchanges. State exchanges . The federal ones, too. Just like the Mortgage Bankers who encourage you to signed up to 35 grand is not a lot of money. Theyre not going to get any subsidy at all. They need 3 million, 4 million young people to sign up to make the numbers work on the its not going to happen. Its like selling flood i insurance to desert dwellers. The young people have nothing to gain from this. Doctor, the other side the poll says its bad for doctors. The New York Times cbs had a poll that said 6052 against the program. Physicians are there to advocate on behalf of their patients, and the way the system is evolving, that is being shattered. Why is that . Why is that relationship being shattered . Its shattered because physicians usually do what they think is right. They want to prevent disease, cure disease, do diagnostic tests that are able to help their patients. When we become robots on an assembly line, where were dictated what we can do and what we cant do by some Central Planning operation in washington, d. C. Section 1311 empowers them to dictate how they treat even privately insured patients. Is that correct . Thats correct. Thats why six out of ten doctors are going to retire. Is it true in your judgment that the best and brightest young kids will not go into the medical field . They dont want to do it . Theyre smart. They hear our disappointments and frustrations, they know the investment is tremendous in terms of financial and time and they just dont see the republic wards of satisfaction and quality of life, compensation and rewards that are emotional in terms of being a practicing physician, being removed from the system. Betsy, finish this up. By the way, these Exchange Plans are not the same as people are buying from insurns broance broker. If you sign up for an exchange program, youre going to have to drive right by a prestigious hospital and doctor like this one and go to a cut throat one. So governor bobby jindal is right, this is really unworkable, thats what youre saying . Yes, it is. And its very destructive of medicine. Thats what youre saying, too . Physicians are not going to throw show up. I wish we had more time. Its the great Interest Rate debate. Home building stocks got planned. One builder blamed it on rising Interest Rates. But rising rates could be signaling economic growth. Just look at car sales. Next up, were going to debate it. Wi drive a ford fusion. Who is healthier, you or your car . I would say my car. Probably the car. Cause as you get older you start breaking down. I love my car. I want to take care of it. I have a bad wheel i must say. My car is running quite well. Keep your car healthy with the works. 29. 95 or less after 10 mailin rebate at your participating ford dealer. So you gotta take care of yourself . Yes you do. You gotta take care of your baby . Oh yeah all right. Look, you got a strong recovery in housing and autos so how are rising Interest Rates impacting those sales . Listen to what a few Real Estate Brokers had to say. It has gotten a lot quieter, which is a shame because historically the rates are very low still. Ive heard some people say thats going to cut down on business because people are going to say i missed the boat, im going to hold off, im not going to purchase. Its having a Chilling Effect of the overall temperature of the market. Its coming down from white hot to red hot. Theres still so many buyers and so little inventories, a lot of people are bidding on the good properties. Top home builder d. R. Horton said theyre a little shocked and disturbed by the fact that rates have moved up from where they are. I think theres too much whining going on. Thats my take. Welcome Michael Pento author of the coming bond market collapse. Home building stocks are down 20 . Today they were down 7 . Are those guys whining too much are or Interest Rates really going to cut into it . Whats interesting, larry, is if you look at the home Builder Sentiment index, we had the biggest backtoback gains in june and july against this rise in rates in 21 years. So that would tend to lend an element of whininess to it, if you will. So i dont believe these rates while certainly there is some sticker shock, shes rates are extraordinarily low. Theyre just going back to levels weve averaged since the expansion again, about 270, which is where we are at the moment. We used to buy mortgages at 5 , 8 , 10 . In other words, the data points are strong. And many times many times rising Interest Rate, if theyre driven by real gdp which is not the case now, you have a signal of a bullish economy. The lyninchpin for economic recovery was the market. Home prices according to the n. A. R. You 13. 5 . Now on top of that Interest Rates are rising. And if the fed is going to taper in september, and i think they will, i think the tenyear goes to 4 . You want to ignore what happened with pulte homes today, year over year stock down 10 , you can do that at your peril. But rising Interest Rates occurred when . May 22nd when bernanke was in front of the joint Economic Committee and june 19th, after the fomc. There has not been one water shed economic event that either of can you point to to explain the rise in the tenyear note. Give me one. Tapering. The fact on the 22nd bernanke said we might taper sometimes this year. I agree with you on the 4 call but there is too much carry if it tends to go to 4. Otherwise were going to stabilize somewhere around 3 to 3 1 4. Thats where they were before europe collapsed. I just want to say one thing, incomes are rising 1. 