Ago as jed was beginning to think about the stadium. I went to see him and said how can i help . How do i get involved . Cory this new thing is a huge deal. When we first met, i was arguing the importance of having a stadium in San Francisco. You chose santa clara. It is interesting because it is a technical marvel if the heart of this world of technology. What do you want to do there . Jed i think we wanted to bring out the best of the bay area and really make that the staple of the stadium. Technology through sustainability. Really make levi stadium a focal point for everything that i think is great about the bay area. Cory in terms of technology what are you trying to do for the innovative experience . Jed we want to make sure it is a seamless transition going to a game. When you can use a smart phone or device to interact in everyday life, we ant to make sure that everything that is difficult about going to a game, having tickets, parking, we want to make that seamless. We want to make sure that you can use wifi to enhance your experience at a stadium. Maynard the technology is so cool that he is bundling it and creating it as a company and taking it on the road. Can you talk about that a little bit . Jed sure. The company we helped incubate levy stadium was a petri dish. Now our c. E. O. John paul is taking it to other sports and Entertainment Venues around the world. Cory interesting. In Major League Baseball they have had Great Success with that. First they started streaming and now they are streaming hbo. Do you think you have some advantage there . Jed it is revolutionizing the venue and in Game Experience for fans. It is allowing the fans to know the venue better. Cory there is a guy named mark cuban. Jed heard of him. Cory he owns the dallas mavericks. He approached a reconstruction of that has a lot of the same ideas. I do not know if he would say so, but it feels like he would say, i do not want every technology. He told bloomberg there is no question people use phones and devices at games, but they use them when they are bored. They dont want more reasons to use them. They want fewer. How do you balance that with the experience of being at the game . Jed first of all, fans are going to use the phones. That is what people use and that is what theyre going to do. Instead of having them get up and go stand in line for a beer, you can have it delivered for you. Instead of standing in line for a restroom, you can use the phone and say, the line is red and two sections down it is green. It is easier to get in and out. You want to make sure that again, those points are taken out of the live venue experience. Maynard one thing i use is i get to control which play i want to replay and when and how. So often, you are on a break and waiting for the camera to come back. I can look at a play and replay it any time. Cory i was really struck. I went to a couple games at levi stadium and i caught some great weather and there was a lot of fun. I went to a game with crummy weather in seattle, where my favorite team, the 49ers is playing in seattle. It was a great game. Unfortunately they lost, but the difference i noticed was particularly this new stadium. The seats at levi stadium were pretty empty right after halftime. In seattle, it was packed and they were passionate and loud and i thought that gave the team an advantage. Do you think about developing technology and how it will affect what is happening on the field . The 12th man is an important deal for every stadium. Jed again, that is part of the technology, getting people to stay in their seats and not have to leave and go back to the bar and go somewhere else. For the first year at levi stadium, they are still trying to figure at the venue and figure out everything that work and does not work at levi stadium. It is a lot different than candlestick. From zero amenities to a lot of amenities. Trying to transition to the next generation and really making levi the new home of the 49ers. Cory the super bowl, are the niners going to be in it and what are you going to do to get them ready . Jed we have a long way to go for the 49ers. For the bay area and levi stadium, we will be the most philanthropic super bowl to take place. We are putting 2. 5 million back into the community already. The super bowl 50 fund announced that just last week. We have got everybody in the bay area working together from santa clara to san jose to San Francisco. When you offer the best of the bay area, it will be an unbelievable week. Cory here you are trying to manage one of the most important businesses flat out in a pro bowl of Business Leaders whether it is tim cook or all of the other people i cover that i will not be so nice to on the air but i think world of sometimes. You have got to be one of these managers around here. The big news of the day, a 24yearold linebacker after a breakout year. Fantastic draft pick by you guys, announcing his retirement. What do you make of Chris Borlands retirement . Jed we respect it. I love chris. He is a great kid. It is certainly a surprise to us and some teammates. You have to respect that decision. If he fears for his health and safety going forward, i do not want someone going out there and doing something i would not feel comfortable doing. I would never try to talk someone out of retirement. It was not an easy decision for him but we respect him and wish him the best. Cory you go across the defensive oriented team, you have got pat willis retiring and it is unclear what is happening with justin smith. You have Chris Borland leaving. Do we know whats happening with justin smith yet . Jed he has been working out with the guys. He is in the decisionmaking process. We obviously would love to have justin back. He has got to be comfortable going out and putting his body through it one more year, and if he is not, we will have to step up and