There moderate economic growt d and little to know in that environment, a company with good Growth Prospects that executes wealth, should produce a positive return. When we hear from the Federal Reserve, when were in exactly that sweet spot i just described, so that while the industrial and financial dow only gained two points, the nasdaq actually declined 2. 4 . The Federal Reserve needs to raise rates by a quarter of a percent as it continues to get out of its emergency footing because theres no longer an emergency. As someone who got in this business when rates were at 14 . Im not going to sweat the program at 1 and change only younger people do that. However, we have a gigantic Cottage Industry of second guessers who constantly critique the fed and find it wanting. Frankly i find the second guessing to be totally other worldly. Think about it we have a government thats incapable of getting anything done because of strife we have horrible partisan activity, the worst since the civil war. And the shooting at the Congressional Baseball Team practice it makes you uncertain about whats going to happen in a day, let alone a week, a month, a quarter or a year. Into that dark void comes the fed. Which i think has become a paragon of predictability and legitimacy there was time that even a whisper of a rate hike would destroy the stock market but they truly amount to nonevents, nonnews events. And thats precisely whats needed to keep the stock market orderly. Notice i didnt say propel the stock market higher, i used the term orderly while its a nice by product for the bulls, its not the feds job. It might have been at some point when we had Systemic Risk in the country. Their j Janet Yellens job is getting the economy i think shes doing her job well a bump in the fed rate will be a nonevent there will always be people who ask if the economy can handle any rate hike, given how things may be weaker than we thought. There are people that ask how can rates be so low, though, given how unemployment is. Yellintried to please all and pleases none this is a bit of a confusing time we all expect that with employment more bountiful our economy would have more inflation, but we dont. One things for certain, though, despite what i regard as yellins professionalism, thats the word that comes to mind is professionalism. About all those commentators who question her judgment endlessly. Let me give you the classic example. At the beginning of the year, we all thought that president trumps agenda of lower taxes, repatriation, deregulation, with a gigantic side effect of Infrastructure Spending would cause a giant boom but when yellin made her forecast, take your time raising rates buzz that puts the market into a tail spin ask were stuck on one thing thats health care and russians. Russian, how many times a day do you read about the russians, thats what people are focused on at the same time, were knocking down longterm Interest Rates at levels thatlook like they coul go below 2 . Shes been right as rain, shes been right as rain as to what was going to happen. And she gets zero credit for negotiating the path out of the economic if yellins that great, why didnt the entire market go up i mean, honestly, have you ever heard someone say other than me that yellins been smarter than the average bear, but her entire goal has been a nonfactor, i think shes a pretty brilliant nonfactor. The s p hit a high yesterday, and hit another alltime high today. Given how weak consumer strength has been, shes judged it correctly. A nonevent that produced a little buying and a little selling, is a by product of what happened because of her actions. So with some hesitation after the rate hike news today we need a little bit of a bump in that news again for that yellin needs to re thats what the bank wants, but thats not yellin. So the bank stocks arent going to war i think its terrific they didnt get hammered. You dont take rates up 2 while you may have heard that she thought she could fool the housing market, then why did the housing stocks rally with many of them going the highest since the great ecession tech is all over itself. It is trying to adjust to concerns about apples growth and that produces a newfound Sticking Point for all tech. Bottom line is that we may want to make yellin the story, but she aint taking the bait, shes too smart. So then we returned to the regularly scheduled second guessing program, where nobody says what needs to be said thank you for being predictable and on your game, madam fed chief. Joan in new york caller jim, finally, i just want to thank you for helping me so much. Ive done so well in the stock market with all your help. Well, these are long days caller now i tell you why im calling, im calling about five below, i bought five below at 52. 