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Given that i base almost all of my work on fundamental factors related to the companies i study and not the shape of their charts, the off the charts segment is for my traditional stock picki methods its proven to get a i lot of people involved. Not for a minute as i explain and get rich carefully where i devote a whole chapter to charting have i become a chartist i still single out stocks to study the fundamentals, the research, the annuals, and i overlay them on my broader world view at the moment charters could care less about this stuff they often dont care what the company does i wonder if they can do their jobs with the companys names blacked out. In fact im sure they can. Some of them hate the distraction for fear it would bias them against the stocks chart. You imagine . Ive become pretty proficient at charting over the years, but i still rely on the work of technicians and to learn techniques i can in turn teach you. Thats why tonight i am picking the best of the best charts of some of the best technicians we have worked with exploring the patterns that have become reliable im pretty astonished at how accurate they can be i guess you have to call me a longterm believer thats why ive started every saturday morning for the last 30 years reading the trend line daily action stock charts formerly on paper, now on electronic distribution. They can take hundreds of charts and match the charts with the patterns i have learned. And they go for the research most available and become segments on the show you see later in the week. Why do the charts work people always want to know first you must consider them as if they are footprints at the scene of a crime they trace out what big Money Managers might be doing with buying and selling of dollars. These portfolios with large funds often know more than others including you and me, the charts of where their money goes, the charts of the stocks put together clues that these big boys leave second reason to care, theres a remarkable selffulfilling nature of charting stocks. So many professionals look at them that they will simply avoid charts and find stocks to own, stocks with charts that are pressing positive moves in the past dont i know it . When i worked with karen cramer, she would look at the charts each morning seeking ones that stood out as potential breakouts and breakdowns and then have me research the ones with most predictable patterns to get a hand on what might really be being on weve got some of our best idea from some of those brain storming sessions. To produce excellent short and long term results. All of charting tstarts with th internals. Patterns about stocks in the aggregate that give you cliues o the direction of the entire stock market there has been tremendous skepticism about any advance of stocks i believe the systemic risks have been reduced, i know each rally creates a worrisome set of risks. Maybe you fear youre coming in at a level that could turnout to be lets say too late, too high. You will lose money either way Technical Analysis includes analyzing to help you determine the overall drirection of the market more important than ever that it might be influenced by the tug of the s p everything hinges on putting together the charts of individual companies and the charts of bigger averages to create comparisons that elucidate and illuminate conclusions about true market strength theyre looking what is known as confirmation of a move to detect its legitimacy i think confirmations are incredibly important to the safety of a move they need to be explained closely. The most important and obvious confirmation, lets say the dow jones average hits a new high. Historically that high will not be sustainable unless the dow jones transportation index also hits a high or confirms the breakout status of the dow itself the dow jones transportation index is a measure of commerce tracking trains, planes, trucks, Freight Forwarding really isnt that a good gauge both the industrials and the transports hit new highs, i often tell you that the move is legitimate and it can be trusted. It is real this is some of the oldest Technical Work dating back to charles dow, the founder and editor of the wall street journal who created the dow theory to validate rallies you often hear at the top of the show they like how the transports are acting. Thats because im trying to see if the move is staying power in order to bless it. I look at a host of other indicators the housing index, i look at the Semi Conductor and the rth. Thats that allimportant etf that encompasses the big retailers. Like to see them move up in sync before i bless a market move for you. You have to put the maximum amount of chips on the table oh, boy, but is the inverse true if we get a move, a move up without confirmation from the majority of these, the whole rally could be a fakout. And cant be trusted the classic example, if you go back to the move up to record highs before the great recession, you wont notice something pretty incredible if you go back and study it you will notice that there was almost no participation among the financials, the retailers, or the techs Technical Analysis got you out of that market before it was too late if you followed those indicators did much better than the fundamentals what are the other internals i look at . I analyze the advances and figure out whether the rally is too concentrated i like a market with good breath or a lot of participation by many different groups. I look at the new high, new low ratio. It isnt easy to get on the new high list. Second, the sectors got to be strong third, larger forces, the federal reserve, interest rates, politics to be aligned to make stoc stocks