Once to the west of the city the United Nations says Islamic state militants in Mosul have killed more than 200 people and abducted tens of thousands of others to use as human shields a former i.r.s. Fighter claims he was given orders to shoot women and children trying to flee Iraqi towns and villages under their control I would ask might is now being held prisoner by Kurdish or thought is that people try to flee because of the conditions inside Mosul to Kurdistan or back that but they'd be blown up by i.e.d. And if they weren't they'd be shot at Hillary Clinton has challenged the f.b.i. To release the latest details of its investigation into her e-mails after officials said new messages linked to the case had been discovered speaking just 10 days before Americans elect a new president the Democratic candidate said voters deserved the full and complete facts her Republican rival Donald Trump called the news bigger than Watergate Steven Erlanger head of the New York Times London bureau says the issue has damaged Mrs Clinton admits in games cricket has a 128 runs behind Bangladesh with a host closing on 152 for 3 at the end of day 2 of the 2nd Test in track all rounder Chris works as they did take a good wicket at the end of that mission actually gained a top order week is always crucial if you're a bit bigger mentum going into tomorrow or one of those things in the try and take on or on a ridiculous not over day and come to value and therefore should 1st see we have a guy that we can call her she won 1st and that's the latest I'm John Adelaide. Cincinnati and. This is b.s. Being yass. Regional forces programs and dealing in conversation with how Stuart's most people with any connection to the armed forces will know his name and his most famous water memoir this book Bravo 200 became a worldwide such as it still is now the biggest selling work of all. We're spending the next hour in the company of Andy McNab one of the most outspoken straight shooting and controversial men to ever come out of the S.A.'s it's all about self-discipline and that sort of being part of a group a tribe and clearly if you don't conform to what they want you know want to be there so go and as well as music from his most significant moments we'll hear horror stories from the battlefield and how and these life didn't quite pan out the way he did this itched bus driver or to driver live on a council estate so hopefully I'll get a council flat and. A set of cracked it abandoned on the steps of a London hospital birth and upbringing marked by several foster homes and petty crime it was all heading in the wrong direction until an opportune moment to join the Royal Green Jackets changed his life forever so who is Andy McNab when he sees somebody just joining army a 6 they come out of the detention Bostock system go into the army as a as a junior leader at source 16 and then served 18 years in the army I mean they need to train the green jackets and 10 of them in a squadron the Special Air Service and then after 18 years I was getting out to join a private military company and it was his offer to write a book about my experiences during the 1st Gulf War because by then I was a sergeant in Special Air Service got involved in a an operation just before the start of the actual air war and the ground war that went wrong and myself and 3 other Special Air Service soldiers were captured a mistake to Baghdad and interrogate and spent time in Abu Ghraib prison which is well known now because of the American abuse of Iraqi prisoners once Baghdad was taken instead of going to work for a private military company the book Bravo to 0 became a worldwide success it still is now the biggest selling war book of all time around the world and then from that then star can work in films and t.v. And still write books and write Young Adult books and I write for newspapers or actual stuff so bizarre. Really from this sort of opportunity to write one book a whole new sort of lifestyle that's what I mean that we may actually fail most I mean brother to 0 was made into a movie here was you know you're showing brain surgery I'm wrong there because we can't talk about your face but you look nothing like no no no no but we are filming this your face is to remain hidden there will be those listening not familiar with the reason your face has to be hidden you can share that if you want and tell me in 2016 is it actually still necessary no problem yeah a lot of death it was October before last it was purely to do with the war that was going on we call it the troubles you know anybody experience there is actually quite a grimy war under the infantry chores over there but then spent a lot of time in Northern Ireland both with a Special Air Service an organization called for an intelligence group which is an undercover information gathering group and spent 2 years in living in Derry clearly now you know that the people that we operate in Against know that I was you know as part of the stuff that went on during that time so basically those 2 things are under immediate threat purely because I was part of that those organizations that were responsible for a lot of the casualties of people like the provisional Ira our National Liberation Army and secondly it's just the great sort of success it's because you know that the whole aim of these sort of attacks is all about public Chris Ryan like you use a pseudonym he