Ago. I told him the best thing i think to do was to pull this bill and he agreed. I will not sugarcoat this, this is a disappointing day for us. Covers kelsey snell congress for the washington post. Welcome. What a week. Kelsey it has been a whirlwind. We started out thinking we would be ending with the first appeal of the Affordable Care act n. L. It has gone up in smoke. Charlie what does that mean . For the future of the president , the speaker of the house, the Freedom Caucus and democrats . Kelsey we have heard the president say this is because of democrats. This did not work out because democrats would not help them out. What happened is the Republican Party could not coalesce around a single message. They cannot decide what they wanted to do once obamacare was repealed. They agreed that repeal was the goal but the finer details wound up being them. There is a request and of what kind of governing coalition exists within the Republican Party and how republicans in the house will Work Together, how that will work with the president and if anybody is in control. Charlie does it mean the Freedom Caucus has some veto . Kelsey they do have enough votes that if they stick together, they can stop any legislation. This was a real test for them. If they backed down, given that what the president and walked away saying he was charming, a good salesman and won us over and walked away, they would not have that power. They reaffirmed something which is that they can stick together better than other factions of the Republican Party. Charlie what does it mean for President Trumps ability to use the bully pulpit . Kelsey it means actually, we dont really know. What we know is he can pressure some people, but not everybody. We dont know exactly how voters and is constituents will respond. It is entirely possible they dont blame trump and blame House Speaker paul ryan because as trump said, he did not want this to be called trumpcare. He wanted to be called something else. Ryancare stuc. This failure may go to the speaker. Charlie doesnt the president need ryan . Kelsey a does but it is a born to remember that ryan shares some of these goals. Ryan would like to get tax reform done. It is something he has been talking about since i can remember. They are three this is a goal. Some people feel like repealing the a portal care act was an adopted issue for President Trump and tax reform is the core of the principles he ran on, he believes. Charlie reforming regulation together. Kelsey they can find a lot of common ground. Tax reform is really hard. I was a tax reporter for many years. People discount how complicated it can be. It is a reason in this not and why in a generation this is something that takes. Time we will be watching closely on when they get started the process of doing tax reform. Charlie does it affect immigration . Kelsey i think it is its own separate thing. They can build coalitions with democrats and do something of an immigration plan that builds consensus. At this point, it seems like they need to reset and figure out what the next step and why this is something that takes. Time we will be is. Charlie where is the confirmation of neil gorsuch . Kelsey we were expecting that to happen not this next week but we have not heard from leaders about whether or not he wants to move up that process. So, where it things now is democrats say they are willing to filibuster him. We are going to see a big blowout fight in the senate. The big question is how long it takes. Charlie what about Infrastructure Spending . Kelsey it is one of those things we have heard about for a long time. It was a goal of this Current White House and campaign. We have not seen any legislation or any solid proposals beyond the idea that a president wants to make a large investment there. That is an area where details matter. Talking about roads and bridges, highways or trains . Fleshed out. Be charlie is the president s credibility damaged . Kelsey i think it is for some people. It is yet to be seen how the core voters seen. They seem to be flexible and how they view trump. They support him as a person. It is about Personality First for many. This may or may not change the feelings about him. If he can successfully deflect criticism of what happened this week over to the House Speaker or someone else, it is possible he walked away unscathed. Charlie thank you for joining us. Kelsey thank you for having me. Charlie will continue with al hunt. You seeingt with lots of weeks in washington both as a reporter on the hill and other remarkably interesting stories you have followed how does this matchup . Al when i was with you on i thought it was an exhausting week. It is 10 times more exhausting today that it was three days ago. I thought it was an exhausting week. I dont think i have never quite seen a week quite like this, may be watergate. You have to go back 40 some years. Seen ahat, i have never week like this with all the legislative and executive and lawenforcement things. The vote today in the house, the decision to pull the Health Care Seen a week like this with all the bill, i must admit was a shocker. I thought when you get this close, you will pass it. This is a devastating defeat for trump, butfor donald also for the Republican Party which for seven years had promised something they cannot deliver on. Charlie does this mean according to what paul ryan trut also for the Republican Party which for seven years had said after pulling the bill that