successful to get on that list you run the gauntlet, you have a good stock, a stock i probably want to buy. And if there are a lot of stocks in the new high list for many different industries, thats actually a terrific sign heres the bottom line you may not be a technician, but you need to know what the charts are saying you need to know how to read the internals to verify a real move or a phoney one. Stay tuned and well go over a whole host of predictive patterns, not just on the off the charts today, but in stock collection every single day. Jim in michigan, jim hi. How are you . Thanks for taking my call. Of course thrilled that you called whats sn whats up. Caller i got a question for you. In the segment you were talking about secular stocks can you define for me once again what a secular stock and maybe give me an example or two . Certainly look, this is is a very important issue because its a term that gets thrown around secular means is something that does not need the Gross Domestic Product of the world to increase in order for it to be able to beat the numbers some of the classic secular grower stocks would be some of the bio techs, some of the retailers that have terrific growth gary in california, gary caller mr. Cramer boo ya to you. My question is regarding dividends in a down market search f. You search if youre accumulating dividends, is it better to reinvest in a down market or to take the money as cash and then possibly reinvest that in other opportunities . You see, we dont know when a down face is going to end and we know the power of compounding is an amazing thing were going to stick always on this show, i know it sounds pretty pedestrian, but were always going to opt in favor of re reinvestment because fortunes have been made ive got to go with that regardless of the near term consequences because im thinking long term for you fundamentals, theyre a key. But technicals matter too. Tonight im bringing you into the world of master mind chartists so you can learn to see the whole picture behind the stock moves. We know the charts important, but what technical tool can help you detect floors and ceilings im revealing it how can you tell if a company is over bought or over sold and mixes patterns isnt only for fashion. Im highlighting the patterns worth banking when it comes to investing. So why dont you stick with cramer dont miss a second of mad money. Have a question . Tweet kramer madtweets send an email to cnbc. Com or give us a call 800743cnbc missed something he head to madmoneycnbc. Com for years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. We do business where you do business. Kramer cram. Tonight we are offering the best of the best of Technical Analysis onestop shop of everything you need to know to augment your investing with that of some of the best chartists in the land lets work on something thats been the province of the best chart work on the show spotting bottoms for best entry points and examining sealinceils for the best places to exit or sell when you pick individual stocks youre betting from the moment you buy them that theyre going to go higher i know, Pretty Simple concept. How often do you fundamental work on a company and try to figure if its the right decision to pull the trigger because your homework is finished and it might be a terrible time and youre buying oblivious to the stock my homework is done. Let go buy maybe its not the right moment. After all the work ive done, youre short sided if you dont do all the homework. Its not just the right time since youve done the homework i would consider looking at the chart as part of the homework. Get that in your head. Get it ingrained into your thinking sometimes fining bottoms after long declines can be lucrative lets go back to the bottom of 2009 i had a sense the decline philosophy was lessening i had already heard mark haines make the bottom call based on his innate feeling i know my friend doug who writes with me, sometimes known as being an aggressive bear had turned positive. I was still skittish about picking any individual stock to recommend to you so i was looking for a situation that seemed about as bulletproof as i could find. I came up with at t, the phone company. It had so much going for it. Go back in the way back machine. Included a smashing rollout of the apple iphone which was going to produce record profits. Had an outside and yield 6. 2 . The yield was much higher than any stock in the dow still, though, the stock kept plunging every time i thought it might affirm footing i had done my research, thought it was time to buy no no check the chart. So i waited for a few days and decided that at least the level might be right and the stock would hold in moments like its best to check with the charter i did. They all agree if found a Strong Foundation and was worth considering for an investment. They didnt care at all about the fundamentals all four technicians agree that at t had established what is known as a climax low at 21 back in the tsunami of selling that was this period. You just have to understand that we are at one of those moments that was so hideous. You can see the big lift in stock. I dont want to give away the story. Thats where lots of sellers had ca pit lated but buyers had started to step up to create a base. See the extendedbase or floor of the stock at that level. They arrived at that judgment by looking at the volume, the sum of all the transactions during that period had expanded to a level far in excess of normal periods trading. Then boom, take a look at that. L thats a sign the buyer his exhausted themselves most of the big portfolios wanted out of the stock. They had fled it by now. The buyers step up to meet the supply with a level of demand. Think