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Answer to the question how long is this unravel going to last . First of all, these are intriguing levels. The problem is as we were talking about during the break before we came over is that we had some fabulous bounce offs in the morning, but anybody who bought those in the morning who was brave enough, it was scalped now and take period of time, i care more about what happens between 245 and 3. Its too early really got to be in there just wait a little this was a huge bounce if it gets ugly for these names they have the auto desk just gets such a great quarter. Theyve withbeen waiting and wag for people to fwif up. Amazon, 945, that was their wake up call. Went down to 100 that was a fanstic, fantastic call, sarge go forth waugt bought it at 945, but k i look at these, coming in at 699, we dont need another hero. You dont think theres a bigger thing happen ng the market that has come so many legs when you look at whats going on in the marketplace, you look at the dow, its trading up, you look at whats moving in the dow. Financials had a nice bid underneath him i thought p for a long time, these financials are going to take off obviously, every week, we have different catalysts. It was earnings. Last week, combey, this week, te fed. I think the financials, a lot of this is going to hinlg on what happens over the next couple of days why wouldnt this last though into sectors that offer more value . Jimmy, you were talking about value early. Look at the russell. It was up earlier today. Oil stocks piqued today theres a move to get back into the trump stocks obviously talk about that, but ill give you the classic. We talked friday about nvidia, suddenly, it was up a buck and a half today i wanted to say, will you stay down a little in give me a break, nvidia. 8 wasnt enough of friday . Sometimes, you want to talk to stocks an strangle them, say, will you please wait theyre not as human as we think. Too much automation its a tough game to try and guess where the bottom is, so, you have to go to what i always go to, which is where are the fundamental basis. Does it make sense i cant tell you where stocks will turn daytoday based on fundamentals did those names move too far too fast if you say yes, then the air is going to come outier they said nothing too far too fast a couple of corrections over the last couple of years, where the mark was 10 be scared for that not because youre seeing these ridiculously immaterial moves in stocks that have such big moves. Amazon, if youre getting paid 965, why not 970 thats ridiculous. Look at what i read to jim at the start. That a third of s p tech sector, at least 10 some have been caught up in a tail wind in the draft i added to a couple of stocks today. I added to tablo. They hired you like amazon i had it one. I think thats a good call i bought more of that today. Trz i bought tablo and what about a desk let me give you four prices of alibaba today and that was down you kidding me that was down . What was that about . Probably the most underrated. Thank you kirk cousins thats a quarter stunt buying an a l tod ining appl. Which is for the iphone 8 is stale thesis. Im with you. Were going the talk to the analysts who downgraded apple in just a moment. First though, the thoughts of one josh brown i think a lot of the commentary around this has been pretty childish when you consider were talking about stocks that are down, not only on this desk, over the weekend let me start. Let me start differently pb facebook, microsoft, amazon and google, those names were all down 3 on friday. Thats never happened except one other time, august 21st of 2015. That was after bore and friday said its time to race, then changed his name. And the downgrade, devaluation overnight that chopped everyone so, you had this kind of massive kole tile day and it set up an opportunity for blue chip tech in our lifetimes the russell on friday made a new high who knows what trailers these types of thing, but the program traders as steve and pete alluded to, they exacerbate so now, you have viking global today. The show on friday was sort of emblematic of f the types of things people are talking about when b looking at these high flying tech stocks did you take a little bit of money off the table. Thats the word he used. Cell at 150, buy back if youre at home, invinvidia, a Autonomous Car maybe this is a chance to buy a couple hundred shares and just maybe hope it comes down, so hedge fund versus individual look what theyre holdings. They have 2. 