for the perceivable future, the Affordable Care act will remain in place . Al they have no choice. They would try to do this and that, but trump wants them to move on to other things, taxes in particular. Once there is blood in the water, it does not go away. Will turn think they to other issues now but this defeat will last for a long time, including on the campaign trail next year. Go back to 2010. Anythere was centerpiece to what hundreds of republicans promised, repeal and replace obamacare. It was an empty promise because the product they came up with was what almost nobody liked. Hospitals didnt like it, consumers didnt like it, liberals, conservatives. Approval. You can market dog food as well as you want, but if it is not good, dogs will not eat it. Dombers of the freema caucus, the chairman of the appropriations committee, barbara comstack, a moderate who said no. We cannot do this. Charlie what does it mean in terms of the rest of the president s agenda . Is that theyeans wasted a couple of months. Said the, pat moynihan first year of the presidency is important. They have now wasted, i dont know, 15 wasted. They will turn to taxes. That is not going to be easy. The one thing that is apparent, probably apparent beforehand, trump is really not a political threat to these members unless the member from a conservative district who was voting against trump on liberal or more moderate grounds. None of these members are afraid that trump will come out and hurt them. Let me give the president his due. And think he lobbied this went member to member as effectively as any president in a long time. A lot a lot of people did nothing he could do that. He did that very well. He had a product that i dont think he knew much about. Charlie we talk about the house Freedom Caucus. How is it different from the tea party and the caucus that it bred in the house during the reign of john boehner . Al it is similar. Very similar members. I think they feel emboldened. They have been elected three or four times. They think they are safe now. They are uncomfortable with trump. The are things they like about him a lot immigration and social issues. That dont think he is a true conservative. I think they will be with him on some things but not afraid to stand up to him on Something Like this. Charlie what about immigration . Al well come i think they would be with him on immigration. I think the problem they have is they put together a coalition i dont think you can get any major immigration through, charlie, without democrats. Right now, the mood is not very receptive on the democratic side to Work Together on much of anything. That might change by day but now it is not promising. Charlie what does it do to the factions in the white house . Al there were hundreds of members. That was the prime commitment they made. We are going to repeal and replace it. Easy. Peal part was very and the replace part was impossible. They had a bill that 24 Million People lost their insurance. They were making deals that would not cut the deficit and it was unpopular. You cannot blame this on the white house. Therefore, i am not sure change i am sure steve bannon will say i told you so. Charlie thank you, my friend. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Charlie what they have the votes or not . That was the question in washington all week long. President trump insisted that house of representatives vote at 3 30 p. M. This afternoon on the republican bill to repeal and replace obamacare, but at the last minute, the president told paul ryan to pull the bill. Mike allen joins us now from washington where he has been tracking the story. He is the editor of the access am newsletter. What somein with might say of the autopsy what happened . Mike we had epic miscalculations at both ends of pennsylvania avenue from beginning to end. So, President Trump beginning. We are seeing in the New York Times he decided to go ahead to plungeh care, ahead with health care rather than taking up the much easier win of tax reform almost on a lark. A quick conversation with you did not delve into the pluses and minuses. Of the other end of the pennsylvania avenue, at the beginning, speaker ryan looking at this more from a matter of policy than politics. When you talk to house leadership about how rough this looks for the parts of their conference, they would retreat to policy answers. In the end, this came down to hear politics. Persontoperson. Miscalculation at the end. Until the very end, people thought it would be knit and talk. They were hoping that they would limp over the line but the bottom fell out. The numbers were going to be terrible. That is why they reversed their course and pulled the bell until of having a vote. They were going to have the vote even if you lose. The calculation was that you say you tried, that you blame are more and if you machiavellian, you have a list of who was with you and who is against you. You have a list of what republicans were not being helpful. That was appealing to the white house. Pair this where they were wrong. They were looking at this as a vote unto itself. It is not a series of one offs. Life is a story, it is a tapestry. Whatever happens today will have huge consequences for the rest of the trump agenda. That is the big takeaway from today is that now Everything Else will be harder. Tax reform and eventually infrastructure, whatever they want to do on immigration. Just among republicans, there is a trust. There is not