Lets start with markets and finance. It looks like opec has made a deal to cut production. It has been a lot of arguing backandforth about that for years and this is the first time they agreed to cut production in eight years. David it is a big deal. Ellen saudi arabia has typically not wanted to cut production and now does. Iran, which is usually the other way has almost switched positions, but they seem to be in agreement. It looks like Oil Production will go down and we have to see what happens with prices. David saudi arabia and iran carol saudi arabia and iran have different views. Ellen there is a classified ad site called back page that makes a lot of money from sex ads, a lot of money from sex ads. I have taken it over from other places that have stopped running sex ads. There is sex trafficking, prosecutors and prostitution. Illinois, he has made it a mission to provide a stop to this. He asked visa and mastercard to stop allowing these vendors to use the cards and they agreed. Now there is a fight about it because back page says this is our First Amendment right and you are trying to interfere with our First Amendment right. There is part of the Communications Act which actually says that internet providers cannot be held liable for stuff that third parties have put on their site. That part ofest of the Communications Act and it may go to the supreme court. Ol an issue of supreme free speech online. Ellen there are lots of internet providers who basically agree with back page, even though they do not necessarily like the sex ads. Carol lets talk about companies and industries. The show me state becoming the sue me state. Ellen plaintiffs lawyers are always looking for a good place to file Product Liability cases, and it turns out that the courts in misery or some of the courts in missouri are being friendly to these cases and it is in part because they allow you to sue with a group of people as long as only one person is from that district. You have people in california suing alongside people from missouri, and there are other rules that make it friendly. These lawyers focusing on this area. This has happened before and then laws changed and they go elsewhere. Carol they have gotten favorable rulings and that is why they are being brought there . Ellen some of the biggest rewards over the last year have been in those courts. Carol lets talk about the cover story on computerized voting. We are six weeks away from the election. Ellen it is a really interesting story is there has been lots of talk, can the Voting Machines be rigged, will there be Cyber Attacks . What we say is the real problem with Voting Machines which may not end up throwing an election is that these machines are incredibly outdated. Carol and these are new machines that were put in 10 or 15 years ago . Ellen in 2000, after the big controversy with hanging chads. The federal government provided all this money so localities could upgrade their machines, but the software in those machines are incredibly out of date. They rely on versions of windows that are not supported anymore. Here are all kinds of problems you buy a new phone every couple of years, but these machines are softwarebased, are really old. Carol we get a rundown for mike riley. Mike almost all of the country has moved to electronic voting gives congress created big incentives for them to do that in terms of money. Billion toearly 4 transition states around the country to computerized voting so by 2006, everybody but the ark had basically thrown out but new york had basically thrown out their old machines. Now it is sort of when we go into a voting booth, that is what we do, vote by computer. Many of those states no longer even use a paper ballot or receipt. It is all about zeros and ones. It is about technology in a world where what we hold in our pocket is a pretty tech amazing technological marvel. Is out ofll vote on date and obsolete, and that has to do with the market of voting technology. It is only about 300 million a year. Apple makes 300 million in 12 hours. As a result, there are various small players, dominion which is a canadian company, these are the companies that can stroll the Technology Control the technology. Systems thatvoting are really hard to use, not well engineered. Part of this was after a move in 2002 to throw 4 billion at this problem so a lot of stuff went to market before was tested or engineered perfectly well. Fast in 2016, we are about to vote in an incredibly contentious election. All of our technology is out of date. Carol you tell your story through some voting that went on in Shelby County last year to elect city officials. There were a lot of problems with that vote that used computerized machines. Mike those problems have increased since they moved to computerized voting and these machines in 2006. Electionn, each every there has been a lawsuit claiming some kind of foul up. We use the election of 2016 as an example, and it was just chaos. The returns were coming in late. They were using two databases that were not merging. The returns were hours late. They were trying to post this to the web using a new software that did not work well. At the end of the night, they thought they had fixed all the problems, thought they had all the votes correct, but Somebody Just happened to be at a polling station in south memphis and took a picture of a poll tape. It is basically how