have someone else make plays. Cory you made a tough decision about your coach. You said it was mutual and he said it wasnt. I do not really want to get into that, but when you make that kind of decision about moving forward as a leader, the fans, since we said the interview is happened, questions and emails, how could you let that guy go, even if everybody hated him . Bill belichick, we talked about it earlier, great coach. Not universally loved. Bill parcells was a great coach. Despised sometimes by his own teammates or his own players. What matters besides winning . Jed things off the field obviously matter. We are trying to win a super bowl. Everything that we do, we are trying to win a super bowl. We havent been able to do that. What were trying to do is build a team that focuses on our core strengths. Like any other company you want to talk to. You will focus on core strengths i think we got away from that little bit and tried to do too much of something that we were not. You will see them get back to the basics and let them make plays. That will give us an opportunity to get back. Cory was harbaugh not doing that . Jed you look at our offense last year. It was not where it should have been. We have better talent than what our results showed. I am not the experts in terms of calling xs and os and writing plays and doing things like that. I know our players are equipped to play the game and compete for championships. We need to make sure these things are together and moving forward and giving ourselves a chance to ultimately host and win the super bowl this year. Maynard speaking of the super bowl, what is it you would like Silicon Valley and the San Francisco bay area to do to help you make sure this is the best super bowl ever . Jed getting the 49ers there that would be a great way to make this a great super bowl for the bay area. Ultimately what you want watching mayor lee work with mayor matthews, bringing everybody together and making sure we put on the best face and working together as a unit. When you Work Together as a unit, i do not think there is a better place in the world. Cory i was a Sports Reporter for a long time. I feel sports is a metaphor that is why we all love it. It seems clear. There is a score at the end of the day. That is why i love talking about sports as a metaphor for business, when you look at you were talking about the offense as a problem for the 49ers. You hire a defensive coach. Do you look around Silicon Valley to make that make sense. The fans look at that and say, offense is a problem. Why did you hire a defensive guy . Jed that is a good question but i think the coach has seen this Team Transition from an average Football Team to a really good Football Team, trying to focus on what we have done well and making sure you have somebody who knows the quarterback well, who can run the offense, building the right staff around them, making sure we get back to running the football and making sure that we get back to doing things that colin is good at. Let him use his athleticism. Do not try to change the offense week to week. Stick to what works. Its a great question on the surface. An offensiveminded guy being your head coach. Look at bill belichick. He is a defensiveminded guy. Hes won four super bowls. A lot of coaches that have had great careers, most of them have been defensiveminded. When you look at the long game it is about making sure everything works together. Not just offense or defense and not just special teams. It is making sure all three of those phases Work Together. That is really what we want. We want an entire team of 53 and not just individual groups and units. Cory the question of leadership and making decisions. If the super bowl the only answer, is that the only way the only goal that could work . If the next coach doesnt win a super bowl, is he gone . Maynard let me talk about business. You have to produce results. Day in and day out. You have got to get voted on the Team Every Year and every day. You have to produce results. You have to make sure you build a team that can produce results for tomorrow. Cory maynard webb and jed york. Well be right back. Cory this is the best of bloomberg west. Im cory johnson. Forget football. The buzz of Silicon Valley for the last month has been sex and finance. The gender discrimination lawsuit filed by ellen pao against her former employer, the legendary firm Kleiner Perkins caufield and byers. She is seeking 16 million in damages. There have been plenty of big name witnesses from pao to kleiner partners. Mary said on the stand Kleiner Perkins is the best place to be a woman in the business. Brad, there is a great it is a story called the story that that makes the shudder. Guest kleiner is one of the brightest lights in the Venture Capital universe and it has done the best job of bringing women into the firm, of evangelizing for femaleled entrepreneurs. Here they are sort of ironically being hauled into court by one of their junior partners. It is also this is the story we have worked on this week. The trial demonstrates a lot of what the valley is talking about. In the wake of Sheryl Sandbergs lean in, not about these very visible forms of Sexual Harassment in the workplace. That is what the ellen pao case is about. Whether she was treated differently than the male partners. Cory i want to get to the specifics of the case. I think that is why this resonates. Here we are, two white dudes but that is kind of a common scene in Silicon Valley, where men far outnumber women, where white dudes and asian men outnumber women as well in the workplace. Guest when the case was filed it was before lean in and before tech Company Started releasing their dismal statistics showing less than 30 of their workforce was female. It is a world in which it is called out when you make calls. Everything is very sensitive to all the things