That time. Isnt that ironic . But we are having a very good day today and many would point out on very light volume, which is understandable. I always point that out. You can still make money whether volume is up or down. If i own apple and it moves up, i dont care if it is low or light volume. I have clocked in a gain. The market is is not sluggish on this abbreviated trading session after the thanksgiving holiday. A triple digit gain. Light volume but still a 100point gain is a 100point gain. Whats in store for investser between now around the end of the year. The markets Historical Performance between thanksgiving and new years the dow is up an average 1. 4 . The s p 500 up 1. 5 . And the nasdaq, the outperformer there, up by 2 , on average. Joining us with their thoughts, quinn, we just kept getting stronger as we went into the close today but youre still skeptical. Youd be selling into this rally. Wouldnt you . Absolutely. I think this is an opportunity to take it off the table. I said last week with maria that you dont panic sell. Just as we didnt do and then weve got the rally. Now is an opportunity to take the step back. We dont know whats going to happen between now and the end of the year. As i said earlier an hour ago, you are betting on congress. If youre optimistic theyre going to find a solution and well be off to the races, fine. Im not. Im a seller into this rally. Youll get better prices into the new year. I would also like to mention as the markets have settled up, we did actually close above 13,000 again, folks. That is a gain of 172 points. Michael, let me ask you, are you a seller into this rally as well . No, i am not. I actually feel the market will tread water for the rest of the year. Really, we only have four, or five weeks left. I think well tread water. But as i look into next year, i see things that are happening not only in the u. S. But on a global basis. It would lead me to believe that the market could be up 10 or more next year. I would what are you seeing when you say you are looking around the world that makes you believe well go higher . I see several things. I see emerging markets have slurmd in the second half of the year. I think those are improving, specifically in china. I see the eurozone committed to economic stimulus through their Monetary System in the ecb. I think thats very positive for that market. And in the u. S. Here, i see employment Getting Better. I see clarity on the fiscal cliff next year and i see the Housing Market Getting Better around better and i think thats a positive. Rick santelli, it wasnt just stocks rallying today. Here in the u. S. , europe had its best week of the year this week. The euro is at a threeweek high. Gold was very strong today. Whats the market telling us right now . I think the markets telling us that theres a lot of bargain hunting and a lot of optimism towards europe. That made sense. I think that the issues of europe are far from cured. I dont think they can be cured. But i do think theres going to be large time gaps where investors hit the gas because the bureaucrats arent necessarily hitting the brake. Whether its cyprus seems to be an issue. But its strong. Greece really isnt a huge issue but it really does represent kind of how the thinking goes for larger issues that europe has defaced. I found it fascinating, the dollar index closed down over a penny, even though had a strong gain on the week on the yen. It just goes to show you how that euro is so powerful this week and how in the last couple of days its just on fire. The forex market often gives a good barometer of investment sentiment. Mary thompson, with regard to investor sentiment, you talk to a lot of traders on the floor. How are they feeling . Its been a good week. Right . What do they feel is priced in at this stage . At this point right now there is some expectation some expectations, i should say, not complete assumption that there will be an agreement on the fiscal cliff. Thats one of the things that they talk about. There are too many question marks out there. Keep in mind when you look at this rally, consolidated volume here is going to be 1. 4 billion to 1. 5 billion. Thats the lowest volume on a black friday going back to 2007. A very impressive rally at the end of the day with tech and materials and energy or industrials and Energy Leading the way. But again im not sure it has the conviction. That being said, you go back to the risk. What happens with greece, what happens with spain and what happens here in the u. S. With the fiscal cliff. There are still a lot of concerns out there despite positive news like the improvement in german Business Confidence and the signs we see strengthen china as well. Mr. Skeptic, what would make you bullish in this market right now . Bill, its fascinating. Today we talk about employment trying to turn around and we see people walking out of their jobs at walmart on the biggest day of the year. I want to see a change in total attitude in this country, not just some housing numbers, not just a blip up in employment. Weve got a structural problem with our mentality. Thats what it would take me to get majorly bullish on the market. What specifically are you talking about here . I get the employment thing but what would make this what structural change you talking about . I dont get what youre saying here. Well, again, it is an