Say they've now taken control of a military airport from Kurdish fighters near the disputed city of Kirkuk earlier then downstate captured an oil field from the main military base in the region following a controversial independence referendum the Kurds have accused Iraqi forces of launching a war Ari mansion is a spokesman for the Kurdish president Massoud Barzani or should. Come forward and holding talks with us back to government troops and back out so they already tear down our craft of course cooperation. Launched our war against Turkey has sent a team of doctors and medical supplies to Somalia to help victims of the bomb attack in Mogadishu on Saturday the Somali government says the blast is now known to have killed 276 people and injured 300 it's still not known who carried out the attack the deadliest of its kind in a decade European Union foreign ministers are aiming to agree on a package of new sanctions against North Korea at a meeting today the measures include reducing the amount of money North Koreans working abroad will be able to send home much of the hard currency is thought to support the North's nuclear program is expected the meeting in Luxembourg will also add more names to the list of companies and officials subject to asset freezes and travel bombs. Wind speeds of more than 100 miles an hour have already been recorded as Tropical Storm Ophelia reaches the western coast of on and the most severe storm to hit the country in half a century in the u.k. The Met Office is warning of potential danger to life Patty McLachlan from the Our an ally in County Antrim in Northern Ireland says conditions there are worsening we're expecting the eye of the storm to come through this afternoon with that 70 mile an hour when the last 2 hours the wind has gone from I could be 0 up to that 30 miles an hour so it's just building all the time Portugal Civil Protection Agency says 27 people have died after a series of wildfires in the country emergency services recorded more than 500 fires yesterday the blazes broke out in exceptionally high temperatures but rain is expected later this morning some young people are using loans and credit to pay for everyday basics the head of the Financial Conduct Authority Andrew Bailey says there's been a pronounced increase in debt because also suggesting almost a 3rd of young people worry about how they'll pay it off Ruby says she gradually built up debt on a card I used to work full time and I was well paid and that's when I got the credit card but then I left the job that was well paid went to do something else work less hours and less money but less and spent more on the credit card until I was not well not spent so much on my own that's a former member of the Royal Navy is due to be sentenced today for defrauding a veteran's charity out of nearly 50000 pounds to feed his gambling addiction and Uganda he was working as office coordinator for the not forgotten Association have a time and that's the latest. On show not only. To do since. The d.n.c. . Until he connected. It's neo with beautiful months kicking off the final hour of take we connected with just a half an hour away from today's full season money week 1st day old Falls is money we put your questions to the financial experts still time some of my the money week be f.b.s. Dot com before them we will site be catching up with your night about what's coming up today on sports plus. I wanted to say Feeling a moment now we're less than 2 weeks away for some big big salute fundraising going on around the forces world if you win there's a b s b s flying day raising money for the big salute which of course raises money to benefit members of the Armed Forces community and their families supporting a range of different forces charities under the umbrella of the Big $8.00 is going to taking place on Friday the 27th of October between 10 am and 4 pm Morrisons in Gibraltar say if you can come along and help out maybe you are involved in the proceeds as a say going to fund specific grants for projects that are supporting the armed forces family on the same day but here in Germany there's also the big fancy dress fundraiser going on this is the. Party of the year let's just call it shall wait. That's going to be on the evening of Friday the 27th of October 7 pm until midnight Dempsey barracks you can just go to turn up turn up be there be part of it there's prizes for the scary stress man and scary stress woman this could be some v.o.i.p. Tables if you get there seen enough you might be able to block use of one of their use and loads of entertainment some of them deejaying from the team plus band on stage an auction bid on all of that money going to support the. Things you can get involved with around the forces world. Going on in your area I Lol. I play in the face with a crying baby. Coming up we're going to be catching up with. The fun it was on Sports Plus coming up on your radio a little bit later on today that keeping you well at state with the force the sports events have been going on around the world I he's going to join us in a little minutes to tell us what's on the show later today I read what he has before that I. Personally try to associate. With Jade Callaway. Being Me Me Me want need. Need to meet isn't just about what the team gets it's about what you can give make a real difference and give your time as a volunteer for veterans u.k. Based support for initial 1000 blind envision impact takes 7 men and women across the country and they want to double that figure in the next 5 years to help them to build the best team and to connect with those who need help think that might be you find out more about blind fetcher in stone tools don't teach a science fall in c.s. E.S.P.'s original music special some plain walking men's clubs the brothers took me to see the