mentioned in the case. Like where she sat at the table and whether she was told she had to take notes, even though she should have been at the same level as the men. That is really the thing people look at here and think, i have seen myself in that. I have talked to a lot of women in tech and i do not know what happened to ellen pao, but i do know that looks a little bit like me. Cory lets look at the specific case. She is alleging that she was kept out of meetings, that she did not get the same seats on the board that males got. Is that the essence of her case . Guest there is more to it. I think one of the more powerful allegations, she said it this week, the kind of behavior she was criticized for was exactly the kind of behavior prized in the male partners. Being combative, having strong opinions, having sharp elbows with colleagues. She had negative performance reviews. She is alleging there was a double standard. There are other complicated parts of this case that make it a trial. She had a consensual affair with a coworker and after they broke up, the coworker made her life miserable and that the firm was too slow to fire that coworker. Cory lets talk about that affair and what that meant to the business. This is a senior partner at the firm, a married senior partner at the firm. A few salacious details emerging from the trial that seems to be a central part of the complaint, that in some way, it was consensual but should not have been allowed in that they were treated differently when it came out. Guest yeah, in this case, it is interesting to look at ellen pao. She is not some perfect symbol of a woman who was wronged. She is a complicated character. She had an affair. Sometimes, maybe she didnt do everything to get deals done and she is saying, you should have listened to me when i did this or that, but a lot of the trials are really hinging on, is she likable . Is she somebody that we can trust . Is she somebody in a position to be at the firm, whether or not she is a woman, just raced on just based on her personality . That makes it a lot murkier. Cory in the world of finance, it is interesting to me. Mary worked for years and years and years at morgan stanley. She was an analyst when that was a junior position. She made some she made some really bad calls in her early days and plenty of good ones. I am sure she heard of that from the trading floors where the environment is anything but warm and welcoming. Especially to women. When she compared what perkins was like having left a career at wall street, she said it was fantastic. Guest thats right. And i think that is one of the ironies here is that they have done a better job not only in investment banks, but at other Venture Capital firms. If you look at the website, they look like the directories of the moose lodge from 1912. Cory well be right back with more of the best of bloomberg west. Cory im cory johnson. This is the best of bloomberg west. Here are some of the stories that made headlines in Technology Last week. Godaddy plans to sell 22 million shares between 17 and 19 apiece. By comparison, it comes three years after the company was taken private. It was a 2. 3 billion deal. They posted a loss of 143 million last year despite revenues of 1. 4 billion. Yahoo is closing its office in china and cutting between 200 and 300 jobs according to a person with knowledge of the matter. Yahoo does not offer any products in china. They are under pressure to cut costs. Apple will accept android phones under a tradein program for the first time. Apple started the iphone tradein program in 2013, trying to encourage people to upgrade but expanding the program to other phones, apple wants to accelerate market share gains against android smart phones samsung, htc and the like. These days youre probably using apple or android phones for work. What if you dont work at a traditional employer . Youre a freelancer. Where can you find Health Insurance . Enter stride health. Its a Company Using big data to predict Health Care Expenses and offer plan recommendations. We get the details from their c. E. O. Guest these are individuals now, one in every three American Workers, 60 million American Workers by the end of the decade that are on their own. Right . They love their freelancing lifestyle. Taking fractional work when it makes sense in their days or in their weeks, but they are on their own when it cops to picking their own healthcare coverage and understanding how to navigate that system throughout the year. Cory what do you do to help . Guest were a mobile first web app. You can download any software and go to stridehealth. Com. We help them build a Health Profile about themselves that we can use to forecast their healthcare use for the next year. It is a fairly complex Financial Model on the back end but for the user it is fairly simple. Cory you look at what the Insurance Companies have to offer and you for them . Guest we dont just drive you to an insurance company. We stick with you. We build this profile for you sort of like a Financial Advisor that will map you to the right decision. The right choice of a health plan. Cory a robo advisor . Guest sure. Then we stick with them throughout the rest of the year. We enroll you in that health plan. Youll get your government subsidy if you qualify for one. Cory is obamacare, the Affordable Care act, been a thing that leads your business to a fast rate option . Guest it is one of the things that enables our business. It structured health plans so they would be more machine readable so we can create an index of all the health plans on the market and use an intelligent engine to make recommendations for you. Cory to paraphrase, the Affordable Care act made the plans codified and n similar ways so they can be compared . Guest yes. Used to have free form texts and all of these different benefits from Insurance