to about 15% of the s&p 500 and 2/3 of that -- is the oil complex. china just doesn't impact health care, defense, banks, retail, restaurants, utilities. it only impacts minerals. some machinery companies. joy global -- how did they get to be king? companies that ships and stuffs them. when the oil futures rally as they did, that pretty much nullifies china's pull down. i love the chinese -- can't live without them -- or their food, for that matter. but we still have a nonchinese-based economy. then, you have to question whether the weakness in china is even worth getting worked up about. we're hearing that china is now in a bear market. whoa! scary. because it's down 20%. >> sell, sell, sell! >> wait a second. china was up 80% going down to the down 20%. by this logic, the chinese market -- has to go up to infinity if we're going to keep our markets up. even our marks were up 8% when they were up 80%. let's figure out how to analyze -- let's look at china. let's call the stock. so the stock starts the year at 10. goes to 20. pulls back to 16 and change. should you freak out? i don't know about you. i'm a buyer on that kind of pullback, particularly in a fundamentally sound stock. and china's fundamentals are sound. by the way, i say the fundamentals are sound, i don't mean what the previous president had to say about the market before lehman collapsed. why else did we go up when we were supposed to go down today? it's true that more people want to be in this market than out -- the professionals. the average mutual fund is well behind the stock market. it has to use any weakness that we get to pull the trigger, to buy -- not to sell. the market may seem scary, but to these managers, the only thing scary is being left behind. they use every decline, no matter how small, like we had in today's opening, to put money to work. you buy the usual names, the citigroup, the apple, the 3 m, qualcomm, one of my largest positions in my trust. you can follow along there where i play with an open hand. which leads me to the best for less. but did you notice like i do this -- who am i kidding myself? like i have a full head of hair? like, oh, let me just do this. all it does is get makeup on my hand. anyway, the buyers -- this is the best one -- the buyers aren't fooled by the negative headlines. tonight, you know what we're going to do? we're going to break for them. we're going to go right and do a close technical analysis of the misdirection and negative propaganda that can only lose you money. what am i speaking of? the kremlin journal. all right. here's the lead story. we're watching shoulders holdback recovery. major retailers reported that american consumers are continuing to hunker down, casting a cloud over the durability of the recovery, like they believe in the recovery to begin. reta reta retailers across the spectrum for boating exports. what is the exhibit a in this court of negative public opinion? discounter target -- yeah, they're saying target said bad things. okay, wait a second. what did target say on its call? it said things are looking up. it said times are encouraging. it said back to school could be good. please tell me how that's foreboding? how does that cast a cloud? how is it negative? by the way, it's not just target. walmart, kohl's, jones apparel, they all said the same thing. walmart, jones, kohl's, target, they define retailing in this country. i don't know what this paper is defining it as. top story in the business section. this is a good one, okay? this is one of my favorites. home depot, lowe's feel impact as homeowners skip pricey projects. didn't i spend last night telling you obviously i don't watch the show, but there's no accounting for taste. didn't i tell you last night that home depot that i own on my trust may be forecasting negativity. but actions speak louder than words. the numbers are terrific there. and it raised estimates, for heaven's sake lowe's was bad. almost all of the quotes in this story are from lowe's. i think that's like talking to the losing team about how it did and then generalizing about both winning and losing quotes. baseball is doing terribly say the mets. well, gee, oh, yeah, ski daddy. the market is not fooled and the market is up nicely and lowe's dropped 10%. inquiring minds don't even need to know. i've got this one, the junk page piece is what i call this. okay. look at this. home depot, lowe's feel pinch as homeowners cut back. lowe's is feeling the pinch. home depot is doing the pinching. get this -- it gets better. this one is target -- bear with me. i've got a lot of stuff i'm doing here. target profit declines hurt by credit card unit. okay? here we go. target profits declines, hurt by credit card unit. this reporter -- there's two of them, so i'll spare their names. did they not listen to the conference call before penning this piece? maybe they were in a