Who claimed they had affairs with Mr Trump before the election the president says Mr Cohen has been making up stories to get a more lenient sentence and appearing on the U.S. Show Fox and Friends Mr Trump was asked if he knew about the payments later on or later on but yet to understand what he did and they were taken out of campaign finance that's a big thing that's a much bigger thing did they come out of the campaign they didn't come out of the campaign they came from me and I've read about it you know I thought I don't know if you know but I think we did. About the famous or veteran who's alleged military actions during the Troubles in Northern Ireland have left in facing an attempted murder trial by judge of the Supremes court says veterans are being treated as political fodder Dennis Hutchings a former regimental Corporal major in the lifeguards the noise charges of attempted murder and attempted grievous bodily harm with intent relating to the killing of John Patrick cumming in 1974 the 77 year old was at a public meeting where campaigners voiced their concerns about the investigations legal commentator Joshua Rosenberg says the evidence can't be ignored it must be absolutely a calling to have this sort of thing here for decades but I don't think anybody would really like a matter like this to remain a result I would have thought that most people would like the evidence to be considered if there is it wouldn't be dealt with if there is a conviction the courts would decide on appropriate punishment Russia has revealed the extent of its military involvement in the war in Syria the defense ministry in Moscow says its air force has flown 39000 combat missions and more than 60000 members of Russia's own forces have taken part in the fighting the Russians entered the war nearly 3 years ago they played a key role in consolidating the position of their ally President Bashar al Assad a group of injured veterans including double amputees have taken on the challenge of crossing the English Channel in a fully adopted Tall Ship the week long event. Being organized by the military charity Blais Morris part of its 1st World War Santina RI commemorations Steve Fraser from by Small says the courage of Tom and to make the most of it today. Are in the process of actually getting most members of. The rating on this ship we just had a cheese call out only on the boss. Stick out either side of my quantity and it was . Really cricket is softer than 81 rum beating to lose that 2020 series with Afghanistan altering said 161 to win on and collapse to 79 all out in 15 overs the defeats puts on him to kneel down with one match remaining the latest on John Adelaide. Since criterion C. B S D. a great big bowl of sloppiness isn't it. Looks . Good. Basically. Found a. New If you know my day how much I want to be friends with Ed Sharon. Maybe one my instinct tell you he within there they always play. With. The good that they. Just don't. Just don't. I mean this is something. I mean this is. A long. Time I live. With my 6 visits. With her just to. Get to. Many of the. Men but. This is. Just one. DRUG. That would have to work in. The lives of. Young. Men This is a. Serious disease. But this is a. Man this is. Like to. Go. Body. Is. Your body. I think for it did. Not seem. To be good so. I beat your compass when you put me today to stop time. For a number of boxes on the. Run but. This is a. Big and they're going to look just as the list of broken bones was. Stolen to do something to. Defeat the spinal column the words not want to see. I'll get to the point. It's only going to be young kids some only some with here is the need to know my home and then we will gain some seed to look. For in the book this is. A feeling. This is cool says radio. Being a member of the aria family isn't And even if you knew them and knew when to begin in on them and on an on going. Thing and it. Was the weekend in. Playing. Jazz it please. Please. Please that plane. Thank. You. Thank. You. It's. A little easier. Thanks to. Fighting just because. I was sure she doesn't want to. Tell me. Too much. She going in sort of. Thank you thank you. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AND. This was. The. Place she was going to follow thank you thank you darling thank you. Nic thanks thanks thanks to John thank you Donna back to dance to dancing thank you thank you thank you Susan thanks again for the night and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Thank you. Thank you. General. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank you thank you I thank you all of. You all. The break. Was. To. Cut you to. The so I want to call in my boyfriend just said that we are dating now trade and nice for a while before that. Philadelphia. Mississippi gets independent. Decisions. To move she's the service complaints and sense can talk to have problems with yourself having recently since with you you've used the same for each of the kids proceeds with you. Know he spoke with me listen to mission to improve the complete system for service costs on the surface complaints commitment foursomes visits service complaints it's meant to. Say I'm. Writing. This music. It's just. And she'll hold city hall forces community that's a great idea to make use a few vs keep in touch with a lot of players it's unique steps and since we all say it is a morale boosting Let's play a little different every time it's maybe a lot maybe it's available throughout the gentler place nice to all be M.P.'s like Nagasaki just helps keep the spirit was friends especially for the kids agreement alters that show the chair for those of us that we chose been sponsoring face economic forces right field B.S. Throughout the U.K. On the edge of legislation