the votes were cast on the machines at that precinct. Carol you are talking about the Computer Programmer benny smith . Correct. He takes a picture of the poll tape and it has got the number of votes that are cast at that precinct that night. A week later the official results come out that have been tabulated through the computerized software, and 40 of the votes in that precinct are gone, they simply just not there. That starts a chain of events where benny and activists in memphis try to figure out what happened to the vote. There is a lot of suspicion and fear that there is nefarious activity going on, but really what happened in the end is the system itself probably just did not work very well, and the computer did not process the vote. Carol turning the potential hazards of computerized voting and to cover art was done by robert vargas. Robert we found this one warehouse that had a bunch of decommissioned machines of a similar model to the one still in circulation. We set up this clean, seamless background, shot it straight on in this cynical way, and did the headlines from there. Carol the scene definitely has a personality. Robert we did not end up giving it much of our much of personality in our final execution. We did the simple treatment for asterix, and an that leads you to the punch line, if you will. Carol you have got to go get in close but there are some great nuggets of that story. Robert from afar it looks pretty monday so it just looks like a voting machine with an i voted sticker. Guys do a lot of covers that are people on the covers. It is is it tough when you do Something Like this . Robert it presents an interesting challenge. We could not have rambus with a headline. Carol Voting Machines do not work. Robert hopefully it will be a little unexpected. Prostitutes, spies, and a billion deal billiondollar deal gone wrong. Fed chair janet relevance forced to walk and what might be chinese hackers next target . Carol welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. I am carol massar. You can find us on radio on cia boston, 99. 1200 in fm in washington, d c economic section, the challenges that fed chair janet yellen faces from the central bank and donald trump. You write about the president ial debates and something specifically that donald trump said about janet yellen. That she is political. Carol janet yellen . Word is trying to pin that lying to he did ted cruz. Carol is the fed a Political Organization, it is not the first time somebody has said that. What you mean when you say it is a Political Organization . They are not explicitly political. They do not take into account, they do not try to get some and yete to win or lose i think it is fair to say that in one sense, they are political, not in their motivation but in their outcome. What they do effects, clearly effects the economy which in turn efax effects the climate of the parties. Carol there is going to be winners or losers whether the fed does something or not. As of this week there was about a 49 chance according to the Financial Futures market, that the fed would raise in december, that only a 17 chance they would raise in november. Why the big difference . One reason could be there is no press conference scheduled after the november meeting and the fed tends to like to do its rate increases after a press conference. It is happening six days before the election and the fed does not want attention brought to itself by raising. Carol it is kind of dammed if it does and dammed if it doesnt. If the fed decided to raise rates, that would have some political impact and if it does not, that will too. I think it is in the market. I think the prices in the market reflect the idea that the fed would refrain from acting in november but there are people i talked to for my article including a guy at Barclays Capital who said, aside from the press conference effect, that the fed would do, if the time is right for raising, it would raise. Chinas Hacking Community is growing and what may end up being its next target . I spoke with jeff musket. You edit of the story and it is not about chinese hackers hacking into other foreign entities but domestically. There is a lot of hacking going on in china by chinese hackers. According to fireeye theres about 400,000 chinese hackers targeting domestic individuals or corporate talk at targets taken about 15 billion of the economy. Carol that is a lot and a lot of it seems to come from, you guys write it could come from a foreign former employee or current employee of a company. Pricewaterhousecoopers projects that maybe half of the target hacks on domestic individuals and corporations in china are carried out as inside jobs. One of the more prominent hacks in china is when the personal addresses ofnd communist leaders and Business People in china, it seems according to the police department, it looks very much like an inside job. Carol it is interesting what you guys cover in bloomberg businessweek, everyday peoples information is being tapped into in china. For many people in china, their first access to the notrcept internet came through a pc with a secured network but a phone. It is more common in china and fors in u. S. Or europe funds being set up to log on to public wifi automatically, and offered without verifying often verifying without verifying they are secure. Carol what is the Chinese Government doing . , unfortunately