Ps contribution to that. There are two dueling Clinton Campaigns. On defense for several days amidst questions around the donors to the Clinton Foundation. Right speech alt shifted the focus back onto donald j. Trump, billionaire. The democrats are calling him a big league bigot. We asked if the campaign was going to put major tv ad dollars behind that line of attack and today we got our answer. What do you have to lose . You are living in poverty. You have no jobs. Look at my africanamerican over here. I have a great relationship with the blacks. I have always had a great relationship with the blacks. What do you have to lose . Day hillaryr in the clinton called in to our friends at morning joe to take a few at hereweekend shots general election foe. Few think donald trump is a big or a racist . All i can do is point to the evidence of what he has said and done. From the start he has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. A man with a long history of Racial Discrimination who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and these kind of white supremacist, white nationalist, antisemitic group should never run our government or command our military. This is not a normal choice between a republican and a democrat. We are not just discussing our differing views on tax policy or anything else of importance. We are facing a divisive andidate whose temperament complete lack of preparation may unqualified tom be president. John well, first of all. Thank you. John we will take advantage of your expertise. You cover the democratic side of the aisle. I dont think there was any doubt this was a tactic to get away from the Clinton Foundation story. They have been waiting for the moment they were going to go hard on donald trump on this. To what extent do you think that is true . How much longer are they going to keep running this . I think that is true. There were several lines in the electionhe called this not a normal choice. Distillationy the of this raise the Clinton Campaign is looking for. A lot of the speech was aimed at moderate republicans. She is trying to say you may have voted republican for your entire life. It is ok if you vote for me. Your neighbors are not going to judge you. Donald trump is not a normal republican. It is the centerpiece of her strategy. Any day when they are focused on that is a good one. John it is an interesting choice to decide we are going to win this election, we are going to take on donald trump, and we are to cleave the Republican Party in half. The Clinton Campaign would say to you a few months ago he has this. He has mainstreamed the Republican Party. Now they are saying no. They are different. Donald trump is different. Kasie i think that is right. That is to fold. Not only is it the best way for her to get the bochy needs to win the white house get the votes she needs, she is in a better governing position. Shes giving Mitch Mcconnell, paul ryan a way out. One of the things they know they need to do is govern differently. They might not say that out loud. They need to have a different relationship with capitol hill. Giving them this space makes that possible. John and continuing to keep pressure. If donald trump has been relatively disciplined, continuing to keep pressure on establishment republicans, to constantly make a choice between the normal Republican Party in what donald trump is is smart even in the context of the campaign. Kasie i think that is right and republicans on the hill think that as soon as they come back the are all going to be getting some version of this question. John we are going to talk about how donald trump is handling the fallout from the alt right imbroglio. Easy to forget that a couple of days ago Hillary Clinton and her team were getting buried alive with questions about her foundation. Are you certain there are no emails or foundation ties to foreign entities that will be revealed that could perhaps impact your president ial prospects . I am sure. I am sure because i have a very Strong Foundation of understanding about the foundation, not to have a play on words. The kind of work the foundation donorse which attracted from around the world is work that went right into providing services. My work was not influenced by outside forces. Onay policy decisions based what i thought was right to keep americans safe and protect our interests abroad. John there are people not satisfied with where they are right now with respect to the foundation. That is true of many republicans. How happy is the Clinton Campaign with where they are now . The ground they have given and how much ground they may give on what happens to the foundation in the future. Kasie i think they felt better on wednesday then they did on monday and tuesday when the ap story was breaking. ,t started on the sunday shows not having his feet under him necessarily on answering this question about the foundation. It took them a half they beat. They were used to donald trump being the one who was in trouble. It took them a little while. Then they pushed back aggressively against it on all fronts. I think they got their feet back under them. Then they changed the