to cause it's like having friends. Saturday folks to follow some racists S.B.'s. I. I mean that has got life cake when Laver as now I can imagine standing in front of them watching them form that in my hands in time or just slightly out of time in a very precious way death of Anna and Cinna taken from this week's of the week his own Forces Radio B F B S The album is called Rachel's it is available to download now and it is really good if you don't pay much about death of an I calm pretend and that much ahead of you what I do know is there a 5 piece from Norfolk this is their 5th studio album and they wrote it and go to out within 6 months I'm loving it I'm truly loving I think from what I've read about the guys their previous stuff has been a lot rockier a lot more hardcore but they've decided to do something that probably is a lot. A bit more commercial and maybe will get them a little better so you can hear the full on the final track from this week's album of the week tomorrow at the same time here on Forces Radio best if you stay now Playing my favorite mistake on Forces radio vs Sapphire the on forces charity has created an animation to promote the benefits of his mentoring service to the veterans and their families and helping them adjust to civilian life which can sometimes be a big adjustment Gary Williams says than many years with the Coldstream Guards He's now the head of SAF is mentoring as service and he spoke to tell students about this new animated video and how it can help and. Who are about to leave or recently left and it's just a pictorial version of the service identifying the main areas of civilian life that could cause you problems as you transition because transition is one next to joining is probably one of the most terrifying things you'll do want went once you've left to the animation is about making sure that that is in pictures showing the issues that you may have when you leave do you think there's an animation was the way to bring that to the fore an easy to digest way yeah I think we have lots of material out there that it doesn't go into the detail it just gives headlines on our posters and our handouts the actual animation brings to life those areas of need and how suffer can help the individual and also which is really important to me is their families as well many service leavers thrive in civilian life so why did you feel the need to make this animation now we are very conscious that the majority of people 90 percent of people 95 percent of people will transition and some into civilian life no problems whatsoever however there is a rise in early service leavers predominantly leave with no. No idea what it is they want to do or where they want to go they may think yes I can do this and yes I can do that but actually reality soon Joe it sinks in where do I go for help I haven't got somewhere to live I'm bunkered I'm a mate so I can just go out and get a council house I might be able to get a job but I need an address my relationship might struggle so it's those things that you don't plan for when you when you leave I've been reading quite a lot about the mentoring service and I know this isn't an easy question to answer sending a bite sized chunk but if you could do the very best what does SAP is mentoring program actually provide so we will provide a mentor and it's a person that is a volunteer that will meet face to face once a week to start with it's her list ik approach many veterans charities provide employment train which is great what we look at is the whole person so it's the whole istic pace them the relationships and their families and it's a sit down chat with somebody that is in civilian life they've been in society a long time 80 percent of our mentors have a connection to the military but they may never have served and we're quite proud of that suffer that we are helping people transition the biggest problem to most transition is not accepting that you are now in civilian society you want to remain in that military environment but you can't you've got to move on and elementals provide that for them not one to one some of that sound board they can sound off their issues put their plans and say well I'm thinking of doing this or how do I get to school or I'm going to wait 2 weeks for doctors why why am I going to wait 2 weeks for doctors and and there's just issues like that that they can just speak to somebody about how can anyone who feels they need to get in touch please watch the video go to our Web site which is stuff dot org dot U.K. Forward slash mentoring and that will give you the details of my team that can follow or they can e-mail me when still kinky one of my very favorite foods has Do. Or do. You. Do it Jazeera and be depressed on Forces Radio A B F B S to me that he 10 I love a bit of Georgia that is it for me 50 day. Full of the rest of you Wednesday have a good one gang same time tomorrow with the final track and I feel a bit move for the bounce hit from this week's wake from death heaven I'll leave you with the Rianna. And the news of course is coming up to this. Play. Satellite T.V. In the U.K. . This. Way. Yes. The commander of U.S. And NATO forces in Afghanistan says there's an unprecedented opportunity for peace despite a recent wife of violence speaking a year after Donald Trump agreed to an open ended military deployment in Afghanistan General John Nicholson said the president's strategy is working he was speaking to reporters in Washington from Kabul despite the tough fight we're seeing the progress towards reconciliation and a peace process that we have never seen before if we get a peace process and there she aided there and I think we are seeing I.

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