for the people the Chinese Government is making it tougher to encrypt data in a secure way. The Cyber Security law that has gone through two rounds in legislature there and will likely be passed into law by the end of the year, among other things strengthens the limits on data that you can keep encrypted in china or limits on data that you are able to keep in servers outside the mainland. The Chinese Government has also recently stepped up its enforcement of a ban on platform micro chips because things that are basically the encryption standards in the rest of the world. Carol when the truth hurts too much, the greek whistleblower athens wants behind bars. Carol welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. I am carol massar. Imfofile of a former economist hiding from greek authorities in maryland and the Treasury Department is trying to protect him. David gura and i spoke to matt phillips. David how did this unknown economist come to get a big job in greece . This guy spent most of his an obscureking as economist in the bowels of the imf in washington and in 1992 he saw that his home company of the epicenter of this and was teetering toward bankruptcy. He felt the desire, the patriotism to apply to a job that had been posted. They needed an independent statistician to scrubs the country scrub the countrys economic statistics. Six years later, rather than being seen as a hero who helped save his countrys economy and put it back on the track to growth, he is vilified as public enemy number one. David i find it astonishing. Though, washappened when he went to greece he started going through the data and had a lot of problems. Story thatow this for years and years greece have been cooking their books, making their debt looks smaller as a ratio to gdp and their economy look better. It did not really come to light until everything started to fall apart in 2009 and 2010. What he found was pretty egregious. Things were kept off the books, things were completely misstated and there was lots of entrenched interest to keep the secret. He drew a hard line in the sand and said, this is not what we are going to do, i am not going to do things as they were done in the past and give authority to the Statistics Authority the ability to approve his stats after he released them. He released them. The eu never had a problem with his stats which is interesting because they have lots of problems with his predecessors statistics. Term this is a fiveyear and by the end he is carrying a gun in a briefcase to work. Matt within a month or so of when he arrived in 2010 he noticed his email was being hacked. He was getting death threats. This is a guy who is a black belt in jujitsu. He is a large man physically, a very black and white kind of guy. The fact that he felt endangered physically and that he felt he could not be in the country anymore says a lot about the pressure he was under. Carol he was in charge of the greek statistical office. There was a board that oversaw it and they were upset that he put out information before they okayed it, but isnt that the idea . This is supposed to be an independent organization and this is what got you in trouble in the first place. Matt you wonder why they okayed this in the first place, but they expected to happen but they got in a lot of ways the right guy for the job. There were a lot of entrenched interests who felt otherwise. Carol the new most important meal of the day, lunch. I spoke to brett begin about the new power lunch. Have various places to go in 18 different cities in america, and a power lunch in 2016 is different from the power lunch 10 or 20 years ago. Carol it is not a bunch of martinis anymore. Brett unfortunately not. That is not the most productive way to spend your day so people are not going out for steaks and martinis anymore. They are also not always going to places that have white tablecloths. The whole game has changed. Carol what do you want in a power lunch . Bret one, it is ok to be a little bit inventive. If you take clients to a place they did not expect it shows you are taking some chances, maybe the dreaded thinking outside the box phrase, but you might be doing that. It shows you can take someone somewhere and say, they do a fried avocado sandwich here. Awesome,urns out to be it actually is going to help you more than just saying your options are filet mignon or new york strip. Carol what about price point . Bret if you are on an expense account, great, but i think it shows if you can be a little bit frugal about it. You do not have to have a stake in martini, you can have sandwiches or salads. Meetings are a lot more casual in general. Carol you take us all around the country. Any favorites . Could in new york city in Grand Central terminal, it puts you right at the place he can take a train so if you have a client that needs to get to westchester or long island and they are right there, they will probably be happy. Carol that is the other thing, timing. Bret you want to show people you are thinking about their time and do not necessarily want a three hour lunch. Carol what the sec labels as the biggest visa scam in history. Voters head toward the reckoning day, election day. