Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Bloomberg West 20160716

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claimed responsibility for the suchk, marking the third tragedy the country of france has seen in a year and a half. president obama spoke about efforts to combat terrorism world.the president obama: we are going to keep taking out isil leaders and syria andil back in iraq, we're going to keep standing with our partners from africa to afghanistan and we're destroy this vile terrorist organization and in to these terrorists who only know how to kill and destroy, we're going to win this by building, by never giving up on diplomacy to end civil war, by working with partners around the world, communities, to push back against hateful ideologies that twist and distort islam, a religion that teaches peace and justice and compassion. >> president obama also had things to say that relate to the political debate at home. president obama: in the wake of last night's attacks, we've alld more suggestions that muslims in america be targeted, their beliefs, some deported or jailed and the is repugnant and an affront to everything we stand for as americans. cannot give in to fear or turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life. we cannot let ourselves be divided by religion, because that's exactly what the want.ists >> within hours of the nice attack, as details were unfolding in southern france last night, hillary clinton and onald trump both weighed in this latest horrific attack. once again, on display, were opposing messages about national security, diplomacy and global on terror. mr. trump: we're not going to have a world anymore. this is crazy what's going on. secretary clinton: it's a different kind of war. need to be smart about how we wage it but determined about how win it. mr. trump: we're trying to be nice, civil. we're so weak. secretary clinton: one of my launch an is to intelligence surge. enoughl do not have intelligence cooperation between our agencies and those in other countries. mr. trump: we can't let people from terrorist states and all of these people pour into our country. it only takes one or two people havoc.te secretary clinton: we need strong, tough diplomacy starting friends. mr. trump: i am indeed the law and order candidate and hillary is weak and ineffective. she created isis with her stupid policies. a lot of responding for something they'll both are asked going forward but what did their responses tell us about what the national security and terror going will be like forward, as soon as the conventions? >> nothing new. responses were the nominees playing to type. hillary clinton trying to be responsible, reasonable. donald trump being donald trump. that's the kind of thing you trump to say, only the law new semantic of and order president throne -- thrown in. at war" is the way trump has played. much change from the way they've previously dealt with these matters. >> i didn't, either, but if trump continues to say things like we need a declaration of war, she will feel pressure to more hawkish. >> has anyone noted to trump that president obama has been authorization of force from the republican congress and the republican controlled of givingants no part a declaration of war to president obama, presumably they would be no more interested in president trump or maybe not. >> although president obama has pretty much dropped the topic. argue he dropped it because he couldn't get it through but he dropped the topic. hethat's fair to say but made the request and there was no action in congress. i would say there's not a lot of responsibilityat on congress' party in either party, frankly. >> if donald trump can win this race, it's going to be as an visceral strong man and i was surprised at some of the words hillary clinton used last night. steady, diplomatic experience but talking about summits and saying she'd agree to go to things, i was surprised at how tentative she was. maybe her view is she needs to she really feels. maybe her view is that she needs to be reasonable and play to type and beat trump who's being again, ifigure but feel if this continues, she will be under some pressure to be a bit more black and white, less gray. >> can we pause on the thing that president obama was criticizing in a direct way, newt gingrich's comments last night, some of the most outrageous things i've heard a presidential candidate say in a outrageous than some of the things trump has proposed. muslimh said anyone of belief should be rounded up, questioned. we should find out if they sharia lie -- law and aport them and if should be felony for us to look at weapons that have information about al qaeda or about isis on them. would basically put most of the c.i.a. and a fair number of journalists in jail, too. insane. >> gingrich put on display why a lot of people thought putting havingthe ticket risked the running mate be the story more often than the top of the ticket. >> do you assume he was doing because last night he thought he could still get on the ticket and try to show trump was on his size? newtdon't psycho analyze gingrich. >> the other big story is donald thattinnewmont announcement that indiana governor mike pence will be his running mate. after delaying an unveiling of gotham city, he made his move official this morning tweet. joint event with trump and pence tomorrow for 11 a.m. in manhattan but today their logo was unveiled. kind of anything. wait a minute, i'm not sure that's are we allowed to show that on tv? that.fix can