Mark happy overseas election day. To make our british viewers feel comfortable, we are doing the show in english tonight. First, the polls just close across the pond. Without wasting any time, lets go to london where Francine Lacqua can give us an update on the election. The polls close, what do we know . Francine the exit polls have been accurate, and we have the tories possibly with 316 seats. If this were to be true, they may be able to actually form a minority government. This is a very uncertain election. If these figures are true, we may be onto something and we make an apartment quicker than expected. John many thanks. Dont take off your mike because will be coming back to you. We are here in des moines. Behind me is Mission Control at the Des Moines Register who were governing the caucus process. That is with the whole thing gets made. Carly fiorina has an spending part of her day here. She attended a des moines Editorial Board and we will have more on that later. Mark the Iowa Republican party says it is cutting charges to campaigns for his residential stronghold. It will be less of a fundraiser and more of a festival. At this is a big deal. It has had some issues and problems in the past cycles. Who wins and who loses with this chain . John Mark Halperin apparently gone. We have lost our connection for my will, so i will back to france in the quad. Im hoping she is still there. Francine, are you there . Lets talk about the exit polls. Give us some details. Francine the exit polls are important. We have an speaking to a lot of pollsters, so the margin of error is still about 2 3 . That means it can be about 10 seats off. It seems that the conservatives have 316 seats. The exit poll doesnt mean it is completely right. Because we have so many more smaller parties, when you speak to pollsters, they say this is probably the most uncertain exit poll because it is that much more difficult to exactly see what people are thinking. But this means that they spoke to people who have voted. If the conservatives have 316 seats, it means that there are 10 seats they would still be able to form a government. If we have another Coalition Government like what we have had in the past five years, the exit polls it may be a little bit less uncertain than what we have been talking about the last couple of weeks. If one is above 310, this feels like possibly and theres a lot of caveats possibly, the conservatives could form a coalition. John by all standards, that is a surprise. Almost everybody has been assuming that we would have a hung election. What accounts for the exit polls in the closing days of the election . Francine you are absolutely right. The polls had them in that. Neck in neck. The conservatives may do better for two reasons. One, voters are undecided until last week. 40 of voters thought they werent sure who they would vote for. When it comes to the ballot box, when you are in a cubicle, a lot of people said that they may just vote for the head of the coalition that gave them stability over the last five years. It may be up to tactical voting. That big concern, if you are going to vote labor, is that they may be looking at an alliance with the Scottish National party. Having the Scottish National party at westminster to a lot of english is a concern. That may explain these polls. Mark how soon will be no actual results . I know it is nighttime there. Francine we just heard in the last couple minutes that we will hear from the first proper seats in 40 minutes. That is record time. We should have a much better idea in about 34 hours. 5 00 in the morning our time so seven hours from now, we should have a clear idea. John francine, thank you. These British Elections have is all backward. We did our guest first and we are our domestic talk until after the break. George w. Bush and tom brady, when we come back. Mark just like the 2013 super bowl power outage, we had a technical snafu. We would do a classic restart. Lets pick up in iowa with the state Republican Party says it is cutting charges to campaigns. It will be less of a fundraiser and more of a festival of democracy. Mark my question is, who wins and loses with this chain . Mark its good for the Republican Party. I think it is good for candidates like rand paul huckabee, and santorum. If they do well in the straw poll they will get credit for it. It will be very hard for any candidate to say they are not going to participate when they have taken away some of the things people criticize. They have all got to come now. John campaigns that dont have a lot of money, this has become an expensive proposition. Not just the fees to take part but the food and the organization. If you are campaign without much money, you now have a chance to win here. Mark it is bad for all the National Reporters who were annoyed with the straw poll and talked it down. This is good for those of us who think the straw poll is awesome. John while were on the topic of republicans, lets think about jeb bush. He told an exclusive group in manhattan that his most influential advisor on israel policy is his brother, the former president george w. Bush. Given the score on his Foreign Policy is jeb bush being brave or suicidal . Mark i think he is doing something he didnt do much of. He was pandering in the room knowing the people in the room thought his brother was good on Foreign Policy, on israel. And the president obama is not. He didnt think through that when it leaked out, it would hit