of it like this. Until you got the climax, there were so many more sellers than buyers that they knocked the stock down bad tomb to buy. Climax is a sign those potential sellers who have been holding on for some time are finally giving up on mass big give up. Remember technicians dont care why that would be the case theyre just monitoring price and buying when they see that buying gets larg larger expans but the stock doesnt go down it means its found its floor. Its time to buy its safe. Thats thats the basic. Thats going to happen when a stock takes out resistance overhead okay to examine the possibilities of a stock the technicians dont just look at the Closing Price and the graft that price against the previous days or weeks, they dont just look and say that looks good, that looks bad. Thats not helpful it doesnt yield a true picture. Instead technicians use what is known as a moving average. A moving average is formed by taking the Closing Prices of a stock over a period of time and then adding those prices up and then dividing those prices by the days and particular measured period im doing everything tonight im breaking it down you can measure a moving average over a ten day period. Each subsequent day you add in the new close and drop off the earliyest price to get the sum of the ten day measuring period. The four technicians i checked in with for at t, they used a longer tem view. They noticed even though at t had found a floor at the 21 level, that the stock had repeatedly bounced off of, it kept failing meaning couldnt get through, failing to move up above the 200 Day Moving Average. They had plot today and done the same amount of work. That created what looked to be a ceiling. See the sealing . Theres nothing you do they felt every time it got there, the stock was capped. Then at least, at t cracked through the ceiling of resistance and thats the 200 Day Moving Average that was the signal that was the signal that at t could generate a great trade or investment the old roof became a new floor. Heres your new floor. Every time the moving average went above the old roof, it would create the possibility of a new floor. Then the stock would come back and test that floor. That pattern emboldens buyers t. Didnt go back to where that climax low was it held. Looking back at the beautiful bottoming that we see here with at t, it now seems like child plays, doesnt it . Of course its not going down. At that moment it was anything but easy at the same time these analysts were saying the bottom is in and it was time to buy, the fundamental analysts were scared out of their wits. They were all scared to death right here some were even worrying about pension obligations that could cause the dividend to be slashed. Something that was way, way wrong. But it scared the heck out of me remember how many were in the stick for the dividend it cause today blast off heres the bottom line when you see this kind of reliable pattern, despite what the fundamental analysts might be saying, you have to use the discipline that they give you to pull the trigger and take advantage of a fabulous buying opportunity that might be overlooked after the market take a real shellacking after the break ill try to make you more money experience unparalleled luxury at the lexus golden opportunity sales event before it ends. Choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for 299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. You. Smells fine, but yourin your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with Odorclear Technology cleans away odors. For up to 30 days smells nice. Breathe happy, with new febreze. Capitulate shella. Welcome back to our special technical show the next crucial thing for technicians, whether stock is over bought or over sold and maybe ready for bounce you determine whether a stock is overbought or oversold by charting the ratio of higher closes also known as the relative strength index or rsi. It measures the direction the stock is going and the vels on tee of the move. Perhaps the relative strength of its sector or that of a larger index. Were also looking for anomalies where strength stands out. Thats the sign of a pending move perhaps a switch we wouldnt know if we just read the research on the stock. I often turn to bob lang and tim collins both of whom have done work on this topic many technicians vary the length of time over which they measure. Collins like to use shorter periods of time. Ten days, two weeks. Theyre looking for any pattern that reverses the action of the previous period because thats the sign that a breakout or a breakdown of some magnitude might be upon on they love strong relative strength situations. But they also like to time their buys after pull backs to get that better entry point. Theycal really care about bases. Over bought stocks are ones with many buy ares reaching to take in supply tend to snap back if theyve gotten too far away from their longer term tend line. The inverse can be true too. A stock can fall so far so fast you expect a snap back because its oversold. We see these patterns constantly theyre indicators that a change in direction is about to occur these are terrific action points, people if you are debating buying a stock after youve done all the research, i usually tell you to wait for a pull back it almost always comes thats because theyve done enough chart work to know the vast majority of stocks over shoot directions and come back to entry or exit points. Retracing is not necessarily negative charting though is tricky. Periodically some stocks are so strong they breakthrough all the ceilings of all traditional significant measurement periods and then they stay over bought for perhaps weeks at a time defining the