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To rise because employment wasnt strong. And then it went down at the opening because russia didnt budge over president obamas in treaties with putin saying he would back syria if the u. S. Bombed it. Then we rallied intraday because Interest Rates declined. But at the end of the day we gave up those gains as it became clear the syria situation was destined to heat up over the weekend. Dow only falling 15 points, s p inching up. 01. And nasdaq climbing. 03 . And im going to be the first to admit, this is all crazy. Thats right. I said it. Im going to try to make it rational, but its crazy. The fact that the stock market wanted to go higher when the employment report showed little job growth may seem ridiculous to you because, hey, not having a job, bad. And the idea that the market plummets because we might not go to war . War, what is it good for . Nothing. But these items have become par for the course and theyre why i told you to sell some stock today, end all rallies and buy into the weakness. The stock market goes up on bad Economic News because it means the feds going to stay accommodative. And whether you like it or not, and theres some on this network who hate it, the market likes it the market likes to hear it. Thats what i care about. Simply because the fed has been partly responsible for a gigantic stock move. And we all know not to fight the fed. I dont put an asterisk next to the fact you made money. I want you to be rich. Plus, the weaker job numbers sent Interest Rates back down a tad, good news for mortgages which were about to go up next week. But now may stay the same giving housing the muchneeded boost that were counting on. We go down because we like certainty and the certainty we would strike syria is better about the uncertainty about whether or not well strike syria. Remember, the market also always craves certainty and just immediately sells off sell, sell, sell, sell when theres uncertainty. So that move, too, i can justify. I can make sense of it. However, as we assess our game plan for next week, understand that we have to live with the same tugofwar plan for months now with the bonds and now weve got to layer syria on top of the shaky gain. We are fortunately not in a dataheavy period next week, at least for our country, but theres always some piece of information that can send Interest Rates higher, another piece of information that can cause indecision about syria. Im sticking by my role game plan, the overall is to sell stocks on strength and buy them back on weakness caused by these issues and the fact it is september and september be real bad for the stock market. With that in mind, weve got a number of tradeable events, starting with earnings from a host of companies we talk about all the time on the show. After the bell on monday, we hear from pvh, the old Phillips Van Huesen and philadelphias own five below, both cramer faves and both running huge since last quarter. I think its right they have. Apparels weak in this country but it could get stronger overseas which could mean good things for pvh which is hilfiger and calvin klein. The Dollar Stores are saying terrific things. Five below, which is not a freezing cold store but five dollars and below. Might be swept up, given like clint says this is a fist full of dollars and four dollars more come on, man, dont throw eggs. I would buy half a head of the quarter for five below and buy the other half if theres any weakness. Five below going to the National Retail store, hey, guys, those are the best stories that you can and thats a great book and its available on amazon. Tuesday, we finally get a look at the new apple phones people have been buzzing about. And i think after this big run off the bottom, the meeting will be a catalyst for analysts to raise their price tarts almost all of which were cut during the sickening slide back to the 300s. Almost like all apple meetings past, no ones expecting anything from the company. If they say anything interesting, things could get very exciting and the stock could travel higher. We know that the consumers been gaga over tangible assets. And the retailers who showcased them have done quite well versus the ones that sell dresses, slacks, shoes, coats, trousers, slacks. Anyway, those are the Old Fashioned words because im Old Fashioned. Also, we know two very gatsbylike Companies Reported great quarters. Restoration hardware reports, rh, and i bet its a good one. Stock sold off for several weeks during the Interest Rates shock and now its been coming back. I think it will reward the patient. And lets not forget China Industrial production numbers are coming out. Now, many people have given up on china ever restoring its growth. But the truth is, the peoples republic has been getting stronger for months now. Risk ramping, thats my favorite chinese indicator and we all know that does matter. Its been up, up, up and away for a month now. Thats why the stocks of all the american industrials that do business in china have done so well of late except for ge. Wednesday, we hear from mens wearhouse and i dont know about you, but i think we have to give a listen and see what the new management has to say, perhaps give clues about what got the former ceo and george zimer fired. It was like a