23 about three weeks ago. And everything looked good, but now it came in that theyre saturated with those spinners going down in your opinion do you think i should buy more as it goes or do you think i should sell it or hold it i wanted a spinner embargo. This is a fad, and when the fad dies down, youre right, i think five below, the earnings estimates are going to come down so thats why we caught it downgrading five below today yes, i like it longterm, but i think it will go to 45, but the spinner craze is not going to last its just not. We dont need the money that bad. Lets go to craig in pennsylvania, please craig . Caller hello jim, how is it going im doing good. Caller i had a question about wix, i saw it came down off the target of about 18 , what is the longterm view on this i think these guys are really, really smart i think its possible, if you got your head around like the philadelphia phillies, its hard to think wow, this is like were going to use tonight its like baltimore is going to lose, its like st. Louis, its not a loser, wicks is a winner, i think you should hold on to it if it comes down a little bit, i would like to buy it can we stop with the spinners . Im sick of them they get on other peoples tables, they knock over the beer and i got i promise, promise, well calm down about this anyway, blocks over, spinners, stupid spinners. We took a very long day and then back to our regularly scheduled program. Should you spend your refund on shares of h r block . This stock could be a little different. See if cocacola can bubble up under new management shares of box. Should you buy ahead of itself branching out . Ive got the exclusive with the ceo. So stick with spinners and cramer wow, look at the stock of h r block go, the nations largest brick and mortar Tax Preparation Company brought the stock up nearly 2 thats 8 on the s p 500 today h r block delivered that was very impressive. Particularly after last year when the company had a not so hot tax season this year h r block got aggressive with its advertising. Good question, can they keep it up lets check in with the outgoing ceo of h r block, mr. Cobb, welcome back to mad money. Thank you for coming thank you for having me youre here on your way out, after a not so great quarter you said i got to be sure, i dont know, but you did. It was more fun to come this time we had a good year last year and i came here and said fire away, i think we have a lot of good things going, our deal with watson, pretty good on what i couldnt really go into was we had really made some strides on the expense side to drive our margin over 200 basis points, so everything came together with our financials the promotion, the campaign to get your taxes funded the de we actually delivered better than i had anticipated but i knew we were going to have to have an expense reduction, and i fl knew we were going to deliver there. Sometimes putting the money where your mouth is, the amount of stock you bought back in the last couple of years has been extraordina extraordinary. Since i have been ceo, we bought back shares and we have always told our shareholders we want to be a shareholder Friendly Company and i think we have delivered that. We always do the dividend valuation at the end of the year, because our Fourth Quarter is where it all comes down to, where the highest concentration company in the s p 500, almost 80 of our revenue occurs in our Fourth Quarter, ending april 30th we feel really great im not going to go into the details about where were headed next year. I want to go back to the watson, because you put it out there, i think that watson has struggled. What did watson do for you watson did a couple of things, first of all we put a dedicated monitor in every one of our offices, so consumers came in and taxpayers came in and could effectively watch the tax return through the eyes of watson we had bubbles there, basically all the callouts of deductions and credits you can take what also was a very nice surprise because how excited our tax they love it, our consumers love it. Its going to be better next year, but were very pleased about what it brought to our offices thisser yall. In terms of being pleased, i was pleased about what you guys do for the military and veterans and i think you should talk about that, you dont get enough credit were pretty sure were the largest tax preparer for the military, we do we actually have offices in germany and a lot of our bases overseas, we dont talk a lot about it. We have put a lot of offices right outside military bases, sometimes we can go on the base, but its very important to us that we continue this effort you were so confident and i was like, wait, you had a real sense that your ads were going to be real successful this time . Hes a real craftsman, he can carry, he can do a funny line, he can be very serious, he was great with watson, he was excited about it he was a great partner for us. We really wanted to differentiate ourselves from turbo. We talked about, we believe we can get your taxes one, maximize your credits and your refund you always call us a brick and mortar i know and i said this time, theyre also more. 40 of our returns from digital, with a strong i lived down the block from one of your bricks and mortar. We do returns the way clients want to do, we have both sides of the ball. But really this year, were really pleased with not only the price promotion, the h r block our imports of competitor, we made i easy to import from competitors right into our software, we did w2 capture from your phone right into our software, and we feel that we are really leading on this, making ease of use a part of our brand i know that this may be the last time we see you, i dont know, because its five months but what i did want to ask you is, whats your view on whether they can get any tax reform done in 2017 . We may be doing the exact same thing next year . Your guess is as good as mine one of the things i talked with members of congress is that i think its got to go a few steps at a time. When you go back to the 80s, when the Reagan Administration tried to do it, it took five years. I think the president wants a rate cut, i think that can happen, the rate cut can happen on the corporate side. Which will be great for us i think thats really should be the focus. And then test your