jam. maybe they were on a deadline. maybe they were trying to get home to watch that -- the phil diamondbacks game. honestly, they couldn't be on the call. the star of the conference call end of quarter was the credit card unit. target profit decline hurt by credit card unit. it was much better than expected with defaults which had been the biggest risk to the story, running much lower than expected. no wonder target is up 10%. no doubt, without you, if you listen to this blather. okay. i know, it's -- you're not showing the names. okay, you're a naysayer. it's not all negative. you know somebody is trying to help you with something bullish, all right? family dollar gets boost from food subsidy plan. remember last week when i simplistically noodled the big food stamp program would boost family dollar's bottom line only had i realized if i had done some homework and did the conference call and was dead wrong and they would look at annual comparisons because of the stimulus plans that went out this year last time. there's the sucker's bet. it suckers you in to family dollar. this is the last stock you buy when things get better. don't forget with the new dollar stock ipo coming out that will cause people to sell this one. there you go -- they might have hooked you if we hasn't put family dollar on the cell block. you'd be chum. you'd be sushi. now, how about something really priceless. this is my favorite in the end. what's the most positive piece about retail they have? first of all, nothing too positive. this is the most positive piece. tj maxx profit increases 31%. are you sitting down? tjx company second quarter earnings rose 31% amid stronger sales and margins as the off-price retailer indicated it sees results ahead as they expand the stores and customers. more solid stores ahead. this is totally, totally wrong. 90% opposed on the conference call where management took down the good numbers and indicated tougher and more disappointing times ahead. in fact, other than lowe's and family dollar, the tjx call was the single most cautionary. if you listen to the most analyst-questioning, jaw-dropping call i was on. i would like to know the story about why that is. how could tjx do so well and the stock go down? tjx needs to have cheap merchandise that they buy and discount for other retailers desperate for cash. tjx is the chain talking about marshalls. the other retailers are doing well. hate to mention marshall's, you probably heard of it. the other retailers are doing so well, so little inventory, so much cash, they don't need to fire sale of tjx. they're worried they won't have enough cheap merchandise to make the numbers and the downbeat call and the downgrade in stocks. tjx was caution. they weren't bullish. how are you supposed to make money with this much counter intelligence? how are you supposed to profit when the stories you read are biassed and incorrect. you would think there's a fifth column. here's the bottom line. you have to be skeptical when it comes to the press. and i'll show you how every night. because i'm not about planting the news to make you scared, paralyzed, or worst of all, a seller when you should be a buyer or vice versa. i'm here to interpret the news correctly to help you try to make money. they don't even report. so let me teach you how to decide. let's go to steve in pennsylvania. steve? >> caller: boo-yah from huntington valley. >> that's my steve! you know what it is? it's fourth time long time for steve. thank you -- thank you for coming in. >> caller: grab your staff for me, jim. >> no problem. just a second. jimmy rollins, 1 for 5 last night. but let me tell you, shame -- speaking about shame like that island -- oh the movie like the gun fighter. i'm talking about shane -- go ahead. >> caller: with so many mixed signals coming from the media, traders -- >> about the phillies? not a single mix -- it's all positive. >> caller: 4 1/2 games up, jim. >> all right, all right. thank you. i want to make sure anyone didn't -- over at the eagles camp, there's a lot of mixed mia. go ahead. >> caller: so many mixed signals coming from the media, traders, government, and main street, how do we play this market? i feel like a swimmer in a sea full of sharks. >> really. did you know there was a killer shark in manowa, new jersey in 1960, killed five people in the laurence harbor area. been doing some work on killer sharks. here's what i would do. i would point out that what you have to do is find the stocks that you really like, listen to the conference calls, pick your price points, start buying here. and hope it comes down. because the bears are doing their best to cheerlead it down. they failed so far. i want you to stay in this game. this market is not nearly as bad or as weak as they say. yeah, i'm not kidding you, it went upriver to a shallow area. it's amazing. my daughter mentioned to me there was