Rolling Stones in 1989 to packing stadium. For the stones in the stadium in Paris Mick Jagger coming dressed in a style stretch obviously the 6. Missing ingredient in vote lead but it just seems to produce a lot of people of forces favorite for more than 20 years so my brothers in the army which is brothers in the army if you get a release release they can store the other things you know so on the 1st 50 provide you with to celebrate the stereo phonics 10 studio album Amy Casey talks exclusively to Kalyan Richard jokes about the good rather than the still like each other a little less so when we do our stereo phonics scream above the sounds trying to throw tell you the economic window from the window to the Friday the 27th on Sunday Now coming up a little bit later on today what you say let me make you get off the lovely Joe knights and on your right he's here right now as well hi John. Good afternoon she joins how you oh I'm very well thank you I'm going to be home a day later for sports plus and leads in the program starting with the football fake. The Kentish Cup which is one of the oldest competitions that the competes in isn't it you've got still is not coming out. Yet the Kentish Cup by promoting team 21 marginally a long long time ago one of the oldest in Europe and the Fantastic 4 but some that the year you count course was clean yesterday in the opening game of the season's countries Cup I think the French forces by 2 goals one was a pretty tight game apparently by all accounts of course we'll be hearing from you count courses but I'm going to got my winning goal as well that will be coming up a bit later on in the program and also with football the all the women all currently public just arrived in the gold states Jade although she week saw that playing a games in Kuwait and also in the Arab Emirates and also by saving a lot of diplomatic work and sort of a lot of work local schools with the children basically to promote women's sports in these countries which as you probably know you know is not the sort of things to be doing so it's a really fantastic visit to them we've been hearing all about box in fact the Army Corps women's team all currently in Boston as well so it should give them a badge to you because that will be only when you put all those very much on the diplomatic front and then right at the place that great role model a really well for young people very much so women they may stay on a level of sports and for football to be as well as contest for the British army rugby team that you've been watching. Yes. The weekend pretty charming place South Africa not the South African army but the actually force optic and national women's team they've got 3 games on the show so all that playing 2 games against England they did the woman against the British army on Saturday and oldish else they won this topic and won by 27 points to 5 but it was a fantastic opportunity for the Army to really size up against very very strong opposition but Africa are actually ranked 3rd in the world at the moment so it was a real push seriously and they had won a lot of French in the way they played the British army so we'll have news about that as well I don't so I'll tell you about a story I've done this weekend spent quite a lot of this week or a couple of places week. One of the Men's to outstanding young sportsman in the British army he's a danger Oh boy. He is. Sort of a thing competing in the army and Jarrett championships his name is Tom Elwood these last couple 22 Engineer Regiment and spent a day with him on Thursday actually down. By Regis in Dorset he was putting his bike so its paces on had a good old chats about what he's hoping for is actually being selected for the g.b. Squad he's a real talents in general motorcycle racing is incredibly stupid like watching most across but over the long long distances that can you know 200 miles cross-country in various events so finding us all about his sport from him as well we also have cross-country all me insane cross-country and already Bob Minton as well if we can fix it all in a comprehensive look back at the weekend sports news is always on Churchill because going to be a big if there is a lot going on in the program today where are they going to enjoy race a big one so they really may as well I know they've got a lot of impact does it not and of course they can fix them I'm buying something. Yes they can and that's the huge advances in the old days but a song called The sparks writing was. Really important call so on the communications that I need the money all the streets and the cars that call it some of the ways of communicating but in general in many ways is keeping not tradition alive you know taking a bike across country for long distance. Very interesting what's home and to say just before I go as well trying to get just sort of switch the right I'm sure of all listeners who chain into schools plus on the radio also chairman to all t.v. Version of the program sports plus well this week we've got some exciting me developments because sports plus is actually changing its name to the sport how does that sound this is Porsche. And why she can be on the air with the new program tomorrow. Listeners to be s.b.s. Radio cease and will be all our usual compliance of coverage of course the sport alongside the coverage that we get from Sky Sports News of the sea rounding up old week's sports events so the sports the sports show starting tomorrow it's replacing sports but Scott Brown you sat in the studio it was really great you'll be able to choose a name if you're watching overseas and see the full support for the very 1st on it's on tomorrow will be a sport on the way from $630.00 u.k. Time just to follow the polls Champions League game against and k. Marable So that's the tomorrow the f.b.s. Sports $634.00 support no flayed John thank you for joining us we'll be with you on the radio in the late night and then tomorrow to see your new on the telly take Thank you so much doing this today. It's a bit of a tough kill some 427000 I think Kelly Clarkson with love from the album meaning of life. Thanks very much to Joe might he joined us just before that is coming up on your radio today than from 6 30 pm e.