attitude change. Were having people who are walking out of their jobs on the biggest day of their employers year. And their attitude is were not going to work until we get recognized. We get more. You dont see that as a problem in our country . What im hearing anecdotally is that 50 people walked out, then they bussed in the rest of them. Dont know how much conviction there actually is for the people walking off the job today. How about last week . We see one union take down the twinkie industry. My point is we need to see a definite shift. We dont just need to see a few blips on the radar. Until we get that i dont think we have any Seismic Movement in the market from here. Very good. Thank you all. See you later. Have a good weekend if we dont see you later. Thanks. So a black friday rally closing out what has been a very good week for the bulls overall. Kayla tausche rounds up todays winners and losers. All major markets are up, not just today but throughout the week. Each of the major indices up better than 3 on what has been a relatively short week on relatively low volume. But congress has also been out this week so those fiscal cliff worries were largely put on hold. Thats probably why were seeing those strong gains here. Lets take a look at the leaders and laggards. Youre seeing dell, advanced micro, hewlettpackard is up 4 on whats been a dismal week for that stock. Baxter international is up on reports that it will be buying a swedish medical equipment maker for 4 billion. Those are the winners. But look at the losers for today. Youre seeing a grab bag of companies, some defensive names like exelon, Wisconsin Energy and Southern Company in the energy sector. As well as cablevision and genworth which is an insurance name. So roughly pretty big grab bag for laggards today. Research in motion getting a big pop today on heavy volume for that stock, up 14 in a sustained rally. Thats a big move for r. I. M. Were finally getting a date for the blackberry rollout, january 30th. Analysts like that move as well as investors. Well see if that works out. Blackberry 10 is make or break for this stock. Our internal market guru here at cnbc tells me that with todays rally, the markets are now back theyve erased all of the losses we saw in the u. S. Markets after the election on november 6th. Were back to we have a crack data team, dont we . We ask, they perform. Thank you very much. From california to florida, walmart workers have been staging protests at various locations across the country. But, is that keeping shoppers away . Well go live to a Walmart Store in maryland for the latest action on that. Plus, well tell you six ways to find the best deals out there. All it takes is your fingers and a mobile device. Up next fiscal cliff getting closer and closer every single day. One member of our panel says there is no way the lawmakers will hash out a deal by the end of the year. What does that mean for stocks . Stick around to find out. [ male announcer ] this is steve. He loves risk. But whether hes climbing everest, scuba diving the Great Barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesnt nickel and dime him with hidden fees. So he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isnt rocket science. Its just common sense, from td ameritrade. The market the market rallying all week as if a fiscal cliff deal is as good as done. But are we setting ourselves up for a fall here . Zero chance of a deal . Youre scaring the kids. Cnbc contributor zach caramel is more optimistic. While mike santoli says a deal is already priced into the market. Mr. Party pooper, why do you think we get no deal at all . The same composition of congress existed before the election is what we have after the election. Nothing happened before then. Im just repeating what lawmakers said. Chris van howen, representative out of maryland, said if nothing is done before they go on summer recess, you have to suspect nothing can get done by the end of the year. Everybody is concentrating on this december 31st deadline. Actually december 14th is the final day for congress. They can work through the holidays to try to get this deal done. Were looking at 600 billion according to the cbo and if you really want to look at all of 2013, you are looking at 800 billion to 900 billion. It is hard to imagine they could come to terms with everything that needs to be taken care of in just a few weeks from now. What happens to the markets if we miss that deadline, todd . Theyre going lower. Look at federal spending. How much lower . At least 10 . This countrys destined for a recession as it is. Now if you take a look at the fiscal cliff mess, plus you look at spending cuts on the governments side, thats going to have a tremendous impact on gdp. You have to look for the lift somewhere. It is not going to come zach, why are you more hopeful . First of all, i wish i possessed todds certainty about the future with the laser like clarity of things going either incredibly well or incredibly badly. And i dont. One, i think you have to forecast an entire year of stasis in washington if you get the fiscal cliff the Budget Office is forecasting at its worse. No matter how Dysfunctional Congress is, i dont think you go an entire year with absolutely no activity because of the political and economic pressure will get so intense easily by the end of january to force somebodys