a shark there and i humored her. now i have to apologize. richard in california, richard? >> caller: jim, a big hollywood boo-yah to you from burbank, california. >> going to give you a leno/conan boo-yah. >> caller: where we produce and distribute content to fuel the mobile internet tsunami. >> i'm liking your whole approach. because you know what you have? you've got horse sense. go ahead. >> caller: jim, my friend tom in mainland china e-mailed me the following -- china unicome is a good company to buy, whether it will sell the apple iphone in china or not. few competitors here. i doubt if the iphone will have the same popularity in china because there's so many phones with the same functions on the market already. not to mention the price. jim, will chinese consumers pay the premium for the apple brand? >> you know what tom's been doing too much of? he's been reading too much quotations from chairman mao and not enough -- the capitalist manifesto by cramer. chu -- i bought some today. why? because you can tell your friend money pal tom that that's going to be explosive. chu is going to order 6 million phones. it's going to use all of the apple lines they are. hey, tom, you and general cho may hang out together. i'm with capitalism. today might have been a down day. be skeptical, stick with cramer, not with tom sa-jung. be right back. coming up, cramer gives commercial real estate a stress test. who's strong enough to survive? cramer goes straight to the source. brandywine realty ceo jerry sweeney on the executive decision. later, citi is back in the headlines. are we reading old news? find out on cramer's "eureka moment". and later, lightning strikes. cramer goes electric taking all your calls in a spine-chilling overcharged "lightning round" all coming up on "mad money." when she gives me that look. when at last we're alone. when we both decide. announcer: today, guys with erectile dysfunction can be ready with another dosing option from cialis. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. so relax and take your time. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. announcer: today, you have options: cialis for daily use or 36-hour cialis. ask your doctor if cialis is right for you, so when the moment is right, you can be ready. commercial real estate has become the media's whipping boy. it seems to get beaten every day with more and more articles. a crescendo building about the impending collapse. "usa today" added to the paper a combine number of stories about the coming real estate apocalypse. with this headline "commercial real estate gets worse" stop trading. we heard that today. the real estate downturn is deepening, threatening to slow the economic recovery. slow the economic recovery that the press doesn't believe that is happening any way. the fault of commercial mortgages. jumping from 1.6% to 2.2% in the first quarter, possibly hitting 4.1 % by the end of the year. that means that 95.9% may not be in trouble. stop it, jim, that's not news. that's the story you're getting from the media. the market is saying something entirely different. i trust the market more than the media. i don't know, maybe i'm too darn old. if you look at the real estate investment trusts, or reits, they've been soaring. all the real estate gets worse article, boston properties up 73% since march 30th. really, that's the mall guys. federal realty, up 44% since march 30 and up 12% since the company's great ceo don wood came on the show and said the worse was over. there was a big secondary. he did well on that. those aren't even the biggest moves. brandywine, boy dog nancy easy for your home gamers, a commercial real estate investment trust with class a suburban and office properties all over the country. b is worse than a, b is bad, c is near flunking. this is up a whopping 284% since bottoming march 30. riddle me this, batman, how can these stocks be soaring if things are getting so much worse. "usa today" warns of a trillion dollars when short term commercial mortgages coming due 2010. good loans can go bad if property owners can't refinance. again, if you look at the commercial reits, they've been raising money like mad with tons of secondary stock offerings that in most cases have instantly made investors mullah. even brandywine, up over 37% since it sold 40.25 million shares at $6.30. it raised $242.5 million. it reduced debt that created 55% gain for anyone who got in on that deal. they didn't understand this stuff. i have to wonder, how much stress is there, really, in commercial real estate? brandywine reported a strong second quarter, raised the full-year earnings guide since the end of july. doesn't that say things are getting better, of course some of that was debt reduction. i have to tell you, brandywine's store occupancy rate, here's another one to be scared about. it declining from 91.2% to 89.7% in the end of the quarter. the company plans to end the year with occupancy levels at 89%. it's not a class -- getting worse more slowly? how about that? that's not so horrible. brandywine had 1 million feet of leasing activity. 