synonymous thing. Whether management expresses any desire to bring out more value in his absence, id like to know. Try to figure out whats happening when lululemon reports on thursday. The company is losing the long time ceo Christine Day whom we are crazy about. Theres no telling what could happen at lululemon. I find that a tad worrisome. This ones money in the bank coming from a company that could have a terrific quarter. Kroger. Hey, let me give you the truth. I like kroger because it has a ton of knock off private label goods which have higher margins than brand stuff. Whole foods has been stalled among kroger reports of good number, i believe whole foods could break out the new highs. Are they clash of the titans . No, the whole group goes up if any one of these companies plays a good number. Kroger does tree house does a lot of the private labeling. Friday, we get a piece of data that could set part of the tone for the week after a fed meeting and thats retail sales. Remember, we got the week after so were going to be looking for everything that indicates taper, no taper, sorry to bore you with that concept. I usually let others do it. We have a consumer driven market with retail sales being paramount in our nations health. When we look at the weak report today, we have to conclude that retails got to be hurting somewhat except for the hard goods. If retail sales are strong, that could be a sign that the feds going to be less accommodative. Thats still associated with a tougher, less benign stock market. We sell rallies. Over the week, we have conferences, this is the most important week of the year for companies to strut their stuff. Beginning monday, Morgan Stanley hosts its health yeah conference. Tuesday, baird has its own conference. A lot of health care conferences. We hear from Financial Companies when barclays hosts starting monday, we get an energy show courtesy of barclays too, plus Deutsche Bank on tuesday same day Goldman Sachs starts the Global Retail pow wow. These are incredible marketmoving events where you can expect that hedge funds will be listening and piggy backing off that. I mean, were all going to be stuck in the wake of their trades. When i managed money full time, i devoured as many stories as i could, and they will move stocks i ill do my best to keep up with them. I care especially about the Barclays Energy shin dig, oil hit a twoyear high today, and i bet we can get revisions upwards at many of these conventions. Of course, well have to Pay Attention to every i was going to say silly but i dont mean that, it would be derogatory. We have to Pay Attention to every senator or congressman who squawks about syria. Those will matter too, at least on a daytoday basis. Heres the bottom line, a bunch of tradeable conferences and earnings but at all times watch the news on syria as long as anything that impacts bonds and bonds not what the Companies Say themselves will control the overall direction of the market. We need to focus on both the macro to set the tone of the market and the micro to do stock picking in between syrian stable rally and bond gyrations that rightly or wrongly are in charge of the opening, the close and all thats in between. Jim in florida, jim . Caller hey, greetings from daytona beach, jim. Ive driven my car on daytona beach. My 1977 ford fairmont. It was nice accommodations. Whats up . Caller listen, thanks for everything you do for us home gamers. Ive learned so much from you and youre the main reason im investing. Thank you. Caller listen, my stock is harley davidson, h. O. G. I wanted to know if you think its worth buying some more now or is it time for me to ring the register . I dont like the fact the stock is a point off the 52week high before it reports. Heres my problem with that. I keep thinking of tiffany. Tiffany was up really big and reported that great number and sold off. A good chance to buy it, but it did sell off. Hey, why dont we go to stafford in oregon, stafford . Caller hey, jim how are you doing today . Real good. How about you . Caller real good. My question is regarding oasis oil, i know they purchased well over 100,000 acres. Yeah. Caller increasing production by a third. I was wondering if this would significantly cause the stock to go up. And what are you thoughts on oasis. Im playing by a cramer rule. Boy, maybe we ought to buy oasis and she would say idiot, actually she wouldnt say that, she would say meaner things. It wasnt the time to buy it before it happened and i would get her french fries, diet coke, a pretzel and just sulk. Lets go to alyssa in new york. Alyssa. Caller booyah, jim, how are you . Real good, how about you . Caller im great. I am a new york city teacher getting ready for a new school year and looking for a good Value Investing type stock. The company that i like has, you know, all the positive financials but the price is down. So will you tell me what you think about vra. Vera bradley. 