appetite, not sea legs, confidence that ryan can deliver. And, it makes anything they want to do more complicated and could cause them to have to pull in their sights. Charlie does it mean members of the congress and Republican Party and the Freedom Caucus are not afraid of the president . Mike that is true. The fact that has been true for a while is part of this. Charlie, we have talked about how President Trump, because of the way he was elected, had a very powerful tool which is the digital bully pulpit. In a way no other president has had, he can use his twitter feed and direct communication to lobby and punish and stroked individual members. It looks like the president focused on the member to member individual part of this fairly late. We were talking about how the must of been a lot of trips, invitations to maralago playing golf. You would have thought that would be happening sooner. The president was not directly engaged with his members and at the same time, he was getting much popular. This is where he is paying the check for some of the distractions that you and i have been covering over these weeks and months. Not only were they not afraid of him, they were not aligned with him. The twist than what happened. There is an argument for the politics of 2018, for the politics of 2020, republicans actually may be better off. The reason they had so much trouble figuring out how to work this rubiks cube is the politics of it back home for these members were terrible. Whichever way these members went, they were going to have a problem back home. After campaigning on this for seven years. Repeated votes to get rid of obamacare. They needed to try, but charlie, this is something you dont very corridork about in the between us and new york and us and washington. World affect of this bill were very worrisome to a andof members of Congress World should have been worrisome for the white house. Charlie, you have covered how much of the trump coalition, some of the struggling, hardworking americans who are having a rough time were dependent on obamacare. A lot of them either needed part of the Obamacare Program or people that they love were involved. The effe and should have been worrisome for the white house. Ct of it had not kicked in. It was going to take a while. Republicans may be better off being able to blame obama, blame democrats and not own the Health Care System which under the best circumstances was not going to get better overnight. Under this bill , it would have given them a lot of explaining to do. Charlie what does this thing about paul ryan other than the fact he has the same problems that john boehner had . Said a great tweet somewhere john boehner is sipping a glass of merlot. It is harder than it looks, young men. , man. This marriage between the speaker and the president , as know, was always going to be arranged and a difficult marriage. At the end, when they were in such different places, the white house clearly was planning to take credit if this passed and blame paul ryan if it did not. And, the president tried to bully the speaker of the end, telling him to go ahead and take this vote. The president thinking in classic deal terms and that is againl street, deals die and again until they are finally done. The gamble was you go ahead, get this vote and eventually you are going to be better off. The speakers saw his support unit operating and new evaporating and knew that was not going to be the case. Republicans are moving on, not trying to fix this on monday morning. Plunging into tax reform. Vent, i hadg at an e a conversation with the treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin, his first onstage interview. We talked about tax reform and he was arguing that in some ways tax reform is simpler than health care. I said, did you talk to anybody around here in 1986 and you can get some skeptics on that. Hes arguing that tax reform is good. There are also people who lose out on the other hand. Anotherre plunging into fraudtely political argument. Something again where policy, house, senate, all in slightly different places. Speaker ryan insisted on moving fraud argument. Something again whereaheadadjust more extensive to bring goods into the country. And it could raise 1 trillion that can be used for tax uses elsewhere. But it makes things cost more at walmart. You are a senator from arkansas. That is not a very tough decision. I asked Steve Mnuchin today about the border adjustment package. I said to him, lets with this r say i work at walmart, shop at walmart. A to this why the border adjustment tax is good for me. You saw the answer there is no particular embrace the white house. Why that is important and these packages come and go, the white house already is in a very different place in the house. Where a break for one person is an an egregious outrage for another, trying to work that tetris after this last experience, very hard. Week will think this show that President Trump is facing the collision of some of his campaign promises. In direct collision with each other. Some of the things he promised, he cannot deliver because it affects other things he promised. Week will show that President Trump is facing themike that is a very t point and it is why you cannot make the math work on health care. For every single change you made that made it more palatable to conservatives, you know only made it less palatable to moderates, but you made it less likely to pass the senate, more likely