we put up a safer version? stick with that. in the meantime, pence has been at the intercontinental hotel in new york city where he did take brief questions from reporters. comment? have any >> very excited, humbled and grateful. now that your message you've withdrawn from the governor's race? >> we lovinnin. love our country. my family and i couldn't be more have the opportunity to run with and serve with the next president of the united states. >> last night, in the middle of the night, on television, donald trump said -- on fox news -- that he had still not made his final final decision. yet this morning he apparently had. something happened along the way. here's my question. this has been an incredibly eventful 24 hours, unlike or i have believe you ever seen. do you think the way in which has inndled this rollout any way harmed in a lasting way the pick? rise orhe pick will fall on its success and i think we say in psycho, a trump's end-gamenald process was more chaotic as compared to others. many -- the selection of sarah palin -- that had more twists and turns. case, the last 72 hours or so, people thought it would be pence and it ended up being pence. there were some reporting that suggested trump was thinking of mind but i think nothing that happened at the end of fall. or fall on whether or not he's a good pick. >> i think the entire thing was wild, uncontrolled goat rodeo of the highest caliber. the pencee leaking of name, the reporting that pence was the pick, then the walking name, then thece cancellation of the event, now the scheduling of the event. get on google and read about -- remind yourself what happened with sarah palin. remind yourself what happened with joe lieberman. >> i cannot believe that last weht the man was saying cannot possibly have a press conference tomorrow out of respect for the people in nice morning he's tweeting he's made his pick. like that's the respectful way to treat the tragedy? >> why would that have an impact on whether mike pence was a good pick? >> i said i agreed with you, in the end the pick will rise or but in its substance don't think you can say this was your average rollout strategy. do you think this is how they it?ned >> do you think the palin pick liebermanhat, the pick was like that, the john edwards pick? the dick cheney one? of them had media twists and turns the campaign couldn't control. remember those picks but none of them seemed as out of this one. >> when we come back, we'll vipk down donald trump's pick after these words from our sponsors. >> welcome back, the early returns are in on donald trump's new running mate. on the republican side, the club growth, marco rubio, haley barbour and others have pick.ded the house speaker paul ryan said he think of no better choice for the slot than pence. many leading conservatives have of theirjoyed that one own is joining the ticket. ann coulter called the decision trump's first mistake while bob of iowa, evangelical leader and supporter of ted cruz, looked at pence's reversal indiana's religious freedom last year, thought that suggested he was not a conservative. they don't like his choice to expand medicaid under the affordable care act. it's clear that the trump part to picked pence in suspicious conservatives. end,pence, in the consolidate elite and grass roots conservatives for trump? thisthink there's no doubt will give some measure of aid and comfort. people like paul ryan are saying good pick. to me there's some republican leaders who want to see signs that he cares about conservative principles, they're willing themselves to believe conservative.a pence goes some way toward doing that. people thate nit-pick him from the right and wholeft but for people doubt trump's ideological convictions, the second person won't solve that. >> i think it depends a little bit on whether pence is the campaign.thin do they stress some of these conservative issues that trump hasn't stressed? think, we'll see how much grass roots work pence does influential to groups. i think if pence spends time has a good, trump chance of consolidating conservatives and my indication is they have a notion of how to deploy him in cleveland and beyond. i think there's a chance of that. again, i do think -- i have been by the way that many on the right have dealt with the trump thing for a long time. fact that paul ryan with say, he makes racist endorse him.i'll >> he may be a racist but he's racist. >> i think it helps to some extent but the top of the ticket matters more than anything else so if you have profound concerns conservative, a does pence solve that for you? profound concerns? >> there are a lot of conservative leaders who today made clear they like the pick and they are people who had nothing good to say about trump away they'veht converted some people and conservative electives, mike pence isn't just a standard issue conservative, he is a leader in the conservative movement. get --ve a larger question, the other side of the coin, as jeff scarbrough said immediately, he said it's so off brand. to me it feels like a huge capitulation to the republican establishment. we had trump a couple of months called him out on things, saying, i don't care about republican unity. party should come with me or not or i'll go on my own and now tos saying, i really need unify the party before the convention. inconsistent with the strengths trump has shown in the past. appeal shows that trump went with his head and the advice that said you need to do win, you got to go with the guy that can help you win and he did