hand. Im not saying that i know anything will happen by december 14th or january 1st. I do think markets have priced a lot of that in. But they could go higher or lower but think that will be based on fundamentals ultimately, not on the timing of a political deal. Do you feel the markets are spending way too much focusing on getting a deal done, instead of working on, okay, deal done, where do we go from there . There are a lot of fundamental headwinds from this market. I imagine once we get a deal, there will be tax hikes and sped spending cuts which could be headwinds in itself. The market on a short term basis has been a little oversensitive to every tactical change in the likelihood of some kind of deal before the end of the year. It does not mean to me once we get an agreement or dont get an agreement that the market is automatically therefore more vulnerable. I actually think that essentially the 5 move weve had to the up side in the last week when congress started to express a mutual intention of getting something done, that probably gets most people to the idea of, fine, we hash out some compromise that both can maybe declare victory. If not, then soon thereafter. I do think though that you see decent domestic economic numbers underpinning a lot of whats going on below the surface in the market and the headwinds to me being the open question of whether china with reaction sell rate. To me those two things should be driving the market as opposed to kind of the war gaming of the fiscal cliff talks in d. C. Todd, is this all about the fiscal cliff for you . Lets assume the impossible happens and they do come one a deal in a timely fashion. What happens then in your view . Then i turn my view to the jobs picture, bill, because first of all, when you look at the tax implications, lets say a deal is cut. Say that we know x amount of dollars are going to be cut and x amount of taxes are going higher. However, corporations still need to hire. We talk about the trillions of dollars in cash or not Balance Sheet for s p 500 companies. Nobodys hiring right now so where is the jobs picture . Wall street has enough to worry about with the fiscal cliff but if a deal is done, then we turn our attention obvious tloi joly and then fundamental analysis. Zach, do you worry that youre in denial . I worry about everything, bill. My own personal denial is probably too deep for me to be concerned about it. In terms of the job picture, i would say that you have a stable but not improving but not deteriorating job pictures. It is a foundation on which were going to have to get used to high structural unemployment. Corporations will hire if there is domestic demand on the one hand, and if Technology Efficiencies are not sufficient to allow them to generate profits. Im much more focused on the Technology Efficiencies and global shifts as an impediment to moving the job needle. But thats a very different thing as to whether or not the Overall Economic system is going to thrive under that circumstance. I think in fact well do decently, not spectacularly. A lot of questions to come here. Thank you all for joining us here today. See you guys later. Black friday drama at the nations biggest retailer. Well go live to a walmart in maryland on the back half of this show to check out whether todays worker protests are actually interfering with black friday shopping. Thats the whole question, has it interfered with the shopping . That would be what theyre trying to do today. Up next, have you hit the malls yet . Well talk to three analysts who have done just that. Well find out if they think the grinch will make off with Holiday Cheer this year. Later on, bargain hunting made easy. How halfadozen mobile device apps can help you find the very best deals in stores and online. It is news everyone can use. Thats what were all about here on cnbc. So do stick around. Youre watching cnbcs closing bell. As expected, hordes of shoppers have been flooding stores and malls this black friday but many bexwan their shopping yesterday when retailers like walmart and target opened their doors thanksgiving day. That of course has sparked some protests from some workers. Will the early hours strategy pay off for retailers . Will concerns about the sluggish economy and the fiscal cliff keep consumers home . All questions we seek answers to. Lets get some answers. Cnbc contributor stacy liblet at Queens Center mall here in new york city. We also have liz dunn of mcquarry capital on the west coast in san francisco. Great to have you all with us. Laura, why dont i get to you first of all. What are you seeing out there on the floor of the malls . So traffics slowing a little bit which is normal for the afternoon. I think that most of the traffic most of the big buys were for electronics and toys. Those happened last night. They may be happening online more and more. But the malls bit slow, we think, relative to a year ago. Do you think people came in earlier with all of these earlier openings that weve been hearing about . Do you feel maybe thats just drifted off a little bit as everyones now done their shopping and gone loam to bed . Im pretty sure that that is what has happened here. You dont normally see this is an urban mall in queens. I would not judge the rest of the country by this particular mall. Most of the estimates were about 2. 