subject. John its fair to say although i have been critical of the foundation, it is true that the ap story has enough glaring flaws they were on some solid ground there. They could say this is only part of her time in office. She met with all these other people. It was selected in some sense and that gave them some a bone to sink their teeth into. Kasie one thing, it you heard her on morning joe, instead of sending defensive she highlighted with a positive tone and Encouraging Energy the work that the foundation does. Instead of answering negative questions, they come to the table with facts. These are the people we are helping. Going toknow there are be more emails released between now and election day. How nervous is the campaign about other shoes that may drop . Kasie on the one hand they are nervous about this trip of these emails. One thing we are not focusing on is whatever might come of that hack against the dnc. People forget that is still out that. John and Julian Assange talking about bombshells. There has been talk about a clinton potential landslide. Turning some traditional strongholds blue. We have seen polling in four of those traditionally red states that suggests they are in play. Arizona, trump leads clinton by seven points. 45 to 38 . That is on the edge of the margin of error. Trump is up by four among registered voters in South Carolina. Things look closer in missouri. He is leading by one point. In georgia, the race is dead even. Both of those were along likely voters. From the Campaign Point of view as they look at those reach states, which one do they think they could win . All of them, any of them . What are they going to do . Organizing offices. What is the plan . Kasie i think the first one that they are most likely to play in his arizona. They feel they have the best chance. They think if we spend money there it could pay off. Second is georgia. Clinton allies view it as a potentially the next north carolina. There are a lot of like affluent voters in atlanta and the growing minority population. One state that should be on this list is indiana. Followed by missouri. South carolina i dont think is on the list. You, not going to go back up on the air in virginia at all for the rest of the election. They have got some money. As of now. We will see if the polls tighten. Indiana, a state that in 2008 was in play. Arizona, in 2012 the obama campaign, the one state they thought about spending money and. In. Be. Could conceivably there is stuff and play there. Howinteresting thing is much not just the demographic changes but the geographic changes. The percentage of northerners who live in southern states. George and South Carolina has a lot of not native southerners. It is not point the on the table. Kasie charleston in particular. There. Ou may move the trump news and Weather Report after these words from our sponsors. She is shoving them down the tubes. Shes not doing anything for those communities. So she has hatred . Her policies are bigoted. She knows they are not going to work. No. There is no path to legalization. Nless people leave the country if they come back in. Kasie that was donald trump talking to Anderson Cooper yesterday. He has been on offense and defense this week as he keeps making his pitch to minority voters trying to explain just what is his policy on immigration. My fellownow is road warrior katie it is nice to see you. I want to start with not with deportations but his new Hillary Clinton ad. The Trump Campaign has been so fast to respond to these accusations around this idea of racism and the alt right. What is your sense of the Trump Campaign on this new ad . They dont think it is fair. They dont think it is appropriate. They are calling the as disgusting. In covering this campaign there have been few occasions where they have immediately pushed back on something. This was the fastest push back i have seen them come out with. Once Hillary Clinton came out with that ad linking him to imagerypremacists, the of these rallies, they said this is not fair. This is disgusting and we dont agree with that. They had a lot of surrogates do the same thing. Fearful this is something that will resonate with voters. This idea that donald trump is a racist or condones a white supremacist him or racism. They are trying to appeal to black and hispanic voters. They are trying to create outrage, create some goodwill. So far they have not been successful courting them. Full ofel full the idea of being painted in a racist way because it is going to further hamper their efforts to make inroads in those communities. John one of the thing donald trump has done is calling Hillary Clinton a big it. Does he knowll, what the word means . Or is he being obtuse . I dont know. I cant tell you that he knows what the word means. I imagine he does. Him if heooper asked met her policies were bigoted. He says he believes she is personally a big it and doesnt think that her policies have been helpful for africanamericans. Does he know the definite dictionary definition of big it big it bigot . He has had a history of coming out and saying inflammatory things, outrageous things. This is no different. Thee