It really is just extraordinary. It is a special opportunity for the president. He is not going to change very many minds, there are not going to be any grand initiatives. It is to try to divine the contours of the next 10 months and the final chapters of his presidency. Is he facing a more challenging environment right now . It is a very challenging environment. Much more challenging than he faced last year and he didnt have a very good year last your. Fax can he get much a compass tear . I think this is a chance to reset his image after the setbacks he has had from the National Security leaks, the obamacare rollout. He can come out looking like a guy who has a plan to move the country forward. A lot of people are very frustrated right now. We have looked at the stock market that has soared more than 25 in 2013. We have seen the Unemployment Rate to a certain extent come down but there is frustration and fear that it is just people perhaps giving up and getting out of the workforce. What can he say tonight to make americans feel better about the direction the economy is going in . I think that is exactly right. That is why the buzzword is going to the opportunity for all. The president needs to not just list executive actions, but he also needs to show their is going to be followthrough, that this is going to be a year of action with a concrete plan. That is part of the challenge. Youre looking at a lameduck president dealing with a dysfunctional congress. In terms of an agenda, what can be accomplished this year . It is tough. We learned last year that he is not going to get a lot through congress. Control of congress hasnt switched. Republicans arent going to be won over. Basically he has to make the case that he can do things by executive action that can achieve some of the things he wants to achieve and the ones he cant, he can at least shape the National Dialogue around things like opportunity, higher minimum wage, things like that that might set off a public discussion that could lead to something better. I agree. Theyutive actions are going to do a minimum wage for federal workers. That is really chump change. The immigration tonight will be very interesting to watch his tone. He has a chance to get that. He has to challenge congress but he cant offend republicans in doing so. He has to try to be much more moderate on that. I think he will be. What else might we hear from him . Anything related to healthcare. Gov . I think there probably will be. After the debacle of the rollout and the press conference where he basically flagellate it himself and apologized, now the site is working. People are signing up in pretty substantial numbers. There are some people in the audience who are going to be pointed to who have been helped by the Health Care Law. I think he will use this as a chance to turn the narrative on the Health Care Law from an albatross to something that has given people positive benefits. And the governor of kentucky, one place where it is working. We have Midterm Elections coming up. Is tonight going to help set the stage for what we might see for the Democratic Party in the month ahead . It begins the dialogue. Inreally will play a role whether democrats start off on the defensive or whether they have some issues which they can put republicans on the defensive. I think josh is right. Not so much to get legislation through but to set the agenda for this year. President sally the Approval Rating correlates fairly strongly with how his party performs in the Midterm Elections. There is a danger that if they dont improve between now and november democrats could lose control of the senate which would put a damper on this last years in office. The white house has been saying that over the past few weeks, the liaison to capitol hill who is newly installed, she has been spending a lot of time meeting with senate democrats, running through some of these messages, making sure that everyone is on board heading into 2014. With the 23fic note Democratic Senators that are up for reelection, they think focus on will last Economic Issues, ensuring upward mobility either for middleclass americans that that is going to be a key theme for 2014. I just want to reference what we are look yet. Looking at. We are waiting on the sergeant at arms to introduce the president of the United States as he begins his state of the Union Address. We are watching some of the cabinet never stick to their seats right now. As we await the president , we are discussing the Economic Issues at stake. When you look at his Approval Ratings, it is somewhat surprising. We have an economy that has improved. Improved,s have unemployment has come down, the stock market is up. Yet the president s Approval Rating has not. And peoples attitudes about the economy are decidedly negative. I think the answer to your question is, people dont feel it. The average folks dont feel the economy getting better. They think it is topheavy. Their wages havent gone up. There is still apprehension about layoffs or not getting back to work or overtime. That thisot a sense economy is doing as well as the numbers suggest. It is tough. On one hand, he should be able to get out there and rejoice in this good economic news. On the other hand, politically, that could be a disaster. That is the danger. To a certain segment of americans, they are doing very well area very well. If you are a working american or an unemployed american or somebody working on a minimum wage, feelings arent good. It is tough. You have to walk a delicate line of claiming credit for the good things without seeming as though you are not paying attention to the plight of people who are separate. The person who did that in 2012 was not barack obama but William Jefferson clinton. He was able to do it and he did it artfully because he wasnt the president. He was as good as anybody in american politics. He made that case which was much harder for obama to make. He called it the hourglass economyf with a lot of people on top, a lot of people on the bottom and middle class really feeling the squeeze. How do you change that . How do you Institute Policy on a night like tonight that actually makes a difference . I think part of it is basically publicrelations, giving people getting dispirited americans the sense that there president does have a plan. If you get down into particulars of what that is and how much can be a conflict with executive order, it is maybe not that exciting. Part of this is setting the tone for the country, setting the tone for the economy, making eagle feel making people feel optimistic. Julianna, you have so many sources in the white house. What are you hearing in terms of the tone we will hear tonight . As al was just saying, it is going to be a nuanced message. On one hand he is standing up giving his fifth state of the union speech whereas the economy has been not been better under his presidency. When you look at the other structural issues, longterm unemployment has never been worse. He is going to be setting a tone, trying to work with congress but saying where we cant work with congress, where they have pushed back or obstructed efforts of hours to help the jobless, we are going to try and go around him. White house officials have been really adamant leading up to this speech, saying that he does not want to be a confrontational president tonight. He wants to find areas where they can work with congress. I think what you might hear is that in areas where the white house thinks there might be some openings for congress, maybe on Immigration Reform, the president is going to step back and say a little less. For example, make the case for Immigration Reform but making sure that he can give john boehner the space he needs to maneuver within his caucus. Julianna brings up an interesting point. The idea that he is not going to really jam it down the republicans throat. He recognizes if he wants to get something done on immigration, he has to be careful at this moment. Hold on one second. Lets listen in. [applause] [applause] there he is making his way towards the podium. A lot of handshaking at this moment going on. A lot of hellos. This is this ritual. There are members there who got there three or four hours ago so they could shake the hands of the president , the scene on television who just yesterday were saying he is the worst thing since attila the hun. Tomorrow they will say the same thing. Tonight, we celebrate. This is something that happens in this country every year, the state of the union. Going all the way back to george washington. He didnt use to give it in person. Occasionally remember the congressman from South Carolina a couple years ago who yelled out, you are a liar or something. That really is rare. There is a respect of the office for this evening. That you have any sense the political situation