1 year over year. Real disposable incomes. I looked at the jobs reports from june. Wage income proxies is rising 4. 5 with an inflation rate about 1 or a little more. In other words, if rates were rising and incomes were falling, i think that would be nasty and ugly. But if rates are rising and incomes are rising, it kind of suggests when you look at things like car sales, which are booming, front page of the wall street journal today everybody with heart beat can get a car loan, larry. Come on. The Economic Conditions here look like they are improving. Thats all im trying to say. Mike, were ganging up on you a little bit. Im used to it, dont worry about it, joe. So far this year job growth has averaged 202,000 a month since june. Thats not great but its the best showing since 05. When you have improving jobs, the wage growth tends to follow. These are parttime jobs, joe. Weve been running about a 6 rate on tax receipt. Thats a Pretty Healthy number. No matter who is right or wrong in this debate, i was interested to see unemployment claims are hovering nicely at 350,000 or a little bit less. I think thats consistent with a couple hundred thousand jobs per month. Thats where its been. Thats why im not so worried about these rising rates. If people have income from jobs, all right, i know its not enough but it is improving, then a lot of time rising rates gets them off the fence. They say i am going to buy this house because the rates may go higher or i am going to buy this car because when rates were falling, did you make the argument that people would be sitting on their hands and not buying houses . Yes. I give you credit then. Because rising rates are really people react to incentive. Lets say youre right and the tenyear goes to 4 and that drives the rate to 6 . People are saying i see the house, im going to go buy. Heres the thing about rates lets look at facts. Cancellations were up. 25 . But theyre one company and there are a few others d. R. Horton. You have higher Interest Rates, steeper curve, theres more incentive for banks to lend. Not everybody was getting a mortgage when it was at 3. The standards were very high. If we see the senior loan officer survey dont ask it and dont answer it. I got to get out. Michael pento and joe, we appreciate it. Now, i always say corporate profits are the mothers milk of stocks. What are the earnings reports telling us about those profits . Well look at it when we come back. Im kudlow, please stay with us. Meet the newest member of the quicken loans family j. D. Power and associates has ranked quicken loans highest in the nation in customer satisfaction. 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The earnings. 68 beat. And the actual earnings increased, the actual earnings increase is running up close to 8 . That may not last but thats the actual increase. So what do you think . I think not bads a fair way to put it. Its not bad but in the context of very lowered expectations. You go back to where earnings numbers were back in march, theyve come down quite a bit. Mostly because people realize the economy is not rebounding as fast as we thought it would back in january. But companies are beating expectations because theyre doing a very good job, as they have been the last few years, of managing that bottom line. Capital goods came out, core capital goods, aircraft, military and so forth, Third Straight monthly gain. Lets see 7. 5, i dont know. Almost 10 increase at an annual rate. Now, if we get investment spending, Capital Spending by companies, thats got to be optimist beiic for jobs, income profitability. I an if still. The one part of the economy thats healthy is the corporate sector. They have the wherewithal to spend. If they open their pocketbook, it will be very bullish for the economy, help us get out of this 2 regime weve been stuck in the last four years. So where do we go from here in the stock market . I dont want to prod you. I dont think things are as bad as some people think. From your standpoint, what is the strategy . I think the strategy should remain overweight equities. The economy is healing, a slow recovery but it is getting better. Stocks are still cheap relative to bonds, including broad definitions, international stocks. I feel a lot better being overweight equities than having a large position in bonds and cash. I was just doing back of the envelope, lord knows. 15 times earnings, basically the s p 500. Its a 6. 