Companies. Very hard to figure out as a individual or a machine. We are a piece of software. Cory you have been youre doing it across many states, california, texas, florida, new york, so on. Are you picking it by markets size or the ease of doing business in those states . Insurance regulations are a mother. Guest for us it has mostly been market size, the largest states out there. We cover 44 of the u. S. Population across seven states. That is very good coverage without too many markets. Were regulated like an agent or broker. It is an ancient model. It has been around for the last 50 years. Cory it is interesting that youre matching with these new economy companies. Guest absolutely. They are gathering freelancers around a particular type of work and recognizing they have needs. They are at risk. They are on their own and they need someone to take care of them in a very human way. Thats what were there for. Cory the c. E. O. Of stride health. The best of bloomberg west will be right back. Cory you are watching best of bloomberg west where we focus on the future of business. I am cory johnson. Elon musk has a message for model s drivers who have range anxiety about the car battery running out. Guest will i run out . It is impossible to find out unless you do so intentionally. Asked to run out unless you do so intentionally. Cory when he says impossible, its still possible. The Software Update will alert users or drivers to the nearest charging station. Kind of like a google maps update. He says the tesla will have charging stations in most of the 50 states by sometime next year. He says the new model x will hit the road this summer. But will this Software Update really sooth fears that the battery will not copout. This guy is important in the world of batteries. Guest the battery is basically a set of computer batteries. They are repackaged for the tesla. They take up a lot of space. His announcement that he is going to make an announcement is a little strange because tesla already goes farther than most electric cars. I and i think everyone else are very curious about what he is going to say. Cory i wonder as it relates to argonne, you guys are pushing the edge technologically of batteries much farther than tesla. I wonder how you look at tesla. Why did we just get some duct tape and some computer batteries and do what tesla is doing . Guest there is a very solid answer to that. Lithium ion batteries, which is what tesla and other manufacturers use, just does not have it in itself to go more than 50 . Real optimist will to you more than a factor of two. That is more than what it does now. It is theoretically not possible. We are taking the next step. We want to look beyond lithium ion and get something that is five better and that is something that lithium ion cant achieve. Its very aspirational. Its very visionary and aggressive. We think we can do it and the community will agree. We gave ourselves a short timescale. We said five years, that is the length of our contracts. It might take longer than five years. I think the answer is out there. Cory i dont want to get into the weeds with this. I think it is fascinating. But its interesting how tesla has used the infrastructure of tax credits to fund the business and development. That may be one of the reasons they could not wait. If you look across the map of all the places you can get tax credits for building the cars in california, as long as they are selling cars in a list of states, new jersey, rhode island, vermont, and a few other states in new england, and arizona they are getting tax credits based on how the cars they produce to be sold in those states. Those credits are available now and probably not later. Is that something that factors into the economics of what you guys are doing and how do see tesla benefiting from that . Guest i think that is one of the motivators for tesla. Common sense would tell you that it is. Elon is smart enough to figure most of these things out. I dont think it has a big effect on what we are doing. What we are producing we hope to transfer to manufacturing in a few years. It will take the manufacturer another three to five years to bring it out. We are really talking about something that is five to 10 years out from now. The tax structure is probably going to be different. Cory in the last quarter, tesla has seen 33 of their gross profits from these tax credits. Tesla says thats going away. Is that worrisome about how this business works . Guest tesla has to try hard to get the market bigger. That is a sign that the present Revenue Generation mechanism is shrinking and may be going away completely. That means he needs to sell more cars. That is one reason for the announcement tomorrow, to make it more appealing to people to buy a tesla car or the next generation tesla car. Cory george crabtree, we will be right back. Cory im cory johnson and this is the best of bloomberg west. Eugene kaspersky began his cyber courier after his computer was infected by a virus. He launched one of the most profitable Security Companies in 1997 and based in moscow. Kaspersky has 400 million users. How does a firm so tied to the russian government do so much International Business . Guest its not the same as it was. Because of several trades. They are different. In the past, they were just vandals, students writing primitive computer viruses. They were just individuals. Than the threat of the criminal grew and they became organized and professional. Then they were facing espionage. Most probably statesponsored. Now its even different. Traditional crime is coming to the cyberspace. They employ Software Engineers to support traditional crime. Its not a cybercrime it, its a traditional crime. Were expecting a tax on infrastructure. We are in a very, very interesting business. It is not easy. Its a cool place to be in. Cory when you say