2 billion, so i dont know what securities theyre liquidating. Guess what, theyre momentum tech theyre not a tech fund they are one of f the best longterm performing funds aud of a sudden, that can trigger behavior and then you have the people running the same strategy then a regular portfolio bounce or a small liquid documentatiat. Let me do this. I agree. Some of the news and some of where you can see the activity, jon is sea zeeing big activity in the ongss market. What are you seeing . Take a look at the qs and in the first 15 minutes today, thats pretty close to that you guys have cited the big turn around thats when you see that kind of turn around because it traded full session volume in 15 minutes in the qs. Fastest trading i have ever tracked in that index, so, in the first hour, it traded two times the full session volume. Again in the quees the vxn, which tracks not the vicks for the 500, but just the qs because of the amazons and apples and on the desk, jim, because of all those getting smokes the volatility shot up from friday at 1330 into the high 21s. In terms of what you see weve and now, this one didnt last an hour as far as when we slammed down in the request qs and then came racing back it was because so many people came in to get hedged at the bottom in that. Now, not saying that has to be the lopg term bottom but certainly, the way a will the of those stocks moved and the way the volatility spiked, wii saw puts go you know, three times where they closed on friday and guys were just coming in with both hands to liquidate those wut putts. So ill just caution vote that is the volume has been so extreme and the vxn as a great measure telling you of those blow off kind of things you look for. The volume was there and the fact they came in so heavy on the put side still better than 21. Hes mostly on the sell side now. It was on the buy side on the first hour interesting stuff. You guys got a comment you take a stock like that. Im using paradigm or nvidia. You can see that now, theyre up do you think that that could be sustainable or o at the end of the day, do you say this is going to start all over again tomorrow since they dont have a catalyst for what it was, i mean, pete and josh have cited twitter and josh just now on the show, the viking liqucquidation that could have been a trigger or people that follow that potential strategy that could be, jim i dont know i cant think of a really good reason for these stocks to be down for amazon to fall to 945, which it did, then run right back up. I dont have a good reason a good catalyst for that there isnt a lot were not in earnings season i dont think theyve had a down here, including 08 why is a way to why does it have to be anything more. That play momentum trade and didnt know. They dont know what amazon does just a retailer, aws just point it on the charts. Im not focused on these sellers. Ive got to be in this Land Research so powerful. Now, look, in april, 930 billion. 930 million come out of hedge funds one month. Only money coming in is going to the two sigmas and youve got a lot of quantity funds. They take your money to steves point, they dont care what amazon does. When that stops, they are built to get out of dodge. Not sitting there saying i wonderful fehr the roll out of whatever, do not care. And you can see that you can see that in the xlk chart. Sector against currency, but when that value comes down to a certain level, which i think is what happened here, they start buy iing again, so they could se and 930 and buy at 35. That relative value. Trz well see you back here tomorrow on the desk yes, sir. Certainly give us a jump off point there. We talked about apple. It is wup of the names under big pressure today got its second downgrade in under a week mizuho downgraded. The nlist behind the call joins us live from San Francisco abe, welcome to the show youre a brave man i know you know that jim cramer is sitting here. Can you just tell us before i turn the floor over to jim why now and why this weekend there are two things that drive the stock. At this point, we think both are towards the upper end. When you look at the earnings, iphoneses are the biggest drivers and when we get our checks with our japan team, it looks like 240 million unit con sumgts for next year towards the upper end of what they can deliver and which doesnt give us much room on the earnings side when you look at the multiple before friday, it was at sevenyear high. When you kind of yes, friday and today have deflated it a bit, but its still towards the upper end of the range when we dont see the upside from the market of the earn, we feel the stocks got its fully priced in. And thats what made us move to the sidelines. Jim cramer, floor is yours. First, i want to start with the notion of the sunday night downgrade. Just to give a little drama here why dwrou during the weekend, i jeurys want to know because it was the tonys last night. This is a bit of i think a little show boat why did you come out yesterday and give us this call when a lot of us come to work on monday jim, look at the note its not put together in half an hour, one day. It took multiple weeks to do the work and when the work was finished, when we got the data points in there, we cannot avoid the trigger. You finished sunday wanted the catch the penguins . It was one of those downgrades where everybody was talking about it you fired from maximum effect is is what im saying. Sfl when you look