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Carol welcome back to the b week, i am carol massar. The scam that had foreigners paying half 1 million for a chance of the american dream. A Pro Sports Team is embracing their lgbt fans and 1 trillion purchasing power. It is all ahead on bloomberg businessweek. I am here with editor in chief ellen pollack and there are so many must reads. Cover storytional is about Goldman Sachs and their involvement with libya. Ellen once sanctions were lifted from libya, they decided they wanted to invest. They wanted their Sovereign Wealth Fund to be able to invest and they hired Goldman Sachs. The story looks at how goldman tried to court them, all kinds of entertainment, many visits, and there was a young salesman who was cultivating them. Carol he was really young. Ellen really young, and spending much of his time in libya working with them. They sold them on some investments that were extremely complicated. They were derivatives. They were really hard to understand for the layman. The fund did not really necessarily have the expertise, or at least that is what they are alleging because this is in court. It looked like they were very sophisticated but they now claim they were not. The end result is they lost 1 billion. Carol and they were not happy at all. Ellen they were not happy. Inre are these great themes the story where they are basically chasing the goldman people out of the city. It is really nuts. The way they figured this out is this young lawyer came to work with the fund and started asking questions about the paperwork and saying, did you do Due Diligence on this . Their reaction was, do what . That is when they sort of got wise, or think they got wise. Court, to the idea they did not understand what goldman sold them. Carol you talk about one of the private largest private stores of gold in the world. Ellen in switzerland. There are these old rockers that used to be run by the military and they are now being used to store gold. Switzerland was a place where a lot of people tried to store their money to shield it from taxes. A lot of people are storing gold the rulesland, and about what has to be disclosed are much less stringent. Carol which is amazing, after what happened. Ellen the idea that these bunkers are filled with gold is kind of fun. We talked with one guy who runs one of these companies, and he actually has a house or a building where he has luxurious quarters for people who visit to visit their gold, because they may not want to leave footsteps. They may not want to use their credit card or be seen in switzerland visiting their gold so you can stay in the luxurious quarters. Carol one of the future stories talks about a program to help immigrants come to the united program, but it is not working out in vermont like it should. Ellen it is the easiest way to become a u. S. Citizen, except for marrying a u. S. Citizen. What it does is it allows foreigners, or people outside the u. S. To invest half 1 million. They get a temporary green card or the equivalent of that, and if their investment results in 10 new jobs, they get permanent residency in the u. S. Usedrmont, this money was to create this Huge Development around a seat area, and it turned out there was a lot of funny business going on with the using money for one project and said they would use it for another project. The owner of this project looked like he had perhaps taken some of the money that he should not have. It is all wrapped up in litigation so the word allegedly was quote should be allegedlye should be all over here. Bill sager was the ceo of a ski resort in northern vermont, a big one. Just a few miles from the canadian border, it gets tons of snow a year but it was a downtrodden place before he figured out a way to expand it and that involved a government program. The eb5 carol that is what . Designed to help rural areas create jobs and gives Foreign Investors a way to potentially get a green card. They invest in these areas. If the project they invest in creates 10 jobs more or less, they get a green card. Carol lets bring in pedro. This is an individual in caracas , wanted a better way of life for he and his family. Susan they had suffered a lot of violence and were looking for a quick way out. An immigration attorney heard about these projects. By the time he got involved, bangor and his partner st anger and his partner decided to expand into biotech, and takeover and renovate this entire city of newport, which is about 20 minutes away from jp. Pedro leaves and investo leaves how much . Susan half 1 million. The uproot themselves, take their daughter and moved to florida. In what is 500,000 supposed to be this biotech project which is going to kind of revitalize newport. That was in september 2015. It does not exactly work out like a jerk hoped. Ol tell me what happened it does not exactly work out like pedro hoped. Carol tell me what happened. Susan there were a lot of suspicions swirling around this new Biotech Center in 2015. Involvedy, the sec got and it was revealed that they had been investigating the resort for almost two years at the point that pedro invested. Visa brokers did start to have some questions about jp. Can you talk about a british car dealer who started to look at the financials . Susan he was an early investor so the hotel he built, he was part of a group of investors that funded a hotel on jay peak. Most of them were eligible for green cards. In that sense it was a success. What14 they learned that they thought was their equity in the hotel had been converted into debt. From an were owed