We know he is not even american. Anyway, we have training camps. Where they want to kill us. When do we get rid of them . Thats my question. Mr. Trump we will be looking at a lot of different things. A lot of people are saying bad things are happening out there and plenty of other things. Mark that mysterious question and he also said other offensive things in his question to trump that mr. Trump did not address directly. Then there is the story that he was not accurate at the debate on wednesday when he denied jeb bushs claim he tried to get casino gambling in florida. Taking a lot of heat from other candidates. Phil, as we head into the weekend, can either of these two things bring about what the establishment desperately wants, the beginning of the end of donald j. Trump . Phil predicting the end of trump has been a great way to look like a fool. Angave the establishment incident they can point to. These people that donald trump is attracting to the campaign, we dont want him there. As for bush, that has been all day long. He has gotten a clean shot to go on offense. I think that there are two key moments. But i think it is the debate that people will turn to. Mark i think the florida thing, trump has some wiggle room on. By not correcting the guy saying that the president is a muslim not that theres anything wrong with that, but its an inaccurate statement. And for some people it would be a negative. He is in a box now. This will come up again. Not so much the issue about not correcting the guy. Will he admit that he was wrong in being the leader of the Birther Movement or not . That puts him in a tough position. Phil were you surprised by the campaigns initial response . Mark they usually do not deal the things head on. So, no, i wasnt. Hillary clinton did her first live interview, wolf blitzer doing the duty there. In both instances, the candidate executed what we call evasive maneuvers. Wolf what would you say was your number one accomplishment as secretary of state . Mrs. Clinton there is a long list about what i have done. You can read my book hard choices, how i negotiated a ceasefire between israel and hamas, and how i put together an international coalition. You can read about what i did as first lady to get the Childrens Health Insurance Program or as a senator, Getting Better health care for veterans. This is just a silly season. I am looking forward to eventually debating on that stage whoever they finally nominate, once they get around to doing that. Keystone pipeline, one of my favorite issues let me just tell you this. I have been waiting for the administration to make a decision. I thought i owed them that. I worked in the administration. I started the process that is supposed to lead to a decision. I cant wait too much longer, and then putting the white house on notice. Im going to tell you what i think soon, because i cant wait. I thought they would have it decided way, you know, way by now, and they havent. Mark so the new strategy is to have her do more town halls and more interviews. Based on those clips, is the strategy working . Phil youve got to give her time. I think what has worked this week for them, you flood the zone, whether it comes to doing the extrainterview with mario lopez, cnn, you flood the zone against donald trump. It is a contrast her campaign loves. Her against republicans. They like that. In that sense, it has been effective, at least in changing the subject the last couple weeks. Mark i agree. Those moments that we showed were not great, but everything else, fallon, all of that stuff. The wolf blitzer interview got almost no play whatsoever because Hillary Clinton interviews are not what they were when they were shorter in supply. Phil when josh earnest was asked about being put on notice, he said, cool, ok. Announce your position. Administration is not exactly fearful. Mark in south carolina, an evening event with Heritage Action for america. Also, five white House Republican hopefuls will speak in michigan. Bernie sanders will be on the late show with stephen colbert. Republicans will be in iowa for a freedom dinner. And donald trump will be in urbandale for a high school homecoming. Then sunday, Hillary Clintons first sunday show appearance. She will be on face the nation, the First Time Since 2011 she has done a sunday show. Who you got . Phil the Summer Season is over. Read bloombergpolitics. Com. There is a great piece about why michigan matters a week after the sec primary. And on sunday, Hillary Clinton notably does not like sunday shows, does not agree to a lot of live interviews. Both are happening sunday. I think you got to watch that. What do you think . Mark i agree. Hillary clinton needs a face with Bernie Sanders where she whoops him. Lets see what she does and that state that is vital for both of them. Coming up, Bernie Sanders is blank and Hillary Clinton is blank. My day with Bernie Sanders and about a thousand of his supporters. Then later in the show, my interview with senator sanders on his appearance on the new issue of time. Mark Bernie Sanders held a rare fundraiser here in fundraiser here in manhattan at a times square theater. We will show you our interview with him in a minute, but first, here is how the event went down, starting with the passions of his supporters. We asked them to tell the difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Finish this sentence. Bernie is a, hillary is b. I think bernie is a champion for the people. Hillary is a professional politician. Candidateis the best for president. Hillary is not. Bernie is a compassionate man. Hillary shes ok. Bernie is real and hillary has turned out