5 growth on top of 4 last year. That looks reasonable to us and it is pretty consistent with what were hearing in other parts of the country. Stacy, ive heard some retailers say people arent come doing black friday like they used to. Theyve started shopping even earlier. They go online. Are these door busters deals even working right now . What do you make of the extended hours . Has it worked . I think it really has in many cases. For example, walmart started at 8 00 and the most important thing is they guarantee in stock on musthave items for an hour. Thats a big deal. You look at best buy, there was a 40inch tv for under 200. Thats a big deal. It stirred up a lot of traffic. But the problem is there were a lot of disappointed customers that waited in line because quantities are limit limited. But in general youre just seeing sales pulled forward, not creating incremental sales. We have the pulse check on whos out there and who is not. Who are winners and losers going to be from this black friday . Three companies i really like to highlight today. I think macys was a huge winner. They decided to open at midnight and really drove a lot of business around that decision. They were focused on the millennial customer and really targeted offers to that younger customer. Other company id like to highlight abercrombie fitch. Multiple checks here are saying lines out the door and a little bit less promotion than last year. Finally, jcpenney. They decided to participate in black friday. This is a little bit of a departure from their strategy of every day prices. I definitely saw traffic there today. It will be interesting to see if they can sustain that through the holiday period as they move back to every day prices. What is ron johnsons strategy . I mean what that stock has just tanked this year. In some ways are you being a contrarian to buy that right now . You know, im kind of betting on the longer term. I think in terms of holiday, the fourth quarters going to be really challenging for them and i dont think theyre saying anything different than that. I think thats going to be a challenge. But today with the black friday promotions that they held, it did seem like they generated some incremental traffic so it will be interesting to see if they take those learnings into the longer term strategy. Do you feel, stacy, that the experience at jcp lets call it an experiment perhaps with the every day low pricing kind of proves that the American Consumer still wants coupons . Give me coupons. They want their coupons. They do. They want their freebies. Just look at lines at the stores like best buy and walmart that are starting the earliest and are the most promotional and then you look at numbers at jcpenney when they took those promotions away, numbers went downhill. Im hearing a little bit different story than liz, im a little more cautious here on jcpenney. Im hearing that the traffic is not so great at the openings for jcpenney. Those pins theyre giving them away so get out there and get them, you might win a freebie. Laura, im going to ask you the question i posed earlier. Did the extended hours experiment work . Is it a good idea to open on thanksgiving night and give shoppers that much more time to shop . Does it a add incrementally to sales or just rob from other hours . We think that no matter when stores open, thanksgiving day, before thanksgiving, we think customers normally have a budget. They use that budget. But you dont want to be the one that is not open so we think it is a good thing to be open early, particularly if your competitor is closed. Another thing im hearing, laura, is that people are essentially putting the same deals that you would get in a brick and mortar store out on the same day online. Right . On their websites as well. Are they cannibalizing each other then . Theyre absolutely cannibalizing each other. But i think that the goal is to capture sales what no matter what channel you get it from. Our favorite idea this Holiday Season is williamssonoma because theyre truly multichannel. They do most of their profits online. I think it is important as you look for stocks for the holidays to focus on companies that are very strong online. All right. Ladies, thank you all for your insights. Well let you get back to your channel checks wait. I thought stacy had a black friday souvenir for me . I do. I didnt hear about this. I picked up Something Special for mandy. I survived black friday. So ill send it home with the producer. Zblichls im going to look so good in that. Im sure management will be thrilled. I dare you to wear that next to sullivan next week. Thank you for the thought, sta stacy. Expensive watches, fancy cars, fur coats, our wealth editor robert frank is coming up on whether or not the super rich will lead the way this Holiday Shopping season. Also, you splay noticed the prices at the pump have been dropping lately. Yes. Wait until you hear how low someone here says they could go next year. In the meantime, lets look at some black friday shoppers. Thats what theyre doing out there. Theyre walking around. Hopefully spending some money. This is the biggest mall in the united states, the mall of america in minnesota. Back in 2 00. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] the mercedesbenz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle thats just right for you, no matter which list youre on. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 c250 for 349 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. At your local customer erin swenson bought so, im happy. Today. Sales go up. Im happy. It went out today. Im happy. What if shes not home . together she wont be happy. Use ups she can get a text alert, reroute. Even reschedule her package. Its ups my choice. Are you happy . Im happy. Im happy. Im happy. Im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. together happy. I love logistics. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. Together for your future. Santa claus was here today. I mean the rally continued on wall street capping off a very strong week. Energy trading has wrapped up now after a nice rally in oil as well. Jackie deangelis has the nymex details on that. Were watching oil today as fresh concerns out of the middle east sent those prices a little bit higher. Were talking about specifically violence in egypt. After a decree by egyptian president Mohamed Morsi that put his decisions above legal challenge. Protesters accusing him of a coup. All eyes of course on egypt, as well as israel and gaza where the ceasefire is still in place. Oil prices also saw additional port on the news out of europe, optimism over greece today. West texas intermediate closing above 88 a barrel, up 1 in this short rned session. Brent risie ining as well but slightly less than that. Nonetheless, Energy Prices apparently are about to get lower. Our next guest is talking 70s on crude for next year. John, why are you so bearish on oil for next year . A couple of things. Global economy doesnt look all that great for next year particularly in europe. They have a lot to get together, the greece situation. Were also now its going to get worse than it is this year. Yeah. Iea, opec itself all looking for demand declines next year in terms of growth. Also, two things that bedevilled the brent market this year, troubles out of the north sea, constantly having problems with production. Once that comes back online for any length of time, lower prices. Similarly, i know all the debate is around the Keystone Pipeline there is a lot of work being done as we speak to get oil from west texas to the u. S. Gulf and from cushing, oklahoma and the mid continent so were awash in oil. But it is landlocked as well. When those pipelines come on in the first, Second Quarter we could see a real drop in gulf coast prices. Opec couldnt do anything saudi arabia is the swing producer in the world. They couldnt reduce production enough to offset that glut of oil . I dont see them going that way, bill. Theres plenty of demand still out in asia, out in china. Not to mention the saudis are in the process of finishing up a huge refinery themselves thats in the gulf coast that theyre going to send their oil to that they want to process and then sell the refined product on the open market. So this is going to be an interesting setup here for how low crude oil can go. I have to ask, gaza strip wild card. Ceasefire holding for now but protests breaking out in egypt. What happens on that front and will it take any oil out of the market . We absolutely always have to watch the geopolitical story. This is a very unfortunate development here with president morsis move. And of course, irans on the clock with israel come probably mid year so that that will certainly be somewhat supportive of prices. The fundamentals of supply i think will overwhelm, for a time. Regale us before we go. How much lower could gasoline prices go, do you think . Theyre already around 3. 50 national average. You could be seeing sub3 gallon gasoline next year. We could only hope. How great would that be from an economy benefitting from the rebound in the housing sector and everything else. We hope you are right. Thank you very much, john. Did you get your black friday on yet . Shes itching to get out there today. Well show you where the hottest shopping action on the other side of the break. Plus find out whether walmart worker protests have been keeping shoppers away. Later on, your mobile device could be your best ticket to huge time money and savings. Well show you the apps you need to know about to achieve that. Dont go away. Time to toast todays close with this want to skip todays crazy black friday shopping lines . Try using your phone. According to the Interactive Advertising bureau, more than 80 of smartphone owners have accessed retailer sites or apps. So which cities are the most savvy when it comes to mobile shopping . Find out next. A toast to todays market close. Here are the top five mobile shopping savvy cities. New york, l. A. , san francisco, seattle, and topping the list for the second year in a row houston. Who knew . Who knew . Now we know. News you can use. Well, the Holiday Shopping season kicking off with a bang as millions of americans shop until they drop this black friday. We have full Team Coverage of the shopping event. Courtney reagan at a mall in ohio, jane wells at a best buy in california, Hampton Pearson at a walmart with following the walkout protests in maryland, and we also have robert frank looking at whether millionaires are participating in the black friday rush. Lets start with courtney. Youve been at this mall all day. First of all, have you bought anything . Reporter i have been at the mall all day. I have only bought food so far but my credit