1000 jobs in Belfast depend upon the success of the passenger jets which is manufactured by the Canadian company bombard its American rival Boeing had can't call for bomb body aid to be penalized for getting unfair financial support from the Canadian government from Belfast Dannie some major Poles 4000 people work at bombard in Belfast a quarter of the make wings for the c. Series passenger jet they were deeply worried that an order for 75 planes from the American Airlines Delta would be lost if a huge us import tariff was imposed against all expectations of the International Trade Commission in Washington voted unanimously not to introduce the tariff that news was greeted with the lights in Belfast Boeing may appear against the decision but that could take years the Director of Public Prosecutions Allison Saunders has announced an urgent for a few of all rape and serious sexual assault cases in England and Wales which he gets to go to trial the move follows the collapse of several recent trials because evidence who's not disclosed to the defense for trials have collapsed in the past 2 months the former Chief Crown Prosecutor for an oath west England snazzier Afzal has some reservations my concern is not so much that it has to be done because I think it has to be done it's the resources of require as we know the police and prosecutors already struggling with it was sources there and also then what we have to ask our questions what about those cases that we're just talking of the live cases the cases that we're dealing with now what about those cases have already finished those are being prosecuted people in prison the Us Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has stressed diplomacy over military action in dealing with what he describes as North Korea's reckless provocations but he said that diplomacy should be backed up by military options so diplomats could speak from a position of strength. A collection of previously unseen photos of out of Hitler's deputy a gang up for auction today will share the images of Rudolf Hess was taken during his years in a bubble in prison by British army officer who became one of his guards Duncan Kennedy reports originally a store July of Hitler from their earliest days in Munich in 1941 group off has defied Hitler and flew to Scotland to try to talk peace with the British in 1970 he was jailed for life and sent to Berlin's found out prison. The new photos come from a British army officer who became one of his his guards there William all wind took the pictures in the early 1980 s. And they show Hess looking frail with white hair and a walking stick on Riverside homes and businesses in Paris are on high alert as the river ascend threatens to best its banks some basements in the city have already sprung leaks off to the river following heavy rainfall the latest. forces Wells messages from loved ones to other loved ones and lots and lots and a strange day weekends in all this and says couple of people listening today how let's you Brant and I may thank you very much for your message chunk of the enjoying the weekend and also my brother Travis he's listening today to having a swim in the poll that sounds good doesn't it thank you very much to Mr snappy he's been in touch today he said any cool a little bit the show yesterday but the ice is straight a Wishes from the snow legs House thank you very much I appreciate that I'll tell you what you missed I think I think you did an alright job in providing some of the isms for the people you know so we looked at how we shorten everything it's a real anything just to show an absolutely everything like you biscuit becomes a biggie or chocolate becomes a chalky So then you. And this applies to Korea as well if you're postman your post if you're garbageman are dustman your go. Now this is something that James and how stupid can get their head around I mean they're Ok with like a brick layer Bricky a firefight I tell them we call them fire Ace He was an avid on the know how it was an avid none of it as it was a firey and a paramedic formely referred to in Australia is an am bar so the ego are. Striking a day isms for you today. And if you don't see serving in the forces I mean maybe an exchange you had agree. A stray 'd pain of Forces Radio b f b s racket a classic The Dexys Midnight Run is on the way for you and some run d.m.c. As well if you're listening on the Rock of Gibraltar you know exactly what I'm talking about Wes Hill coup about the rings we are finding out more today from the tenant Thomas Lindsay next forces the Supreme. You tough enough to hold your own on the circuit in a dramatic in Jordan's race that will test your driving skills to the limit then sign up now for the scrum for a. Strong team will compete him in my own style race at Teesside also done featuring some tough straights technical bands like hippie but our lives and the money raised goes the idea of the song just changing. His role of another's tends to driving him fund raising skills on something like the 7th of I going down about entry fees and something else about some too. A b.f. Any on Facebook E.S.P.'s original forces programs for veterans connected by their struggle a medic and a warning betray my life and there was a sweet they don't know how this worked out a couple of things over there were money involved in their own woods for Invictus Games athletes share that intimate stories and suppose so who's looking for years to phone Cooper who. Didn't need some gals with her for a unique insight into some of the struggles veterans face they think this is about the dedication of the men who are with the 1st the country's confronted Hall Show and refused to be defined by their injuries. Saturday February 11th from 1 30 pm u.k. Time and some day January the 12th from 7 pm u.k. Time original forces programs on the b.s. They say says right this is b.s. Ts. The speeches come out of sight I think it's very fight back that's right click click. Click. Click. Click. Click click. The tick tick. Run