-k. Time coming up very soon indeed for money week stay where you are and if you've got any questions get them to money week at be F.B.I.'s. Who's the largest employer of musicians in the u.k. Here's a clue. The core. Point is professional within the British we offer a pensionable career with a chance to perform a great venues and events worldwide with specialized symphonic cross temporary traditional look for. Every genre of musician music is also a chance to qualify for a taxable reward. Joining us for more information. On the band of the current. Facebook page. The f.b.i. Still. Feel a little old around the u.k. To get ourselves out of a safe place. To original says programs. Throughout the country will hit and it's like. Music like politicizing the political Space female all of the species is money week begins on the way next which touch and send will be joined by the financial experts right here on forces ready b.s. But also I on Facebook life say don't worry if you haven't sent a question in a red day just get a cell phone to the b f b s radio Facebook page as it happens on Facebook now if you just comment a question as it's going on its own coming up on the way Next they can be with you from cool to see as we day this week starts things that I then say can I say this is Jason Derulo and if I'm lucky I will catch again tomorrow. Ok. You know. Ok. This is money. Welcome simples is money we can reach in and all this week I'll be putting questions to financial experts about money issues that affect you will live on Forces Radio b s b s and also on Facebook live on the Forces Radio b f b s page and today I'm joined in the studio by Keith Frampton from forces insurance to take a look at something that will affect the soul at some point in military career as moving house and its effect on things like mobile phone contracts and insurance and all this week we'll be hearing from Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert dot com We asked him about the policies that most of us have the important thing to understand about home and car insurance is that built on actuarial risk factors which means a huge bank of statistics showing how people in similar situations to you have claimed in the past so there are lots of bizarre things that you might not expect you would think that 3rd party car insurance which only covers someone else if you have an accident would be a lot cheaper than comprehensive car insurance that also covers you but actually one of the quirks in the system is some insurers see the mere fact that you've selected comprehensive put you in a lower risk category and the reduced cost from being a lower risk category outweighs the increased cost from fuller cover so some people always check both comprehensive and 3rd party because you might be surprised that comprehensive is cheaper if your particular driving history or your occupation puts you in a higher band adding another driver who may legitimately use the car who's in a lower respond bizarrely insuring 2 people can be cheaper than insuring one is it brings your risk average down when you talk about the car which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but it does work so try trial and error again putting somebody else on if you're going to move from air. 2 areas many of the forces do while different postcodes have different costs for home and car insurance under is not much you can do about that of of the making sure that in both scenarios you're seen as a low risk as possible where you park your car have you got locks on the windows all of those type of things and there's a long list of them you can find a Money Saving Expert dot com You need to do all that like work to try and bring the cost down and keep them from forces insurance is with me 1st of all welcome thank you Richard now the military lifestyle means that you can be moved around the world very quickly but also across the u.k. Amati mentioned there are so many factors that will affect the price you pay for your insurance now what should you be aware of if you really are Kates in respect of your car insurance I think most people would be familiar with the comparison websites we see advertised on television a fortune then the right place to go and it really does a paying you to talk to a specialist insurance broker that works only with the military or specifically with the military those insurance companies and brokers that do that understand the lifestyle of the full says and therefore there be more sympathetic to the postcode a postcode could for example be your army barracks that you're working from or a naval base or an area of station and that house is 34 maybe 600 different people which insurance companies get very nervous about going to a military specialist means that they have already identified to your a reasonable customer to work with also they understand where you probably the vehicle may be different to where civilians would park the car trunk reference to the fact that you know security windows or just the fact that your vehicle is parked in the main street of a known it would be an additional hazard for insurance companies to have to pay out for take your vehicle off the road stick it behind the wire and you get a discount from the specialist insurers talk to some insurance and they don't even know what behind the wire means so there are car insurance policies designed specifically for the forces