at the rational doctors e that i laid out, is there anything wrong with that . Yes, there is first of all, independeia i believe when they get to 344g, you make the case, an average indian cannot afford a phone what if people do sub diaz. They dont have any interest in subsidizing the phone do you know that . Thats not exactly what apple is saying perhaps its a vast conspiracy against you. But i dont get that the if that were to happen why do you think the service ruff knew is dropping off when its accelerating in china when you look at the services revenue, youve got to look at consensus. We think its a bit high can they Grow Services revenue absolutely, yes. You know they dont break it out. China. One of the softest foe bulls ive seen today came out and said china could be be better. That was like you parted the waters here. Like a bull in sheeps clothing. Thats fair, but i dont brace my ratings on what tony says coming oult and defending the stock today saying its still undervalued. Youre questioning the multiple because its at the upper end of a range of over the last seven years or whatever that metric was that you laid out. Am i hearing you right yeah, you know what yes, youre right. Its at a sevenyear high. Even if its so undervalued, who cares. Its one of those thipgs where if the numbers we believe are going to come down and if they come down, we dont think the all time high multiple can hold we downgraded the stock when everybody was positive a few years ago and got the same push balk on your show. We upgraded the stock when everybody was negative got a similar pushback from cnbc today, when everybody is positive, were downgrading the stock and getting a similar pushback in terms of india, apples lost significant market hair in china. You have phones that are future rich, cheaper, that will be selling on equal footing, better footing. So, if you dont have that infrastructure and youre talking about 700 for a phone and its got more features and youre not a sycophant for apple, maybe youre going to buy the other phone. In china, t the tough to explain why their market shares dedecli. Not waiting for the next upgrade. Thats what theyre doing. And when you look at retention rates, katie has been my favorite analyst for a long time people wait for over a year the market shares decline for over a year. Youve been a bear on this stock for a long time. I own this stock. The services revenue, thats a growth, they think you look at china and india, thats going to be b a growth. Retention growth. I know you own the stock. You didnt buy the stock until just recently. I ace di disagree on china and india. Thats why i dont believe china and india are going to be the be all end all. Retention rate here in the United States while we have abbott, whats the price . The price earnings of kimberly clark, kocolgate you can averag them or give me individuals. 23 times. Your companies have ecosystems that i can give a damn about im going to pay for the home. Why are we thinking this isnt the Greater Consumer product this is a Consumer Product and those second rate companies. I dont mean that. Did clorox i hadnt been outdoors hes fantastic what are the words im using those adjectives you got to look at this as a Consumer Products story and if thats case, then its not piquing. The multiple is not piquing, but i need to get your Consumer Product analyst on will he come out next week the floor is yours, sir zpl thank you. What we looked at apple, the value for customer analysis. We think it has a Loyal Customer base that is its biggest asset. We rallied like a company that gets revenues from its customers every few years. Based on lifetime values, when you look at the growth they offer within this stock will be worth anywhere from 150 to 160 based on the rally at the same time, apple, youre going to have a few years of growth and weve had declining earnings for them, so, this is a company which is no longer in a growth war this is a company that is the product cycle driven company th that. The point i want to make in opportunities, weve done extensive work on india opportunity. Weve published a couple of reports. Well be happy to sepulveda them over if you want we think b india, yes, it offers a great opportunity. Over time, for the reasons someone mentioned, we think the market share for apple can go to 4 to 5 of the market 10 million of revenue over the years. Now, 10 billion is a lot of revenue, but in the grand scheme of things, thats less than 5ers abe, you are youre a good sport. I think if if anything, its more of the timing perhaps no ones questioning the quality of your work or the time you put in op this call. I thought it was reasoned i like the call. Proctor and gamble is not dependent upon some other company picking up 40 to 50 i just think that people demand the ecosystem they want i think the ecosystem is more powerful i give it more time because of the sunday downgrade hey, guy, talk to you later. Whatever thank you again nice break for me well talk