that. >> i wonder for the people who love him for being anti-establishment, whether the donald trump and mike pence do policy ii on every issue. are there always issues with nominees and their v.p. picks. -- through arough few of them. supportce does not trump's muslim bend, calling it offensive and controversial. trade, ondiffer on exceptions of abortion and how same-sex marriage should be legislated. pence also expanded medicaid in state under the affordable care act. were of commentators discussing these differences wonder if white house press secretary josh ernest has any comments. mean the medicaid supporting mike pence? any comment.ave >> of the agreements we just which do you think would be actual problems? >> josh ernest is going to end podium, i the predict, engaging in comedy. look, this is -- the democrats largely not charging pence's qualifications. they're basically saying he's and they've added another extremist to the ticket. there's also this attempt as did there to sow discord. i think the one that's the this in theu see talking points the campaign put out, the question of the muslim ban which pence and many denounced. i think trump continues to move to the center on that, not all way but to the center, more than the original proposal. i think that's the one that's most dangerous. asked about trump's fundamental judgment on the original position, i think that's problematic. i don't see any of the others being a huge problem. think that's conceivably a very large problem. condemnationin his of that proposal and trump has modified it in in ways and there thepparently a story on website about this, some kind of internal memorandum out about they're supposed to walk their way through this issue, differences. i think that's a problem. i think the trade thing is also kind of a problem. trade is so much at the core of trump's economic message and life-long bona fide free trader. was newt gingrich. >> trump said i'm for free trade. i just want good deals. i think pence says i'm for good deals, too. trump to get in there and unlike barack obama, negotiate good deals. just word salad. threatening a 25% on china,ort tariff you're not a free trader. a i agree with you in rigorous -- if this were being scored in a debate class but in and tumble of presidential politics, they can over them. the press gets obsessed about these things. almost anyone trump could have be -- there's a problem with anybody on the ticket. >> the question is whether questions and people will say, hey, here's a critic nafta, here's a guy who was for it. >> he says look at trump's get uss, he's going to good trade deals to help bring jobs back to america. ban andor the muslim even that i think they'll finesse. the hook,et him off that means we're weak. >> it happens every four years. biden had disagreements with obama and cheney had disagreements with bush. the convention all the issues go away. up next, talk more about the stop trump movement and how it stops in cleveland right after this. ♪ >> late night last night in cleveland for members of the rules committee. the republican national long listis part of a of potential rules changes and debated whether or not delegates unbound from voting for donald trump at the convention next week. that was the last effort to try to stop trump. that amendment and others offered up by the anti-trump pass afterailed to members of the establishment on the committee and trump supporters teamed up to keep the in session late into the and out-fox the never-trumpers. relief forwas a trump campaign manager paul manafort who did a victory lap on morning tv and on twitter and said he was never all that worried that the stop trump would gain steam. after the vote, utah senator, committeen the rules who supported ted cruz in the nomination, predicted there backlash among delegates on the floor because the outcome did not free the delegates. john, was it politically smart for the r.n.c. and team trump to hard-ballthe kind of tactics that paul manafort has learned well and basically theshed the effort within committee and not let there be a debate on the floor? it couldn'tee how be smart. i know there's argument to the notion, letting the never trump their voice, by not it willthem have it, alienate them. tohought it was a threat trump's nomination, you have to squash it. played inside politics and won. most of the people arguing this were engaged in trickery to say trump sood for donald then the delegates can prove they love him. no, they were making mischief. i think if this was debated, the have focused on it a ton and this clears the deck for be about what they want it to be about, attacking hillary clinton. those delegates -- there's a that nothingod would have made them happy. onee this is a -- this is place where i'm with the trump campaign completely. somebody trying to stop your guy nominee, crush them and move on. >> they're feeling very good the horror of france, they're feeling good. they picked somebody, the well ands going getting a good reaction within the party. the rulesory in committee. they're lining up speakers for the convention. it's not an orthodox campaign. well behindey're schedule but they're feeling pretty good about the last 24 hours, how the campaign is setting up and some of the polls look good for them. >> the other thing is that there that couldf things go wrong at the this convention, even with this now put away. the unconventional speakers list, protests, all the haywire nexto week. getting rid of one potential thing that could go haywire is go