him in his weakest spot. He has to get rid of the narrative and he is the son and the brother. Every time he says is, it is unnecessary. It was a moment of weakness and thoughtlessness. John i think this is one of those false binaries between brave and suicidal. He might just be telling the truth. At the same time, i do think it is suicidal, because the last thing he needs is further association with his brother. The bush name is a drag on his candidacy. When it comes to Foreign Policy that is not in a new want to have on your resume. Mark i am not against him telling the truth, but he has to come up with somebody else to advise them on israel. Every day, he is known as the sun and the brother and his advisers agree, that is the biggest problem. John i wonder if he was scarred by having james baker get in trouble for his views on israel. He dont want to say james baker, so you say george w. Bush. Not a super bright thing to do. Lets move on. Chris christie made his first church New Hampshire today. He did not seem and battle that all. His staunchest defense was from new englands son, tom brady. Tom brady i think they love somebody who is married to a beautiful model, who is richer than you can imagine, and who is a future hall of famer to take a couple of shots of him, people like that. I think it is way, way overblown. John what do you think about that mark . Mark anytime you can defend tom brady in new england is a good move regardless of whether or not you are trying to win votes. John hard to argue with that. Coming up, we have Carly Fiorina in iowa with Mark Halperin. Nothing is off the table. Mark we spent the day in iowa and they had a special guest in for an Editorial Board, Carly Fiorina, who is a long lots of issues discussed. A few highlights first on issues that come up all the time with Carly Fiorina, about the circumstances of her departure from hewlettpackard. Carly i was fired that played out over two weeks. We had a couple Board Members who took it upon themselves to leak confidential conversations into the press. That was conduct unbecoming of a board member into cannot tolerate it. I said, it is either you or me. It turned out to be me. What i learned is that when you lead, when you challenge the status quo you are going to make enemies. It is the nature of leadership. Mark another topic that came up that we dont hear about as often is the question of hairline deregulation. Some consumers are not particularly happy with the way airlines treat them. Carly do we have more choices now . I think we do. Mark joining us now on her first trip as an official candidate, Carly Fiorina. With me is also kathy. It is a surprise to me and others who follow your career that youre running for president. Kim little bit out of the blue. Tell the narrative of the moment when you decided you were going to run. Carly it wasnt a moment, it was a process. Early last year, while i was engaged in helping other people win in 2014, people started to come up to me that respected in the party or voters, and say, carly, you need to run. Mark had you ever thought before that moment that you would run for president . Carly not really. Mark but people started to recommend it. Did you take to it instantly . Carly i had to really consider that for a while and i did. In fact, a bit put the decision aside until the 2014 elections were over, because i was busy unlocking potential projects. We built a ground game among women in key states, including iowa, to bring them to the polls and bring them to vote for conservatives. When that election was over, i said, i really have to think about this seriously. Kathy what was your first reaction cap . Carly i was taken aback. Kathy the first and it happened was at sea pack. Carly that was a private conversation between him and i, that is his story to tell. He is a very serious person at a serious colleague in a serious observer. And he walked up to me and said i want to talk to you about this. I want you to consider doing this. So i was quite taken aback. We had a conversation about why he thought that. And then i kept hearing it and kept hearing it and kept hearing it. After the november elections, i begin a serious effort of ok, what would this look like . We would have to have teams support, we would have to raise money. It has been a process of determining whether or not they can build those things i determined that we could. Mark i know you said it was a process and took time, but there must have been a moment when you sent your husband, i want to do this. Do you remember that moment . Carly i remember sitting in our bedroom and having a conversation with frank, you know look, you are not a candidate until you take the plunge. I remember having a conversation with frank after christmas, and it was pretty clear in that conversation that we both understood that the probabilities were better than not that we were going to do this. Kathy did you have to convince and . Carly no. I think frank has really unshakable faith in me. For which i am very grateful and bless. Of course it is a family decision. This is something that impacts his life, our daughters lives. From that moment in the bedroom we began a conversation with our family. Mark most great things in life happen in the budget. [laughter] carly oh, good for you. You talked about being a temp although we have to being a ceo. Do you ever have to actually live on your paycheck is attempt . Carly no, i had to live a lie paycheck. Kathie how much of you make . Carly i dont remember. At the end of every week, i would have maybe 0. 