to you soon. Thank you, guys good sport. Its ahead of the cycle he wants to get ahead. So for the right reasons, you look at services, scott, you look at marchens where theyre growing is where the margins are as well. Thats going tok huge. When youre trying to get ahead on a tok like this, youre going to take these. Its a fine call. I think the Service Revenue being down, i disagree i think theyll want the phone i think hes a great guy next up, on halftime, the big shake up at General Electric jeff immelt is out but can the new man at General Electric make the moves needed to boost the struggling stock . And what should the strategy be . Over the last year, the stock is down 4 versus a 19 jump for the dow. Before the break, our partners at kensho looking at what happens to the nasdaq after a a sell off like the one we had on friday t happened seven times since 1985 with an average return of 1. 85 a week later for many, go to cnbc. Com pro were back in two minutes. Online u. S. Equity trades. You realize the smartest investing idea, isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. You on a perfect car,rch then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. 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In an internal email to his team, he says yesterday was my last day with uber he says he signed on with the Company Almost four years ago and quote, it has truly been the experience of a lifetime helping uber become the Fastest Growing company of all time. Now, this is a big departure for the ride sharing start up because he is described as one of the top deal guys and he was such for uber. He looked after broad strategy initiatives and played a major role in bringing funding in as well as making deals like the auto acquisition but at the same time, he was em embryo broil ed in many many of the biggest controversies. We await more headline as we know the report will be released tomorrow lets talk about ge now. The stock moving hire on its own management shake um. Jeffrey immelt stepping down jimmy, you first, then josh, who i think owns the stock you know, look, i think that in the end, youre dealing with a wholesale rebellion of key analysts ive got the jpmorgan sell in front of me. Ge dividend potentially at risk. Now, the company denied that million times. Ge material changes. Credit suisse. These are all big time analysts and you did have that missing the cash flow, which was a brutal miss. Which got a lot of people very concerned. The dividend, you know we reiterate the dividend is is sa safe, then s p during this period that he was the worst performer o f the dow, but also just the last three to five years so, if somebody says jim, you know, a lot of people own this stock individually yes, they should Retirement Fund or whatever what do i do you hold it im hearing nothing but good things about his successor im hearing from people who work with him, that the guy is tough as nails, hes a very internal guy. Thats important because i think he spent a lot of time external and we all want a guy sticking to his knitting here, if he has to do some serious evaluation and find the 2 billion in cost might push for this. And they like him. Worst performing dow component, down 29 , where is the dow josh was up 120 yeah, then when you look at like some of the comps Like Companies that are stand alone versions of some of the Business Units that ge is in, its embarrassing p look at boeing stock its like a joke shouldnt be in the same ballpark so, kouchl of thing, ge technically is no mans land its been consolidated for almost two years thats pretty much been in with good reason theyve had nothing good to say on any Earnings Call they made a ton of progress of getting rid of financial assets, but thats been it since then. Gas deal, the baker hughes deal the average down, but the first buy was with whats interesting today, you still own the stock sfl i have some. Im not adding because look, taking the other side of it. If you look at a chart, if you look at chart, you could see the moment that bomber stepped down you could see it its visible took the words out of my mouth. From space. With that, youre not really getting that reaction, oh, thank god hes gone, new blood the guy taking over has been there for three decades, coming in from Ge Health Care so, theres not a lot of enthusiasm that much is going to change they did a huge overall in term of moving headquarters to boston, but theres still this feeling of look, its an inbred management team, theyve been there before and theres a lot of sacred cows until that changes,en i dont expect a lot of momentum i have not owned the stock for a long time. The reason i bought it this morning was a couple of weeks aerg, i felt bad i was on here talking b about immelt and some of the struggles theyve had. The right reasons are we need to change, even if josh says inbred, even if thats the case, i think changes will occur at ge at a much faster pace than they have been and all the mistakes now are in the