these members were in the very vivid memorable words of tom cotton, walking the plank, taking a tough vote that had something to have no chance of becoming law. That is why there were so much pressure on the speaker the last 12 hours. There is no way the members wanted him to take a vote that clearly was going to go down or go nowhere. You are right about this collision, charlie, not only within the issues that among the issues. Charlie thank you so much. Mike good to be on. Charlie we will be right back. Stay with us. Charlie what is truth in politics . Specifically as it applies to President Trump. Is truth dead . Of timeshe cover magazine. It is the title of the latest column in the New York Times. He joins us now from washington. Nancy gibbs, where are we in this question of truth and how difficult is it for journalists . Nancy journalists have been debating a long time of when you say someone is lying and the challenge is that it is much easier for us to check facts. We always do that. Although this statement is true, the statement is not true, partially true. When you talk about someone lying, there is an added layer of intent. What is it that they know or believe . Are the mistaking or intentionally stating a falsehood . I think that is where this president has posed a particular challenge to the people covering it. A great many things he says is the much lovelfalse. He knows what he is saying is false and how many of them are actually things that are untrue but he believes are true . I think separating those things is very important because what president s believe is enormously important and what they decide to do. What issues they care about, what wars they start, they end. What challenges they face and how. A president s knowledge and his understanding of fact is a greatly important. Charlie and his credibility. Nancy what is that he believes in what he says. He has made it very hard for people listening to him to believe him because so many of the things he has said are untrue. Charlie as you said in your itter and before this piece, is vital we are able to believe our president. It is vital we know what he believes and why. The president has made both a severe challenge. David, when you wrote the column you wrote and said, raised the question of the president as a liar, how did you approach that anddavid, when you wrote the con you what is it you wanted your readers to understand . David to be honest, i approached it uneasily. It is not something i wrote late. I agree. Lie is not a synonym for the word untruth. It conveys intent. I dont believe george w. Bush was lying when he said there were weapons of mass disruption and i dont believe barack obama was lying when he said if you like your health plan, you can keep it. I think they were both careless. The current president speaks so many untruths, again and again, the murder rate, his own electoral margin, the crowds of the inauguration, jfks in operation, 9 11, president obamas birth, wiretapping i can go on with 20 more. He speaks so many untruths that we have to conclude he does not feel bounded by truth. While it is hard, probably impossible to know any individual case whether he knows the case and is lying or whether he believes something that is false and stating it, i think we can comfortably say he is not concerned with truth. He is happy to live and that is what i find so alarming about the situation. Charlie push comes to shove here when there is a national crisis. And the president needs his allies, his citizens and his government to believe him. Nancy we have already seen the implications of what these last few weeks have brought. There was a poll in germany asking people whether they think the unitedthere was a poll in gy asking people whether they think the United States is a reliable, trustworthy ally and that number dropped precipitously from Something Like 59 to 22 . Time. T amount of real implications not only for what american citizens believe in the president but what the allies will. If you look back to other critical moments in american history, think about the cuban missile crisis when president kennedy had to go on television and states of the country this tremendous threat was facing the country and the people thought we might be looking at the stakes of a nuclear exchange. The stakes of Something Like that could not be higher and similarly when he went to our allies and told them what our intelligence was finding, it was criminal they believed him. Critical they believed him. Charlie why does he do it . Nancy all we can do is judge on what he says to us and what we see. When we go back to last week, what david was saying, he doesnt do truths in the way were treated to in the way of our public or even private first. On a number of issues when we pressed him, it was as though the truth itself was negotiate or something that ok, i havent been proven right yet but i will be. He referred to this horrible thing that happened last yithe in sweden. Nothing happened last night. He said yes, but two days ago there were terrible riots. He talked in any number of cases about times when he said things that were ridiculed in the moment that turned out to be right. He cited brexit over and over again. He cited the president of the United States many times. He ended the interview saying i cant be doing that badly because im the president and youre not. Charlie but does he understand the significance of credibility is the question . Nancy its not clear