that absolutely there are. Lots of forces insurance solutions out there the British Insurance Brokers Association actually runs I found a broker service where if you try paying or talk to their advisers that you are in the military they will direct you to the handful of insurance brokers that specialize in this market there's also another trade association called Sea app the services insurance and investment advisory panel and they again have a network of members specializing in all different types of insurance and there will be a handful of specialists there looking on the motor insurance side and always your car insurance when you have it to be valid in the u.k. Where if you drive but the problem can be living in a forces environment you get posted right around the world now how does that work with car insurance is specifically forces design car insurance if you transfer between countries again because they typical insurance company is in the mine working with civilians they don't need to tailor in the problems that servicemen will experience every day if you're posted into Europe could be shape could be a British forces Germany there are specialist insurance companies that allow you to do that as if you were still in the u.k. So you're doing is changing the address and the policy continues as normal come fortunately because of the why the vehicle registration system works in Germany that does not allow typical civilian insurance companies to do the same so if you're with someone you see advertised on television there are likely to be able to cope with you being posted overseas but again talk to the behavior of the sea at guys and they can put you in the right direction and if you moving further further afield say you're being priced to some a lot Brunei or the folks in the islands again your personal insurance is worldwide so we you know enlarge that conversation to talk about life insurance or we're talking about home insurance world wide policies will be perfect for you in those scenarios whereas a u.k. Policy may well be restricted to just the United Kingdom however when you're talking about motor insurance yang going to be taking your car across to burn or the full clones so we're really talking about West. Europe up to and including Cyprus one thing I discovered when I got posted back to the u.k. Was I've been overseas for about 14 years the no claims bonus was was maybe not valid in the same way as if you had continuous insurance in the u.k. And if you were posted back to the u.k. What you do about that proof of no claims bonus a little bit of a bit of a breakthrough here recently after just a few years ago it was almost unheard of for a British insurance company to accept a no claim bonus that was earned outside the United Kingdom and their rationale was quite logical they don't understand the broad structure of whatever country you've been in and maybe the insurance company that you were last with overseas didn't actually operate in the claim bonus in Europe there is a system called Mail s m a l u s that is totally different to the no time bonus that we understand if we do understand how it works and so for a British insurance company to accept a for a no claim bonus in the wrong language in a system that doesn't compete with their own it's something that they are reluctant to accept however the work we've been doing recently on the Armed Forces Covenant has seen some breakthroughs in this area 1st of all we've been able to persuade a lot of insurance companies in the u.k. That when you leave the u.k. You're no claim bonus will continue to be valid when you come home up until a year or so ago you're no claims bonus would have run out after 2 years if you didn't use it now some insurance companies are going up to 4 maybe 5 years overseas and then they will allow you to pick up from where you left off doesn't necessarily mean to say that they will recognize the former no claim bonus that you've had but again let's come back to aspect list the c.f. In the big baby brokers do have the facility to except for an argument about this and what does it mean when you may sound obvious but to protect your no claims bonus what is actually do for you this has been tearing the insurance industry apart of the last few years because it is so badly misunderstood and I have to say insurance industry did not get this. Properly explained a lot of customers thought that if you had a 5 year no train bonus and you protected it by paying a little bit extra and always about 5 percent of the a premium on top of what you were ordinarily going to pay then anything happened to your vehicle your renewal premium would be the same next year completely untrue and that's never been the case what the insurance companies who operate those systems that's most of them saying Is your no claim bonus will be frozen in time but will still look at your claim record and if we think you've been a bit of a lousy driver will increase your premium anyway but you 60 percent or whatever percentage you had will continue to stay in place the regulator got a bit upset by that saying that's misleading the customer so he should step aside to really clean up their act and now you'll see pages and pages of information about where when you buy and when you renew your insurance just to make sure that you fully understand how that works I guess as always it always comes down to reading the small prints and I'm afraid in something like a car insurance policy or all other insurance policies the small print can go on and on and on now moving on to a different subject moving home a March out one massive disruption of a family's military families especially but there are so many financial implications with a move insurance being a massive consideration yet and again the type of insurance you've got is important