was your power fellow British special forces operative and Soldier Yeah he released a book after Bravo 20 he does normal t.v. Interviews his face is seen so I know you've mentioned you know if you really Northern Ireland were the reasons for that why is it so different for you when you Well it's interesting that you know not you know 9.99 recurring to people coming out u.k. Safe you know don't expose themselves in that way because there is the potential for reprisal cause you're a great target certainly what Chris was involved in each time in in one hour and you know the song never went and never got involved in that war so therefore he's made a decision. To actually get out there and do his own thing and that's fine you know and I was he now there's a there's another generation of those guys whereas you know some of the guys have come out and they're from in up to do their own thing but the vast majority of people you have you just want to keep a low profile and just get on with we've got you here to talk about yourself as we've been doing but we're also going to play some music that means something say you the 1st track the you've chosen is from plan Bay was a sort of rapper turned singer she stayed too long is a great choice but before we play it tell us why this track particularly means something to you my wife gave me she said that you. Listen every time I come in to write how she went. And ever since I was a kid he says a voice like too long said is always lines out in a drama it's. Basically a song says everything just a to know I'm nobody. Plan b. State sued along the 1st offering and of course Andy has offered to wrap before we get to the next trial because he will we'll have more music chosen by Andy McNab who was speaking to here on Forces Radio b f b s week to talk about your upbringing I've read about this not the easiest left on the steps of a London hospital raised by foster parents and then ovarian age leaving home to join the army as you've mentioned at the start with the green jackets What are your thoughts when you think back to your early days there you got it all wrong it's not unique story and certainly if you look at a lot of young infantry soldiers now coming from inner cities even now it's a central thing a living on as in the States I went to 9 primary schools you know just moving around all that sort of stuff didn't really care about school and even now 8 you know going to schools to do some new scene literacy things about the value of education and even if it's a brand new school when my head expels of I would throw polish and light pole cabbage. So I thought well I need an education because you have no rise and you know it's like I want a market once apart from there I've never been really never been a selfish man and never had a station and so you didn't even know what was out there oh get a job probably on a transport bus driver or to drive and seeing the good jobs you know the docks jobs were now in decline there was a joke that all kids fall for some reason everybody and lots of money being a penalty but nobody knew where was I drive a bus will be a panel where you live on a council estate so hopefully I'll get a council flat and not to call trainer and out of practice you know as you get older the fact is you want all the good stuff you know you are and what I didn't realize that you had to. You're to go by so basically then landed up you know going in and stealing it so you know what I got to where it stealing from houses of shops and stealing from people that when they dig get caught and then go for the sort of the criminal justice system and at that time we were known as juvenile delinquents and the government were going to stop all this drama that's going on within the bosal system they introduced thing called the short sharp shock and it was all about getting 678 why anybody up to and nearly 19 get them into the east. And just based in them for anything up to sort of 6 months I think the longest sentence and the idea was supposed to be so scared about being incarcerated they won't do it again but there's no sort rehabilitation no education and it was all about the short sharp shock which when working that's when the opportunity came about joining the Army this thing called going Jack I sat for as long as long as I don't have to go so you were very young 6 think so I joined what was then called a nifty junior leaders for talent down in Sean cliff and the idea of I job was to obviously train you to be an interest or you know just to you know wait for training but instead of your 28 weeks in tree trunk you've done a year and the idea at the same time what they're going to do is trying to be the future junior and shows just know it's kind of like going jackets and you do an army thing you know so you want to go down the 1st 3 months that you know they're all that bad in a world of normal stuff that goes on and then we got marched off to the army education center and up until that I didn't even know the army I'd teach you know what I said you know off we go Gian the education center not just me but the everybody there really really changed their lives because the educator came in was a question of a n.l.e. You know guys that is 22 years infantry It was a war of certainly got his commission into the what was then your army Education Corps he said look everybody had their the other side of the the other side