cards are itching to be used a little bit later when we have a bit of a break. Foot traffic here has actually increased throughout the day. Were hearing from retailers, analysts, shoppers alike that in general those thanksgiving early hours did indeed drive traffic. Some shoppers here have been shopping all night long. Its just crazy. If you like craziness. Its a good place to be. We started too early. Thursday night. Normally we do about 3 00, 4 00 in the morning. I went at 7 00 to walmart an got out by 8 45. Went home, finished some homework. And then i just came out again at 2 45. Jpmorgans matt boston is scouting multiple locations throughout the company. They said they were nice lines but fewer than what they saw last year. He also thinks macys is the clear winner. From a mall in long island, they say traffic early stronger than last year. Citi says targets electronics door buster deals did drive generally strong traffic. Deutsche bank says crowds at walmart and target have been strong. While black friday will likely be a success for retailers, he doesnt believe it will be a game changer. Customer Growth Partners Craig Johnson says generators at home depot and lowes on the east coast sold out within 20 minutes. A bit of a different door buster type of deal. However, not entirely surprising with what weve just gone through with sandy and the upcoming winter. Home depot shares trading at 12year highs. Lowes at 5year highs. Google says when it comes to shopping related searches, Jcpenney Christmas is coming in number one, followed by walmart black friday card and home depro black friday hours. Interesting data points coming in from all around the country, online, in store, you name it, weve got it for you. Very good. Courtney reagan, back home in the heartland. Say hi to your family for me there. Could this end up being a make or break Holiday Shopping season for best buy . Jane wells is at one in california with details on that. Jane . Reporter hey, bill. The manager here at this best buy wont give us specific numbers but he says sales so far after 10 1 2 hours are on track. Part of best buys restructuring is something called the renew Blue Initiative which citigroup says theyre trying to emphasize customer experience, improve it in the stores, something theyve struggled with. Theyve reilly tried to pump up employees today. Heres you, brandon. How has the experience been so far . Pretty good. What did you buy . Assassins create 3. Your mother lets you play that . Yeah. Well talk later. But the employees have been staying chipper and goodnatured. I dont know how theyre doing it because you can tell im getting a little punchy. Im about ready to rip somebodys head off. But the big deal other than this smooth transition, there was one bottleneck earlier. Around 4 00 a. M. Everybody had had gotten in but the line to get to the Cash Register was taking over two hours. Ininterviewed on live tv one said who said hed flown here from india and his wait at that point was over two hours. Listen. What are you buying . Im buying a dslr camera. You came from india to buy this . Is. Yes. Yes, i did. Really . Because they have a thing called the internet. This is not the experience i was expecting. Reporter well, it all worked out. I snapped this photo maybe about a halfhour later as he gave a thumbs up getting close finally to the Cash Register. By 5 30 a. M. , guys, the lines were much more flowing smoothly, much more back to normal. Back to you. You are definitely getting punchy. The punchy jane wells. Go easy on that young man. He seemed like a very nice young man. I know. Poor brandon. His poor mother. Just go and have another starbucks number 100. Thank you, jane. Half caf. Protests by workers at walmarts across the country are not overshadowing what walmart says is shaping up to be a very good start to the Holiday Shopping season for the Worlds Largest retailer. Hampton pearson is at a walmart in maryland with more. From what we were talking about last time, what are we seeing now, hampton . Reporter well, its calmed down but earlier we did have a very well orchestrated and well organized protest here. Maybe a couple hundred demonstrators backing a national campaign, if you will, on behalf of major labor unions and Community Organizers to, they say, get better pay and benefits for walmarts 1. 4 million employees. They say theyre simply supporting the groundswell thats building inside walmart among employees who are speaking out more and more. Some in cases walking off their jobs briefly today. One longtime employee who did walk off her job to participate todays demonstration told us the threat of retaliation by her bosses, she feels, is very real. We will not be silent and we are tired of them intimidating workers. We have antiunion meetings that they put us in a room. You think youre going in there for benefits. They shut the door, paper up the windows and then tell you an antiunion spiel. Reporter walmart saying statements like that are greatly exaggerated and, frankly, the size and magnitude of the protests promised by folks on the other side, also grossly exaggerated. In an updated statement, they say the bottom line is theyre on their way to one of their best black fridays ever as far as their customers. Back to you. Is there hampton, thank you for that. We should probably mention as well, this is obviously purely anecdotal but one of our our producer who is there says he hasnt seen any of those protesters in walmart employee gash which obviously feeds back to what we were discussing earlier that amongst those protesting from walmart themselves, there are a number of people from the community, perhaps even those tho have been bussed in. It clearly has not disrupted shopping. That goes on, thats for sure. Millions of americans are hunting for bargains this black friday but are the nations millionaires among them . Wealth editor robert frank has that part of the story for us right now. Robert . Thanks, bill. Turns out millionaires will not be joining jane wells on those best buy lines this morning or today. 