to be a big phony, and i dont respect her any longer. Mark is the cash bar open right now . Yes, it is. Mark how is business . Pretty good. Mark fill in the blank. Bernie is a, hillary is b. Bernie is refreshing. Hillary she has not done anything for me for the last year or so. Bernie is the type of elected official we need to run this country because he connects absolutely with working people. Quite frankly, Hillary Clinton is a corporate democrat. Bernie is not funded by corporations. Hillary is. Bernie is more honest. Bernie is for the people. Hillary is she is more typical. Bernie is genuine. Hillary is cautious and measured. I say that as someone who is cautious and measured. Bernie is sincere, honest, classy, a gentleman, educated, has manners. He is the type of human being i want to represent me and my country to the world. How are we doing . [crowd cheers] and now we are going to find a man who carries that change, has been carrying that change for decades. Ladies and gentlemen, Bernie Sanders thank you, bernie. Coming down the street red, white, and blue people sleeping in their shoes theres a warning sign senator sanders thank you. When we talk about the economy, lets talk about income and wealth inequality. Lets put it on the table, and lets ask this country lets ask the people of this country whether they think it is moral, whether they think it is right that the top 1 10 of 1 on wn almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 . [crowd jeers] [crowd chanting bernie ] senator sanders and by the way when we talk about wall street boo senator sanders ah. You encapsulated it very well. Welcome to the revolution. Thank you all very much. Bernie is honest. Bernie works for the people. He speaks about issues that are affecting a majority of the American People right now. Before he declared, right, i thought fabulous. Then the more i listened to hillary, i was going, oh, im not going to vote gender. I want to vote character. And then when bernie announced, i was like, yes keep on rockin in the free world mark those are Bernie Sanders supporters. Hillary clinton has her own supporters. Our conversation with Bernie Sanders after this word from our sponsors. Mark after his fundraiser in midtown manhattan, we sat down with Bernie Sanders to talk about a topic right up his alley the economy. I asked what role wall street will play in the Sanders Administration. You mentioned wall street today and wall street got booed. What role should wall street play in our society . Senator sanders very different role. We need banks making loans to small and mediumsized businesses, where they are part of the productive economy helping us create jobs. What wall street essentially is is a world unto itself, which has its own goals, coming up with incredibly complicated financial tools and their job is to make a handful of people much wealthier. I think when you have so much concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, i honestly believe we should do what Teddy Roosevelt would have done, break them up. Mark would the dow go up in a Sanders Administration . Senator sanders it matters to me. When you have a productive economy where people are working, yeah, the dow will do just fine. Mark i want to ask you about the macroeconomic things. You have candidates talking about 4 growth. Under the Sanders Administration, what would you aspire to for gdp . Senator sanders 4 growth. You can pick a number. I believe if we invest in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure we have a 1 trillion bill that will create jobs. If we make loans affordable for small and mediumsized businesses, we can substantially reduce unemployment. We also have to focus on youth unemployment which is off the charts. So, my job, as president , is to create as many jobs as we can. Mark if you did that. If you are elected and passed the infrastructure, education, all of the things youre talking about, what would gdp be like . Whats reasonable for america . Senator sanders what is reasonable for america is substantial lower unemployment in america. That is where my focus is. Mark you want to spend a lot. You want to raise taxes on some people. Im interested in what you want to cut. Senator sanders the truth is, as my conservative Friends Point out, there is a lot of waste in government. We can run a more efficient government. I find it interesting that the only Major Federal Agency that has not been able to audit itself or have an independent audit is the department of defense. And what i can tell you is virtually every major defense contractor has either reached settlements with the United States government because of allegations of fraud, or in fact, have been convicted of fraud. You have massive cost overruns. One area we need to take a hard look at is the Defense Budget to make it a much more efficient operation mark other specific current weapons programs you would like to eliminate or scale back . Senator sanders there are. Mark can you name one today . Senator sanders there are a variety of Weapons Systems designed to fight the cold war. We spent too much on nuclear weapons, for example. I do not think we need all of the aircraft carriers some are suggesting. Mark what about the bases in europe . Troops in europe . Senator sanders thats a good point. At a time when we have countries around the world, and in europe, that in many ways have a stronger middle class than we do, i think it is important to review the degree to which we have to defend countries whose middle class is stronger than ours. Mark any other bases overseas or in the u. S. You would like to see close . Senator sanders thats a good