that its ever mattered. Charlie as in real estate. Charlie he talked about truthful hyperbole and talking to peoples fantasies that in this life and what has worked for him its human nature, if something works for you, youre more likely to keep doing it. If its worked for him to distort, thats something that is an effective tactic for him. I think a great many people who knew this about his Business Career did not expect it was a behavior that would follow him into the oval office where the stakes are so much higher. Charlie you can move the goalpost and say whatever i said is simply to begin the negotiation. David, so how does this change . If all this is at stake, the credibility of the president of the United States and there is a record, as you suggested, the current president has lied. He lied in ways that that no american publics ever has before and then you cite the things that hes lied about. Does it have to stop and if it doesnt stop, what then . David its a good question and obviously its alarming because, for many reasons, americans, whether they are republican or democrat or independent, should be rooting for a presidency that is functioning well because many things depend on it. The safety of our country depends on it, the health of our Society Depends on and it so it really is quite alarming. I think there are a few possibilities here. Nancy just basically said one of the reasons its likely he does this is because its worked for him. It worked for him in business. His company basically collapsed but it was too big to fail so his creditors decided it was better to keep the name going than to put him out of business and then it worked during the campaign. He told a huge number of lies during the campaign. Provably false things and he was elected president. I think if it starts to not work for him, if he cant get things through congress, if the republicans start to abandon him and his Approval Ratings remain low. Then did you he does he change his course . Thats an amoral way to start telling the truth but it might be the best we can home for. Charlie there are winners and losers and he wants to be a winner. Then you raise the question of what is he prepared to recognize and do in the interests of being a winner . Nancy there are some things weve ever seen in his entire public life. Admit error, apologize. Express shame or remorse or regret, all of which are perfectly human functions that most people do quite normally in the course of anywhere lives and so whether or not i think its quite true that if he feels like hes paying a significant cost that billion dollar it would be logical for him to change course unless it isnt in him. We dont know if the truth is in him. Charlie you worry that somehow in the world we live in, false hood has taken a new power. Nancy that is a really important part of this conversation. He has tweeted 298 Times Since Taking Office and over this. And if you look amount which of his tweets have been most retweeted and most covered, it is the most outrage ounce outrageous ones and what social scientists find that if even when a false statement is repeated often enough, the number of people who repeat believe it tends to grow. People are inkressingly concerned about increasingly concerned about part of intrusion into the eelect really a process was the hacking of social media in order to promote false stories. We even saw this with the original sin, the birther controversy, that the more that controversy was covered, including reporters disputing and debunking it, the number of people who believed it grew. I always wondered why would president obama felt he had to produce that form and give trump what he wanted . Partly because the polling showed that the longer this went on, the more people who believed it. Charlie social media is with us and is not going to change, is it . Nancy no. Charlie david . Dianna david some of this is a reflection of the social polarization we have. When people hear something coming from the other side of the political spectrum. They tend to disbelieve it so having the socalled Mainstream Media debunk falsehoods from donald trump may actually calls a segment of the population to believe those falsehoods even more. Charlie balls were trying to debunk them . David yes, because we are the ones doing the debunking. So one of the costs of partisan polarization is that people stop listening to each other and say wait a second, is the person saying that my ally or not . If theyre not, i not only am going to be skeptical, im actively not going to believe them. Charlie this may be naive but where is patriotism here . David we would hope i know that there are people who have gone into the Trump Administration who are horrified by watching their boss, the president of the United States, say patently untrue thing. You would home that one of the roles patriotism plays is that members of congress, who are supposed to be mention of a coequal branch of government have far many staffers not been. Even members of the Trump Administration, you would hope would say that patriotism and National Interests outrages outweighs Party Loyalty and even loyalty to one individual that individual and that they would be willing to push President Trump towards reality and secondly when he wont do that, to speak up against him. Charlie weve seen the f. B. I. Director say theres no evidence that the president obama bugged trump tower. Weve seen a confirmation hearing of a Supreme Court justice