weve seen fingerprints of his Campaign Staff all over the events of the last few weeks. I want to ask you about news today that the Trump Campaign oustedill step in the christie eight. What can he accomplish in the campaign . Hes a political operative who has experience behind him. I asked about this. They called it a dumb move because he is embroiled in the bridge gate scandal. This is an indication they are having a hard time hiring qualified and well respected republican operatives. We have known this for some time. So few people respect Donald Trumps candidacy. This is something they didnt have much of a choice on. Told that Jared Kushner was behind this push. Thats interesting given their history. Is it great optics . No. Especially for the trial for bridge gate imminent. When it comes to the everyday voter the idea that he has come on board is something that will go over most peoples heads. And most people voting for donald trump. Com from the tristate area. Do we have an actual trump immigration policy . No. I think that is tbd. Big speech. That is what he says. John all right. Kasie thank you very much. , the definitions of the old right. Many of them. We ask the next bird to explain which is correct. We ask an expert to explain which is correct. For the past 24 hours, the term all to write has been the only thing we have been talking about the world of politics and media. To explain what that phrase businessweeks josh green is a big expert in the terminology. Let me start off with you. Alt right. Please define. This is the latest rebranding of White Supremacy with a tech by to it. Folks believe white people should run the country. They want policies in favor of why interest. They are xenophobic. They dont like immigrants. Isy dont like muslims and the same ideology that has been coming from white supremacist forever except they are very memeat twitter and pushing s, and that distinguishes the activists. That rump campaign the Clinton Campaign is accusing them of not saying anything when there are examples of this ideology being encouraged. Is there anything coming out of the Truck Campaign that you can point to that you identify as being a dog whistle to the alt right . Donald trump since the day he announced in june of 2015 has been saying thing. He is not dog whistling. He has been bull warning. Mexicans are racist. Muslim should be banned. Were going to build a wall. There have been many things including retweeting White Supremacists material that speaks directly to this these people. There has been ever since Hillary Clinton speech a fight among conservatives about what it means. Huge you it has a broader definition. He says any antiimmigration reform of any sort. That is the broad alt right. Talk about the debate among republicans about the meaning of alt right. There is no one agreedupon definition. I think of it as including everything from White Supremacy and neonazis to 20 euros in their parents basement tweeting offensive antisemitic things at reporters which has been another evolution we have seen. Isyou have a nominee who tweeting and retweeting this stuff and hiring his campaign thatthe head of a website is considered an alt right platform, you have brought that into the party. The most striking thing about the speech is you did not have Republican Party leaders like Mitch Mcconnell coming out and defending donald trump and saying this is unfair. This is not what they stand for. It has been crickets. They have left it to donald trump to respond. Kasie we have seen the focus increase with this clinton speech. Anyone who is trying to get a sense of it is trying to wrap their head around how many people are there in the United States who subscribe to this ideology . Is this a fringe or is it growing . Many is hard to know how people are involved. They dont like to disclose it. In the past they have been very not public but i can give you a sense. One of the largest hate forms has 300,000 registered users. Some of the websites like daily storm has thousands and thousands who go on every day. Its the most read of these kinds of websites. We are talking several hundred thousand, maybe a million. It is a lot of people. Goesappeal the appeal jan politics. All right. We would take a little break and come back and talk to you. Up next, one particular Person Associated with the alt right, steve bannon. Right back with that. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Today its a politico story that digs up allegations of Domestic Violence from two years ago and also that he may be in violation of election law because hes registered to a house in florida where he dizzntd now live. Josh, you are our resident ban yonologist. Thats a word i can give to you and the Clinton Campaign clearly would like americans to believe that this guy is really running the ship over at the trump i campaign. Weaver seen a lot more on tv of kellyan conway, the campaign manager. Where do you see ban yons finger prints in the Trump Campaign . Josh where i see his effect is as soon as clinton was out with the ku klux klan add, ad, he hit right back. You will see the campaign get more adept at using social