of the fence still think you think it's a bit more Florida you know it's I said you know thick you just an educated so you know today that will change and it was only then can. He told us that everybody there didn't you see literally of an 11 year old or below and that's where we are you know where any of the Travolta flying helicopters like the you know the recruiting film and for me that's where my education started 1st book but they gave us with these books that were written for primary school kids called Janet John there was a series and I remember telling John and John book 10 you know they're climbing trees they'll go wherever they're doing very much the Pat rather than the book and it was the 1st book ever read and it was a little vocab back you have to read so we all individually at it go up and read this to educate and read the book and then read the vocab reading the back spell what the word is and explain the words Iraq close the book which of us are many army said remember the feeling you're going to get tonight you just read a book and it's all right as in killed one yeah yes a thing it was not really Boxer just wanted to get out you know at the classroom but he said also you can remember every time you read some think where you get a bit of knowledge doesn't matter what it is Magazine post or whatever it doesn't matter if you get knowledge every time you get knowledge you get power to do the things that you want to do as opposed to someone more power telling you what to do you get there and I like Yes I didn't you know I just wanted to get out there was absolutely right and then obviously I learned the reason why I go educates in the military is that you know be the best soldier on the planet about certain academic qualifications you know with regards isn't this now about you know going to get promoted. And then all of a sudden it was this value of education Oh it was I'm so numb once you got school to the 17th because then I understand are important so I just have fun until he 17 and then I start school you're a long time another. Kid for as long as I can and I mean actually as a teenager you would then had your 1st saw of northern are yeah 18th birthday yeah amazing what happened there a lot of people read the story you shot someone yet for the 1st time and saw one of your friends young a r yes yes or a teenager this is before anyone this is very a stuff well how did you deal with that well I did up until the end it was very exciting because like you know young man you know you're up to you know being careful or know you know all that sort of stuff. In and around you know Plus you've got well there's 50 peer down softball a paper. That shiny so well you know for scrape you save up maybe about a grand get ripped off and I bought a car when you got back up Ok it's going to do another tour of the next year anyway so you know it's all good stuff you know it's all been a soldier or a weave in the weave you know the rifle the 1st casualty which is maybe about halfway through the tour you know that they were not you know that typical story are you they went off you know everybody's going covered with your mate you think why he's quite serious you know it's not fun at all the seriousness came down because of the state and it took about 2000 funny for not for the fact we got fun foot but wanted it for his mom and dad because he's thinking what you know what you know what's left of him at least get me in a coffin and so that's what changed there and then I got involved in 1st Contact with the there was an ambush being set up on a provisional Ira and I was just in one of these 4 men trying to break and got involved in a contract come around the corner of the ambush was just trying to get set up just basically a cabbie everyone foreign So you get all the you know your training and you do all that sort of stuff but actually when you got you know you got like about sort of you know 6 or 7 meters away during the same thing you just get the rounds down killed one and wounded 2 guys that was the 1st kill of the tour and at that time it was an incentive to get and I want to rush out one of the top 20 terrorists and we were at those pictures you know top 20 sort of criminals or whatever is going I want to I saw you got killed you got 2 weeks' leave at the end of the torso what you didn't do the the rip you know replacement in place which is always a nightmare isn't it where you're trying to do those changeovers by see what you've done you left on that day and you know 2 weeks later and then you join to tell him when I got back at it with which is fantastic has a credibility 1st kill it or the. Great contact ended all that sort of stuff went on and then it was on the 10 o'clock news and you know having Martha phones ring it was nobody there were sort of stuff you know it with the locals and I looked and I thought because every want to know what went on It was a success so I landed up to tell and was are up in. I tell him what I want to do it and offering Arthur one of the. I think you know it's a bit too close you know so it throw everything down really to reality and. You know just soldiers because of you know the to post 911 was for the ministry friends have been doing the trips to and from doing different advisories just with intrigue turns and certainly young like to go in every kind of every everybody scared them or about it quite a good