path. So, why aggressively bet on that happening rather than waiting to see it happen one of the reasons i dont think the stock screams to the upside, so yes, you could buy it a dollar or two higher on friday, someone came in and bought a massive options position what about today they rolled up for more. When that happens, that happens, but 18,000 calls were bought in the stock and they bought more today, so its brea interesting to see something happening at ge, that this is going to change the landscape. Youre saying this was a personal problem this was a, ceos name was immelt and not somebody else the business itself is the business and how they were running the business bis itself. Back to microsoft. As microsoft made its transition, they found the right guy. Where . Everybody on this desk said they should hire the guy from it was who came from within. It is a personality thing because understand steve, microsoft doubled its earnings they did one of the biggest onetime dividends in history. They bought back more stock than you could count. Like grains of sand on the beach and none of it mattered. The multiple never moved the share price never moved because there was not a belief for 15 years that he understood stood the future of tech and they watched one afternoon after the other slip by. They took a small stake in facebook really michigan missed wireless like we talked last week, obama had to go for the stock market to get excited fine what about a victim of circumstances . Big financing into the crisis. Everybody praised the baker hughes thing when it happened. In order to make real money in the market, you have to have, you have to be to believe in elements of concentration and volatility this is the opposite of concentration here, this is so diverse that its always going to be mediocre were going to have one part thats working, one part thats not. The first reason, he selectively buying grade assets. What im talking about hes got concentrated portfolio of stocks. Hes outperforming the s p for the exact reason im talking about. The concentration level. Number two, he doesnt give a crap theyre he needs to be able to take it out jack well, i think thats very important. In front of everybody and in the back room, im done. The bottom third guys who dont make the playoffs are done. They couldnt bring it would take too long for an outsider to get to speed all right cant get dave cody back. Hes retired. Wouldnt that be quick. Travis might be available tracking bullish activity on a bank stock well tell you what that is. 10,000 calls. 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And the city of orlando pausing to remember the mass shooting at the pulse nightclub one year ago today hundreds camped out on the grounds where a single shooter killed 49 People Memorial services happening around the city all day today. Thats the news update at this hour. Now, to melissa lee with whats coming up on power lunch and youre in beautiful miami, melissa. I am. Im at the conference here in miami. Coming up on power lunch, we are going talk about the tech wreck. Is more pain to come or is this the big buying opportunity plus, were speaking with suze orm orman, of course, her investing advice in our exclusive with the sprint ceo on the telecom turn arn andrew mors are the tie up with t mobile. Top of the hour. Meantime, Halftime Report is back right after this. Say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. And a rook at whats moving in the options market. You said it was a bang which one . Back to last week, wednesday and thursday, we had monstrous buying following day, bank of america calls, bought again. 60,000 of those. So, today, citi, which has been on a nice move to the upside little pullback and trying to break out to the upside. Take a look at the options there. Trz these are, theyre just a very, very shortterm call looking for this stock to blaek out. I got that nice bump last week as we talked about rotation, financials were trading well last week as well. Come back over. Pete book value is at the same place. Finally traded up to it. Mike is unheralded sh doesnt want any publicity i gave him the most hes ever going to get bank stocks get another round of push . With the fed . Little tired. Making the move recently. Bank of america, back to 23 j. Pmorga jpmorgan, 27 okay, adobe gets a downgrade after a 30 jump call of the day. Is next. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Well wait. What did you think about her . Morrow. Its definitely a new idea, but theres no business track record. Well, have you seen her work . No. Is it good . Good . At cognizant, were helping todays leading banks make better lending decisions with new sources of data so, multiply that by her followers, speaking engagements, work experience. Credit history. That more accurately assess a business chances of success. This is a good investment. Shes a good investment. Get ready, because were helping leading Companies Lead with digital. Welcome back to halftime more than 30 this year alone today though it is under pressure there it is, down more than 1 the stock is up too much, too fast, it is our call of the day. Not much of a pullback on a call i did cut his price target from 112 to 109. Then a no mathematically it raises the target it raises 3. A three for one then. List en, this is one of those calls where i see it and say they have done a remarkable job. A hedge fund, yes. Do this call its entirely possible the stock falls interest from 136 to 131 how about the next 50 points over the next three years. This is the ecommerce play on the cloud. Theres a putt in here this is a perennial takeover target, absolutely no reason why its expensive so if it falls to 112, people get interested. I feel like, look, theres down side to any name but of all the names to look for, try to scalp 15 out of, like, are you nuts maybe theres a little more to it. Barnum and baileys closed to joshs point the analyst says the likelihood of tax reform or repatriation sooner is a little diminished, therefore limiting the options of larger he does politics, too . How does he feel he covers software in washington 20 you just said that one of your core reasons for liking the stock was because its a perennial takeover target. This it analyst is saying its not what you think because of these other issues which could hinder a Large Company he thinks he doesnt understand the evolution of this company. Turn this company into several verticals about how to market on the cloud. This is one of those that i think this guy is a visionary and hell report and sometimes theres profit taking. The last quarter went from 109 down to 103 people freaked out not just the verticals, the whole business models. When they went to subscription, they had a year in the penalty box. The street said youre not going to be able to do it. When does valuation matter . Ive taken a position on this stock its going to be down 20 . Thats real alpha killing down 20 . Not just hedge funds when does develop you matter how do you go from a sell to a company you call in the note fundamentally excellent . Accelerated revenue growth. The gains have come too quickly. They say they would rather be exposed elsewhere like sales force. I dont want to say six and a half or a dozen but it does matter has sales force ever sold at the a reasonable valuation ever in World History no. Has it ever mattered in it its valuation . It would be down 20 . Did he tell you that . He did. , did everybody get it he said tell scott weve got to go. Now hes mad. Ju ia ken nnot tgog meo mpn la imiesa. Halftime report back in two minutes. Hey, ive got the trend analysis. Hey. Hi. Hi. You guys going to the Company Picnic this weekend . Picnics are delightful. Oh, wish we could. But were stuck here catching up on claims. But we just compared historical claims to coverages. But we have those new audits. My natural language api can help us score those by noon. Great. See you guys there. We would not miss it. Watson, you gotta learn how to take a hint. I love to learn. All right, were back on the Halftime Report. Mark butler, jimmy, you have him tonight on mad money. Up 45 . Thats the lowest priced stuff in the world, an odd lot, job lot kind of place. Thank you to matthew boss from jpmorgan introduced me to the man. Just fantastic great story. One of the toprated analysts, one or two lets do final trades. Well end with jimmy go ahead i want to mention india, inda is an easy way to play it. Up 21 year to date, one of the best emerging markets etfs and this gets chased and is small enough that you can see a lot of money flow, continue to push it higher cadmium is down 10 thats when you have to buy this not when its trading 7 but 66. It was 65 and now its 61 i like what im seeing people are sellingputts. Im looking at it. I havent jumped in yet. Do you have a take on starbucks . I sold some came back down so quickly. I couldnt believe it. Plc childrens place, a remarkable job you have gymboree closing for bankruptcy they are in the same mall in a lot of places. It hurt dicks when Sports Authority came down. This is in the mall, one place to go, childrens place, remarkable numbers you have 15 seconds and you said Pay Attention to the afternoon to see where its too early watching video this it afternoon. Just be careful because a lot of these guys who bought at the bottom really do want to ring the register later in the day. Thanks for being here power starts now. All right, scott, thank you very much. Thats right well talk more about tech the apple of investors eyes, apple, amazon, google, facebook all down again but what you want to know is, is this just a discount on investments you need to own well find out if tech does keep selling off many think this one sector may be the place for your money. Well name it. And uber under fire. A Major Management shakeup. The ceo in the balance and a 70 billion valuation on the line as the worlds hottest startup ran out

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