05 in my Checking Account. Member needing to rent an apartment and the land lord asking me, how much money is in your Checking Account . And i wrote down, 50 because that was true. I have lived paycheck to paycheck. Mark what are some tradeoffs he made at that point in your life . Carly you make tradeoffs, i made tradeoffs about, could i afford a car . So i walked to the bus stop and took the bus. I made decisions about whether or not i can get a new parish shoes. You know, i love shoes. I have loved shoes and since i was a little girl. Sometimes you splurge, but more often than not, you wouldnt. You make decisions about whether or not you can go out to dinner or whether you have to do macaroni and cheese. Can you pack your lunch at work . All those things of decisions you make every day. Kathie what kind of car do you drive now . Carly today, i drive a honda. Kathie so, not going for the high and luxury vehicle. Mark your career gets a lot of scrutiny, and was in the comes ups layoffs. Extensive layoffs that you made. From a personal human point of view, how much would you involved in making sure the people who were laid off were helped . Carly yes. I managed through the post9 11 technology recession. Every Technology Company was having to really but not. I was very closely involved. It is the worst decision as ceo can make, it is a terrible decision. First, we tried every thing. We went through, lets everybody take pay cuts. Lets give up bonuses. We went through all of that, and yet, it wasnt enough. I made there he sure, personally sure. I interviewed the company that would counsel our employees. Counsel them on how to go from where they were to their next job. I made very sure that the benefits we provided to employees were leading edge in the industry and they were. And i also made very sure that i came out and talked to our employees. I can remember going to a location the day we made an announcement that layoffs were necessary. I went and expanded people why this was necessary. It was hard on everybody, most especiallys those who had lost their jobs. Kathie take us through the numbers. 30,000 is a number like is thrown out most often. You said there was a net increase in employment. How many people were employed in hp in the United States and how many were employed in the United States when you left . Carly the interesting thing about this legitimate line of question is that it is public record. This is a thing about Public Companies that is different about politicians. We tracked in every quarterly reports our employment in the United States and our employment overseas, quarter by quarter. It is all out there. I would say to you, go look and you can see, quarter by quarter, what the employment is. Kathie but you said there was a net increase. So what percentage of that was in the United States . Carly if you look at the way our markets grew, you would see that the overseas markets were going faster than the United States markets. Of course, it was a tough time in the United States. I was there from 19992005. While the Technology Market grew slightly in that. Period, the market in africa was going at 40 . The market in the middle east was growing at 30 . So obviously, as a percentage we were increasing employment in the middle east to respond to that burgeoning demand at a faster rate than we were increasing employment in the United States. Kathie most people outsourcing. Carly that is not outsourcing. Outsourcing is when you take a job being done in the United States and you move it somewhere else. The same job. When you are entering a market in saudi arabia, for example, or jordan, or south africa, and you have customers in those countries who need service, who need to be sold to, you are adding saudi arabia ands, south africans, jordanians in those markets to serve those customers. And we did a great deal of hiring all around the world to serve growing markets. That is not outsourcing. By the way, there are a lot of people who purposely confuse those terms to make a political point. Mark there are so the question of whether it is important in for a ceo to fight to keep jobs at home, even if youre trying to invade other markets. Carly of course it is. When people talk about real outsourcing, the biggest amended outsourcing i did was in california to texas. John it is time for monkey business. A japanese do apologizes for naming a baby monkey charlotte, after the new royal baby. People in japan thought that was offensive. Mark, on a scale of onegodzilla, how patch if you about this . Mark as we say in japanese, no problem at all. They can do what they want. We want to thank our frenchman the Des Moines Register. We look forward to can to continuing our partnership. John tomorrow, governor rick snyder. Remember, we are great at 8 00 in addition to driving at 5 00. For now, cheerio. Sayonara. Pimm i am pimm fox and this is what i am taking stock of today. Exit polls in the u. K. Show David Cameron is short of holding a majority. According to polls, the prime ministers conservatives are forecasted to win three hedges 16 seats. With ed milibands labour party trailing with 239 seats. The pound jumped on headlines. Greece rescue talks will go down to the wire. Those of the words of greek finance minister. He expects an agreement in the next few weeks, although one is

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