normal reaction is if you're not scared where you should be doing the job in the 1st place but being scared facing what you have to face or running away something you never date and naturally you've picked a song called Runaways is rather appropriate now by Devlin or talks through this choice play or was it just reminds me of always even 5 or 6 year old all I wanted to do was get away not that become an actor in dreams and Hollywood where none of that sort stuff we're going to say well I haven't seen any think but it's got me out there being a kid it felt restrictive because you couldn't get any think because the law would let you because it was no doctor it was adopted when I was 5 shown in homes as quite a bit of freedom in that and then all of a sudden me in a house and I think right well it's like a waiting room you know I want to get well. Run away by Devlin that the 2nd choice for my special guest today Andy McNab this is Forces Radio b f b s if you've just changed in so far and he has spoken about his difficult childhood from being left on the steps of a London hospital raised by foster parents to getting in trouble as a teenage boy and being left with just 2 options time locked up or time spent serving his country in the Army and he chose wisely now and 8 before we get from the army to the next chapter in your life the S.A.'s had you taken a lot out of your time in the army yet by then I really got into the been a soldier and decided this is what I wanted to do is a career but it was a sergeant and some salad greens I guess it's got be more now there's got to be more been soldiers is just as valid profession as any think out in the real world if we want to carry on well clearly you always want to go the next step whatever profession and so it seemed a natural progression to try and get into the regiment I wonder was it a difficult experience to get seen bits I mean you get 2 opportunities to make the S.A.'s you very nearly didn't get through us right at the 1st time cost of a thing what would you have done if you and I would go out now that it self the 1st election because you know you're there in the camp it's almost like a university campus rather than a military camp you know to the disciplines a totally different sort of way of working. It's all about self-discipline and you know sort of being part of a group or tribe and clearly if you don't conform to what they want you don't want to be there so go there for her life yes just come back the next election which you know jumped at the chance and I thought well if I don't go there I'm just going to just get out and I'll do you know work for a private military company or whatever but I clearly you did get it or who would have the story we do or the book Bravo $20.00 recounts the $9091.00 story as you've already alluded sort of an essay as patrol behind enemy lines in Iraq this was received differently it's fair to say in a number of circles did you have to build bridges with friends and colleagues following its release no no it is quite interesting all the books in fact I've written some books you know since then for the ministry defense been in the visor for over 10 years when I left I was going out to go and work for a private military company part of the stuff that got involved with was with the drug war in Colombia which of the U.K.'s f.b.i. King Special Forces would get involved with and then the Americans were privatized and it was going to call Plan Colombia so a lot of American companies and great companies had to contract to Superman that conflict so a lot of people have been down it on the tours down there would be getting approach to go and work for companies so 18 years of all right that's one of the got 4 years left to. Go down as it was a few of us that were there were going down approached by a senior military guy a general said by an invitation to go to his house for dinner which way you will be there like on Tuesday night of 7 so I went there and there's a basically a proposal to do a joint book about what was going on what was going on in Riyadh at the time you know about this brother to 0 thing because there was always so many rumors even yemo day about it and then I'll say what was going on in Baghdad and I thought went on to other myself when for the process with the ministry defense not a problem everybody is aware that the book was coming out and what it was was the instant expert said armchair experts didn't have a clue what was going on oh it's an outrage so I was actually given a Christmas lecture at Sandhurst that year the book came out and. And ammo do you build it in a little stuff car not China voxel Vic's or wherever else all the newspapers are there some read in the papers on the way in your salad telegraphy or some of general go now it's an outrage in order but some were really complex some just about because the Christmas electorate send people to really understand what was going on but you genuinely saying to me that you were surprised at the reaction Yes Very much so really because you're saying you were just telling the story a very much so basically what it was it was going well people know what was going on but what I now learn what I know now if I say it's a business it's the business of the conflicts because then you can continue the story and quite frankly like at and on every book. It was quite frustrate about it I mean people did question