369,000 square feet from new deals. 126,000 from expansion. 520,000 from renewal. that's more leasing activity than any of the four previous quarters. it's an improvement. what about a vital key metric. the tenant retention rate. brandywine shying just shy of 72% which isn't below their norm of 75.5%. it doesn't seem so bad to me. who knows how much better they'll get if the economy improves and demands for office space start stops declining. the press keeps saying commercial real estate continues to get much, much worse. the stocks are saying you have nothing to worry about. i'm inclined to believe the stocks. that's why i think brandywine with the juicy 4% yield is fine. sure, the stock's had a big run. but they're trading 13 times expected cash flow while the office reit years traded ten times despite the bigger properties. how bad will the commercial real estate be. i hear the aggregate numbers. i'm not an expert. i want to bring someone in on the ground floor. jerry sweeney, ceo of brandywine trust. welcome to "mad money". >> happy to be here. >> you and i read the headlines. you feel like jumping out of the window to come to work because commercial real estate is about to get a lot worse? it's certainly been a challenging time. no question that commercial real estate is a capital intensive business and demand is how the economy is doing. if anying and business psychology is determinants of how commercial real estate does. it's no surprise over the last six or seven quarters, there's been a dearth of financing available for real estate. the traditional real estate financing sources, commercial banks, life insurance, companies, pension funds, have all gone through their level of capital crises and that's been compounded by generally negative outlook on near term economic performance. >> but mr. sweeney, there -- capital looks amazing. you listed all of the sources of capital that are pretty much closed down, are closed down. suddenly out of nowhere, there's the stock market. it allows people like you to be able to take advantage, pay down debt, and start anew. i never thought that market would be open in size. isn't that quite a pleasant surprise in light of the headlines? >> a delightful surprise. the reit reequity rate started back about 20 months ago and the opening of the unsecured debt market are a wonderful surprise for the entire reit sector. it shows it resilience of these real estate investment trusts. i mean reits in general led a much lower levered model. 50% levered. in normal times, it's a very good metric. it provides good ebitda coverage, good cash flow generation. but certainly with the economy taking the downturn the way it did, a lot of reits have taken advantage to go back and reequity ize their balance sheet and position the companies with more liquidity, ample capital capacity. and frankly to improve the competitive position over the private market counterpart. >> there was a story today, much ado about it. the story was there was a 2005-2006 transaction on which someone overpaid. they stumbled. going to leave their name out because there were many companies that overpaid between 2005 and 2007. what i think matters, correct me if i'm wrong, is there ultimately a buyer, given what you just described about the reequitization, doesn't that turn into certainly problems for some and opportunities for others because there is money around? >> no question. and i think the the commercial real estate is in the process of repricing and resetting. that creates an allocation of pain to some parties, but certainly opportunities for others. that's why you've seen reits move so aggressively not just shoring up the balance sheet, but they start programs to take advantage of opportunities in the future. >> not fair to use brandywine. i mentioned federal realty and bon-bon properties. you've got -- in your conference call, you talk on page four. you say there are areas that are actually strong -- new jersey, delaware, up 36% quarter-to-quarter. pennsylvania -- i know you know that area better than anyone else in real estate investment trust. up 31%. metro dc, the building mentioned today made it sound so dangerous. up 4%. these are not the kind of numbers i expect to see when i read scary articles about commercial real estate getting much worse. >> what's great to see, jim, is there a bit of a disconnect between the headlines and what we're seeing at the ground level. the activity levels have been fairly high. it's still a challenge is that it's a little more positive with 1600 companies or tenants in our portfolio, i would venture say a year ago, they were focused solely on job cuts, operating