is improving in washington . That there is maybe more of an effort for bipartisanship . You can make an argument that it can. It began at the end of last year with the budget deal that was negotiated between paul ryan and patty murray. It stands as a model for what obama is going to need to do this year. He stepped back, let members of Congress Step forward. I think he realizes now, he is too much of a controversial figure to lead the way and bring republicans along on Something Like a budget or Immigration Reform. We did pass a twoyear budget. It looks like we are going to get a farm bill. But years are starting to function again. I think there is a real limit to what he can achieve. Earlier we spoke earlier about president clinton and some of his speeches. Was able about what he to accomplish in his second term. You think of the challenges that a lameduck faces. Does he have the opportunity to get much done in the next two years . He can get one or two big things. He can get some things that are part of that economic inequality equation. He could get the earned income tax credit has bipartisan support. Minimum wage. Things like education. There are things he can get, not a huge package. Too is heer thing needs to protect his Health Care Law. I get more people to signup, get the right mix of people to sign up, keep touting that. I dont think he is quite out of the woods on that. We are waiting on Speaker Boehner to introduce him. Julianna, go ahead. The modest list of proposals the president is putting out tonight also reflects the need for him to focus on implementation of the Affordable Care act, of wall street reform, of these key initiatives from the last few years. Lets listen into the president of the United States. [applause] thank you. Members of congress, i have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the president of the United States. [applause] Speaker Boehner introducing the president of the United States. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Speaker, mr. Vice president , members of congress, my fellow americans, today in america a teacher spent extra time with a student who needed it and did her part to lift americas Graduation Rate to its highest levels in more than three decades. And after burner flipped on entrepreneur flipped on the light in a tech startup and did her part to add to the more than 8 million new jobs created over the past four years. [applause] and autoworker finetuned some of the best, most fuelefficient cars in the world and did his part to help america wean itself off foreign oil. Springr prepared for the after the strongest fiveyear stretch of farm exports in our history. A rural doctor gave a young child the first prescription to treat asthma that his mother could afford. [applause] a man took the bus home from the graveyard shift bone tired dreaming big dreams for his son. In tightknit communities all over the country, fathers and mothers will talk in their kids, put an arm around their spouse, remember fallen comrades and give thanks for being home from a war that after 12 long years is finally coming to an end. [applause] tonight, this chamber speaks with one voice to the people we represent. Make you, our citizens who the state of our union strong. [applause] results of your efforts. The lowest Unemployment Rate in over five years, a rebounding Housing Market [laughter] [applause] a Manufacturing Sector that is adding jobs for the First Time Since the 1990s. More oil produced at home then we buy from the rest of the world, the first time that has happened in nearly 20 years. [applause] deficits, cut by more than half. [applause] and for the first time in over a decade, Business Leaders around the world have declared that china is no longer the worlds number one place to invest. America is. [applause] that is why i believe this can be a breakthrough year for america. Grit ande years of determined effort, the United States is better positioned for the 21st century than any other nation on earth. The question for everyone in this chamber, running through every decision we make this year , is whether we are going to help or hinder this progress. For several years, this town has been consumed by arod by an argument over the proper size of the federal government. It is an important debate. One that dates back to our very founding. When that debate for events us from carrying out even the most basic functions of our democracy , when our differences shut down government or threaten the full faith and credit of the United States, then we are not doing right to the American People. [applause] as president i am committed to make washington work better. Rebuilding the trust of the people who sent us here. I believe most of you are too. Last month, thanks to the work of democrats and republicans, with as finally came up budget that undoes some cuts to education. Nobody got everything they wanted. We can still do more to invest in this countrys future while bringing down our deficit in a balanced way. The budget compromise should leave us freer to focus on creating new jobs, not new crises. [applause] , lets seeng months where else we can make progress together. Lets make this a year of action. That is what most americans want. For all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations. What i believe unites the people of this nation regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor is the simple profound belief in opportunity for all. The notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead in america. [applause] belief hasit, that suffered some serious blows. Over more than three decades, even before the Great Recession hit, massive shifts in technology and competition had eliminated a lot of good middleclass jobs. It weakened the economic foundations that families depend on. Today, after four years of economic growth, stock prices have rarely been higher. Those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. Fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too Many Americans are working more than ever just to get by, let alone get ahead. Too many still arent working at all. [applause] so our job is to reverse these trends. It wont happen right away and we wont agree on everything. What i offer tonight is a set of concrete practical proposals to speed up growth, strengthen the middle class and build new letters of opportunity into the middle class. Some require congressional action. I am eager to work with all of you. America does not stand still and neither will i. Takever and whenever i can steps without legislation to expand opportunity for american families, that is what i am going to do. [applause] as usual, our first lady sets a good example. Michelle [applause] michelles lets move partnership with schools, businesses, local leaders has helped bring down Childhood Obesity rates for the first time in 30 years. That is an achievement that will improve lives and reduce Health Care Costs for decades to come. The joining forces alliance that michelle and joe biden launched has encouraged employers to hire or train nearly 400,000 veterans and military spouses. [applause] taking a page from that playbook, the white house just organized a College Opportunity summit where already 150 universities, businesses and nonprofits have made concrete commitments to reduce inequality and access to Higher Education. And to help every hardworking kid go to college and succeed when they get to campus. Across the country we are partnering with mayors, governors and state legislatures on issues from homelessness to marriage equality. Millions is, there are of americans outside of washington who are tired of stale political arguments and are moving this country forward. They believe and i believe that here in america, our success should depend not on accident of birth but the strength of our work ethic and the scope of our dreams. It is what drew our forbearers here. That is how the daughter of a factory worker is ceo of americas largest automaker. [applause] how the son iv barkeep is speaker of the house. [applause] how the son of a single mom can the president of the greatest nation on earth. [applause] opportunity is who we are. The defining project of our generation must be to restore that promise. We know where to start. The best measure of opportunity is access to a good job. With the economy picking up speed, Companies Say they intend to hire more people this year. Over half of big manufacturers say they are thinking of inso urcing jobs from abroad. [applause] lets make that decision easier for more companies. Both democrats and republicans have argued that our tax code is riddled with wasteful, comp located loopholes that punish businesses investing here and reward companies that keep profits abroad. Lets flip that equation. Lets Work Together to close those loopholes, end