trading patterns that trap them within the bands of extreme just cant be contained by any of the various ceilings that overbought conditions usually bump into and come crashing down from when you spot these highly unusual moves, you know what you may have to strap yourself in to get a real moon shot lets take a look at this one. This is what i mean. This is rare but when it happens, its big money. We saw it occur in july of 2009 as Dan Fitzpatrick pointed out to me using a momentum indicator that helped spot a bottom this time in Las Vegas Sands. The summer stock of Las Vegas Sands had stalled at the 10 falling every time it hit. Just not working but when the bulls finally broke out there was no stopping them and the stock gained its strength thats a very rare pattern you see this thing it just stayed over bought which told you good things were going to be ahead. It never retreated as you would have expected. Buyers wouldnt quit despite the stock being overbought that is a sign the strongest kind of positive move in the back might be taking place at any given time id expect a pull back, but no you had that gigantic long term over bought. This stock proceeded to go from 10 to 48 pretty much in a Straight Line with no substantive pull back to speak of over bought condition that can stay overbought is a golden opportunity for a huge move. Take him right back to being overbought again i like to marry the fundamentalist of the chart so im not dependent on the pictorial. What was happening that it was able to stay overbought . Thats when the chief locust of profits went from being vegas to mccow, the only place in china gambling is legal. The charts told you about the transformation well ahead of the wall street analysts who were still dazed we had such a horrendous decline they werent thinking about that here the chartests were thinking theres buyers lurking we often say that volume is a lie detector telling us whether move is for real or not. When there is a small move on white volume, the technicians ignore it. When there is a small move on heavy volume, the chartists drill down laser like to see if its a precursor to something bigger and more tradeable. Chartists are looking for either accumulation on big volume meaning large Money Managers begin to a accumulate stock in an aggressive way or distribution thats a sin no nim for selling of a stock they measure the moves by something called accumulation distribution line. When the calculation of the accumulation destruction line is arcane charting whether its lower or higher on any given day, i care passionately about t because it can go against the grain of conventional think being stock. Thats why i love charts they go against the fundamentals sometimes theyre right. We saw them being right in monsanto in july of 2012 this is one i completely got wrong. Thank heavens for the chart. I didnt care for this stock at the time i didnt like gmos i was kind of biased tim collins saw it another way he said the accumulation distribution line showed while the stock had down bdays, you ha low lies and then heavy volume on the up days collins noted such a consistent persistent accumulation or buying pattern versus the distribution or selling pattern convinced him that large funds were billing positions to own the stock long term. Not to rent it for a quick move t. Turns out that what i didnt see, what i was so confused about was that monsanto stock had started to be correlated with the price of corn which was going higher back then because of new found demand for ethanol and jegender by government price supports i was concerned about earnings and was worried about a shortfall and wasnt thinking big picture but the charts showed you big picture the work of collins told you not to fear. It was showing you that something bigger was developing than just the quarterback. He was dead right. And a stock that i would have kept you out of turned out to be a big winner when corn shot up taking monsanto stock and its earnings with it the big boys knew the relationship with corn and monsanto business. You were able to piggy back off their research which isolated the real underlying strength of the stock. I got smoked he sold. Bottom line. We need to look at lots of different indicators to spot big moves. Over bought oversold levels to spot important turns that might not be visible otherwise to those of trying to spot changes in the fundamentals. Pou powerful moves can and often do elude those only focused on the Underlying Companies and not the action of the stocks themselves. Lets go to dan in illinois. Dan. Caller cramer, thank you for demist tiifying the market and helping us make it accessible. Thats what i want. I want everybody to understand their money. Thats my goal how can i help thank you im wondering if i start with a small position in a stock, a company i like and the stock just keeps going up, the most it comes down is maybe 2, 2. 5 , how can i get a more sizable stake someone says you missed it. Discipline will cut off the down side which is far more important than cutting off the upside. If you bought a position in stock and it just kept going higher and you didnt get anymore, well, its a trade and you got to take it i know people dont want to hear that, but when you violate your basis and pay up, i can show you for years and years and years for my trusts, i have done the work it is almost always a mistake. Chartists use all different types of indicators to spot big moves. That helps them stay ahead of the game and now youre ahead too much more mad money ahead. Head and shoulders isnt only used for preventing dandruff youre not going to want to miss my take on the dynamic got a burning question im taking your tweets tweet me jimcramer. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Weve learned a lot tonight about the key terms of tectical analysis now lets learn about some of the individual charts. Even some of the patterns almost sound silly as if theyre mimicking letters or shapes or even body parts. I learned not to ignore one of the most simple but by far the most reliable patterns out there. The dreaded head and shoulders pattern. Took a giant bath in red ink because of that illinformed or early buy. You learn from my mistakes we didnt become exnanamored ofe great works. More in proprietary forms of aluminum, something when it was announced to split into two separate Companies Take a look at alcoa enjoyed a healthy run for the winner of 2010 right up until february of 2011 rising from 13 up to 17 as its earnings trajectory seemed to have turned around not long after the stock hit 17 it took a dive back to 15. No reason i could discern. Then it reversed and went back to 17. Then up to 18 on the eve of the Quarterly Report i thought the quarter when it was announced was a fine one beating both the top and bottom lines. Most of the time thats what you can ask for. What worried me was after a positive reaction the stock dropped down to 16 16 and change. On the news of that better than expected quarter few days later tlrks , there we, back to 17 i felt almost vindicated go back and challenge the 18 level. So i went and bought more. I went and bought more right there. Well, could i have been more wrong . I dont think so because that 17 to 15 dive represented on the chart as a point a and b then followed the run to c, 18, back to 16, d, finally 17, e. You know what that is . Thats a perfect head and shoulders pattern. Yeah just like a humans head that is it that is the most frightening pattern in the entire chart book and alcoa traced it out just when i thauought we were out of the woods. What happened . Europe and china began their slow downs he could control his own company but not the price of the co mod dee itself still it was aluminum. Over the next new years they could re that came after the completion of the brutal head and shoulders pattern from a few years before, one that cost the trust quite a pretty penny one of the things i admire about technician system their consistency. If a head and shoulders pattern signals trouble, an inverse signals the opposite at the beginning of 2013 lots of people thought the economy was taking off, running toward the food and drug stocks running toward the cyclicals the kind of rotation, that kind is usually the death nail for stocks that go higher only when the economy is slowing however, tim collins in an off the chart segment said you ought to take a hard look at pfizer. The Worlds Largest Pharmaceutical Company would be the kind of company i would shun i would normally never touch this when the economy is speeding up. But if you take a look at this chart, you see that pfizer traced out a Left Shoulder as it rallied through the month of october and then started declining aggressively in november and then december it caught a rally. And then a pull back to create the right shoulder the key with that is the neckline when a stock breaks out above that line it tells a technician you are about to witness a big big move pfizers neckline was at 25. 80. And collins predicted if you take out that neckline it could be in for a monster run. Begin that money was pouring out of staples and drug stocks, i was con founded by this reverse head and shoulders pattern i didnt trust it one bit. I knew it was a bad stock. But collins said rotations smotations, close your eyes and buy this talk. It was inconceivable sure enough, he was right. I was wrong. The stock almost instantly jumped more than 10 after collins told me to buy it. Soon after he flagged this bullish reverse right here, the huge drug company tried to spin off its Animal Health division it was a shocker into a new and publicly traded company in a move that ultimately created 15 billion in value who knew the chart did. Heres the bottom line patterns matter. When you see head and shoulders pattern, no matter how confident you might be, dont take any chances, sell, sell, sell at least some of it and when you see head and shoulders developing, even if it makes no sense, youve got to consider buying some thats how powerful these moves are. The chart work on these two patterns is vindicated for more often than the skeptics would ever think possible. Stay with cramer experience advanced Safety Technology at the lexus golden opportunity sales event before it ends. Choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for 299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. You myour joints. Thing for your heart. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Tactical tac we run the gamut of Technical Training on this special show, including some of the basic patterns like head and shoulders and reverse head and shoulders that often press big down and up moves. Those arent the only chart patterns that can be relied on to tell us the truth when the fundamentals give us little insight into the direction of stocks one chart weve come to love on mad money is whats known as the cup and handle pattern weve seen it so often its been so reliable ive use today to keep myself in stocks i might have been turned off on or shaken out by. Take the stock of cramer f favorite dominos. We got behind when it was traded down to ten and was feeling greedy when it traded up to 30. It began to drift down i hate these kinds of turning situations on no news. Why . Because im always paranoid to believe something might be happening and i dont know about and other guys do. When the analysts are iffy and the company isnt talking. Thats when the technicians are most