margin, maintenance, with little focus on how to grow their businesses. that created some demand issues i think for commercial real estate. what they're seeing now is more companies are focused on what they want their companies to look like a few years from now and how to take advantage of this improving economy. that spells good news for the commercial real estate sector. because as they start to stabilize their business plan, we'll look to continue to expand their business programs, they'll require office space. >> one last question i always hear the anchors say. i'm going to do it. you have to answer quickly because of time, that kind of thing. this is on page 13. biggest negative news. 200,000 square feet or so of leases. this is offices closed to the downside. i have to tell you, sir. when it's in the heart of the worst market since 1930s to have only 200,000 square feet to be really trouble, you can't tell me that's dangerous. >> well, we have a very diversified rent roll, a very manageable lease maturities. a good balance of debt maturity. we tried to position the country through the recent re-equitization that we can focus on fundamentals, continue to strengthen the balance sheet and put ourselves in a position to grow the organization. >> i would have been more forceful to tell people to buy your secondary. it was a monster of a thing. thank you for coming on "mad money". >> thank you for having me. this kind of opportunity, i want you to follow -- come to you and tell you to buy the secondary, federal realty, brandywine, you go and buy it on a boston company. you listen up. this is where the big money is being made. after the break, we'll make more money. coming up, citi is back in the headlines. but are we reading old news? find out on cramer's "eureka moment." plus jim goes fast and furious as he faces a nonstop barrage of calls giving stock after stock their final verdict on "the lightning round." all coming up on "mad money." some people buy a car based on the deal they get. others by the car of their dreams. during the lexus golden opportunity sales event, you can do both. special lease offers now available on the 2009 es 350. >> a lot of people thought i was crazy -- all the time, but in particular, when i went positive on citigroup. first recommending in august $3.80. now that the stock has reached $4.13, up 9% in the last two weeks, maybe you can see the method in my madness. the method -- one source is piggyback. we hear of people piggy backing fantastically successful and more fantastically famous investors buying stocks because of warren buffett or george soros or karl icon, they're buying so maybe you should buy. so, what if i told you by buying citigroup, you're piggy backing on one of the greatest investors of all time -- that's right, citigroup's largest shareholder is an institution with a killer track record. and you know what i'm talking about? i'm talking about uncle sam. the u.s. government. yes. i'm saying right here -- the feds are better buyers than the buffet. unbelievable? more like an anti-eureka moment if you're familiar with the history. citigroup isn't the first stock where they've made money for itself and investors with the bailout. maybe you don't think the government is capable of doing anything well. put your idology aside for a second. look at facts. citibank looks like the laft big bank the government rescued, chrysler in 1980. back then, chrysler was on the verge of bankruptcy. in order to save the company, the government co-signed $1.5 billion in loans. that was a lot then. the chrysler was responsible for paying back. because at the time, chrysler's own signature was worth less than the paper it was printed on. one i regard as similar to the one citi is in right now. the government took on the risk of having to foot the bill if chrysler couldn't pay. in exchange, the government received warrants to buy 14.4 million shares from chrysler at $13. those were meant to expire in 1990. the government signed the loan guarantees and received the warrants in 1980 at the time chrysler stock was up $7.15. chrysler got the money needed to come out with better cars, the minivan, and was able to turn a profit in 1982, a profit. after a $1.7 billion loss in 1980. in 1983, chrysler paid back the debt, eliminating the government's downside. since the company survived bankruptcy, chrysler's stock soared as did the value of the government's warrant. how did washington do on its investment? government forced chrysler to buy back the warrants in a public auction for $311 million on september 1, 1983. chrysler closed at $28 then. investors who piggy backed on the government, buying chrysler when the government did at $7.50, the day the government signed the loan guarantee and sold it for $28 when the government sold back the warrant three years later, 280% gain. the government is great on piggyback. it can