if you're in the u.k. And you're moving elsewhere in the u.k. And a March out comes upon you then lots of typical policies that would have been available to civilians are perfectly acceptable to you the bit about a March out that insurance companies don't understand is exactly what happens with a the Sergeant Major that comes around and checks your property he they are expecting claims to be reported and claimed for the time that the incident occurred no 3 years later when your moving out and the guy comes and it will not says right you have a couple 100 pounds for the. Damage to this the damage that it's an important thing is always claimed for something when it occurs don't wait for the March out. If you're talking about overseas you may well find that a typical u.k. Home insurance policy will not be adequate because of its geographical exclusions therefore back to Biba back to Seattle to find an insurance broker that specializes in providing birth or not called Kitch insurance and then normally worldwide kava covers you for all of your chats all of your military environment and extra things like the equipment that you're responsible for and in the military as covered under that insurance as well and when you are part of the u.k. Things like much I'm sure once were keeping on your policy especially if you're living maybe in a private hiring Absolutely and there are some people that well a lot of property and no doubt that one can come up as part of the discussion on mortgages and the like but also be living in a quarter as well and again if you've got the the specialist insurance then you know your your requirements are adequately covered so basic question how does military insurance when talking about house insurance differ from a civilian policy it looks at the lifestyle of the customer and types that into the policy wording and it's not just limited to the home insurance as well with your frequent movements outside of the u.k. The types of cover that you require even car insurance has specific exclusions in civilian policies and a while ago I talked about comparison sites not being the best place to go for that and that is very very important and in fact the armed forces covenant is making a great issue of that at the moment by warning customers that they are not designed around the lifestyle of the servicemen and things like being covered on a military base i.e. You may live on a military backs behind the wall and you may go to and from work every day behind the wall and yet your insurance policy says no cover is being provided so it is really important that you check the wording of your insurance otherwise you may not be covered just living and. Working on base so that's good advice if you've already have a policy check that wording yet and to be honest if you just ring up the surance advisor of a typical insurance company they're going to go I have never heard of that they would need to refer it to the senior levels to see whether it's there can be easily found in a policy wording and it's been brought to the house because of a catastrophic a that was identified many years ago that they thought made sense to exclude an insurance policy and that catastrophe is what they call side risks and you might think that only affects the r.a.f. But it doesn't effect the Navy and the army any where there is a helicopter pad has an element of side risk what insurance companies have said many years ago is we can't entertain flying him caused by a private car zipping around on side area and closing forcing an aviation crash imagine an airplane running into terminal Heathrow Airport allegedly under the motor insurance policy the insurance company would be liable for the damage to the plane the terminal when the injuries of all the people involved so quite rightly sensibly the insurance companies put that exclusion in however if you work on an area basis you need to go as sign and most insurance companies but not all have extended that wording to say that no problem will apply for s I or on a military base and that's a bit of a showstopper when it comes to your ordinary insurance so again check your wording ask if appropriate or go to a Seattle Bieber broker that's already that one out for you and if you're living on a military base maybe not just working but living on a military base maybe in Mary Cortez How can that affect your insurance is not something insurance companies are aware of when they talk her out behind the wire again for better or for worse if you go to a typical insurance company does not involve the military they will be hostile to that and they will probably even say I am for we don't cover you wash your own advice if you go to a military friendly broker or insurer they will probably give you a discount for providing extra protection. Action let's face it you've got the best neighborhood watch system in the world c.c.t.v. God's told barbed wire That's utopia so insurance companies understand I give you the discount those who have no idea what the how and why it means think this is not for them and the premiums or even say we're not prepared to cover you and we continue this conversation on Facebook live on the Forces Radio b f b s page and for extra information about getting money fit you can check money force type it into your search engine it's the home of money advice for u.k. Service people and the service provided by the Royal previously I thank you for putting your questions into us this week we continue tomorrow on Forces money wake when I'll be joined in the studio by Rob love see who is from plain saver and we're talking about debt we have a question money week at b. F.b.s. Dot com is the e-mail address and we're also on Facebook live if you want to switch on to Facebook Live now. This is a great. Satellite t.v. In the. Iraqi forces so.