those incentives to ship jobs overseas and create opportunities right here at home. [applause] moreover, we can take the money we save from this transition to tax reform to create jobs rebuilding our roads, operating our ports, unclogging our commutes. In todays Global Economy, firstclass jobs gravitate to firstclass infrastructure. We will need congress to protect more than 3 million jobs by finishing transportation and waterways bills this summer. [applause] that can happen. Own towill act on my we can getucracy so more construction workers on the job as fast as possible. [no audio] [applause] we also have the chance right now to beat other countries in the race for the next wave of hightech manufacturing jobs. My administration has launched two hubs for hightech manufacturing in raleigh, North Carolina and ohio where we commit businesses to Research Universities that can help america lead the world in advanced technologies. Tonight i am announcing we will launch six more this year. Bipartisan bills in both houses could double the number of these hubs and the jobs they create. Get those bill to my desk. Put more americans back to work. [applause] lets do more to help the entrepreneurs and smallbusiness owners who create most new jobs in america. Over the past five years, my administration has made more loans to Small Business owners than any other. When 98 of our exporters are Small Businesses, new trade partnerships with europe and asia will help them create even more jobs. We need to Work Together on tools like Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority to protect our workers, protect our environment and open new markets to new goods stamped made in usa. [applause] china and europe arent standing on the sidelines. Neither should we. We know that the nation that goes all in on innovation will own the Global Economy tomorrow. This is an edge america cannot surrender. Helpslly funded Research Lead to the ideas and inventions behind google and smartphones. That is why congress should undo the damage done by last years cuts to basic research so we can unleash the next Great American discovery. [applause] there are entire industries to be built based on vaccines that stay ahead of drugresistant bacteria or paperthin material that is stronger than steel. Lets pass a patent reform bill that allows businesses to stay focused on innovation, not costly and needless litigation. [applause] now, one of the biggest factors in bringing more jobs back is our commitment to american energy. Energy of the above strategy i announced a few years ago is working. Today, america is closer to Energy Independence than we have been in decades. [applause] one of the reasons why is natural gas. If extracted safely, it is the bridge feel that can power our economy with less of the Carbon Pollution that causes climate change. Almostses plan to invest 100 billion in new factories that use natural gas. I will help states get those factories built and put folks to work. This congress can help by putting people to work building fueling stations that ship more cars and trucks from foreign oil to american natural gas. [applause] meanwhile, my administration will keep working with the industry to sustain production and jobs growth while strengthening protection of our air, water, communities. I will use my authority to protect more of our pristine federal lands for future generations. [applause] it is not just oil and natural Gas Production that is booming. We are becoming a Global Leader in solar too. Every four minutes, another American Home or business goes solar. Every panel pounded into place by a worker whose job cannot be outsourced. Lets continue that progress with a smarter tax policy that stops giving 4 billion a year the fossil fuel industries that dont need it so we can invest more in the fuels of the future that do. [applause] even as we have increased energy production, we have partnered with businesses, builders and local communities to reduce the energy we consume. ,hen we rescued our automakers we worked with them to set higher fuel efficiency standards for our cars. In the coming months i will build on that success by setting new standards for our trucks so we can keep driving down oil imports and what we pay at the pump. Taken together, our energy policies, creating jobs and leading to a cleaner, safer planet. Over the past years, the United States has reduced our total Carbon Pollution more than any other nation on earth. [applause] we have to act with more urgency. The changing climate is already harming western communities struggling with drought and coastal cities dealing with floods. That is why i directed my administration to work with states, utilities and others to set new standards on the amount of Carbon Pollution our power plants are allowed to dump into the air. [applause] the shift to a cleaner Energy Economy wont happen overnight and it will require some tough choices along the way. The debate is settled. Climate change is a fact and when our childrens children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world with new sources of energy, i want us to be able to say yes we did. [applause] finally if we are serious about economic growth, it is time to heed the call of Business Leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders, Law Enforcement and fix our broken immigration system. [applause] republicans and democrats in the senate have acted and i know that members of both parties in the house want to do the same. Saypendent economists Immigration Reform will grow our economy and shrink our deficit by almost 1 trillion in the next two decades and for good reason. When people come here to fulfill their dreams, to study, invest, contribute to our culture, they make our country a more attractive place for businesses to locate and create jobs for everybody. Lets get Immigration Reform done this year. [applause] lets get it done. It is time. [applause] the ideas i have outlined can speed up growth and create more jobs. In this rapidly changing economy , we have to make sure that every american has the skills to fill those jobs. The good news is we know how to do it. Two years ago as the Auto Industry came roaring back, opened up a Manufacturing Firm in detroit. Parts forord needed the bestselling truck in america and she knew how to make those parts. She just needed the workforce. She dialed up what we call an American Jobs Center where folks can walk in to get the training they need to find a new job or a better job. She was flooded with new workers. Today, detroit manufacturing has more than 700 employees. What she and her employees experienced is how it should be for every employer and every job seeker. Tonight i have asked Vice President biden to lead an acrosstheboard reform of americas Training Programs to make sure they have one Mission Train americans with the skills employers need and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now. [applause] that means more onthejob training and more apprenticeships that set a young worker on an upward trajectory for life. It means connecting companies to Community Colleges that can help Design Training to fill their specific needs. , youngress wants to help can concentrate funding on proven programs that connect more ready to work americans with ready to be filled jobs. I am also convinced we can help americans return to the workforce faster by reforming Unemployment Insurance so that it is more effective in todays economy. Needs tois Congress Restore the Unemployment Insurance you just let expire. [applause] let me tell you why. Is a mother of two young boys. She has been steadily employed since she was a teenager, put herself through college. She never collected Unemployment Benefits but she had been paying taxes. Husband usednd her their life savings to buy their first home. A week later, budget cuts claimed the jobs she loved. Last month, when their Unemployment Insurance was cut off she sat down and wrote me a letter, the kind i get every day. Face of the unemployment crisis, she wrote. I am not dependent on the government. Our country depends on People Like Us who build careers, contribute to society, care about our neighbors. I am confident that in time, i will find a job, i will pay my taxes and we will raise our children in their own home in the community we love. Please give us this chance. Congress, give these hardworking responsible americans that chance. [applause] give them that chance. [applause] give them a chance. [applause] they need our help right now but more important, this country needs them in the game. That is why i have been asking ceos to give more longterm unemployed workers a fair shot at new jobs, a new chance to support their families. This week, many will come to the white house to make that commitment real. Tonight i ask every Business Leader in