do more in shoring up the stock and push management to do the right thing than any big shot activist investor can. that's why i think investing alongside the government in this case in citigroup could produce stellar gains. the stakes for washington are much higher now than they were with chrysler. i remember chrysler because i was buying stock for individuals when i was working at goldman sachs, i was recommending it to everyone saying this is the turnaround of the lifetime. the government is holding 34% of citigroup when citi was trading $3.14. piggybacking has already given me a gain so far. this is the first inning. i think citigroup could reach $12 by 2012. i'm using that phrase, $12 in 2012 giving you a 280% gain since july 30. that's exactly what you would have made investing alongside the government and chrysler. i don't think the government should be holding the shares of citigroup for that long. in fact, i think they should be getting out as soon as possible, which is september 10. that's right. september 10. not far from now. here's the bottom line. you can't ignore the history. there could be a lot of money to be made by piggybacking off of the government. how's that for a eureka moment? stay with cramer. >> coming up -- the madness goes nationwide. >> a big buffalo boo-yah. >> scorching dinner from west texas. >> sizzling southern california, jim. >> jim takes the calls from all across cramerica. >> boo-yah from st. louis. >> 110-degrees boo-yah from phoenix, arizona. >> boo-yah, from seattle. >> in an all-new "lightning round". whether the dow soars or hits the floor, jim helps to stay on steady ground with "am i diversified"? all coming up on "mad money." this friday, you don't have to wait until midnight for the madness to start. catch cramer at 11:00 every night of the week. take your double dose of "mad money," weeknights at 6:00 and 11:00 eastern on cnbc. introducing the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. i just gave you some at the restaurant. yea i know. i threw them out. they were old so... old! they are rollover minutes. they are as good as new. ya know not everyone gets to keep their unused minutes. and these days we can't afford to be wasteful. saving minutes... ...saves money. yea. (announcer) only at&t's family talk with rollover saves your family's unused minutes. and saving minutes saves money. for back to school, it's time! it's time for "the lightning round." what's that about the rapid fire cost when it does? sell, sell, sell. the stock question and my staff graphics. we play until you hear this sound. and then the lightning round is over. are you ready ski-daddy. it's time for the lightning round on cramer. jordan in pennsylvania, jordan? >> caller: hey, jim, and a big mountain hawks boo-yah to you from lehigh university in bethlehem. >> lehigh university? i was there two weeks ago with coach reid and the great team from the philadelphia eagles. what a beautiful school you have. i have to tell you. two thumbs up, lehigh. that is one gorgeous place. how can i help? >> reporter: thank you, i got to spend four years there. i wanted to ask about -- >> i'm mystified why this company hasn't done well here. it can't be just because dvd sales go down. when advertising comes back, disney will be a leader. espn is terrific. i regard disney it has franchises like tide and head and shoulders and gillette. miley cyrus, the jonas brothers, cars, "pirates of the caribbean." i'm a buyer even at 25. if that consumer gets red hot, you have a powerful stock on your hand. more power to buy. adam in mississippi. >> caller: hey, first time ever boo-yah to you from collin bridge. the stock is bnsf. is it a good buy? >> ole miss -- i'm a big backer of the rails. you know what's going to happen? the china problem. because the rails trade with china. the rails trade with china. bni might be the warren buffet favorite. i prefer -- that's like four stocks. i prefer union pacific which i told them would come down so i could buy it for action alert my charitable trust, play with an open hand. that's been on my target, my list. got up to 50. but it can't come down. i like it. linda in florida. linda? >> caller: hey, professor cramer. warm breezes from miami beach. boo-yah. >> like the condo market there. i have friends literally buying hundreds of condos, $150,000 down from $500,000. how do you go wrong? what's up? >> listen, i'm a member of action alert. i appreciate all of your help, you're a genius and inspiration truly. ttk. what do you think? >> i want to thank you for subscribing to my charitable trust where i play and make money for charity. but send out e-mails beforehand of what i'm going to buy. i looked at tech resources before. but i think a better buy right here, you know it, because you're a member of my club is to buy vail. i think v-a-i-l represents a higher quality player. it's jerry