your accounts of what really went on in Bravo 20 Chris Ryan story in some respects is different mean was there ever a point following the traumatic experiences that followed when you questioned what you'd remembered know the base there were going to 3 years after the the war and join us for years there was doing continuous presentations whether it's 2 you have sort of our military command courses or whatever is you know to Americans to Germans to you know all of us there and also at the same time add all the collation of information was coming from the prince and you know the CIA for we were Israelis because they heard about this attack. And attack we're trying to go over the border but as far as they were concerned it was that we were Israelis which makes sense because some of the stuff we had way they were dressed so they got this sort of more of the coloration from different agencies what was going on which went into these these presentations in these sort of workshops so it was it was very clear what you know the lineage is sort of line after this rather appropriate next song choice nothing else matters here Metallica talks through this one yet this is just talked about before during the the post 911 was pushed by the minister of defense to do a number of things from during that time one of the the things he was doing on the visor capacity was going into Iraq. Can you know eventually. To be reading tributes how intent is to do with every quantum media requirements so there's that sort of stuff and then of a sort of political stuff on the political side it was going on one of those trips in Kabul in the Brit set to doing some stuff and I got to bag. American bikes and at a vigil it was a Marine a us Marine they played the song and the gunnery sergeant was sort of between staff sergeant and one officer for us a 6 foot 6 will do all that sort of stuff this was at the vigil as the coffins got on board the aircraft and the guy just broke down and fell down on there's no he's just an amazing song so when I think of what I think about is those tools and what's in the gunnery sergeant like just collect it literally just for trees nice and stocks. In your body end of it like you had a sort of expeditionary force that were out there like a sub in a way she said the really got a huge emotional thing you've painted quite a picture there Metallica nothing else matters Forces Radio f.b.s. Talking with Andy McNab we've covered a great deal but there's more to do you've lived over 20 years now under cover I think is the right way to put it almost half your life living in the shadows How do you do that how do you get that right I mean your centrally an anonymous personality yes fantastic it's great get the best of both or to just be sensible with it you know it is quite solitary but certainly this stuff in the states where it's t.v. Shows or films or that that's quite over but actually what works for me is all the stuff behind a camera number want to earn more money Number 2 it's more interesting question if you've already in the order the boring stuff or production in pre-production and watch your stuff it's a lot easier and it's just sort of blended in because it never was a pleasure going to be one book but the books such as not one and the money I'd like for more contracts with publishers maybe $6.00 or 7 Use always going to want to know one you don't you know or one of those. Contracts we got to do just sort of you know probably never really thought about it as you know she's sneaking around on the covers or but it must have taken a toll I mean what impact has the. This entire life that you've lived as much as just the in the shadows and indeed the military life in general has on relationships only you know so not me I think it's the same whole thing of surely intimate I'll be married 5 times for them when I was in the military and once since I got out just being selfish want a best of both worlds I want to be a house soldier and the war axe or starve go on trips or actually still want to get a house in the drive in a car and a wife who clearly didn't work because of the you know like many I was just too selfish because one best of both so it was only when I start to get older and understand that actually it you know it's all about sort of. The l. And just sort of moderation in everything I was so to my wife a relationship is about give and take I give an. Example there is less of that I don't know if this is appropriate now but you have chosen cheap thrills Yeah. Why it's all about moderation again it's all about sort of you know relationships friendships got these 2 kids born a girl a boy actually is just turned on to go 7 I was just amazing because they the video on this they can do the whole dance horribly and thing these days to kids is amazing actually so when I think about it it really does get back to that moderation is just great I mean like great family great nights you know actually make fun of his kids it's great. To. Be Cheap thrills from Sierra House to a tear in conversation with my guest today Andy McNab the bestselling novelist and former Special Air Service sergeant we play music with a special meaning and memories for Randy they'll be more of that those just joining us and he has so far covered a wide range of topics and charted his life's journey through a difficult upbringing to his S.A.'s days which led to the book Bravo 20 and