money unsecured iou saying, pay you back in 10 years. Most of them were pretty concerned, what is going on . Tony sutton, the british investor took it upon himself to start digging through all the financial documents he had been given over the years and had not paid close attention to. He found the beginnings of the scam that the sec alleges have been going on since the very beginning. Carol in the politics and policy section, a recent ruling against texas is voter id law may or may not affect the election. More attention goes to these hardfought Court Battles over voter id. This summer federal court have modified or overturned voter id laws just months to the election. When i looked at is what happens after that and the continuing struggles over implementation where you have Election Officials who either feel additionally harried implementing this or more controversially, are people who advocates have doubts will faithfully execute the orders that have come down, or will be particularly motivated to help change the law that they were in support of. Carol you tell the tale really well by taking us to Harris County in houston, texas, the largest county. What is going on there specifically . Been a lot of legal wrangling when it comes to voter identification laws. Josh Harris County is the thirdlargest population in the entire country and its clerk advertises himself in running for reelection as a proven conservative leader, a supporter of voter id. He expressed his concern when the court ruled against the law and he made headlines in texas them that there could be consequences for people who show up without the id that they got sometime before that, and vote anyway. Carol talk about this consequences. It is tricky. Josh it is one of those stranger than fiction, situations where in july, the Appeals Court required there be changes made. In august, the state and feds reached an agreement approved by the court under which someone who does not have photo id can fill out a form saying that they had a substantial impediment, saying that they had a reasonable impediment to being able to acquire the id in time to vote. And then they can vote. After that agreement they told the local that if someone in fact has received an id at some point and vote anyway, potentially he could refer them to the District Attorneys Office and they could potentially be prosecuted for fraud. This of course set off alarm from advocates including the National President of the naacp who i spoke to, who said, what is going on . This was supposed to be made to reduce the potential to san fran tatian disenfranchisement of the voter id law but you have the state what attorney general of texas making, suggesting that if you vote without an id you could end up being in legal trouble and criminally prosecuted. Carol a pro sports leagues are trying to win over gay fans. Adidas getting its groove back. 40, wewant to retire by have the stepbystep approach that might get you there may. Carol welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. I am carol massar. You can also find us on radio. York, 99. 1 fmew in washington, d. C. In the companies and industry section, the rainbow flag is being embraced by pro sports leagues. Out, you you pointed may not have seen many days. What has changed . Peoples perception of lgbt people has changed. Gay marriage is now legal. You have people looking at the situation, especially big business and marketers, Say Something this is something society has shifted and we want to attract fans like millennials. Carol this is a big change because you write how u. S. Sports leagues have been a bastion of homophobia. This is a real turn. Jeff it is not necessarily that they are not a bastion of homophobia to some degree anymore, just the sports teams and leagues are trying to make an effort to let the fans know this is ok. The players are having policies written that over art homophobia overt homophobia is not prohibit is not permitted, but it is changing for the fans. David how much of this is topdown . You Start Talking about d. C. United, a soccer club. Is mls doing this on a club by club basis or is this coming from the headquarter offices . Jeff it depends. If you look at what happened at the nhl, it was a coach whose son was gay and talked about how was difficult for him to play. Starting this february, pretty much more than half the teams are going to be having pride nights. It started this kind of grassroots effort. Notically, his son died, related to being gay, but they kept the Organization Going in his name. Wnba has always been part of the leagues ethos. Progress. A work in nba, it seems to be team by team. Fans and advocacy groups are starting to demand it. Carol it is the right thing to do, no doubt about it, but it also has a business component, a financial component. Sports leagues are realizing it makes Financial Sense to open up their crowd. Jeff there is almost 1 trillion of spending power this year or last year. The way they spend measure lgbt spending is something you Pay Attention to. Other minority groups will go on focus their attention on. It is sort of the same kind of spending power and to ignore them or alienate them, to create an environment that does not feel welcoming is a problem. Adidas got its second wind and is starting to gain market share in the united states. David gura and i spoke with jim ellis. David the wind has not