way through to all the various deductions and credits, versus your standard deduction and the like. What a great quarter, mad moneys back after the break. Coming up, after a big down day for crude, should investors barrel their way to the oil patch . Or will their stocks soon be gone with the wind cramer takes a bold stance on energy when we return your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. With an arsenal of billion dollar brands and a new man at the top, will this American Icon serve more than 12 ounces of innovation in the last four months, the stock of cocacola has finally picked up some momentum. The soft drink titan has started transforming itself and i think the future of this new coke could be a lot brighter than most people think. Before we dig into the future of cocacola, we have to understand where this company is coming in. In recent years, cocacola stock has started to lag behind its closest competitor pepsico thats some serious underperformance in a world where youre only as good as your record says you are the reason a lot has to do with the global shift away from soda, which is cocacolas bread and butter cocacola has become the slowest growing company around cocacola has partnered up in the Monster Energy market. Despite these moves, the Companies Sales just stagnated, which brings me to the big regime change at the top of the company, the ceo announced his retirement, with the ceo job going to kent larsen cocacola has started to outperform the broader stock market, and its even started outpacing the red hot stock of pepsico. So are we going to see some sort of nation turn around here should we call this a new coke or given that new coke was such a disaster, maybe we returned to cocacola classic. The Biggest Group of Analysts Group a major annual con fab for all sorts of cocacola laid out a whole series of initiatives to try to transfor the company. First of all cocacola wants to take a new approach to carbonated beverages, the new goal is to dominate the most valuable part of the Beverage Market pepsico is going to keep taking smaller brands and ramping them up internationally, and theyre going to continue to they also like the small sizes, at the same time cocacola knows that it needs to make its Core Products healthier, if it wants to take more market share is reduce the products sugar content. They need to label the nutritional information to make the product more enticing, well, not really but theres a growing trend for no sugar or low sugar added. They want to refranchise their bolling business getting rid of the bottlers definitely makes sense because thats a low margin, low Growth Business thats not particula y ly attractive. On top of that, the company also talked about embracing a leaner operating model. We know its about doing a better job of hiring and managing Performance Plus the new cocacola wants to bet heavily on digital when the Company Reported in midapril, it had weaker than expected earning, but they delivered 3 on organic growth and thats not bad at all. The companys having some success with its low sugar efforts, cocacola zero sugar, they acquired a soy based cocacola in south america plus knockout, which is what we call on wall street the ko signal all told the company is set to genera generate 8 billion in savings. While its good that the companys finally making bold moves, my view, huhuh, i think its better than that, maybe its taking cocacola too long to calibrate stuff the leanest structure it has had in ages, the problems will floe right through to the bottom line in a much fatter way than i think people realize the company understands that it needs to find ways to win in a world where many consumers just dont want to drink soda anymore. Can the ceo actually deliver on these turn around moves . Cutting costs, thats going on the ongoing, a big to do list. But you know what . I dont think that the ceo would have let quincy take over if he didnt believe the guy has what it takes, moreover, if i know kent, and i think i do, hes giving quincy the best hand possible, as part of his graciousness, hes a gracious man, and his desire to make things as easy on quincy as possible unfortunately, its still tee early to tell how different the new coke will be, sure they have started solving the companys long standing problems, but they do have a long way to go more important from my perspective, the stock from cocacola h cocacola. Its very difficult for me to endorse cocacola when pepsico has been the superior company for so long. But coke has a chance to gain a larger market share, but pepsico has had it for a long time pepsicos ceo one of the best i have ever seen i think cocacola is worth watching if you think the transformation is going to happen if you want to buy coke now and wait for a pull back, you have my blessing, i think the companys set up for a good 2018 and you may have to start buying now to get those gains lets go to gerry in florida caller you have one of the most entertaining and useful shows on television, i think you should nominated for an emmy an emmy man, you should tell that to my wife, shes sick of me, maybe it will help. Caller i was sitting having my cereal the other day, my great grains, it tasted so good, i was wondering if the stock was any good i dont have a good start every day, but i really like it. An the granola, i dont want to buy post necessarily, i would prefer to see you in pepsico we all have our favorite cells, and we champion them, breakfast of champions caller first i want to say thank you for all you do i want to say thank you for teaching frank everything he knows. My question is about mattel, i have owned the stock for threequarters, and i used to love the dif lends, up until today. But today the dividend was 2. 