that's all in the past so what are you up to now the most the times is in the States when I would have got again on the production side and the writing side got to t.v. Shows that are what's called pre-production or the script writing or the ones in development and working on a film they're based on books and different franchises that I've done next quite busy when you get on with that but also June June it's time to do a lot in which you mentioned before going in in prisons and start to get involved in gang culture in Insaf a salmon purely because again it's that you know they really like life out there you know and it's really good actually because they watch talent just running around and they're wasting it by so I guess you're thinking the respect your coming from because you've been there and you had some pretty traumatic experiences as a child so you can say look there's so much more and so much. You know you talk to such somebody guys and really they've never ever ever been a selfish and have Yeah Ok but there's so much out there and the route is education and exactly guys are incredibly smart and they see their route through sports or predominately action music and acting so you are willing go be an actor you're going to be an actor got to actually you know compete and get on with it and I get that when you say there's so much more out there do you say there's there's Margate . Actually. 2 days ago I was doing this he's discovered Southend new guy my crew I never saw him as an airport right next line to Southend so fly because of other airlines are also available I mean theaters of war technology has changed as you mention you're writing books now aimed at teenagers so people might be thinking Ok I understand what Andy's got to offer from back in his day but youngsters nowadays very different technology always you know there's constant change in technology constant change in terminology and all that sort of stuff ultimately everybody still got the human attributes that never ever change if you read Charles Dickens you take out the fireplaces point take your car because they're exactly the same faults exactly the same reactions emotions ideas concepts will come out of that's what that's why everybody still reading it because it's exactly the same because it's about human beings in a context so you could write something science fiction doesn't matter it's about what the human beings are doing that is the beauty of it and when people understand that that's when they get successful in whatever medium is where it's films t.v. Or book you're offering advice to young people you've sort of implied that these are sort of vulnerable young people that don't realize how many choices they have do you ever offer advice in life skills to those maybe higher up we're talking about maybe leave people who've left the army not quite sure what the next staging area do you offer them here just. One of the directors of a company that does a commercial come to call for selective in the u.k. I mean other guys are. We started about 5 years ago and basics through looking at what was going on particular service leaders what was going on and quite frankly weren't a lot we don't like what you don't understand is not only are you a good sort of asset for the country they're trying to be a good soldier sailor airman but actually what I've done is trying to be a good citizen which about getting that out is again yeah get out so now tributes that they've got and they don't realize you're going through this so much out there and you've got what people want so and we go to play you know the big companies like you know the construction companies and you know the brand gets you in any way so you you know just like anyone else we got can pay to get those contracts and we said we can supply these sort of people and I love it. You know I've been very supportive in there as well we've bought over American C.E.O.'s that have their sort of you know have their companies here based in the u.k. The military down a woman serving showing what asset they've got from a young rifle or the outbreak there what they know what they can do and soon as employees get they know it said just a great great asset you chose another song we're out of the 5th selection from Andy McNab and this one from 21 pilots he the Havens Your Lover lover in particular the film of the way to see the film for. Gold confirms to towards the end but what I discovered about 5 years ago Frew Oxford University and later on in Harvard in United States and what's called a function in psychopath so I register very high on the scale and so every every thinks you know sort of running around like that stone or it sort of but actually if you look in different professions where they are the legal profession medical profession you know clearly in some of the military politics those areas and so there's a lot of work that's been going on bizarrely I've named Garcia c. Or d c I say but bizarrely I'm just about to become a supervisor for ph d. Students doing psychology Oxford University scribes that is the world's gone wrong . But actually I just loved. Good enough reason for me yeah let's play it I'm friends with. Kids you know you. Made fun of and soon ask you. Please don't get news. Soon you. Can see the people who abuse of people that. Just because we took the guns at the dog doesn't mean no grains of chippings from Andrew