52week low. My friend buddy pal Herb Greenberg who writes for the street, at 27 flagged this to me as a stock you didnt want to be in. Ive got to tell you something, you know what, alissa, its pretty amazing. In this market, a stock goes down the 52week low, you know what it does . It goes lower. I want to stay away from that. Vera and francesca are two stocks i do not want to date. Next week, well hear plenty of news out of conferences and earnings, but macro will set the tone. The micro presents opportunities. But, look, its syria and its Interest Rates and companies tossed about, theyre like boats in a gigantic bathtub, lets let the water out. Mad money will be right back. Coming up wireless wonder . Cramers got a 3 spec stock that could be ready to boost your signal as the world continues to become more mobile is now the time to make this connection . And later metal mania. Timken has been red hot since cramer visited one of the plants last year and news of a plant split is heating up the stock. Is the breakup value just beginning to build . Dont miss the exclusive with its ceo just ahead. Plus, going for gotham, the big apple is about to elect a new mayor, and with so much hanging in the balance, cramers get be you inside the race. Tonight, billionaire candidate on his plans to renew new york. All coming up on mad money. Dont miss a second of mad money. Follow jimcramer on twitter. Have a question . Tweet cramer, madtweets. Send jim an email to madmoney cnbc. Com. Or give us a call at 1800743cnbc. Miss something . Head to madmoney. Cnbc. Com. Do i really need to tell you about the power of speculation this week . For years, people speculated on takeover type situation. Nokia to no avail. And then on tuesday, totally out of the blue, we learned that microsoft was willing to fork over 7. 2 billion to buy nokias hand set business alone. Nobody was looking for that. 31 gain house of pleasure. As the single digit stock jumped to 5 and change. Tonight, i want to tell you about another 3 stock that i think can come back from the dead. Im talking about alu for you home gamers, the big maker of switches and routers, all sorts of optical gear. Even within the telco equipment space, alcatel has been for years and years. Why am i changing my tune . Well, first, i think this could be a real every dog has its day moment. When the wildest companies are expanding big and business is good, the companies in the sector roar. The earnings in this industry get hammered and the stocks fall to pieces. Now i think were witnessing the beginning of a telco Capital Equipment cycle of huge proportions. It could be so strong all aboard that it could lift the entire group including alcatel loose, let me explain. Three of our companies largest carriers are spending heavily in order to beef up their network so they can compete nationally with verizon. Its an arms race. In part, thats because tmobiles parent has decided that americas worth investing in and sprint got a huge cash infusion and also raising debt. We know theres mounting demand for the kind of telco equipment that is alcatel lucents bread and butter. Even better, on wednesday, we hear from sienna another equipment play, they totally blew away the numbers. Reporting a fabulous quarter much better than expected, my take away from the ciena call, you need to play this trend and in order to speculate alu could be the way to do it. Because theres definitely enough demand for them to do well in this environment. Then last night, another Optical Company that people felt was second rate. I dont know, finisar, not anything second rate at that, further buttresses the arms race story. The big story is happening in 4g wireless networks, a highmargin business because it relies on newly patented technology that only a few players offer. Alcatel lucents one of them. The wireless players who want to use 4g and all of them in this country have to pay up if they want to stay competitive. Just yesterday we learned that alcatel won a contract to employ 14 base stations for spain. This is a huge deal. It marks a dramatic change from the way that 4g rolled out in europe in the past. Before this deal, most european Wireless Companies were doing what is known as Single Radio Access Network upgrades. Now erickson huawio dominate the niche which meant that alcatellucent was effective locked out of the 4g upgrade cycle in europe. The companys deploying the network right on top of the old 3g one in whats known as an overlay and thats right in alcatels wheel house. The upgrade doesnt disrupt your preexisting networks and gets done more quickly. I wouldnt be surprised if many more european wireless players go to choose this route. Meaning more business that alcatel is eligible to win in a niche where they only have one significant competitor and that is samsung, not any of these other guys and thats really important because they can win business from samsung because theyre european. However, i wouldnt recommend alcatellucent on the strength of a single contract if thats all the company has going for it. Alu has been turning itself around for years now. After such, i dont know, quarter after quarter of mismanagement, a lack of focus on products, margin shrinkage, the company has a new ceo, michael combs and hes getting it back on track. Then last week, alu announced the employment of a new chief Financial Officer who was a former member of Goldman Sachs which tells you the company is serious about reorganizing itself. The idea is that alcatel is going to narrow the focus down to businesses where it has real differentiation from the competition. They are going to still continue to slash costs aggressively in the legacy businesses which will