america to join us and do the same. We are stronger when america feels a full team. [applause] of course, it is not enough to train todays workforce. We also have to prepare tomorrows workforce by guaranteeing every child access to a worldclass education. [applause] if Stephen Rodriguez couldnt speak a word of english when he moved to new york city at age nine. Last month thanks to the support of Great Teachers and innovative tutoring, he led a march of his classmates through a crowd of cheering parents and neighbors from their high school to the post office where they mailed off their college applications. This son of a factory worker just found out he is going to college this fall. [applause] five years ago we set out to change the odds for all our kids. We worked with lenders to reform student loans. Today, more young people are earning College Degrees than ever before. Racing to the top with help of governors from both parties, raising expectations and performance. Teachers and principals and schools from tennessee to washington are making strides in preparing students with skills for the new economy, problemsolving, critical thinking, science, technology, engineering, math. Some of this change is hard. It requires everything from more challenging curricula and more demanding parents to better support for teachers and new ways to measure how well our kids think, not how well they can fill in a bubble on a test. It is worth it. It is working. The problem is, we are still not reaching enough kids. We are not reaching them in time for that to change. Research shows that one of the best investments we can make in a childs life is highquality early education. [applause] last year, i asked congress to help states make highquality prek available to every fouryearold. As a parent as well as a president , i repeat that request tonight. In the meantime, 30 states have raised prek funding on their own. We know they cant they know we cant wait. Just as we work with states to reform our schools, this year we will invest in new partnerships with states and communities across the country in a race to the top for our youngest children. As congress decides what it is going to do, im going to put together a coalition of elected officials, Business Leaders and philanthropists willing to help more kids access the highquality prek that they need. It is right for america. We need to get this done. [applause] last year i pledged to connect 99 of our students to highspeed broadband over the next four years. That withcan announce the support of the fcc and Companies Like apple, microsoft, sprint and verizon, we have got a down payment to Start Connecting more than 15,000 schools and 20 Million Students over the next two years without adding a dime to the deficit. [applause] we are working to redesign high schools and partner them with colleges and employers that offer the real World Education and handson training that can lead directly to a job and career. We are shaking up our system of Higher Education to give parents more information and colleges more incentive to offer better value. So that no middle class kid is priced out of a college education. We are offering millions the opportunity to cap their monthly student loan payments to 10 of their income. Toant to work with congress see how we can help even more americans who feel trapped by student loan debt. [applause] i am reaching out to some americas leading foundations and corporations on a new initiative to help more young men of color facing especially tough odds to stay on track and reach their full potential. The bottom line is, michele and i want every child to have the same chance this country gave us. But we know our opportunity agenda wont be complete. Too many young people entering the workforce today will see an empty promise unless we make sure our economy does more to honor work and hard work pays off for every single american. Today, women make up about half our workforce. They still make . 77 for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong. In 2014, it is an embarrassment. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. [applause] she deserves to have a baby without sacrificing her job. A mother deserves a day off to care for her sick child or sick parent without running into hardship. A father does too. It is time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a mad men episode. ,his year, lets come together congress, the white house, businesses from wall street to main street to give every woman the opportunity she deserves because i believe when women succeed, america succeeds. [applause] now, women hold a majority of lower wage jobs but they are not the only ones stifled by stagnant wages. Americans understand that some people will earn more money than others and we dont resent those who by virtue of their efforts achieved incredible success. That is what america is all about. But americans overwhelmingly agree that no one who works fulltime should ever have to raise a family in poverty. [applause] in the year since i asked this congress to raise the minimum wage, five states have passed laws to raise theirs. Many businesses have done it on their own. Today with his boss, john. John is an owner of punch pizza in minneapolis. Nick helps make the dough. [laughter] only now, he makes more of it. [laughter] john just gave his employees a raise to 10 an hour and that is a decision that has eased their Financial Stress and boosted their morale. Tonight i ask more of americas Business Leaders to follow johns lead. Do what you can to raise your employees wages. [applause] is good for the economy. It is good for america. [applause] every mayor, governor, state legislator in america, i say you dont have to wait for congress to act. Americans will support you if you take this on. Executive, i intend to lead by example. Profitable corporations like costco see higher wages as the smart way to boost productivity and reduce turnover. We should too. In the coming weeks, i will issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally funded employees a fair wage of at least 10. 10 an hour because if you cook our troops meals or watch their dishes, you should not have to live in poverty. [applause] of course, to reach millions more, congress does need to get on board. Wage the federal minimum is worth about 20 less than it was when Ronald Reagan workers first stood here. Tom harkin and George Miller have a bill to lift that by raising the minimum wage to 10. 10. It is easy to remember, 10 10. It will give businesses customers more money to spend. It does not involve any new bureaucratic programs. Join the rest of the country. Say yes. Give america a raise. [applause] give them a raise. [applause] there are other steps we can take to help families make ends meet. Few are more effective at reducing inequality and helping families pull themselves up through hard work than the earned income tax credit. Ofht now it helps about half all parents at some point. Think about that. It helps about half of all parents in america at some point in their lives. I agree with republicans like senator rubio that it doesnt do enough for single workers who dont have kids. Lets Work Together to strengthen the credit. Reward work, help more americans get ahead. Lets do more to help americans save for retirement. Today, most workers dont have a passion. Pension. A Social Security check often isnt enough on its own. While the stock market has doubled over the last five years, that doesnt help folks who dont have 401 k s. That is why tomorrow i will direct the treasury to create a new way for working americans to start their own retirement savings. Myra. It is a new savings bond that encourages folks to build a nest egg. Guarantees a decent return with no risk of losing what you put in. If this Congress Wants to help, work with me to fix an upside down tax code that gives big tax breaks to help the wealthy save but does little or nothing for middleclass americans. Offer every american access to an automatic ira on the job so they can save and work just like everybody in this chamber can. Since the most important investment many families make is their homes, send me legislation that protects taxpayers from footing the bill for a housing crisis ever again and keeps the dream of homeownership alive for future generations. [applause] one last point on financial security. Things exposedw hardworking families to Economic Hardship more than a broken health care system. In case you havent heard, we are in the process of fixing that. [applause] a preexisting condition used the main that someone like amanda, a physicians assistant and single mom from arizona, couldnt get Health Insurance. On january 1, she got covered. [applause] on january 3, she felt a sharp pain. On january 6, she had emergency surgery. Just one week