83 of millionaires will not be doing any Holiday Shopping today. Thats higher than other income groups. Its not so surprising, millionaires dont get quite as excited over saving 2 on a dvd. But what is surprising is that millionaires arent spending much at all this year for gifts. More than threequarters of them plan to spend the same as they did last year according to a survey from spectrum group. Only 14 plan to spend more and 10 plan to spend less. Most millionaires plan to spend 1,000 or less this season. Reason . A lot of it is the fiscal cliff and the fears taxes are about to go up. Any tax hikes are expected to hit the highest earners the hardest. It is unclear whether this is all bad news for luxury retailers like sachs, nordstroms and tiffanys. With more of the wealthy thinking about uncle sam this christmas, rather than santa, well be watching these Luxury Companies very cautiously. A different bearded gentleman that theyre thinking about. Exactly. Thats right. Thank you, robert. Let your fingers do the saving. Coming up next, well tell you about halfadozen apps that could put some extra bucks in your wallet this holiday and beyond. Im doing apps now. Oh, dear. Later, how about doing Holiday Shopping at a mom and pop store tomorrow. Well talk about the American Express executive behind this saturdays Small Business movement in a few minutes. With the spark cash card from capital one, olaf gets great rewards for his Small Business pizza [ garth ] olafs Small Business earns 2 cash back on every purchase, every day helium delivery. Put it on my spark card [ pop ] [ garth ] why settle for less . Great businesses deserve great rewards awesome [ male announcer ] the spark Business Card from capital one. Choose unlimited rewards with 2 cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day whats in your wallet . If you if you didnt sleep in front of a store last night, our next guest says all you need to score some of the best holiday deals this season is a musthave app for your smartphone right now. Indeed. Here to take us through, the founder of help sl dafbsave my dollars. Com. They are great for comparing prices of items in the store. The first one we have is snaptell. You go up to any item in the store, scan the bar code and it will find the retailer that sells the item for the lowest price. This one was a dvd. You can see that overstock sells it for less than 8. But if im in the store and they sell it for 10, go up to the manager and say, can you match the price. Thats snaptell. Giftmeister is another great one. Suggests gifts for you. Say you want to buy a gift for your friend, 18 to 30 in age. You want to spend 100 to 200. Press go, view recommendations and it will show you various electronic suggestions. I like that. Ereaders and computers and you can even search for digital cameras. It will actually refer you to the retailer. All of these are free but one. Even that is only 99 cents. That was gift meister. Gift meister. A number three. The one thats 99 cents is called santas bag. This one you can actually track who youre spending money for on all of your shopping bill, mandy, maria. You can actually take a picture of the receipt and track how much you spend for each person. Zblic im the only one that so far has got a gift. Dont tell mandy what im getting her this year. Number four . Santas bag. We have this one which is also free. It gives you walking directions in the mall. For those of you who dont live in the new jersey area, you need that for the garden state plaza. I get lost in that place every single time. It gives you walking directions. Other nice thing is, say you tend to forget where you parked your car. It has a voice note feature where you can record where you parked your car and play back the recording at the end when you are looking for your car. Its called fast mall. Five, shom kick. This is free. Basically you can walk in to a target, macys or best buy and earn rewards points just by walking in. If you make a purchase, youll earn even more points. You can then redeem these points for various freebies like a starbucks gift card, target gift card, itunes song download. Are more and more people using apps like this . National Retail Federation reporting onethird of consumers are using those apps to compare prices and Research Items in the store. Scott, great stuff. Thanks. Let your fingers do the buying. Shop small, spend big. Small business saturday has taken on a whole life of its own since American Express kicked it off two years ago. Consumers supporting main street retailers at this crucial time of the year is coming up next. Before we hit the break though, check out this years White House Christmas