and weve seen a debate about health care. We will see this as a defining week in the Trump Presidency . Nancy in any other age, anyone in our positions would say yes, of course. But weve been taken into territory for which there are no maps. Ilong ago got out of the prediction business about where this is going to be taking us. Charlie david . David this is probably a mistake. Nancys answer is probably the right answer but ill make the mistake, which is, in if in Health Care Bill fails, i think well like look as this as a significant week in the Trump Presidency. To have your first bid fail when your Party Controls congress is a very, very damaging thing to have happen. Nancy were going to be watching the natural political calculation of who do i answer to if im a men of congress . The people of my district, the leadership of my caucus or the president of the United States if hes a member of my own party and how much power does he have to do damage to me down the road . All these things are happening within the same sort of news cycle and eco system of how strong the president is and how strong hes perceived as being, perhaps more important. Is he the guy who can get the deal done or not . This is a criminally important moment yet here we are 60 days into a presidency and we have to keep reminding ourselves of that. Its 60 days. Charlie with many careers on the line. Nancy gibbs, thank you so much. David jacoby in washington. Thank you. Well be right back. Stay with us. Livestream your favorite sport at the airport. Binge dvrd shows while painting your toes. On demand laughs during long bubble baths. Tv everywhere is awesome. The allnew Xfinity Stream app. Xfinity. The future of awesome. The biggest week wow, watchathon has netflix . Hey, drop a beat. [ beatboxing throughout ] show me orange is the new black. Wait, no bloodline. How about bojack . Luke cage. Oh, dj tanner. Maybe show me lilyhammer. Mmm, show me last chance u. 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Yeah, North Carolina enjoy. Can you explain to me how your business works . Im cures. If you ever need anything, feel free to call. We need to raise approximately 14 million to save us from the wrecking ball and this is where our friend Norman Oppenheimer comes in. Do you know Norman Oppenheimer . No, i dont, nice to meet you. In your opinion his house . Yes, this is my private home. You cant just walk in and sit at my table. Can i introduce you to him . You know who he is right . Dont waste my time. This is time sensitive. Why havent you returned my phone calls . Why do i get the feeling that nothing you tell me is real. Lets just say get ready for a big surprise. Youre like a drowning man trying to swim in an ocean but im a good swimmer. Dont forget that. Something good will happen, trust me. Charlie im pleased to have my friend richard gear back at this table. Welcome. Richard welcome to you, man. Good to have you man back. Charlie why are you saying this is the best film if youve done in a long time, if not ever. Ichard good film. Starting with the director. Hes an israeli director whos made several wonderful films, one of which was in the footnotes which he won the cannes prize for best screen play. Fortfirst one i saw was beau about a young israeli soldier. People will see this movie first of all, its nothing ive ever done before. Its as far away from hi instincts as it could possibly be. Charlie what are your instincts, that you should do a certain thing . Because youve done every kinal of thing. Richard no, my instincts as richard gear were not at all the instincts of my character so i had to completely get out of myself to embrace this guy. Charlie who is Norman Oppenheimer . Richard Norman Oppenheimer is a macha is what he is. We use the word fixer in this business. Hes trying to put something together all the time. Hes got a deal here, a deal there. Charlie he wants to get in on the inside. Richard he wants to belong. He wants to be one of the cool kids. This was his whole life of inventing himself, changing himself, name dropping, pushing, pulling, anything todo get in, scratching and a lifetime of doors being closed in his face. Charlie and then he meets something that snab he befriends. Richard he never quite knows whats going to happen. Hes kind of open to all the possibilities around him and he goes to a meeting of israeli ministers in new york and he sees a younger one. Its part of commerce and oil. Younger, not very powerful. No ones paying any attention to him. Its all about the Prime Minister. But him, maybe hes got a possibility and he kind of follows him out of there and creates a meeting with him. Charlie this is apropos to where we are here. Richard exactly where we are, i think. Norman oppenheimer from new york. Norman . Norman, my friend, where have you been . ve trying to reach you. [laughter] hannah, hannah, do you know norman . Nice to meet you. This is my wife. Norman oppenheimer. Norman is going to be my special bhaffer to new york my special advisor. Look around you. There are over 500 organizations represented in this room. Unprecedentialed in our history. We need to understand how this incredible force unites around the issues that are important to the jewish people and the world. Hello, bob, how are you. Do you know Norman Oppenheimer . No, i dont, very nice to meet you. This is my wife. Very nice to meet you too. This is my nephew. Rudolph in new york. Is that right . One of the nice to meet you, phillip. We