earlier, amanda said that would have meant bankruptcy. That is what Health Insurance reform is all about. The peace of mind that if misfortune strikes, you dont have to lose everything. Already, because of the Affordable Care act, more than 3 million americans under age 26 have gained coverage under their parents plan. [applause] more than 9 million americans have signed up for private Health Insurance or medicaid coverage. [applause] 9 million. Here is another number. Zero. Because of this law, no american , none, zero can never again be dropped or denied coverage for a preexisting condition like asthma or back pain. No woman can ever be charged more just because she is a woman. [applause] we did all this while adding years to medicares finances come a keeping medicare premiums flat and lowering prescription costs for millions of seniors. Convince not expect to the republican friends on the merits of this law. [laughter] know that the American People are not interested in refighting old battles. Again, if you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increased choice, tell america what you would do differently. Lets see if the numbers add up. But lets not have another fortysomething votes to repeal a law that is already helping millions of americans like amanda. [applause] the first 40 were plenty. It to the American People to say what we are for. Not just what we are against. If you want to know the real impact this law has had, just talk to the governor of kentucky who is here tonight. Kentucky is not the most liberal part of the country. That is not where i got my highest vote totals. Possessed whenn it comes to covering his commonwealths families. They are neighbors and friends, he said. They are people we shop and go to church with, farmers out on the tractor, grocery clerks. They are people who go to work every morning praying they dont get sick. No one deserves to live that way. Steve is right. Ask everyy tonight i american who knows someone without Health Insurance to help them get covered by march 31. Help them get covered. [applause] moms, get on your kids to sign up. Kids, call your mom and walk her through the application. It will give her some peace of mind, plus she will appreciate hearing from you. [laughter] after all that, that is the spirit that has always moved this nation forward. It is the spirit of citizenship. The recognition that through hard work and responsibility, we can pursue our individual dreams but still come together as one American Family to make sure the next generation can pursue it streams as well. Upizenship means standing for everyones right to vote. [applause] last year, part of the Voting Rights act was weakened but conservative republicans and liberal democrats are working together to strengthen it. The Bipartisan Commission i appointed chaired by my Campaign Lawyer and governor romneys Campaign Lawyer came together and offered reforms so that no one has to wait more than a halfhour to vote. Lets support these efforts. It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank account that drives our democracy. [applause] citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, Police Officers all over this country who say we are not afraid. I intend to keep trying with or without congress to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, schools like sandy hook. [applause] citizenship demand their sense of common purpose. Participation in the hard work of selfgovernment, an obligation to serve our communities. I know this chamber agrees that few americans give more to their country than the diplomats and the men and women of the United States armed forces. [applause] tonight, because of the extraordinary troops and civilians who risk and made down their lives to keep us free, the United States is more secure. Today, all of our troops are out of iraq. More than 60,000 of our troop have come home from afghanistan. With Afghan Forces now in the lead for their own security, we have moved to a support role. Together with our allies, americas longest war will be over. [applause] after 2014, we will support a unified afghanistan as it takes months for its own future. If the Afghan Government signed a treaty that we negotiated, a small force of americans could to carryould remain out two narrow Missions Training and assisting Afghan Forces and Counterterrorism Operations to pursue any remnants of al qaeda. [applause] the fact is that the danger remains. When we put the al qaeda core the path toip on defeat, they dissolve. Iraq, mali,malia, we have to keep working with partners to disrupt and disable those networks. In syria, we support the opposition that rejects the networks. Terrorist at home, we will strengthen our defense and combat new attacks like ciber at threats. Like cyber attacks. We keep pace with our men and women in uniform and invest in the capabilities that they need to succeed in future missions. [applause] we have to remain vigilant. I strongly believe this cannot depend on the outstanding military alone. Commander in chief, i have used force when needed to protect the American People and i will never hesitate to do so as long as i hold this office. Nor will i allow our sons and daughters to be mired in open ended conflicts. We must fight the battles that need to be thought him and not take from us,y longterm employment that ultimate defeat extremists. Even as we actively pursue terrorist networks through more targeted networks and building the capacity of our foreign partners. America must move off of a permanent war footing. [applause] we will not be safer unless they keep regard for the consequences. I will reform surveillance programs because this depends on Public Confidence here and abroad. We do not want their privacy to be violated. [applause] with the afghan war ending, this needs to be the Year Congress detainee transfers and we close the prison at guantanamo bay. We counterterrorism not just through intelligence and military action but by remaining true to our constitutional ideals and setting an example for the rest of the world. See, in a world of complex our security, our leadership depends on all elements of our power. We have rallied more than 50 and we have reduced our own reliance on cold war stock files. American diplomacy backed by the threat of force is why the chemical weapons are being eliminated. [applause] we will continue to work with the community to usher in the future that the Syrian People , a future free of fear. As we speak, american diplomacy is supported. They engage in the difficult but necessary talks to end the conflict there to achieve and an independent state for palestinians. A jewish state that knows america will always be out there side. [applause] it is american diplomacy that has halted the progress of the Nuclear Program and rolled back parts of it for the very first time in a decade. Tonightather here thomas iran has begun to eliminated stock file at higher levels of enriched uranium. Not installing advanced centrifuges, unprecedented inspections verifying every day that they are not building a bomb. And partners, we are engaged in negotiations to see if we can peacefully achieve a goal we all share. Preventing iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. [applause] we are clear eyed about their support for has a block and clear about the mistrust between our nations, ms. Trust that cannot be wished away. These negotiations do not rely on trust. Any longterm deal we agreed to must be based on birth rival action that convinces us that iran is not building a nuclear. Omb surely we can deal with more today. [applause] the sanctions that we put in place help make this opportunity possible. Let me be clear. A News Congress sends me sanctions bill now that threatens to derail these talks, i will veto it. [applause] he faith of our National Security, we must give diplomacy a chance to succeed. [applause] irans leaders do not see this opportunity, i will be the first to call for more sanctions and exercise all options to make sure iran does not build a nuclear weapon. But if irans leaders do sees the chance seize the chance, they could take an important step to rejoin the community of nations and we will resolve one of the leading security challenges of our time without the risks of war. Finally, lets remember that our leadership is defined not just by our defense against threats will it i the enormous opportunities to do good, remote understanding around the globe, forge greater cooperation, expand to new markets, to free people from fear and want. Our Alliance Remains the strongest the world has ever known. From tunisia to firm up, we support those who are willing to do the hard work of Building Democracy from tunisia to burma. Have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully. They have a say in their countrys future. In the