vale, for heaven sakes. that's $19.85. you know, you got the e-mail. i like that more than tech. taking one more. i'm going -- wow, we haven't had a tar heel in a long time/wolf pack/ -- whatever, the great state of north carolina. mo in carolina, mo. >> caller: cramer, boo-yah to you from north carolina! >> wow, i got to tell you, north carolina, sometimes i wish we could do the show from there. i like the raleigh area too, by the way. >> caller: i would like to know what you think about wells fargo. >> buy stock by many hedge fund managers. i have to deal with that. i own it for the charitable trust. i think, the lies, the lies, the horror, the horror. the apocalypse now in redux. here's what i say. i think the management is honest. they obviously blew it when they bought golden west. mr. stump i wish would come back on the show. i wish that howard atkins would come on the show. they tend to go on other shows. it does not hurt me. it does not make -- my feelings are not hurt. i'm not crushed. isn't like i go -- it bothers me immensely. would you guys come on the show? i like wells fargo. and i like "the lightning round". >> "the lightning round" is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade. a been acting lately you may wonder if you've been doing the right thing. is the advice you've been getting helping or hurting? are the fees you're paying really worth it? td ameritrade's fees are fair and straight-forward. their research is independent and unbiased. their investment consultants are knowledgeable and there when you need them. so why not talk to one? announcer: call today to schedule a free investment check-up, or visit a td ameritrade branch. but i've still got room for the internet. with my new netbook from at&t. with its built-in 3g network, it's fast and small, so it goes places other laptops can't. i'm bill kurtis, and wherever i go, i've got plenty of room for the internet. and the nation's fastest 3g network. gun it, mick. 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(announcer) joe uses the contour meter from bayer. (joe) my meter absolutely adapts to me and my lifestyle. i'm joe james, and being outside of the box is my simple win. tough market to kill. reminds me of one of my favorite movies. i like to say there's a bull market somewhere. i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. you need someone who has the market intuition to be your guy, however the market moves. let jim cramer be your man on the street. . announcer: what's your cialis moment? when she gives me that look. when at last we're alone. when we both decide. announcer: today, guys with erectile dysfunction can be ready with another dosing option from cialis. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. so relax and take your time. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. announcer: today, you have options: cialis for daily use or 36-hour cialis. ask your doctor if cialis is right for you, so when the moment is right, you can be ready. progress... it starts with more models than toyota or honda with an epa estimated 30 miles per gallon highway or better. next, it's a lineup of hybrids that fit the way you live, and one day, chevy volt, a car that can go up to 40 miles before it uses any gas at all. that's an american revolution. [ water ] hey, it's me -- water. did you know that when you filter me from your tap i'm pretty much the same as i am in a plastic bottle? well, that's not entirely true. see, at home, i'm 10 times cheaper. other than that, though, i'm pretty similar. oh, wait, there's no expiration date. and i don't have to get shipped all around the country. but other than the costing, the expiring thing, and the shipping thing, we're pretty much the same. pur. good, clean water. the china bear market, tim will tell you how to protect your money from the fallout. also, google turns 5 years old today. is it a birthday buy? later on, pete gives you defensive strategies for your portfolio that are so tough, they would even make ray lewis blush. let's go to the word on the street. of course, behind the reversal today, oil trading higher. joe, what was your screen like today? >> what was my screen like today? joe, what was your screen like today? >> what was my screen like today? today she loved me. she loved me. on the open. you came in with a bearish position. you were highly frustrated. the s&p futures looked like they were going to go down and challenge the 975 1/2 level. slowly rallied off of the lows all day. jim cramer came on. kudos to jim. oil kicked in as you said. we were off to the races to the upside. >> what were you playing on oil? long oil? >> we'll talk a little bit about oil as we move. the interesting part today is the didn't didn't grated integrated names for the first time since i could remember, the last couple of weeks actually participate in this rally, exxon mobile,