be managed for cash generation purposes. Thats what i told the company to do back in the back in 2003 at goldman. Never too late, right, ten years later, the Company Reported in july, the numbers were good. The Company Better than expected when you exclude the reorganization costs, already found 120 Million Euros worth of cost savings, theyve reorganized from the top down. And theyre partnered up with qualcomm, see that stock today, developing the next generation technology. Theyre working to dramatically clean up the hideous balance sheet. The company was able to lower the interest rate. Issued 500 million worth of senior notes due in 2020 and now alcatel doesnt have any significant debt maturities coming until 2017. Theyre out of the noose that means nobodys going to worry about alu going bankrupt for the next two hours and maybe not even at all if the new management continues to get their house in order. Morgan stanley came out with a smart piece of research earlier this week that i thought was interesting. Parts analysis of alcatel and figured the stock could double if the market keeps improvement. I mentioned that for the people jimcramer saying its moved too much, everyone saying this stock is done, give me a break. Finally, got a full circle, weve got to talk about nokia. Nokia wants to keep being a big company, theyre getting billions of dollars. I wouldnt be at all surprised if nokias willing to bid for pieces of alcatel lucent. Like its a wireless issue. Something could dry up the stock dramatically. So heres the bottom line, we know from ciena and the massive spending from att, sprint and tmobile, we know from finisar, alcatel is finally making the tough decisions that are necessary to turn the business around, couldnt have happened at a better time. If you want to speculate here and want to take the risk, then alu is the 3 way to go. Alexander in florida, alexander . Oh, jim this is alexander from the allamerican city of delray beach in florida, on the east coast. A big booyah to you. Well, welcome back and booyah. Whats going on . Caller well im asking you about a Company Called sirrus logic, crus. Some time back in the teens you thought it would go to 29 and it did. And then it went back down into the teens. And now its gone back up to about 23, 24 and my question is, buy, sell or hold, what do you think . Okay. This is a Supplier Company and what we did was decided to leave the Supplier Companies alone whether it be sky works, broadcom, qualcomm, theyre too hard to judge right now. So i dont want to say youre on your own because cirrus is a fine company. But the suppliers got too hard. Why . Because apple lost its momentum. Once apple lost its momentum, nobody cared about the suppliers anymore. Jerry in south dakota. Jerry . Big booyah to ya, jim from south dakota. Good. Whats your opinion on Motorola Solutions . You know, i think its decent. I dont see any sort of catalyst here unlike the other piece of motorola that got bought by google. I feel like if you want to be in an inexpensive boy, this is im not wrong in this, guys. I know youre not going to believe me. If you want to be in an inexpensie ivive tellico, youv to go the way my Charitable Trust did, which is cisco for the highest quality. And if you want inexpensive lowest quality going to Higher Quality go to alcatel lucent. Coming up, metal mania, timkens steel business has been red hot since cramer visited one of the plants last year. And news of a planned split is heating up its stock. Is the breakup value just beginning to build . Dont miss the exclusive with its ceo just ahead. [singing] hoveround takes me where i wanna go. Where will it send me. One call to hoveround and youll be singing too pick up the phone and call hoveround, the premier power chair. Hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. Hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. More reliable. Hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. Most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. Call now for your free dvd and information kit. You dont really have to give up living, because you dont have your legs. Hoveround replaced the legs. And now every hoveround comes with this handy tote bag and cup holder for access to your favorite items. And right now, get this limited edition hoveround America Travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. [singing] hoveround takes me where i wanna go. Call or log on to hoveround. Com to find out where a hoveround can take you the breakup playbook still works. For ages ive been pointing out that Many Companies can unlock a ton of value by splitting themselves up. And weve seen this play out positively over and over again. And yesterday we got a new story. When timken southwest various High Performance alloy Steel Products and a stock owned by my Charitable Trust announced it would spin off as a separate company. This is something timken investors have proposed before but management was against the idea and the board of directors voted it down. And a good thing too, the stock giving a 60 gain since we went out to ohio and visited timken steel plant. Geez, that was less than a year ago. Lets check in with jim griffith, find out more about this breakup and what happens next. Welcome back to mad money. Jim, its great to be with you