americas, we are building new kinds of congress but we are promoting exchanges among young people. On the continue to focus Asian Pacific where we focus our allies, shape a future in hand toty, and extend a those devastated by disaster. As we did in the philippines when they rushed to aid those by a i a typhoon typhoon and were greeted with words like, we will never forget your kindness. God bless america. We do these things because they help promote our longterm security and we do them because we believe in the inherent dignity and equality of every human being regardless of race and religion, creed or sexual orientation. Next week, the world will see one example as they march the red white and blue into the Olympic Stadium and bring home the gold. [applause] crowd u. S. A. U. S. A. U. S. A. My fellow americans, no other country does what we do. On every issue, the world turns to us, not simply because the size of the economy or our military might but because of the ideals we stand for and the burdens we bear it dancing. No one knows this better than those who serve in uniform. The time of war draws to a close, a new generation of heroes return to civilian life. Theyll keep slashing so will see the benefits they have earned and Wounded Warriors receive Health Care Including the Mental Health care that they need. [applause] we will keep working to help all of our veterans translate their skills and Leadership Center jobs here at home and we will all continue to join forces to honor and support are remarkable. Ilitary families let me tell you about one of those families i have come to know. I first met cory, a proud army theer, at home hot beach on anniversary of dday. Of his fellowe rangers, he walked me through the Program Ceremony and he was a strong, impressive young man and we joked around, took pitchers, and we told him to stay in touch. 10th months later, on his deployment, he was nearly killed by a massive roadside bomb in afghanistan. His comrades found him in a ,anal race down underwater shrapnel in his brain. For months, he laid in a coma. The next time i met him in the half at all, he could barely speak to him a barely moved. Over the years, he has endured dozens of surgeries and procedures hours of grueling rehab every day. Even now, he is still blind in one eye, still struggles on his left side. With theteadily, support of caregivers like his dad and the Community Around him, cory has grown stronger. Day by day, he has learned to speak again, stand again, learn , walk again. Hes looking forward to the day he can serve his country again. My recovery has not been easy, he says. In life thats worth anything is easy. Cory is here tonight. Like the army he loves, like the serves, Sergeant First Class cory serves, sergeat first class cory rimsburg never gives up and he never quits. [applause] [applause] [cheers and applause] [applause] my fellow americans [applause] my fellow americans, men and that like cory remind us america has never come easy. Our freedoms, our democracy has never been easy. Sometimes we stumble, we make mistakes, we get frustrated, we are discouraged. Haveore than 200 years, we put these things aside and put our collective shoulder to the wheel of progress to create, build, and expand the possibilities of individual achievement to three other nations to free other nations from tyranny and fear. Equality under the law so that the words set to paper by our founders are made real by every , the america we want for our kids, a rising america where work is plenty full, communities are strong, prosperity is widely shared, opportunity for all lets us go as far as our dreams and toil will take us none of it is easy. But if we Work Together, if we what is best in us with their feet planted firmly in today but our eyes cast towards tomorrow, i know it is within our reach. Believe in it. God bless you and god bless the United States of america. [applause] [applause] president obama in his state of the union now drag state of the Union Address. Energy, him talk about women. On, wages, and talking about a government guaranteed 401 k Style Program but first i want to go to al hunt and talk a little bit about what we heard about the tone of what we heard tonight. Really weaved together quite well. Thatsically heard a tone was moderate on immigration and ncome tax credit but also throughout some red meat for democrats popular with democratic voters. Was one of the most moving things i had ever seen. I thought it was a much better speech than i anticipated. It was unexpectedly of the day and urgent in a way that constantly pushes back against. He reigning narrative and then he met together a set of economic proposals from three from creek k,e minimum wage. Hard thingt serves for publicans to respond to. Republicans need to say what they are for, not just what they are against. Julianna goldman, these are things they theoretically should be four. Immigration reform, Corporate Tax reform. These are things that seem to be pretty tangible that they should be able to come to an agreement on. Its exactly its when you say the word tangible. We usually cover this and say its a wish list. What we heard was a set of concrete initiatives instead of this wish list that is contingent on Getting Congress on board. Pretty much all of his executive initiatives went as far as they without congressional legislation. Endorsed a bill in the senate now to give america a raise to 10. 10 per hour. Short of that, he said he would ensure that federal contractors 10. 10eir wage raised to per hour. On some of this, you can see how one happy the republicans were. On the income inequality issue, whatnot what would he was been saying. At davos, that was a big issue. It was not class warfare. I thought he did today again. This was touted as a speech that heavy on this and there was nothing on the rich. Even when he needled them with the 40 votes for obama care repeal. T was a businesslike tone a clinton style move trying to get actionable things accomplished. Thehe overall tone of speech was reasonable. A lot like the speech in charlotte that was so effective on his behalf. He presented that not as a victory for democrats and republicans but common sense things that can move this forward. He did not cut off any opportunities to get things done. s point about this being a business tone the speech, you heard the president say that he is the chief executive. That is who was presenting this speech tonight. It was one paragraph out of the entire speech. About nottalked getting the Unemployment Insurance extended than that is one area they see the opening to be able to get something done. The are starting to see threemonth extension when it comes to Unemployment Insurance. He and washington realizing that the partisanship we have seen over the course of the last few years. It did not work and resulted in the government shutdown. To your point, it did not have quite the knife in the world do so to speak. He was building on the success of the budget deal and knows the path forward is defined as some way to cooperate on Immigration Reform or maybe on the otherening side. I know you have some perspective on this and how it will be rolled out. I will share an excerpt from this speech. I will direct the treasury to find a way for working americans to start their own savings account, encouraging americans to start their own nest egg. He said its a guaranteed return. The president tomorrow will be going to pittsburgh to unveil more of the details of this. It is a starter account that will be taxed under the ira. This is for those who do not have a 401 k to be able to donate pretax dollars from their paychecks automatically and invested in treasuries. These are safe investments for beginner investors, again something to bring people into the system and it speaks to the theme of upward mobility, getting access, strengthening the middle class and helping people get into the middle class. He just directs the treasury to do this . He can have them bring it into existence. We will need to learn some of the details but it sounds like on a practical and political level, one of the big fears people have had since the crisis is that they dont want to see their savings diminished. There is the idea that there is a safety net in this investment reassure and build peoples economic foundations. Along as we dont default on our debt. Dont default. E not defaulting, i thought it was interesting if you look at last years state of of hison, he got two asks from congress. We are anticipating another fight over that by the end of february. He did not ask congress this year. He did not say this was a must do and i think that is part of the white house believes that republicans do not want to revisit the kind of fight they in at the end of last year october. They believe that we will not see this game of chicken once again around the debt ceiling. I have to talk about the remarkable closing three or four minutes. The tribute to the extraordinary courage, valor, and will of sergeant rimsburg. Was not a cutaway to john banner, but i bet he was bawling like a baby. It was real, genuine. You think these are props, but i never see him being quite this effect did. Clicked it reinforced the metaphor of american resilience which was the underlying motif of this speech and what he was trying to say. It did make lemonade out of lemons. His popularity is not doing very well yet he manages to come off optimistic. 