them focuse it lets another things. things theions are press loves. this would be hugely distracting. it out of the way before you deal with all the other with. to deal >> hat, mark with the mckinnon joins us to talk more about the trump and clinton battle, after this. get ready for the rio olympic games by switching to xfinity x1. show me gymnastics. x1 lets you search by sport, watch nbc's highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. i'm getting ready. are you? x1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversal's coverage of the rio olympic games. call or go online today to switch to x1. >> in the studio, mark mckinnon, of "the circus." break the tie. trump, the chaos was in some ways more, some ways but was this a particularly beef steaks?ame of >> i'd say the opposite of a tie. was imperative if he's going to be the law-and-order candidate and make safe from international threats, we got to know he's got a pause button. there werelized international events interceding he has someed impulse control, not only that he paused but also because of pick he made in mike pence. we don't need captain jack sparrow, we need a captain phillips on the deck. needed was someone people could look at and say this guy could be president but hand, sends a good signal to the conservative base experience,policy all those things. i think he brings the balance that was needed. oppositionut you in to your old friend, matthew you on twoorked with bush campaigns and matthew asked you why not go out there and do this event today, stand shoulder to shoulder with your running mate and announce you are the terrorism?ht why not do that tomorrow? completely with that. i think you want to make sure -- the criticism of trump is that before he aims. in a situation like this, you want to step back, understand overreactng on, not and do what people don't want him to do which is to look like going over the top, shooting too fast, that it's all about him. and by the way, a lot of people that saying he cares more about his v.p. pick than he does about what happened in france. time they made the decision, they didn't know all the facts. we still don't know all the they could have been -- i'm not saying they did it for news management reasons but imagine if isis had put out a videotape saying this is the first of several such attacks engage in, io don't care who he picked for his been it would have overshadowed. i think they waited, if we do it will we get a cleaner shot of telling the world? >> the beginning of this week were planning this week and the things that could happen rollout of v.p., you said there could be a terrorist incident. happen any week, any time. >> my position was not that problem but the that it seems the entire thing over the last 24 hours is that uncontrolled -- now we have reports that trump was making phone calls last night at midnight trying to figure out if was a way to get out of the pick. yesterday it seemed their press horrible, to me. watching the reporting on it itch was, it's pence, wait, might not be pence, trump might change his mind. an event scheduled, now it's canceled, he's up late thinking of dumping pence. reading the information flow on was aick was not like it well planned rollout. >> i will argue that next week it won't matter. it's just going to matter that he picked a guy and made it through the next 48 hours. at pence as a running mate over the next week, to quickly prepare for this event tomorrow, give a speech, give a speech at the and do some press interviews, "60 minutes," we're told, and others. does pence seem like the guy off the shelf can do all that stuff? or more like pailin? christie could do that, newt could do that. >> i don't know that newt could do it. he would do it in his own style. he would be confident and absorb the heat. >> i was impressed with pence over at the intercontinental, i was there with a bunch of reporters. that position, the campaign would take out a exit orntrance or pretend they couldn't hear the reporters. he stopped and took questions. were brief and also particularly compelling but he's afraid of the press. >> that's important. >> and he's got people around are people who have been involved in national politics and not everybody brings that to the table. he's pretty >> i think there's anything to not by me, but by others -- that the pick was gingrich, that either or christie would have been more of an on-brand pick, more like about thenot caring establishment, not caring about party unity, not caring about conservatives, just doing what he wants to do in his heart. that's notrue but what you want in a v.p. you want balance want we know newt is impulsive. want to make sure there's somebody there that's not impulsive in the white house. voters look at that and say, great, he brought a little balance and i trust there thatebody in may hit the pause button when he doesn't. >> do no harm, be boring. for trump at this point. that's a positive for him. ofhow does pence fall short the perfect pick? >> maybe not the attack dog that you sometimes imagine in a vice president. athink there's -- he had confrontation with obama once, didn't handle it that well. his brief speech the other night in indiana when he did the joint appearance with trump, i as ant he was pretty good attack dog. >> i think he's evolved and grown and we will see. short,other way he falls candidateld franken him and say more of this, more of that? >> i don't think so. it happens every time, it when we president bush hang alleney, they'll the ideological