today. Well, sir, i have to tell you, you convinced me and we spent a lot of time with you that it was a good idea to keep everything under one roof. Why is it a good idea now to split it up . Well, when you were here before, jim, we shared with you the clear benefits that happened between our bearing business and our steel business. The value of creation between them is very clear. Once we had our annual meeting and once we saw the vote on the shareholder proposal, our board concluded that we had misread our shareholder base. And so what they did is they went out and they listened. In fact, the board met individually with about 20 of our top 25 shareholders. And the message came back very clear, this company has created a tremendous amount of value and wasnt delivering it to the shareholders. And it would be a long time before we would deliver it to the shareholders as an integrated enterprise. So then the board went back to management and said can you create two independent companies that can continue to sustain those benefits with a Strategic Partnership . And the answer came back yes. And so now were excited with the opportunity to launch two new companies with 97 years of heritage of working together creating value for customers. Now, jim, in truth, i know your shareholders may have been rested, but youre the biggest performing Steel Company in the country for longer periods of time. Is it possible that the shareholders might be wrong . Or that doesnt matter . And its like the customer always being right. Are the shareholders always right even if management didnt initially think it was a good idea . Well, if you really step back and when you were here, we walked you through the transformation. When we have transformed the timken company, the bearing business and steel business to be industry leaders, Performance Leaders in both of our industries. And we did it with a drive of creating shareholder value. As we got to the point of realizing we were creating economic value but not translating it to shareholders, its time to go back and question your fundamental premise. And we did that and weve come up with a better answer. Jim, i live next door to bethlehem steel and bethlehem steel was a nonintegrated producer just making slap steel, not a lot of value added and the company went bankrupt. How we do know that Steel Company wont look too much like bethlehem steel . We dont really have a Steel Company. We have an Engineering Company that creates value for our customers by focusing on the markets where that technology applies and then turning it into unique products. Again, you remember the statistics. 30 of what our business sells today didnt exist five years ago. Well, jim thats a unique model in the steel industry. Absolutely. Lets talk about how business is doing. I remember you telling us you got a substantial business in china. Weve been seeing data out of the last eight weeks from china that their targeted stimulus, which is not a big thing is really starting to come on and that steel orders have come on. Are you seeing that too . Were seeing pockets of growth around the world. Its an interesting market because while lots of people complain about the weakness in europe or the weakness in india, the overall demand level on a global basis is really pretty sound and it has shifted where its beginning to be driven by the american consumer. For example, the strength in the north American Auto market, the beginnings of the growth in the construction market. Give us some real optimism Going Forward looking at 2014. What do you think the cost structure is going to look like of the two Different Companies . Do you have a hand on that yet . Were just in the early phases of looking at that. You sort of step back and recognize, again, weve got the bestperforming businesses in the bearing industry globally and the steel industry. Weve got a good fundamental cost structure. And the challenge is now weve got to put a Corporate Structure over the steel business and do it in a way that it doesnt undermine that cost structure. We believe we can do that and we believe we can do that with less cost than we had originally estimated. What is the debt targets going to look like for you guys . Again, we havent set that yet, but if you look at the two companies, the bearing business is a bit more global, a bit larger and probably can carry a bigger debt load. Our current target is 30 to 35 debt to total cap. The steel business being smaller, more north american and a little more volatile. Well be a little more conservative in setting that structure up. But the straight answer is, were very clear we can capitalize both businesses in a way that theyll have the Financial Flexibility to pursue strategies in their own markets. Its refreshing to hear a ceo who has a view but then listen to the shareholders, changed his mind and creating value either way. I want to thank jim griffith for coming on our show mad money. Great to see you, sir. Jim, thank you. And i just want to emphasize, our board has done an excellent job in this, listening to shareholders, responding to shareholders, and now we have the way to take the company to the next level of performance. Thank you, jim. Thank you very much. My Charitable Trust mentioned does own timken, not a seller, i think this plan is going to bring