10 30 p. M. On the east and im here with josh green, al hunt, and Julianna Goldman. Weve been listening to the president s state of the Union Address for his second of his second term. The republican response will be given by representative cap game at rest. Let me ask you of the significance having a woman represent the gop tonight. It is playing good defense. They need it right now. She will do a good job. No one giving a response to the president ever looks as good. He will do well be listened to what obama talked about in the speech, he was very subtly driving a wedge between the two when he talked about womens equal pay. That there is no significance that she is giving the response. Off by women who are put comments like my company from mike huckabee. Isnt it critical that the republicans embrace the issue of because thislity will be the key to midterms . It ven when even when it for me to honor it is be with you. Tonight, we honor america, a nation that has witnessed the greatest rise in freedom and opportunity our world has ever seen, a nation where we are not but ourby our limits potential. A girl who worked at the mcdonalds drive through to pay for college can be with you from the United States capital. The most important moments right now are not happening here. They are not in the oval office or in the house chamber. They are in your homes, kissing your kids good night, figuring out how to pay the bills, getting ready for tomorrows doctors visit. Waiting to hear from those you love serving in afghanistan or searching for that a interview. Le havel, we the peop been the foundation of america from the earliest days. Lifee from all walks of and all corners of the world. People who come to america because no challenges to grade and no dream too big. No challenge is too great. Tonight, the president made more promises that sound good will not actually solve the problems facing americans. Have a better life. The president wants that, too, but we part ways on how to make that happen. Tonight, i would like to share a more hopeful republican vision, one that empowers you and not the government, one that champions free markets and trusts people to make their own decisions, not a government that decides for you. Rise above poverty and protect our most vulnerable. It is one where washington plays do. He same rules that you it is a vision that is fair and offers a Better Future for every american. If you would have told me as a little girl that i would one day put my hand on the bible and be sworn in as the 200th woman to serve in the house, i would not have thought it possible. I grew up working at my familys fruit stand in a small town in washington. My dad drove a school bus and my mom worked as a parttime bookkeeper. They taught me to work hard, help others, and always dream for more. Animals, myd my 4h parents would say to me, you need to save this money so you can go to college one day. And so i did. I saved. I worked hard. I became the first in my family to graduate from college. The chance to go from my washington to this one was unexpected. I came to congress to help empower people, not politicians, notrow the working class the government, and to ensure everyone in this country can find a job because a job is so much more than a paycheck. Dignity,us purpose, and the foundation to build a future. I was single when i was a leg it but it was not long before it retired i met brian, a Navy Commander and we have three beautiful children, one born only eight weeks ago. We have high hopes and dreams for our children but we also know what its like to face challenges. Three days after our son was born, we got news no parent expects. He was diagnosed with down syndrome. The doctor said he could have endless complications, heart defects, even early alzheimers. They told us all the problems but when we looked at our son, we saw only possibilities. We saw a gift from god. Today, we see a sixyearold boy who dances to bruce springsteen, reads above grade level, and is the best big rather in the world. We see all the things he can do, not those he cant. They have only made me more determined to see the potential in every human life that whether we are born with a neck strip 21st chromosome or without a dollar to our name, we are not defined by our limits but by our potential. Not only as republicans but as americans, is to once again in sure that we are not bound by where we have come from but an by what we can become. The gap republicans are working to close. It is a gap we all face between where you are and where you want to be. The president talks a lot about income inequality, but the real gap we face today is one of opportunity and equality. With this administrations policies, the gap has become far too wide and we see it growing every single day. We see it in our neighbors struggling to find jobs. My husband who is now working , dropping out of college because she cannot afford tuition, where parents outliving their life savings. More americans stopped looking for a job and found one. Too many people are falling further and further behind because right now the president s policies are making peoples lives harder. Republicans have plans to close the gaps that will focus on jobs first without more spending, government bailouts, and read tape. Everyday day we are working to expand the economy won many factoring job, nursing degree, Small Business at a time. One manufacturing job at a time. We went skills training to be modernized. Yes, its time to honor the history of legal immigration. Stepre working on a stepby solution to Immigration Reform by first securing our borders and making sure america will always attract the best, brightest, and hardest working from around the world. With too Many Americans living paycheck to paycheck thomas we have solutions to help you take home more of your page through lower taxes, Cheaper Energy costs, and Affordable Health care. I got a letter from a constituent in spokane who found out her premiums were going up nearly 700 a month. The received cancellation notices or they could no longer see the doctors they had before. We should not go back to the way things were but this law is not working. Republicans believe Health Care Choices should be yours, not the government. Whether you are a boy with down syndrome or a woman with cancer, you can find coverage and a dock or who will treat you. We hope the president will join us in a year of real action by empowering people not by making their lives harder with unprecedented spending, higher taxes, and fewer jobs. As republicans, we advance these plans every day because we believe in a government that trusts people and does not limit where you finish because of where you started. That is what we stand for. Every bit as compassionate as it is exceptional. If we are successful, years from now, our children will say that we rebuilt the american dream. We built a working middle class that could take in anyone one and a workforce that could take on the world. Whether you are a girl and kettle falls or a boy from brooklyn, our children should be able to say that we closed the gap. We dream big for everyone and turn our back on no one. The president said many things tonight that now, i ask him to listen to you. For the true state of the union lies in your heart and in your home. Tomorrow, i will watch my son got on the school bus. Others will wait in the dark or his office or interview for that worst job. Some of us will celebrate new beginnings and others will face great challenges. But all of us will wake up and do what is uniquely american. We will look forward to the potential that lies ahead. Bravel give thanks to a men and women who have answered the call to freedom like from spokane who recently gave his life to protect all of ours. Tonight, i simply offer a prayer. A prayer for our larger American Family that with the guidance of god we may prove ourselves worthy of his blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. May god guide you and our president and may god continue to bless the United States of america. The republican representative from washington Cathy Mcmorris rodgers. Al hunt, josh green, with me is also Julianna Goldman joining us from washington. She seemed to really