tree. Washington. There you go. White house Christmas Tree 2012 being shipped in. Back in a moment. [ male announcer ] tis the season to discover the kid in all of us. The memories that last, start with the gifts that last. Enjoy Free Shipping and great values on your Holiday Shopping from l. L. Bean. You know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels. E, and great values copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. Plus, it reduces copd flareups. Spiriva is the only oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. blowing sound ask your doctor about spiriva. We believe the more you know, the better you trade. So we have ongoing webinars and interactive learning, plus, inbranch seminars at over 500 locations, where our dedicated support teams help you know more so your money can do more. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. Our teams have the information you want when you need it. Its another reason more investors are saying. [ all ] im with scottrade. It is black friday it is black friday today, folks. Small business saturday is tomorrow. Last year, 103 Million People shopped and shopped small. This year, however, spending trends are already looking different. American express is reporting that black friday shoppers are expected to spend less than they did last year but it may be because 43 of consumers have already put cash to work. They started well before black friday. They were shopping even before halloween. This was what i was talking about before, that people are not just waiting until black friday. Joining us to talk about it, American Express ed gilligan joining us to size up the spending. Ed, welcome back. First of all, on this consumption trend right now, people are starting earlier. I guess because they what . Theyre looking for bargains even before they start black friday. Right . Thats right, bill. Thank you for having me again on the show. I appreciate it. Welcome back. I think whats happening is just a lot of uncertainty in the economy, as we all know. Retailers started extending their Promotional Period. As you mentioned, our Research Says that some people have been Holiday Shopping since halloween or even earlier. We do see that 45 of people we surveyed say they are going to shop today on black friday. And thats great. But theyre planning to spend a little bit less today than they did last year. But for the Holiday Season, theyre planning to spend a little bit more than all of last year. Thats a good sign. Even better, our Research Says that almost twothirds of americans are going to go shopping tomorrow on Small Business saturday. Were really excited about that. I bet you are. With regards to black friday, i have the stats here. You note that the average black friday shopper will spend 398. Thats about 25 less than last year. So is black friday just becoming meaningless . No. Its certainly not meaningless but i think retailers will be less dependent on oneday sales. Thats probably a good thing. But because of a little bit of the anxiety, theyre extending their Promotional Period and thats good for consumers. Lets talk about this Small Business saturday. We are starting to brand each of the days following thanksgiving. Well extend it out to christmas. Idea is to get people to buy from local businesses. You dont have to go to the big box retailers but support your local businesses out there during the Holiday Season. Right . Thats right, bill. Small businesses are so important to the vitalness of the american economy. They employ almost half the private workforce and if you look at the last 20 years, Small Businesses have created almost twothirds of the new jobs in the country. They create jobs, but am i going to get a deal there for such price sensitive consumers out there who are looking for a bargain every single time they buy something, can a Small Business, a small retailer, provide that kind of a deal . We think they absolutely can and do compete. Theyre competing every day against big box retailers and everyone else whos in the market trying to do business on the holiday period. Small businesses are unique. Theyre creative to entrepreneurs. They certainly do sales, promotions, coupons, they do gift with purchase. They put together a whole package to be competitive, of course, but they also provide local service. They provide strong value to the communities they operate in. We all know that how important main street is to the vitality of local communities. They do all of the above and they certainly do know how to compete. What they dont have is ways to make their voice heard against all the promotions around black friday. Small business saturday is really their day to get the word out for americans to shop small p pfer to support the mom and pop retailers, stores, than the big box retailers. Thats right. So get out there tomorrow for that. Thank you for getting the word out. Ed gilligan of American Express. Before we go, the markets closed early because of the holiday and it was a very good day for the bulls. Rallying 172 points on the dow. The nadz was up 40. The s p 500 up 18 points. Each of them up about 1. 33 totoday. Were essentially back to levels we saw before the election. Thats absolutely right. Indeed we did close at the highs of the day. You felt the momentum the last ten min o

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