represent toby. Toby, yes. Charlie solomons daughter. Charlie so whats happening . Charlie richard well, this is in the middle of the film. Charlie he realizes he has power. Richard hes in. The rest of the scene we didnt know. Show. Im glad because its an incredible scene of being embraced in reality but also in an combregsistic way. The heavens open up and it was the first time in a mans life that the world whole world is going yes. Charlie and hes desperately wanted it to happen. Richard we all do. We all want to walk in a room and people turn and smile. Theyre happy we are here. Charlie you say its the best thing youve done in a long time. Ever, lets say. Richard no, one of the best things. Charlie is it because of the director, the text . Richard he wrote a great script. Hes a great director. The cast is extraordinary. Charlie and what about you . Richard its harder for me to see myself. Im happy with the performance. Charlie they the director got a performance out of you that hasnt been done before . Richard or that i got a great performance out of a director. How do you know . Charlie did you know it was going to be good . Richard you never know when youre working on a film. You can belt on a script and im smart enough to know a good script at this point. Terrific script. But you dont know in the end if those bizarre elements that make up a twohour form of storytelling are going to come together. You can never know that. You can bet on empirical things like a director, good script, terrific cast. D. P. , the whole thing. Charlie how much of it is that you simply got this character . Richard thats a lot of it but that wont tell you that the movie is going to work. It will tell that you youre going to have a good time every day you show up to work because the thing is going to throw flow. Magic can happen because youre able to let go. Joseph and i worked eight or nine months on this before we started shooting. Charlie what did you do for eight or nine months . Richard the process is kind of final. As soon as that script is delivered. He says im going to send you a script. I wants to you do my movie. From that moment, youre rehearsing. You read the script oh, ok. Immediately something starts happening. You meet the next time, already youre working on the movie, no matter whatss going on. You go for a walk. You make some tea. You read the newspaper. Youre talking to each other. You have an idea. You go see a movie, whatever. Whatever youre doing from that point on is on some level rehearsing what youre going to do in this movie and what its going to be and i like this process. A slow kind of dreamlike process where things get deeper and deeper all the time. Charlie whats interesting, heres a guy who was struggling to be in. As a fixer, whatever he wanted to be. Richard hes pretty low level. Not a power broker. Charlie you said you can identify with the guy. You were a major movie star when you were what . How old . Richard i dont know, in my late 20s . Charlie and you also had the critical success to go with it. Richard i was very fortunate. There are no classes for in no books. No matter what you think its going to be like, youll never know until it happens and you either are smart enough to take a deep breath and step back a little bit or not. Charlie what is it that the Prime Minister seeing see is in norman . Is it just friendship, somebody who was there for him . Richard i think he sees a good heart, to tell you the truth. Its bizarre because everything the guy says is a lie. Norman has only a very faint acquaintance with the truth but he theres something hes a truehearted person and hes a loyal person and i think that initial rt of that falling in love of just hes kind of a sad sack. Hes actually kind of a Charlie Chaplin character and i think sees this ink he kind of sweetness in him. Charlie this is norman trying to evade a rabbi played by steve beshemi. Ive been calling you all morning, why arent you answering your phone . Im answering now, you want to hear what i have to say . How many zeros are at the end of the surprise. Come on, considerable surprise, thats it. I have to go, rabbi. Norman, you realize how important this is. Were going to be kicked out of here. No worlds. Norman . How is the rabbi connected to this again, norm season remind me, why am i doing this . All you have to do is you pick up the phone, call one of our buddies at harvard on behalf of the Prime Minister of israel. Is that really so difficult for you . Dont belittle what im doing. In the world of harvarded a emissions that is like incest, taboo. The rabbi is going to say exactly the same thing when i ask him to marry a cohen and a convert. Charlie whats tragic fall . You wont tell me that. [laughter] richard the interesting thing i found about norm be in playing him, which is surprising is that theres no anger in him. He gets hurt and humiliated time after time. This is the Charlie Chaplin side of him. Theres no anger. Charlie norman the tragic rise and fall of a new york fixers opens in theaters on friday. Friday. Richard gear. Richard thanks, charlie. Charlie thanks for being with us. Richard my pleasure. Charlie see you. While futures are suggesting a more positive today in the asia pacific, a proposed health bill selloff eased on wall street. A question of confidence in china. Early data suggests strength but some observers see big problems ahead. And another official enters he rate detective. Uncertainty might mean yes, just two hikes