traditional crime, what do you mean . Guest the petrol stations or the coal mines, the transportation hubs Computer Systems. For example, they use seaports to transport cocaine. The containers come by ship. They know which containers have cocaine, so they crack the Computer Systems to unload containers to get past border controls. Or they crack the petrol station to steal petrol. Or they crack the coal mine to steal coal so it is not loaded onto trains. They reported more cold and what was actually loaded. They steal coal. They were arrested. That is why i know that. The company which was trading stolen coal. Cory you have been operating in the United States for 10 years. Do you see this happening in the u. S. As well . Is it global . Where do you see it most . Guest i do remember any traditional report on crime in the United States, but i am pretty sure it is here. These problems are global. Cyberspace does not have borders. Unfortunately, they trade technology and they speak many different languages. What is going on in the rest of the world is in the United States as well. Cory let me ask you a question, it seems to be basic, but why are there so many hackers in russia . Guest russia is rich with Software Engineers thanks to the Technical Education system. Russian Software Engineers are the best. Condoleezza rice once told me that and asked me if i could russian Software Engineers are the best. On the other side of the coin, russian cyber criminals are the best as well. I am sorry. Cory i wont blame you. I wonder what its like running your very important antihacking organization in a nation filled with hackers. That must raise some interesting challenges. Guest exactly. We are a global company. We are a very strong presence in many nations. Being in the nations which is one of the sources of the criminals, we benefit from that. We see attacks before competitors do. We can analyze and report on the new types of cyberattacks. Cory eugene kaspersky. We will be back. Cory this is the best of bloomberg west and im cory johnson. Rhapsody is making its Service Available to twitter users. It is the first Music Streaming Service to let people listen to licensed tunes on twitter. Here is how it works. Subscribers will be able to post songs on twitter for followers and friends to listen. They will open a page that has a link back to rhapsody. This hardship comes after twitter failed at building a music app. Is this a game changer for music and twitter . I spoke with david hose at the sxsw conference in austin. Guest its amazing with all of the new streaming services that exist and everyone is listening to them on their phones and headphones, its a lonely experience. We thought, why not make it social again and partner with twitter and take advantage of their audio card. It seemed like the perfect combination. Cory bringing music to mobile and going back to the ipod seems like it revived the music industry. But the licensing quality, how much money apple was able to hold away from the publishers, really hurt the industry. More listening, less money, what is the licensing background . Why has it taken so long for this to happen . Guest at the end of the day, we had to make a decision as rhapsody that we would pay for the music that people listen to on twitter. The reason we are doing that is because we want to expose the world to the fact that streaming music exists, rhapsody is here and has been here for a long time and we have a fantastic growing subscriber base. Its still very early days. Less than 1 of the people in the world are using a subscription music service. We want to educate the market that you can listen to music and artists and get paid and you can have access to all the songs in the world. Cory this is going to come out of the not all that deep pockets of the realnetworks in rhapsody . Guest that is true. It comes out of our pockets. We are making a sound business decision, we believe. In a sense, we are advertising to streaming music and rhapsody to the twitter user base by paying for the music. In return, as people get educated and understand that streaming music is possible and that it exists and we have a fantastic service, they will engage with our product and we get more customers. We believe its a sound business decision by us. Great for artists, because they get paid. Great for people on twitter, because they can listen to music and share it, and better for us. Cory fundamentally, it is a marketing thing. You are bringing people back to rhapsody hoping that some percentage like 120 of them will subscribe to your service. Talk to me about the percentage. Maybe it will not be 90 , just 2 or 3 . Do you think that percentage could lead to real business for you and a real successful marketing effort . Guest oxalate. The Conversion Rates, if you think of it like advertising the Conversion Rates for apps for people to install them are fairly low, the single digits, but it works. It is an effective it is todays social way of what we used to see where people would send you mail for direct response, that worked for a while. What works today is social. I think we have hit on something that we believe is going to work great. If it does not work great, we will stop. In the meantime, we think the fact that you have to be a rhapsody user to share music on twitter will drive people to the app. Once they are in the app, there is Nothing Better than having all of the music in the world in your hand. You can listen to it all the time, you can take it with you. As our customers experience this, we get more and more customers. Cory i am also intrigued to because we are not in a post radio era, but radio is very different now. Music discovery seems to be the great mystery in the new world of streaming music. A lot of different genres. Finding new music has gotten any simpler. You could argue its got more difficult. Guest