media and focused on the twitter feed. John steve bannon has proudly said that breitbart is a flagship enterprise for the altright. Do people who are the altright, like the light supremists you talked about earlier, do they look at breitbart as their main source of news . Heidi they love breitbart. They are absolutely thrilled with the direction hes taken and in the last year theyre constantly retweeting and commenting on headlines they find there that are attractive and they feel like breitbart has finally validated them and they have finally broken into main extreme news with that web site. Kasie were getting down to the wire but if in fact donald trump does not win this election do you see a future between trump and bannon in some way . Josh i do and you could see all three of them, with roger ailes working at the trump tower. They really represent i think and speak for a lot of the Younger Generation of conservatives, the ones who are more socially adept. Whereas fox news as we know tentsdz to have a tends to have a much older demographic. You can certainly see if they get together you can see trump expand and maybe have a tv station or something which breitbart is already trying to do. Josh its ironic, right, you manafort man afort who had to leave because he said his various activities and work abroad had become a istraction the now the stories seem to be a distraction also. Do you think that will bother trump . Or do you think he knew about that when he brought bannon in . T josh before he even started campaigning he so the bannon out for advice. The fact that he was a an outsider outside the republican establishment. All along trumps brand has been he wants to be demiff every facet and part also is that he really cant attract the mainstream republican talent you would ordinarily see a g. O. P. Nominee being able to draw on, so he winds up with this motley group of advisors who when reporters take a look into their backgrounds dont always turn out to be the most, the cleanest upstanding mechanics of the sitsry. Heidi osh green, beirich, thanks so much. Up next, christopher jackson. Well be right back. Just a millie second . Earlier this week alex wagner and i had a special visitor, a guy whos been a part of sesame street and is currently one ncht stars of the hottest ticket in the country, hamilton, the very model of modern major musicals. He is Chris Jackson, who plays the very first president of these United States, george washington. We covered a lot of ground with chris, working on a show in a politically deviciveroo. Tacked to a friend of mine and we were talking to a friend of mine and said it kind of feels like church. You get in a fight on the school yard friday but you are in church on sunday morning. Up know youre going to be there, you walk out be church, not so mad because you have let things calm down a little bit. Nobody wants to do that in this way day and age. It seems like everybody is in the school yard and the one sitting in the middle swinging on the bars scream screaming gets all the attention. Our show comes under the banner of america aint perfect but americas trying. They had the same kinds of fights and divisiveness if not more so. Yet were still here having the arguments. That says something i think to the greater point which is its a really good idea. We have to keep trying to find it. When people talk about how divisive this current Election Year is, having done this musical do you feel like you have a greater sort of tolerance for division knowing about what you know about the Founding Fathers and the fractous debates and duels they used to get into . I feel like i have a little more patience for the process of it, accept that this is the way we are and for me part of doing the show is a means to push against the ocean a little bit and say hey, there is a better way we can do it. Eventually everyone gets tired, exhausted from it. Unfloont unfroontdly that usually is the voting public and once the election is over everyone is exhausted and no one wants to be involved any more. My hope is that a show like hamilton keeps that interest piqued, like the 15 or 16yearold kids say im going to pay a little bit more attention about what happened before i was born. You are a west wing fan, right . Oh, of course. Bill, like, political junkies on the cast of hamilton. Ha the talk . You guys follow whats going on. How much have you followed the events the last year . Its tricky because weve met almost, well, over half of the sitting cabinet right now. Theyve all been in the show. Some multiple times. Yeah. A few times. We spend spent a little time in washington, which was kind of nice. At the white house . Yes, we did. Weve meet Supreme Court judges. Its such an incredible array of people from the belt oy and entertainment and everything. We were putting the show together, there was a lot of conversation about it just because it was easy to see the relevance of what was happening and what pe we were talking about and we were still sort of understanding, discovering what our show was. Were you gassed when, like, cabinet secretaries were coming to the show . Yeah, a few times. Absolutely. None