needed. So ed, one of our favorite chartists, and asked for his help to define if dominos moment had now come and gone heres what he sent us at the time when we reached out the stack had gbegun to drift back up we would have blessed telling you to sell. We thought the thrill might have been going maybe ring the register make the big gains. So tempting right there. No in fact, he told us to do the opposite that little advance was sign that he needed that all was well you had to loload the boat up w stock. He was anxious to show us why. With that return back up to 36, dominos was tracing out a perfect cup and handle formation. Thats right a pattern we have found as reliable as head and shoulders in predict ability, total launching pad for a much bigger move you caught the beginning of the cup at 36, then sloped down to 28 where the base of the cup was. I was really nervous right there. He told me not to be the stock then climbed back to 36. Create the right side of the club then we got a 37 and that would be the beginning of a handle that almost always signals a much higher move it always goes like. Very reliable. Sure enough, his work nailed it. Dominos received a double and then some from the base of the cup cup. This was positive action dominos right there, what they were doing, they were embracing technology the web and the cell phone, facebook, eliminate order takers let customers place orders on the net. We will have left a minimum of a double on the table if it wrr werent for his guides when i was concerned about monster beverage thought it run out of room, couldnt go higher i needed a chartist to give me the skinny i heard red bull of the crimping monster and there was the possibility of regulatory intervention in the Energy Drink Business always deadly. Ed set me straight check this one out he said that for months the stock of monster had been bouncing off its 100 Day Moving Average. Every time it looked like it was going down, right, it rebounded. Look at. This rebound, rebound, rebound. He said that mon ter was straysitracin out a series of triangles also known as a when the stock hits the new line of resistance it punches right there he said anytime you get these formations which are short term consolidations that are prelude to a continuation pattern, you do not have to worry about a stock running on empty as a matter of fact, buy with both hands stock at 49, then proceeded to jump to 79 con founding the nay sayers ultimately tied up in coke ca col la showing that Energy Drinks are here to stay. Once again i would have been shaken out of this stocks move if it werent for him and his chart hand holding there are a lot of variations of these different triangle formations look at this chart big move up. Citigroup. Everybody hate today in june, 20 the lows kept getting higher but the high stayed the same he loved this. This is whats known as a wedge pattern. Collins finds it reliable. Weve also had tremendous success following the works of callin you cant not mention her on this show. The queen uses patterns found in nature we also like the work of carly garner who uses work from the Trading Commission to examine when too many hedge funds are leaning the wrong way on a commodity. They can kcoexist make peace with them both and youll make more money than if youre blind to one more than the other and certainly to both. Mad money back after the break. A used car, hey, in charts youre looking for trends, finding big moves and the meaning behind them on twitter it can also tell you a lot. Today im counting some of your top tweets to see whats trending of the first up we have a feel good tweet. Thank you for all the good advice thanks to your books and hard work saving and investing, i retired at the age of 55 you know what . I want you to continue to own a lot of stocks. Youre not going to get a lot of income from other activities from other bonds stocks, compound you get that dividend. Keep reinvesting my 19yearold son wants to start saving for retirement. Do you have any advice unfortunately its boring as all get out. Start with an S P Index Fund find one with low fees, but stay put. Once they put 10,000 aside. Next, dont let the hateers get to you, jim. Periodically i get tired, too, and i get a little anxiogry and get a little feisty. This is my little zone you come into my box, youre going to have to be tackled. Im not looking the other way. Next up, you want new inves teres to max out on index funds before maxing out again, this show is incorrectly known as some sort of trading show where we dont like index funds. Were an investing show where we demand you be an index fund. Sorry for the misinterpretation by you last but not least, excited to have found the jim cramer show at a young age the guy is a genius. Value information for free i only wish my mom and dad were still alive. Then finally they could say hey, i told you, jimmy. Stay with cramer i didnt snub. I didnt mean to unless you traded back in the 1960s like i did in fifth grade. Let me start over a second right here on mad money, im jim claimer and i will see you next time. Narrator in this episode of american greed, a family at war. Michael scripps, heir to a multimilliondollar media empire, is charged with stealing millions from his mother, melissa. He sort of gets up in the morning, yawns, picks out, i think i will send myself 17,383. Narrator but for years, melissa does not even notice. She has her own issues. Melissa looks at me, goes, hi. Im melissa. Would you like to smoke some opium . Narrator and in this family, money is no object. There was talk about chartering private jets for their pets. Narrator and 90,000 goes to one night with highpriced strippers

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