trying to connect to voters to give them a sense of who she was there. This message of empowerment. Whats your reaction . Collected seemed like a camp ein it seemed like a campaign stump speech instead of something to compete against obama. Im not sure how effective it was in bringing people along. For age did not do it for you 4h . [laughter] her themes are essentially the same. They talked about opportunity, keying into the soldiers, there was not a lot of difference besides the knocks on government. The big differences she was sitting in a studio, a couch, American Flag in the background and that was it. He had a chamber full of it and the terrys dignitaries. There have only ever been two or three that semiworked. Back to when he was a House Republican leader in the Lyndon Johnson era, it never seems to make much effort. That you did not like republican rebuttal, there are three more. At least she did not need that glass of water. The democrats and the white house saying with the message theyre trying to craft as they move forward to midterms 2016 given the messages at its core very similar . There is this idea of appealing obamacare. It is the law of the land and it is here to stay. Message for it as a mothers to get their kids to start enrolling. I think that is one of the real differences that we saw between Cathy Mcmorris rodgersstate of the Union Rebuttal land what we heard from the president. She pointed the stories of people whose coverage was dropped. Theyre going to try to use that as an issue going into the midterms and you can see with the president having more fun with that part of the discussion that they really do think they have turned a corner. It almost seemed like it was e legitimate sized legitimattized. I think she was expecting more of a speech about inequality. Obama mentioned in a quality a grand total of three times. Republicans were expect more economic populism and that is what you is pushing back against but it was not there during the speech. How important to really try americans o Everyday Americans . They have problems with the Everyday Americans, too. Is especiallylem acute. Classare a lot of working americans who feel they have been left out. I think part of what he was trying to do was to wind back the voters. Moreemocrats had a compelling message for working class americans dan mitt romney and the republicans did. Who do you think stands for your values and who you are working for . I think obama was trying to regain that tonight. What will this mean for his Approval Rating . These are the lowest Approval Ratings hes had going into a state of the Union Address. Will that change tomorrow . Hell get a little bit of a bump. This was a very important, auspicious start. Last words to Julianna Goldman real quick. These are 12 executive actions outlining tonight that the white house says is just the beginning of what they called the year of action. We will watch it all. Thank you all. Thank you for joining us tonight. Be sure to join us for surveillance at 6 00 a. M. For more state of the union analysis. We will join Live Programming in asia. Im trish regan. Have a wonderful light. This is a Midterm Election year. It seemed like it was utterly. Anal there was one thing today. There were some things on the. Arned income tax credit it is more to create an image. I was watching your telecast. They thought that not much was. Iscussed in inequality thats not a votegetter. Theou are talking about minimum wage . If you dont make enough money, the government will actually give you some. Is the most efficient way of addressing poverty than addressing the minimum wage. Thought snowden won. The fact that the administration back at all the little bit on surveillance policy is a huge,. Uge change generally its about political theater. A speaker we have come to expect amazing oratory, it fell flat and that will be the criticism we will see in the coming hours and days. Eventually people will forget about it because he did not outline many bold initiatives other than a few relatively modest things he might be able to achieve unilaterally such as raising the minimum wage for his mom number of federal employees. He did not get much into his health care bill, Voting Rights and gun control. Those things will not happen. Immigration, he will not play a role. I will be agreed to by the congressional leaders if at all. Its interesting to see some of the modest initiatives rolled out to get more people in america saving for retirement. About 50 of the workforce can save is doing it. Its interesting if they will take it up. Dear public and senator from i believe Washington State . She gave the response. Remember last year when it was marco rubio . It was generally perceived as a disaster. This year it seemed to go quite well watching on the monitor above. Pushed see as they womens equality, social safety net issues. I was watching john banner to see what he was clapping for. Was watching john boehner to see what he was clapping for. Is one of the stories in the vignettes in the entire speech. Youngstown came up as they hub. Manufacturing it is in ohio. When manufacturing left that state left them high and dry. But like detroit which is bankrupt. With his emboldening of the federally mandated push towards innovation, do you think its going to help these battered states, these battered cities that have basically seeing jobs leave and houses abandoned . Not when it stopped down from the federal government. We saw that with some of the shortcomings from the stimulus bill shortly after president obama was alike did. You had a Democratic Congress and a lot of money was spent. It did not help the Overall Economic and Employment Situation over time. As far as president obama saying the u. S. Is a better investment than china, i think china will have something to say about that. And south korea coming in with their round innovation policy and trying to eat everybody else to the top. I guess my view is that the u. S. Cut the Corporate Tax rate 2 , it would do more to innovate. Its a nightmare to get there. The proposalsf are out, like raising the minimum wage, will make it harder for investment. I agree to a point. The chinese are very they are the most enthusiastic investors and they see a lot of things that might Ring Technology reasonably cheap. Traditionally the u. K. Is the number one investor in the u. S. I think the president , a little hyperbole. They are talking about very Different Industries in terms of attracting. It would be very helpful for the u. S. If it came. I think the idea that you can inehow corral them to come if the natural economic advantages are not there is not true. Ago, i was years atting at a dinner table with former senior democratic policymaker, former head of the council of economic advisers, and i remember asking, on the democratic side, has there been any discussion of lowering of the Corporate Income tax rate in america . Discussed ahear it lot, tax competition in places like malaysia with other Asian Countries and the question flew right over this persons head. It was not even on the radar. Thats disappointing to me coming from the private sector. One piece of this and you touched on is the retraining. Andes like youngstown detroit, some of these people have skills but skills that are no longer needed and i think the president touched on that in his speech. Want to make sure that people are getting the training they need to get to the jobs are available now. You look in the newspaper in the u. S. And there is just this disconnect. Trained it to do transcription or a medical assistant and those jobs are important but perhaps there is another industry you are not focusing on that needs people now. I guess its about creating the Educational Opportunities and allowing people to pay for it and getting them into the right jobs. Usually been a companion piece of legislation to provide worker training. Typically these programs spend a lot of money and it does not necessarily get people the skills they actually need. If the president is going to propose more spending, i think is going to have a tough time getting it through the house. Statede the president s of the Union Address. Give him a grade. C. C . Thats pretty average. His opinion does not count. Pretty average scores from our guests for the state of the union. Thats it from us here in asia. We will be back sometime tomorrow. Live from pier 3 in san francisco, welcome to the late edition of bloomberg west, where we cover the Global Technology and Media Companies that are reshaping our world. Im emily chang. Our focus is on innovation, technology, and the future of business. Lets get straight to the rundown. President obama is set to deliver his state of the Union Address in just about three hours. He will touch on an isth

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