needs. To stop the. Sitting next to. The next after. The Storm. We deal with outsiders. And news comes out of his mouth yeah just issues not to 21 Pilots with a track heathen's Forces Radio b f b s. Been chatting over the past few with Andy McNab and so far been an absolute pleasure very much so I was wondering you say that the McNabb name gets through the door to people saying well I don't know what you look like and it's not even a real name so how do. You know we're going to come in. Yeah. That's the best thing about me is that we're about the same height. So you want to stop the cycle of young getting into trouble is that actually a problem are they getting into more trouble than regular civilians their own. One of the things going into prisons a large. Group. In the criminal justice system are the military and initially it was for p.t.s.d. And now it's not you know it's lots of work on it the Howard League done a lot work for government when it is short service leavers not getting the social mobility opportunities because I haven't been in the military long enough or haven't taken the stuff that's there available for I go back into into the environment particularly you know in a city is got you all that sort of stuff and it's drink and violence I saw it is I saw it as young lads get drunk in a fight and so while i can we break that cycle because you know within the military and it's the fact that you know alcohol is a bigger problem than p.t.s.d. And drugs because of the culture so therefore how can we get young service leave us out and go well actually number one you're valid as as a citizen and actually are a better citizen and vast majority citizens out there we can show you the assets that you've got because you don't know that because you've been you know in a tribal system where you just do it well out here that's just so how we can get you out of there and use what you've got and actually then inhance we've you know this sort of learning credits or that money employees can get money from these people to to retrain them you say actually takes free money use it abuse it get the job and Dimmick knob in conversation with how Stuart. Do you ever think about and share with these young people what would become of you if you haven't joined the Army yeah it's yeah it's trying not to do it in a pretty way but if it comes up as a question and there are and certainly you know you go into prisons what will be reviewed my career because there is a there is a cycle victims and all the sort things these words go unfortunately it's a cycle talk to the prison in London's Big remand prison where you talk to the staff and the governor there they're really really pro rehabilitation he says some of these lads I'll see him on a on a 4 year cycle because there's nothing for him out there because they'll go out and you know they're not going to get shot they're not you know so they're back in again we've got to summit to stop that. Solution I can get a job paying tax looking after myself so we don't have to look after it makes perfect sense in your final choice is one of my personal favorites I'm very pleased that you have chosen it or from Seattle it's called downtown yeah. But most that mostly museum get out of the North Atlantic 10 times to get on the screen and you know you're going to be surprised yeah you're choosing cold modern music yeah I see nothing from your young ear and I took some just fickle do they sing too much I may have been telling a different set of videos in or out and it's really. Just a happy song you know and just a great video and certainly bizarrely Rolfing America has this you know cars and all that but actually my page really do ever have a big deal with my agency isn't in so in states like North Carolina if you get down drink driving you get a ban they're not really considered a motor vehicle so you have all these guys driving around on the other they can even if they've been done for drink driving because they are. Several of these like big freeways me down you know if it's gray it's a lovely song to close on no he had some more to look out for from and even now he's filming some life back videos with us they'll be an opportunity for questions and and he will focus a lot of his attention and forces knowledge on shaping and guiding cadets keen on the future in the military will say good bye after this. I went to the market store. Sales Manager like what's your budget and I'm like honestly. I got one for you follow me. To Rio. And then it's going to be on $300.00 gas. Industry. But. I don't. That. Respect. Killing the game. It's got. Everybody got to. Head into the. Second. Or bottom line is plenty of girls. Get a bus back. There with the with the And I just I mean. I do when. I got to see a big girl big I like a girl. Going down a street. To slow down going to be a. Wonderful view. There's. A. Wonderful choice to close with the name and now here in force is radio b f b s Macklemore and downtown and the from all of us it's been an absolute pleasure and I will hear more from you hopefully you've enjoyed today very much so now thanks for having us speak right give a message for your. Armed Forces listeners currently serving in those out. In the book. I need to write a book just so I can say that thank you very much. Thanks very much thank you. For. Digital. T.v. And. Radio.

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