stuff out but really don'tvoters care about that stuff but they care about where the top of the ticket is ideologically. there's no question he'll clear quickly with the press ready to be commander-in-chief part? be aat's not going to problem for him. >> i've not seen anybody go after him. i agree with you but i wonder if you think there are potholes down the road on that? a ground groundhog day thing. every four years, speculation about different things, regional endnce, age, and in the this proves it's binary, does it bear the the bar, ready to commander-in-chief or not? does anyone plan to go after pence and say he's not ready to president, call now, 800 -- with all due respect, if you can't get the person on that, they'll be fine. all the ideological differences. goodod demeanor, steady.rn calm, m cat, look at you. mark mckinnon, thank you. kellyt, nbc correspondent o'donnell shares with us a story aboutported earlier today andrew mccutchen allegedly having second thoughts. dlk >> joining us now, bloomberg reporter,uper stud michael steve bender out in cleveland, and nbc news correspondent kelly o'donnell who had quite the tweet today was uphat donald trump to late last night. mike, again, i'm going to try to a tie, because i got shut down by mckinnon. how do you think this rollout has gone forident donald trump? >> how the rollout has gone? gone?h, how's it >> there hasn't been a rollout yet, right? this won't happen until tomorrow 11:00, john. i can't imagine -- this has got to be some of the toughest 24-hour stretch for trump in the last few months here. this is not how he wanted to do it. he probably did want to tweet it. he's probably wanted to tweet it is a while but this delay not ideal for him in -- by any stretch. o'donnell, let's ask you, let's get right to the heart of the story. night, donald trump, according to you, sources you, may be trying to get out of the pence pick. tell us what you know? reporting that donald trump was frustrated watching the coverage unfold during the day, the leaks this gotten out and we know it has been a difficult choice for him because there were differing within his family, within the inner circle, different voices coming at him from the about what he should do especially with the top three pence, newt mike gingrich and chris christie. i had been told by multiple sources that he was on the which we know is a trump trademark. solicit a lot of opinions and talk to a lot of people and he was expressions angst, concern, about being v.p.d into a corner on his pick and wondering if there was a way out. talked toe time, i sources that said he expressed angst but did not plan to make a change. trump campaign flatly denies wavering ory attempts to change and they callsledge there were about postponing the rollout and they say it was only about the france, notce, anything else. we know when v.p. picks happen, there is inordinate stress involved. there are relationships with and chris christie who have long-term relationships with trump, have been publicly supportive of him for a long time and then you have mike pence, had not trump in the beginning, did so after he won indiana, and many in the party think he's the ideal choice because of his skill set but he is not as well known to trump and so this was not liking mike pence or having doubts about him choice, it was about comfort level, about wishing he christie or wanting to be able to go with his gut and finding that the circumstances were just not going to let him do that so what we know about trump is he does like to talk and sources are in those conversations he was sort of airing that anxiety do whatt being able to his heart told him, feeling like he was compelled to do the expedient and professionally advised thing of picking a more conservative, traditional republican. in the run-up to the convention, you have to pick your running mate. that's done. have to put out a speaker's list. that's done but i think a little in flux. you have to deal with platform fights and things like that that seem to be straightened out. my question is the trump than ance speech, less week away. do we know anything about it? is somebody writing one? is he going to practice? >> there's nothing normal about right?mpaign so far, the speech is being worked on by the same folks doing the -- have been doing his speeches and the practice so far has been the teleprompter speeches that trump has given which has been an improvement. in the campaign that led up to this last couple of months. i don't think we can expect anything normal. i would set the bar at sort of speeches he's given so far and if he can exceed that, that's going to be a victory for trump. >> kelly? >> i was going to say that i have been told there has been a the speeches,out passing some speeches around from trump, his family, wanting to get the best ideas and go over it. obviously very high bar for that willn the family be speaking. trump, of course, with the big but also otherch members of his family who we way.'t seen in this melania trump will be present at the convention. new is going on and some is territory for them. >> you look at the last three republican nominees who lost, dole, mccain and romney, they kind of underperformed in their acceptance speeches. of?ind a lot. >> bush, i think both of his acceptance speeches were pretty good. if past is prologue, trump needs to give a good speech. thing about trump, the moments that are most memorable scripted.ast the moments when he is scripted, trumpy. least what do you think is the biggest thing that