always blown in adidas way. What has changed . The biggest thing is that the company has sort of made its fashion alongding ,ith the sport shoe business and increasingly dependent for them is that instead of thinking only in terms of sports performance, they are really getting excited about melding in what is hip, when his current. Right now a lot of that is retro and a lot of those retro brands they were associated with in this in the 1960s and 1970s. Carol they were germanys worstperforming stock. They stumbled a bit. Jim for a lot of the businesses they are in, in some markets like the u. S. Market, nike commands this market. Their biggest appeal is in soccer, which is not that big year. They have run into a number of problems and have gotten to the point where a lot of people have wondered, what is going to happen to them . They own reebok which has continued to not be a great performer. The past year the stock is up over 100 . What has happened is that a lot of things sort of came together, particularly the retro appeal. They have brands that people remember from the 1960s and 1970s and all of a sudden they are hot again. , which came inne the late 1960s and early 1970s when he was a tennis star, that over 40 years sold about 40 million units. Just last year it sold about 8 million pairs. Carol this is the classic white. Jim it has three stripes. They are not even stripes, just perforations. The old run dmc and Kareem Abduljabbar shoe, that is hot again. You are seeing people on runways wearing these with really fancy brands. You have a 120 pair of sneakers with someone wearing valencia, or you have katie holmes wearing these now. All of a sudden that is a business that responds to fashion and people running out and paying full price. Up, a meal plan that can help you unlock your most creative juices. Three couples that managed to retire at 40 and they say you can to. Carol welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. I am carol massar. Reporter transceiver superman investigates how three couples managed to retire at age 40. Meneporter ben seaver investigates. One challenge is, how do you save enough money . That is a simple math problem. Middleclass good wage save 75 of it, after 10 to 15 years you can save enough. 40. Problem is, you are how much longer are you going to live . You could be on this earth for 60 or 70 more years if medical science improves. How do you make the money last . There has been a traditional role that is out there, is that the 4 rule . Ben that is the rule of thumb. If you have 1 million you can take out 40,000 per year and your first year, and as time goes on you can bump it up with inflation. You should probably be ok. That has sort of been the traditional rule. There is a lot of worry it does not work anymore. Carol you talked to three different individuals. Dad, tell meome about this individual who worked at intel. Ben he retired at 38. He saved a lot. What is nice as he has been able to his wife who loves her job has been able to keep working. She is not planning to retire for another four years. A lot of these folks still have a little money coming in. If they start digging into their assets right away they might end up having a lot of trouble. Carol we talk about this one woman, an accountant who did an express extensive spreadsheet. 2008. He retired in march carol nice timing. Ben when that hit, they just cut back their spending a lot and they got through it. Now the market is up whatever percentage and they are in a much better situation. Carol she advocated for keeping like two years of cash on hand. Have two or three years of cash in the market goes down 40 you do not have to sell stock. Asked bret begun had to prepare a meal plan. Bret you have to try to do some advanced planning and while it does require a little more thinking on the front end, the reward is better on the back end. Food 52 and with came up with a way for you to get from monday to friday by doing your prep on sunday. Carol it all starts with the shopping list. Includes meat and produce. A lot of it includes a dressing. It is a lemon caper dressing and that sets the tone for the whole week. Bret we advise you bring it to work. On day one we are talking about a chicken peter. Ta. Pi the dressing is diverse and allows for a lot of different options. Sunday, you are prepping your chicken and going through everything. You want to try to take care of most of the labor on sunday because of it has to be done during the week you will not do it and get frustrated. Carol by friday, are you going to love what you eat . Bret the dressing is delicious. I really thought i would get tired of it but i did not because of the diversity in ways you are using it. Carol how much time are you investing . Should be able to find all of this in one central location. Businessweekerg is available. Coming up on bloomberg best, the stories that shaped the week in business around the world. European banks work through some jitters. John trump takes donald trump takes a shot at janet yellen. Disney may have designs on twitter. Opec jolts the oil market with an unexpected deal. Opec bringing barrels out. Scarlet plenty of food for thought in the weeks top interviews. I tend to be in the camp of normalizing sooner rather than later. There is always something to worry about. At the moment, there are a lot

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