of that is lost on us. We were in the east room of the white house performing for the president this last sprick spring. When it was all over he stood up and thanked me and 9 cast and when he finished his remarks, i was about to take pictures, i burst out crying. I stood up thinking about it, like my grandmother who was so concerned about us being awoke, being citizens, being black active citizens in our community and our country. She dreamt so many things for me but never dreamt that moment. But she gave me the rocket phule fuel to keep fiduciarying the rocket fuel to keep pushing forward. And there were 100 or so kids in the audience that day and thats the thought i have when i think about the show, we keep being put in places where we can reach someone whose mind is still willing to learn and not have the kind of opinions that keep them on one side or the other, but just allow them to be curious and discover all the ideas. When you can be in that poogs, poogs whether you can be in that position, life is good. The work is good. And you have medicate meditated about that, there is a song in the show about it, one last time. Can you get a sense of what washington though the had to do with that speech, what are you hoping to hear obama talk about in his farewell address . I think a lot about that in terms of where he was, which was desperately seeking relief from the office that he held. [laughter] he needed to be done, you know . And thats, for me, every night thats what the song really represents is a an expression of the strength and hope that the office gives you but also the fact that it breaks you down until you have nothing left. Until three words are all you can really say and thats what one last time really represents to me and in endeavoring to pass that sense of hope off to the American Public and the mesh american idea at large. President obama filled i think a majority of the country with hope in 2008 and the Campaign Leading up to it. I was hopeful. And not just the symbolism of seeing his face, you know, every time i looked at the president , knowing that thats, that man looks like me. More like me and knows my experience more than perhaps any other president in the history of our country. Hes a big fan of the musical. But he also sort of takes credit a little bit. [laughter] how real is that . Because i know he heard the mix tape and then went to the white house. Can he claim any port parted of the sort of hamilton success . Correct the record or dont well, president ial prerogative, right . I can say he certainly helped. Knowing lynn as well as i do, if he didnt have that moment to write for and to perform it and to find the spark in the words that came to him early on, who can say of whether will or not it would have this sounds like credit is being given. Lynn gives him. A little bit of credit, with a wink. Look, the president has been so gracious and kind to us and if i were in his shoes i would take credit for it, too [laughter] talk about the Emotional Energy of putting this show together, in comparison to others you have done which are equally blockbuster huge shows . Im older than i was. Thats real its exhausting in a way unlike any other show ive ever done. There are more words in this show than almost every shakespeare play and because the whole thing is sung through, once that first down bate happens it doesnt stop. Its got intermission but thats sort of a fiveminute redofferive and start adding the lays layers of velvet and things you have to wea for the second act. Its a long show. Were performing an opera eight times a week. Opera singers sing maybe three times eye month. Its a different, just from a technical performance aspect. And you know, life happens outside the show. It does . Yeah, you miss a lot. You have to try to keep up with it. I always say you are never 100 when you do a broadway show. You are naivegating whatever percentage of energy, health, strength you have and because this show, everyone in the show, were climbing this mountain in the first act and the second act were all climbing down this same mountain. We all emotionally have the same kind of experience the audience has in terms of where were ending urp at the end of the show, were all awash with it. Thats why after the show the stage becomes a green room. Im generally not leaving the theater for like an hour after the kurt tane comes down because it takes that much time to come down and to be able to have conversations with people who have come and taking pictures and youre just communing with folks. It becomes a very spiritual experience by the end of the show. Everyone has sort of seen america fora while and were all sort of mung over a little bit by it and people are trying to process what theyve seen or felt, as are we. So its a unique experience in that way. But its the hardest thing ive been ever done and the best thing ive ill every do. John were going to take a quick intermission. More coming up next. And if you are watching us in washington, d. C. , you can hear us on radio bloomberg. We will be right back. John welcome back. We have more of our exclusive interview with the first president