out tremendous value. Also want to comment. Its really important. Heres the ceo, had one view, board independent, came through, studied, suggested the change and the ceo did not resist and it is happening. Stay with timken, stay with cramer. Monday, kick off the trading day with squawk on the street. Live from post 9 00 at the nyse. It all starts at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. [singing] hoveround takes me where i wanna go. Where will it send me. One call to hoveround and youll be singing too pick up the phone and call hoveround, the premier power chair. Hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. Hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. More reliable. Hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. Most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. Call now for your free dvd and information kit. You dont really have to give up living, because you dont have your legs. Hoveround replaced the legs. And now every hoveround comes with this handy tote bag and cup holder for access to your favorite items. And right now, get this limited edition hoveround America Travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. [singing] hoveround takes me where i wanna go. Call or log on to hoveround. Com to find out where a hoveround can take you it is time it is time for the lightning round on cramers mad money. Rapidfire calls, you say the name of the stock, i tell you whether to buy or sell. Play until this sound and well be able to run the Philadelphia Eagles record. Are you ready skeedaddy . Its time for the lightning round on cramers mad money. Keith in new york. Keith . Caller booyah, jim, thanks for taking my call. My pleasure, keith. Whats up . Caller i want to be prepared this month in case we get further reaction from this market. Specifically im looking in the Retail Consumer sector. I was wondering what you think about coach. I bought my daughter a retro coach bag from the 1950s, she really likes it. Thats about the only thing i can a about coach. Im not a buyer of the stock. I do like that retro thing. She likes it too. Lets go to david in california, david . Caller jim, hey, jim. Yo yo. Caller booyah to ya. Well, right back at ya. Whats going on . Caller im looking at amd, recently doubled, came back down and looked like its going to double again. What do you think . Yeah, amd is like Jesse Pinkman to intels mr. White. I mean, thats really the problem when you come down to it. Im a Jesse Pinkman buyer. I bet this quarter is bad but they do have the gaming chips. Mike in illinois, mike . Yo, yo, mike. Caller booyah from northwest illinois. Hey, i got a question about teslas stock. I see its up, do you think it can sustain the growth kind of like apple did with its product . No, actually, i dont. Its a cold stock, though, im never going to go against a cold stock and ive driven a tesla. But, heres my problem, the stock seems to we need new piece of data to have it go higher. Right now the stock seems to want to go lower a little. Im not crazy about this level, let it come in. Jason in new york, jason . Caller hey, jim, this is jason from brooklyn. Hey, jason. Ill be in brooklyn later this evening, how are you been . Caller good. How are you . All right. Caller hey, jim, couple of stocks im looking at right now, actually. First is kodiak, kog. Can you believe it tried to sell itself at 8, 9 and 11. Now its at 10 its own. Why is that . Its got great assets and i think it goes higher because the bakken be rocking. Lets go to sandy in new jersey. Sandy . Caller yes, sandy in new jersey, i wanted to find out what your outlook is on pandora. All right. Ive seen so much negativity thrown at this stock and it doesnt go down. You know what that says to me . That means its going higher i want to own pandora. Thats a new position for me. I have not liked it. Lets go to don in wyoming. Don . Caller big booyah from jackson hole. Say hello to those fed people out there. Whats up . Caller oh, my girlfriend, i think, loves you more than me. You know what, i have to say its safe. Im not really familiar with her work but caller one to three years, already holding. Thats a buy. The stock, this is buy, buy, buy were going to stick with that stock. Lets go to austin in california, which is really in texas but were going to go to austin in california. Austin . Caller hey, jim, booyah from san diego. San diego. So beautiful. Say hello to ed greenberg there. Hes wearing that fancy kind of cool black look now. Go ahead. Caller what do you think about vale, i picked it up at about 14 and a quarter. Do you think itll keep going up . You have horse sense, stephanie link, we both think its great. We did some buying of vale this morning. Hey, lets go to jude in new jersey. Hey, jude. Caller hi, jim, how are you . Real good, whats up . Caller quick question, with the acquisition that Louisiana Pacific made this week, is that a good investment . Yes, it is. It gets them away from being sand board which we know as plywood and now its got Canada Shipping to japan and china. We like that. Lpx is for me. One more, lets go to randy in iowa. Randy . Caller greetings from the hawkeye state, jim. Id like your thoughts on kmp, Kinder Morgan energy partner. Theres an outfit trying to get this thing down, theyre calling it a house of cards, rich kinder, come on the show. I know theyre going to do a massive hit job on you. I know the way the game is played. Rich, if you want to talk to your story about Kinder Morgan, which is a stock i like, mad money welcomes you. Make people millions, billions, and what do they say . Oh, house of cards. Ive got to tell you, i think that the people who say that are more card oriented than rich kinder. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. The lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. Coming up going for gotham, the big apple is about to elect a new mayor and with so much hanging in the balance, cramers getting you inside the race. Tonight billionaire candidate John Catsimatidis on his plans to renew new york. We normally try to avoid politics like the plague here on mad money. When the 132nd richest man in america who happens to be the ceo of major private companies, is runs for the mayor of new york city, the Financial Capital of the united states, thats something we cant stay away from. Im talking about John Catsimatidis the selfmade billionaire running on a platform of safe streets, lower taxes and issuing 100 billion in bonds to rebuild the citys infrastructure. Now, catsimatidis is the owner and ceo of the largest Grocery Store in manhattan as well as red apple group, one of the Largest Privately Held Companies out there, Diverse Holdings in aviation and retail. Im promoting the disconnect between the world of politics and the world of business, something we see in a staggering degree at both levels. I think its a good thing when someone with a keen understanding of business wants to get involved in public service. Im happy to be talking to John Catsimatidis. Thanks for having me, jim. The labor secretary said it was good on squawk on the street. But you had to listen to it. Whats going on nationally . And why arent people thinking about bold things like i ask that you want to do, 100 billion bond, worlds fair, why arent people bold anymore . Nobody has any vision anymore, jim. We have to be doing things. For instance, the fortune 200 companies, jim, are creating more jobs overseas with their money than they are in our country. Were making it hard for them. Weve got to create we need common sense in new york city. We need common sense in washington. We need to be able to have the republicans and democrats sit down with each other and be able to solve problems, not create obstacles for each other. And thats the biggest problem we have in our country and city. Thats what i want to do in new york city. I want to be able to sit down where republicans sit down, democrats be able to sit down and make a deal. Whats good for the taxpayers and whats good for the workers, too. Im going to play with an open hand, i have been a huge supporter of mayor bloomberg. Publicly, privately, any way i can. Youve got to give him credit. Hes another great businessman who has done what youre talking about. Well, he had the courage to run. And it takes courage to run in politics. Because ill tell you, some of the newspapers went back 40 years to find something that i might have done wrong. I might have jaywalked 40 years ago. It was so silly where i got criticized for an article in the paper 25 years ago. And the if we dont stop with this nonsense, we cant get more good people involved with the courage to run for office in our cities, our states and our country. And bloomberg had the courage and i have the courage to do that. Fair enough. One of the things i liked about you, you have a Company Called united refining. You have been one of the leaders in this country using domestic oil and creates jobs. Where are we . Ever going to do keystone . Any washington ever going to get involved in helping people like you create more jobs exploit the situation becoming more Domestic Energy independent . Jim, im not running for president because i cant run for president. But if i was running for president , i would go run our country and i would advocate Independence Day 2020, that by 2020 if we had the right president and the right administration in washington, we could be independent of all foreign oil we wouldnt have to ship trillions of dollars overseas and we would create more jobs than ever before in our country. But we dont have anybody with courage and determination to do that. We have 100 years worth of oil. We have it. Its in canada, its in alaska, its in the gulf of mexico, its in north dakota. We have it, we could be independent by 2020 if somebody had the courage to do it. Sir, you own quick fill stations. Would you please put natural gas pumps at all of your stations . Well, you know, weve talked about it and we might do it in the future. But we havent done it yet because right now were in the oil business. You know what we advertised in our stations and we have the greatest advertisement, our gasoline is made from 100 American Crude Oil made by americans. And people love it. Our sales are up like 20 consecutive quarters, which is great because people pass up all the citgos, bps, all the foreign oil because they want americanmade oil. Lets leave it at that, sir. Thank you for being a good businessman and i wish you the best of luck in your race. Well, thank you, and i hope everybody votes for me on september 10th, jim. Fair enough. Thats John Catsimatidis