7 forward rning yield. You got a 260 treasury and a 5 1 4 baa investment grade. Near 7 earns beats the bonds story by a lot. I think thats exactly the right calculation and youre right to focus on the Corporate Credit rather than treasury because the treasury is artificial live low. That spread is still very wide. Its positive compared to what it was in the 8 0z and 90s and lot of last decade. On a relatively basis, stocks look cheap because bonds, expensive. But which stocks are cheap . If you take a look at technology, many of those stocks are trade being at discount to the s p 500. And also yield compound and annual growth rate of 5 to 10 over the next five years. Think is a really important point. The thing about the first part of the year, people bought stocks that looked like bonds, utilities, they wanted low volatility and yield nap part of the market did get expensive. If youre looking at the back half of the year, cyclicals look cheapers, large cap as opposed to small caps. There are some head winds but long term theres value there. Ford Motor Company reporting very good earnings and quoted in the paper about booming car sales. They said, interestingly, asia, china and even latin america are recovering nicely and europe is less bad. Now thats from a car sales standpoint. Whats less bad . Heck, less bad becomes good when it comes to europe and these other markets are okay. Were not the only one growing nap could bode well. It could. What are the parts of the economy, the market that will most benefit from that is going to be some of the cyclical sectors. You mentioned technology. Companies like intel, they generate 80 of their revenue from abroad. If china stabilizes, many of the Tech Companies are beneficiaries. Now, it looks like the race to replace ben bernanke is down to Larry Summers and janet yellen. Maybe were looking at two peas from the same liberal pod. Well get our experts to way in on summers versus yellen in just a moment. I made you something. I made you something, too. See you next summer. 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These seem to be the two frontrunners among the possible contenders to replace ben bernanke but neither of them believe in clear monetary rules, neither of them have a history of targeting king dollar or gold or commodities or nominal gdp. I dont know. Are they two peas from the same liberal pod or are there real differences between the two . Lets bring in ben steele, author of the battle of brenenwoods and jim path koukis. Tell me what the differences are. Jimmy p. Thats the wrong way to look at it. I would look at it like pre and post. We didnt know much about what Larry Summers thought about Monetary Policy. To me hes a prefinancial crisis thinker about Monetary Policy, doesnt think the fed can do much when Interest Rates are very low. Theres i didnt say precrisis thinking. Yellen is a procrisis thinker who thinks a couple time every couple hundred years you need to i think she does believe in a nominal growth whoa when Larry Summers was in the treasury department, we had a low rate and strong fiscal policy. All of that changed when he went to work for president obama. Who is the real Larry Summers . I think somewhere in the middle. The next fed chairman will not be taking over until early next year and he or she will be in place until probably after 2020. Unless theres an Economic Disaster next year, most of that will be taken up taper and tightening. Here i think summers has an advantage over yellen. Is that because you think he would be a tighter fed chairman and she would be more dovish . Thats right. Summers has been generally quiet about Monetary Policy but he also a made some negative comments about the efficacy of qe3. I think Larry Summers, you know what he would like . This is music to obamas ears. He would like more fiscal stimulus. He doesnt believe the fed much can do much when Interest Rates are low. He wants more stimulus. I think thats who i dont want at the fed right now, when i still think the central bank could be doing a lot, maybe doing a lot more through expectations, communications. Whos ahead . I hear summers but its hard for me to believe obama wont appoint the first woman fed chair. What should the fed do right now . Should it be more dovish or should it be tighter . My problem with qe3 is not the size of the asset purchases, larry, its the composition. I dont believe the fed should be mucking around in the Mortgage Markets and thats where i think the big mistake has been made. If you look at what happened in june after bernankes taper comments, half of the decline in the 30year Mortgage Rate that we had seen since the fed began its mortgage purchases in 2009 was eliminated almost overnight. That sort of volatility we would not see if sectoral credit allegation was were left to the treasury. Jim pet kukis, i have five seconds. Could summers got confirmed . If he does, it will be the narrowest vote in history. Thank you. Thats for this evenings show. Im larry kudlow. Well be back tomorrow night. Eno the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Has oats that can help lower cholesterol . And it tastes good . Sure does wow. Its the honey, it makes it taste so. Well, would you look at the time. Whats the rush . Be happy. Be healthy. Could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401 k to hidden fees. 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Is it someone that covets them and wants to own them

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