of the United States, or at least guy who plays heim him in hamilton, Chris Jackson. We asked what it was like. Munoz, he to javy took over the role for lynn when he left in the height. So ive had so many raps on stage with javy in that show and in this one. We know each others process and are really good at communicating. Before every show i used to go ck lynns chair to make sure he was cool. Just check in with him. I miss that a little bit but now i go bang on javys dressing room and check in with him before we start. Its a different teammate. You have to find out where he likes to get the ball on the court and figure out that new rhythm and then you just go. John that must be so weird to have most of the original cast gone. Lin is gone. You are among the big male leads, you are the last one left. Kasie you are the elder statesman. Sflu had to say that asie yeah, i did. Im going to tell you a secret about the cast. The original company is like the 1992 deam dream team. It will never happen and its not supposed to. And gee, this was amazing the they dont put anybody on that stage that is not really, really good. And the heartbeat of our show is not lin, its not me, its not leslie or david, its our ensemble and they are the smartest, hardestworking group of performers that have been assembled in a very long time on a stage. They are so good. Their work is so hard and the fact that no one knows its that hard is even more a tribute to how incredible they are. They are when were running on stage or off stage youre not looking at us, you are looking at them. Theyre the real storytellers on the show because they carry us from one thing to the next. From one era in movement to the next. One moment youre in winter and the next you are at the battle be yorktown. And it just makes sense. Theres no sets, no trickery. Its our ensemble, our company. They are spectacular and thats what elevates the show no matter who is performing. John the first time i show saw the show the first thing i saw when i walked out was, ok, i just saw something that is going to be around forever. Every high school in america will perform this show at some point. History will get taught this way, like 12yearolds. This is the vernacular they will come to first to learn history and then the Rockefeller Foundation wrote a big check. I know you said the original cast is like the 1992 dream team, but this is also like, you will never be in another thing like this again, a thing that will live forever the like, long after you are gone this is abe part of the fabric the American Educational is this a hard thing to reck on with . Yeah, i guess so. I dont have to do that right now. I just feel like ill little it settle on me. Since im so long in the tooth, when i get my rocking chair no, i think its really great. History was the one thing i was really interested in when i was in high school and the only thing i consistently got as in. That and music. So im hoping that there is another lin or pippa sue or christian d Chris Jackson look sitting in the lasroom and vgs already memorized all the 52 on the c. D. , opens the page and reads the words of Abraham Lincoln in a slightly different way. Not that the words have to change. Not that they have knob meter or rhyme, but that he was a very real person who voke woke up in the morning and brushed his teeth, went to work and faced down all of these incredible challenges and felt all the way through it while he was making decisions, while things were happening. I think that its important. If this show has any power, it reminds us that, you know, human beings are doing all of this. Its not just a date or a name or an event but human beings sort of moved through the world and made decisions and effected change and they should be pibbing up the mantle to do the same. John i want to ask you one last yes. Yes. John you love hip hornings right . Love it. John the show is delightful for anybody who enjoys the our dush power of rhyme. Of all the lines you deliver what is the rhyme or cuplet that every night this is the one you most enjoy . Ha the one you most enjoy uncorking every night. The svenerated virginian gentleman whose relatives are lining up to pet put me on a pedestrian he is tavement but the elfantd be in the room, the truth is in your face whether you hear the british cannons go boom. John boom, boom, boom. Thanks again to Chris Jackson. Oted john thanks to kasie up next, bloomberg west. Until monday, sayonara im mark crumpton. You are watching bloomberg west. Lets begin with a check of the headlines. Sharp aftershocks have struck in the italian city of am astandard trice and at least 278 people are confirmed dead. A state funeral will be held saturday and flags will be flying at half staph on all public offices. In boll irvia, striking miners reportedly kidnapped and beat minesing head. Its a protest over mining laws. And next month Vice President biden will hit the road to campaign for hirg clinton. The president will also be in philadelphia september 13. Both are critical battleground states. And Donald Trumps campaign now has its own mobile app

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