question. I cant give you a specific answer at this point. Mark beyond the pentagon, are there any domestic programs of significant size you would like to cut . Senator sanders we need to subsidizing of corporate agriculture. Mark other specific sectors . Wheat, dairy, sugar . Senator sanders if you are in large corporate agriculture, you do not need subsidies. I am a supporter of family farms, like in my home state of vermont, that i would like to see a strengthened family farm in america where people can maintain family farms. Mark under eight years of the Sanders Administration, what would happen to the National Debt . Would you aspire to lower it . Senator sanders sure. And you are looking, as you probably know, at one of the major deficit hawks in the United States congress. The wars in iraq and afghanistan will end up costing us somewhere between 4 trillion and 6 trillion. I voted against those. I voted against the Medicare Part d Prescription Program written by the pharmaceutical industry. I also voted against many of the tax breaks bush and obama have allowed the wealthy to enjoy. Add all of those together, im a im a deficit hawk. Yes, the National Debt is a serious problem. The question is, you do not do as the republicans want to do and move toward a balanced budget on the backs of the elderly, the sick, the children, and the poor. You do not go to war without paying for it. Mark the notion of being a deficit hawk, i understand what youre saying. You want to raise additional revenue. You also want to spend a lot more. Theres no doubt you will increase spending on a lot of areas, increase revenue in some areas. Would you submit a balanced budget . Senator sanders no. We could not do that. Let me say a few things, and the wall street journal was dead wrong on a number of points they were making. They suggested i am spending 18 trillion over 10 years. What they forgot to say is when we move toward a National Healthcare program, the kind of program that exists in every other major country on earth, the cost per capita on health care would go significantly down. Yes, taxes would go up, but you would not have to pay private Health Insurance as an individual or a business. Mark you say you are a deficit hawk. Some of the thing you said, of course you would not submit a balanced budget. Senator sanders compared to my republican friends to talk a lot about the deficit and go to war and dont pay for it, or give huge tax breaks to billionaires, dont pay for it or offset it, yes mark say you were president for eight years. Would you aspire yearbyyear to bring down the deficit . Senator sanders it depends on the economic situation. I think the deficit is an important issue. I will tell you what is more important. Creating jobs, rebuilding our infrastructure, making public colleges and universities tuitionfree. Making sure we do not continue to have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth. The deficit is important. Mark ok, you talked about cutting defense and cutting corporate welfare senator sanders theres a lot of waste in the agricultural department. Mark anything specific you can point to there . Senator sanders we are subsidizing large corporate farming, in general, and i dont think large corporate corporations need our support. Mark i want to finish asking you about funner stuff. Thats enough policy. Cover of time magazine. Its your first time on the cover. Is this exciting to you . Did you read time as a kid . Senator sanders yeah, it was around. Mark so thats pretty good. I bet you have people working on this campaign you never met. Whats that feel like . Senator sanders what has happened is we have thousands of volunteers. Infrastructure that can mobilize them. Our support multiplies. As we have hundreds of thousands of volunteers out there, we need a political infrastructure, and organizational capability that can mobilize those folks in an effective way and that means hiring a lot of people. We have a lot of people in iowa, a lot of people in new hampshire, hiring people in south carolina. We will be hiring people in the super tuesday states as well. Mark what are your odds of being the democratic nominee . Senator sanders Getting Better every day. Mark i talked to supporters. I said, complete the sentence bernie is blank, hillary is blank. How would you complete that . Senator Sanders Bernie has throughout his political career stood up and fought for working families and has been prepared to take on the wealthiest people in this country and the most powerful special interests. Ill let Hillary Clinton fill in the blank for herself. Mark you should watch what your supporters said. I think you might have briefed them all before they came in. They were all right on it. Senator, thank you. Good luck. Senator sanders thank you. Mark he said that hed misspoke after the interview. He did vote for the war in afghanistan. Thank you to senator sanders. Well be right back. Mark the most important thing this weekend, the ohio state game. Phil 3 30, northern illinois. A powerhouse match. Mark and our guest monday will be Donald Trumps campaign manager. He will be in studio. Until then for Phil Mattingly and for me, thanks for watching. Sayonara. Announcer brilliant ideas, powered by hyundai motors. Narrator the contemporary art world is vibrant and booming as never before. Its a 21st century phenomenon, a Global Industry in its own right. Brilliant ideas looks at the artists at the heart of this, artists with a unique power to astonish, challenge, and surprise. In this program, american painter and filmmaker ellen gallagher

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