could go wrong, mike bender? what's the biggest thing they have to worry about now? staying on message. when it comes to the speech, how stay on message and his eagerness to grab headlines by being outrageous, if he can keep that wrapped up, i think that's the biggest challenge for him right now. >> kelly, what's your sense of the pence pick is playing at least within the republican party? exactly what paul man fort and the team wanted, a ofh of relief, a sense reassurance, a predictability in mike pence because of his service on capitol hill, work in governor's mansion, as well as his real relationships with social conservatives, with certain key donor groups. there is a sense that he is that kind of do-no-harm candidate. might not be as exciting or as feisty as other options might been. might not be someone who would wage the war as effectively down the line. but a real sense that this is trump looking like a serious and that is really the early feedback and that should trump's mind more at ease if he's trying to win over the party. part was, this is really kind of a pick that steps away from the trump brand. may add to it but that's, i think, where some of the discomfort has been. let me ask you this question, mike bender, do you think campaign together a lot? biden obama and joe hardly ever campaigned together and that was successful. >> it's hard for me to imagine to campaign with pence that much. they'll go out initially to talk about spots, maybe in the midwest, right after the announcement, then splitting up. pence -- i think kelly mentioned -- this is off brand. pence is so buttoned up that i how him and trump can play off each other at the same event. >> mike bender, kelly o'donnell, love having both of you, of yoully when one brings news. coming up, a city, a convention. happen to be watching us in walt disney, you -- d.d ♪gton >> next week, cleveland becomes the center of the political solar system and the timing for be better.uld not cleveland coming off a buoyant nba season, which, for those of who don't follow sports, is a pretty big deal. cleveland is catching a wave of good fortune in the world of sport ball right now. that could be just what the republican party needs next week. sports in cleveland has long solely to make clevelanders unhappy. it's a vague, unceasing a dull ache like that never goes away. recent obit summed it up this way. six brownsd pallbearers so the browns could let him down one last time. generations of clevelanders have always understood the deal, until now. james, cleveland cavaliers stunning the world, cleveland already feels different. the indians are in first place. the browns have new management, including the guy jonah hill played in "moneyball." somehow, the sun is shining in ohio. when cleveland was selected as site, it. convention was with hope, a city of economic decline, fighting to come back. a fitting stage for republican party trying to resurrect itself, make cleveland great again, you know, that sort of thing. but out of nowhere, cleveland character, turning into america, so town in hard that the president had to cavaliers' guard j.r. smith to put his shirt back on. the point is that republicans to a profoundly different place. the city is certainly bracing conflict in protest over but that backdrop we're accustomed to has given way to a infused neverland of champions. g.o.p. adapt to its new surroundings? invited on stage? whether or not you are better off than you were eight years for debate but we know one thing for certain, cleveland sure is. >> many thanks to will leach. we'll be right back. ♪ >> two weeks ago we had our friend, mike elliott, c.e.o. of the one campaign and former international and "newsweek" international as a guest on the show. mike has been battling cancer, bravely, and uncomplainingly, for two years. last night, he passed away in washington at the age of 65. had anurnalist, mike unquenchable curiosity about the undermatched dexterity of explaining everything to his readers. >> mike dedicated himself to the poverty.ending he had infectious good humor and other-worldly generosity with his time, advice, stories and spirit. from your time working at-time. what will you remember? >> loved working with him. journalist and he did the two things i always tell people journalism is about. he held power interest accountable to public interest stories witht great characters. >> first guy who ever really gave me a job and a lot of the things that i think journalism is all about i learned from mike his curiosity was boundless. he was interested in everything and you could talk about anything, wanted to know about everything and was always incredibly interested and there journalists young he took under his wing and brought them into the world of journalism and made them better. >> if you were in the room with him and a great story came up, gleam in his eye. >> our thoughts and prayers go wife, mike's beloved emma, and incredible daughters, roxannea and gina. him this morning, mike's last boss, bono, says he be useful ande to it was that but a whole lot more. have a scoopgues the trump campaign strategy to sell mike pence to the public. coming up, the latest news on situation in thanks for watching. ♪ announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ these are songs that can relax and soothe you. >> ♪ somewhere, my love there will be songs to sing ♪ announcer: songs that make you feel good. >> ♪ you are just too good to be true. can't take my eyes off you ♪

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