3 . Do you think i should hold on or sell at this point okay, heres the problem, a lot of times i would say maybe its going to be a good turn around my take is this, we have got this stock, it is called hasbro, it is run by mr. Goldner, who is doing a remarkable job, i think its the best Growth Stocks of all time why do i need that buy for mattel, im going for hasbro coke is a company that could be worth watching, but i still like pepsico but i believe theres a chance to make money here microsoft google, theyre like frenemies. And is it time to call the end of oil some people are. Im giving the crude reality on oil. Then well have the lightning round so stick with cramer. Thanks to the recent pull back in tech, i think youre getting a chance to buy some of the highest Quality Companies at lower prices than they were trading just last week take box, heres a stock thats run up more than 30 year to date, bouied by some very strong First Quarter reports. I think its become pretty intriguing, box reported a Strong Quarter at the end of may. A smaller than expected earnings lost, even better, this morning, the Company Announced a new offering, box drive that could be a game changer for people who have been slow to move to the cloud and want to keep working from their desk top, giving you nearly unlimited file storage. Hightech Growth Stocks have seemed to gone out of favor for the moment lets talk to the chairman and ceo of box explain the significance of this new product, individuals say its incredibly easy to download, only takes a few minutes, and could not only accelerate the move to the cloud but boxs revenues. It allows you to access your files on your desk top directly from box even if you have files on the cloud, you can bring them right down to your mack or your win w windows computer Storage Infrastructure that allows them access to the files in their legacy storage. And then be able to access it in the same way they have been. This really is going to be, i think the final nail in the on premises storage and content management coffin. So it further bolsters our position at the cloud content management leader. That really gains the experience for all of our customers. A few years ago i was at dream force, and i listened to drop box, and they had a very similar product to what you just described it seems it was kind of like the idea you bubble it up from the individual to the enterprise, its hard for me to understand the valuation disparity from box, especially if your valuation is positive from drop boxes, maybe you can explain it because i cant explain it its hard to compare to their private valuation, but i would say obviously were very, very focused on the enterprise, we now have 74,000 business customers that are on box, including 64 who are on the fortune 500. We generated Free Cash Flow and reraised guidance for the year and were going to do 500 million in revenue this year were going to make sure that we get box to every enterprise on the planet and help them manage their information on the cloud everyone told me goingiogle s to destroy you, ibm has to destroy you, that has not turned out to be the case, has it yeah, so our job is to be a neutral platform that can work across all the different applications, devices and clouds that our customers are working with when you think about the clouds, organizations of all sizes have windows pcs. Mac pc, theyre using infrastructure from amazon, infrastructure from google they want a way to be able to secure and manage their content so it can work across all the different platforms theyre using, so our job is to be that neutral approach but connect to all the different devices and applications and eventually bring in Different Services from those clouds into box. And so we just think that our Value Proposition is highly relevant to the modern enterprise that wants s ts to r the best experience to their users. And thats our unique advantage versus some of the competition one of the things i want to get your take on is that a lot of people felt that cloud very quickly adopted the technology and a lot of people felt that its kind of like were now at the tail end but mark benny comes on the show and says theres a market acceleration because theres Many Companies you thought would never go to the cloud that are going to the cloud you just didnt think they were going to be there and theyre going there right now . Yeah, i actually think, theres two dimensions, theres both verticals as well as geographies that are both growing in a pretty aggressive way right now. And i would actually say Financial Services as an example. Life sciences, health care, they have actually been recent ado adopters of the cloud. In previous industries, they actually avoided the cloud, the compliance, the security, the different controls that you needneed ed werent ready in the crowd. So in the past several years we have been seeing an increase growth rates in customers, including the u. S. Government. And were also seeing it in international markets. As a global cloud provider, there are completely new regions and markets that were willing to enter that Enterprise Markets couldnt easily serve. Its a global communiopportunit an opportunity in businesses of all sizes. You have been known to speak your mind on the immigration ban, on some other issues politically, has it hurt you at all