this is why we argue the Twitter Partnership is so important. Where do you listen where do learn about music . From your friends and the people you know. People used to hang out and say, what are you listening to . That has been lost. Everybody has their own app and headphones by themselves. Twitter provides the opportunity for you to share your music, what you like, and people can follow you, listen to it, check it out. We hope they get excited about sharing music on their own. Cory whats happening right now with bmi and ascap and how does that differ from the demands of the labels . On the music but not the songwriters . Guest i would say in general, our service from the beginning has been set up to pay rights holders for their music. We created this model of all you can consume and then pay on the backend. We pay a lot of money. We continue to believe that its important to do that. We just want to have equal rates to the rest of the industry. If we can do that, we will compete with a great product and innovation for acquiring customers. Cory that was david hose of rhapsody. The interim ceo. Well be right back with more of best of bloomberg west. Cory i am cory johnson and this is the best of bloomberg west. These artist cannot put their work on video and youtube. What about money . This Company Called patreon they are trying to take it further. They have artists and fans with money in between. I learned about it from the ceo, jack conte. Guest this idea is there is a new emerging creative class. It is not 100,000 people, it is hundreds of thousands of people that realize they can be creative entrepreneurs. Cory they dont have a label and a 50,000 advance. And five weeks in the studio. Guest its the opposite. It used to be that there were three pipelines to the people, to the masses, and there were people that controlled those pipelines and its not that way anymore. If you have some great to say, people will listen. You can get to those people on youtube or sound cloud. These also have forms that have mastered distribution. The idea is to create a patreon page and you go to your fans through whatever channel you have. And you asked him to help you. Its one dollar per video. We have some people paying 100 every time an artist releases something. Cory you have fans buying a subscription to the work of an artist . Guest yes and no. The artist isnt saying you cant watch this unless you give me five dollars a month. The artist says i am making stuff anyway, if you want to pay me five dollars a month you can. If you do, you get all this other cool stuff. Cory didnt louis ck do Something Like this . Where he sort of said, im going to sell some of my stuff. Im going to give some of myself or free. If you want to throw some money at me, i would appreciate it . Guest he sold his comedy special direct to his fans. He made over 1 million in sales. Cory you are a musician as well . Tell me about your music. Guest ive been a professional musician for the past 10 years. Im in a band called pomplamoose. That has been my living. I am not taking a salary from patreon, im making my living using the product itself. My fans pledge a little over 6500 per video. That my band releases. Cory you try to make it with a budget of at least 6,499. [laughter] cory does this let you change the way you do your work . To think about doing economically . Guest having a regular budget as an artist is the coolest thing ever. Other artists can tell you money comes in chunks in this field. You will go for six months with very little income and then get a big licensing deal. Its hard to budget when you have such irregular bursts of income. With patreon, we know when we release a video, we know we are going to get a check. Cory i know people have tried this with youtube. Hoping the ads would pay them. They found they were not even getting beer money. The revenue was not there. Does this fundamentally depend on the charity of strangers . Guest you could call it charity, i dont like thinking of this as a charity. The reason is because there are some creators that i just love so much. It is a feeling that i have that is difficult to describe. I want to pay them to make more stuff. This is a classical feeling. Cory i do not want this music to go away so i better pay for this . Guest thats how every piece of great art we know has been made, from the david to the sistine chapel. Cory there were patrons. It was difference. Guest why is it different . Cory it was smaller groups, not infinite groups. Which is theoretically what the internet is. Guest now you have the crowd. Now you have everybody. Instead of depending on one rich person to give you 1 million, there are one Million People to give you one dollar. Cory what was your initial inspiration for patreon . Guest i had spent three months working on a robot music video for myself. Cory a robot music video as opposed to a regular one . Guest it was a serious robotic music video with an animatronic robot and animatronic head and they were singing and dancing. It took me three months to make. Our catalog on youtube has about 120 million hits in total. It leads to very little ad revenue. My last check was 74. Cory you were doing at tech video, you are thinking hey there were robots, was at the connection you made . Guest the connection was im going to get a halfmillion hits and people are going to enjoy it. They will tell me they enjoy it and it is going to lead to 70 of ad revenue . That doesnt make sense. That should not be worth 70. I wont buy it. I dont buy it. Cory that was patreon ceo and cofounder jack conte. That does it for this addition of the best of bloomberg west. We will see later. Host tonight on titans at the table the man who brings it all together. He is the coowner of the new york giants. He was born and raised in a new york family

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