republican candidate for new york city mayor and at least from the point of mad money and more importantly a real good businessman. Stay with cramer. How much pent up demand is out there really . And is that, perhaps, the missing ingredient behind the strength that we are seeing in the domestic Consumer Market despite todays tepid job number. In other words, despite it. Theres no doubt in my mind that the real place to be this Fourth Quarter is still going to be in the international companies. We have the possibility of genuine tail winds coming out of europe now that we have multiple stronger economies and stronger currency. All Perfect Timing given how lean our companies are over there. Chinas coming back in a way that is stealthy. New targeted infrastructure. And they have drawn down a lot of steel, coal, iron as well as some just released figures on copper. Stocks that do that, make those metals. Theyre buys now. The Biggest Surprise this week have been on the domestic side. The car sales story. As talked as it was, it doesnt get enough attention. Were building more cars than we have since the great recession. I think the revisions arent done going up. I think ford shouldnt have been down today. I dont like the housing theme that much. I thought it hit a wall, keeping the fed reserve from doing anything drastic that could reaccelerate housing. Now, that in isnt in my playbook. That would be so key for this market to go to the next level. Plus, weve got one more great number from retailers, this time it was costco confirming, again, that the consumers spending but not on apparel. The consumers spending on cars, electronics, remember how strong best buy is and remodelling a la home depot, lowes, and these numbers, the stronger numbers are a sign weve misjudged the pentup demand from the employed going to the unemployed. Fewer on the trajectory than we thought after this mornings labor number. But we did. We just got it wrong. When these people come back to the workforce they buy tangible goods. When they get a second job, buy a new car, rates for cars by the way havent gone up, theyve gone down. Many misjudged, including me. Its just the fact this pentup demand was far bigger than any of the figure because it hadnt snapped back from the great recession. Its so big it continued to pace despite the lack of new hiring. Whats helping, by the way, is the recognition if you have the ability to go to texas or north dakota, some parts of colorado and wyoming, jobs await you. That was quite evident from an interview with frank lake, the ceo of home depot. He said that just opened a new Home Depot Store in minot, north dakota, because the bakken formation is creating new jobs and new construction. These jobs are coming fast and furiously now as the bakken, the Delaware Basin and the eagleford are showing much more oil than we recently thought as recently as two years ago. I can only imagine how many more jobs can be created by the building of the keystone pipeline. But that wont happen, when the labor secretary dodged my question about it being approved this morning i sensed it really is a dead issue with this president. We are discovering day by day that demand is exceeding forecast because the people getting jobs have been buying nothing and doing nothing for the five years intervening since the recession. They didnt have any money. Thats why people keep getting the big picture spending numbers wrong. They stop counting these people. They are slowly coming back, they are buying and keeping the domestic economy humming in a nation where tenyear rates have doubled in a few months. It was never really about the rate of credit with these people anyway. It was about getting credit at all. When the workforce rates wither higher anyway. Thats how the domestic stocks can go higher, how ford and gm can break out from here and how the regional banks regain strength. As demand comes back in all sorts of places we had just clean forgotten about. Sure, International Business can and will take us higher, but its pentup demand that will determine the next leg of this market, the missing piece of the puzzle and the only explanation of how we can continue to have good spending numbers even as jobs become so hard to come by. Stay with cramer. [singing] hoveround takes me where i wanna go. Where will it send me. One call to hoveround and youll be singing too pick up the phone and call hoveround, the premier power chair. Hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. Hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. More reliable. Hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. Most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. Call now for your free dvd and information kit. You dont really have to give up living, because you dont have your legs. Hoveround replaced the legs. 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I was with you all the way there, and then all of a sudden, you say the following. Plus. So hes no longer a spender. The truth of the matter is, he now is a responsible person, correct . Yes, so far. All right. What you have you say so far. Does that mean you still dont trust that he is, right . And you ask me, can i afford it . I want to buy a long arm quilting machine. A what

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