in getting federal business . So far, it hasnt i think that certainly our customers federal and nonfederal respect the fact that we have clear policy points of view, these policies are ones that we think are going to drive our innovation and our growth companies, security is one of e to be another one. It has not slowed down our growth, in fact many of our customers respect our point of view congratulations on the positive cash flow and aggressive Revenue Growth quarter. Chairman and ceo of box, incredible stock a young guy with a good company, aaron levy, chairman and ceo of box. Well be back after the break. It is time, it is time for the lightning round. [ buzzer ] and then the lightning round is over. Are you ready, skeedaddy . Well start with edward in florida, edward . Caller hi, jim, i love your show, tune in every day. Insta bottomed out there week, i like that the management is focusing on growth, is this a buy . I think its a good time at 3. 50. Lets go to nancy in georgia caller hello, jim, thank you so much for taking my call, im a little old lady in the loveliest small city in the united states, i saw an article in the wall street journal and it talked about two stocks, coupa. I think coupa is a Good Software company but i like sales force. Com down here and we go to ed in illinois. Caller my question to you is Berkshire Hathaway, im wondering, its been a lot of volume, it went up 4 in the last six days and also i heard rumors that Warren Buffett is thinking of giving dividends to the stock. I think we buy the stock because Warren Buffett is a Good Management we all agree this would be a fabulous stock to own, i cant own individual stocks, but Berkshire Hathaway is right and i think hes doing a great job lets go to mike in arizona. Caller cramer, love your show my stock is quarry infrastructure corp, mic im going to have to do some more work on this, because all the other infrastructure stocks are doing bad by so i have to do more work. Caller jim, send us some texas aggies some better Football Players ill get to that. Caller eighttime season record for three years, and we paid for a half billion stadium, which is reprehensible, if its not questionable target, tgt. I put that the oklahoma stadium is so beautiful. Okay, i think that target is okay, i do prefer tgx that has come down is a byeby a buy, buy and that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. Seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right . Oh, so my custom studies will go with me . Anywhere you want to go the markets hot sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. Only at Td Ameritrade is is oil finished is crude done as a concept is texas tea now experiencing a fabled death crash are we so into alternative energy that oils days are numbered and the oil stocks will soon be on the endangered species list i did an action plus. Com call today and spoke to these exact issues famously came on this show a year and a half ago and said that those that thought oil was going back to the 100s or even the 60s or 70s were fooling themselves it was a pretty darn pull call it was right now with oil breaking down to 84, is oil going down for the count . As rusty and i are waiting for the speculators so bow out rusty does not think were going to penetrate into the 30s. The reason i think were going down first you know how stocks sometimes trade down sharply on some sort of information . The oil futures now do that too. But oil futures now trading a gore rhythmically. That kind of trading freaks people out and causes more trading. Which cause everything to get hit. While its true that the opec production cuts havent done anything to stem the glut, the demand for oil is not declining as the bears would you have believe. Do you know that 22 of the power in texas is being replaced by noticeable wind the depletion of oil wells is receding on a pace. Big products may not have been replacing their production, but sooner or later theyre going to have to, but not yet, because prices are going to rally. But every time Oil Approaches 50, the American Oil Companies start selling those futures. Rusty points out that future out five years still show futures at 50 a barrel in oil. If there isnt more drilling away from the u. S. Soon, that glut is going to disappear by next year. Which brings me to the oil stocks, if you look at a lot of the big ones in the Oil Service Industry if the stock is at 43 it will make you money although the long term downer will make you watch, but not for this decade. Stick with cramer. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . I had no idea. So, she said look for. One thats shaped like a dental tool with a round. Brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to. Gently remove more plaque and. Oralb crossaction is clinically proven to. Remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb the 1 brand used by dentists worldwide. Oralb. Brush like a pro. Theoations into banks and some of the retailers. The businesses remain strong i like to say theres always a bull market somewhere. I promise to find it just for you right here on mad money, im jim cramer and i will see you tomorrow welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. If they hear a great idea, theyll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. This is shark tank. With a new twist to a conventional product. Hello, sharks. My name is dave mayer, and my company is clean bottle. Im here today seeking 60,000 in exchange for 5 of the company

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