d.m.c. Jackknife Czechia Forces Radio b f b asks if. There is again the force is nice seen standing by for you in the next couple of minutes an absolute Bell Suffa Dexys Midnight Run is on your radio next festival though if you are listening on the Rock of Gibraltar Good morning to you I think it's could be quite a nice day today in Gibraltar so what you looking at yes sunny and 15 degrees the tops now if I mentioned to rings Troy say you know what I'm talking about the Royal Navy Squadron have been awarded the 2017 ensure patrol vessel effectiveness Charlie face now Al highly Hammond spoke with left tenant Thomas Lindsay He's the commanding officer of h.m.s. Saber to find out more this is part of a band of trophies which are given by most of the ship's who's in charge of full service for the sort of the Navy there are different categories full frigates destroyers going to rate that the submarine warfare and show off shore patrol vessels and scenario accidents all sorts with this year's fall into proposals that must feel pretty good yes. Really pleased it's nice reflects the efforts of the whole team runs from the end of November until the start of the some of the following year so encapsulates 12 months of operations for us to live because it and how do you want it before discussions when it previously in 2014 was the last time they want to we've done as of last year came a close 2nd and we wanted to see potentially going for the double then if you can get it again next year is that possible I'm not sure if that's possible to be great and again I just reflect you know what we can pack into a year here and then what we can right into the headquarters and say this is what we've achieved and kind of sell ourselves but great Is there a special way that you can to celebrate this award the award itself the trophy that's a big kind of elaborate Chafey with Rahm's Holmes on it is going to come out such a process and hopefully we'll have it presented by the I think you could take until around Gibraltar that would be lovely Yeah I think it's quite a precious item I think lost on how to get home as packed and I don't know how much star from above are up so I will make sure that after the Forces Radio be f.b.s. And your proto on Haiti Hammond thank you very much Levy Haley now you'll be back on your radio listening and Djibril Cisse and news on the amazing Tracy it's going to be presented to the guys a little bit later on this year so left 10 Thomas Lindsay commanding officer of h.m.s. Eva congratulations to you and all involved with the 2017 inch patrol vessel effectiveness trophy biggest selves up take a bow Oh now. As a thing just to give a massive shout out to everyone in the Air Force he attended the annual Ford plug which happened a little bit earlier this week great turnout Apparently this is good stuff at b f b s Gibraltar you can jump on line and have a little look at what's been going on on the rock we need to bring back our game Germany game for the flood plot and what the followed the strangest things that turn up in and around the field yeah I'm going to sing call and I think we need to bring that back thank you to everyone that participated in that and loved all the pix is hopeful Tim how many absolute ledge right to see this. And as the bells are taken to say the News this is the Forces Radio the ox. Would. To. yes. Says relief for thousands of workers in Belfast soft body a won its case against plans for huge imports tariffs on planes partly made in Northern Ireland in a surprise decision the u.s. International Trade Commission ruled in favor of the aircraft manufacturer and Director of Public Prosecutions Alison so into says all rape and sexual assault cases yet succumb to trial in England and Wales to be refute it follows the collapse of several recent struggles because evidence was not disclosed to the defense the Us Defense Secretary Jim. This is stress to play the military action in dealing with what he describes as North Korea's reckless provocations but he said that diplomacy should be backed up by military options so diplomats could speak from a position of strength and support he I feel ball star in way says it was special to get a little time with the Manchester United manager same Renia at the end of last night's f.a. Cup tie the League 2 side at last the 4th round match for nail White says Maurine I made an effort to speak to him off the game it's not for me to speak to a manager. I mean even in your. Class very very humble towards me. Me It wouldn't surprise me if you knew my children's names Els Westerfield Wednesday beats reading 31 at Hill's brother or 12 more times today among them Tottenham is 4th to new polls and Swanzy also head to League 2 opponents to face Notts County Celtic game to build on their 11 point lead at the top of the Scottish Premiership softening the champions host a 4th place about an aeon Aberdeen would retake 2nd if they have oid defeat against Kilmarnock they'll be a new grand slam tennis champion the small number one Simona Halep takes on 2nd seat Caroline Wozniacki in the women's final of the Australian Open 5 time champion Roger Federer faces in Chile into Mari's men's final and Tiger Woods has made the cost of the p.g.a. Tour event in San Diego after a 2nd round score of $71.00 That's the latest on there. Seems way. Skank. And. That's going. To pressure. Up a patch in the coming year Rice and read out to have a still to come placebo is going to sound absolutely epic and some guns n roses on your radio in the next 20 minutes. Yes The gun is exactly what we neva Saturday the 27th of January I can have a full says radio b s b s all next week we're going to be shining a light with an incredible new initiative called Veterans gateway are now the idea of veterans gateways to put veterans and their families in touch with organizations that a best place to help them but to do it quickly said I'm all scrambling to find you know different websites different interviews different pieces of paper let is all that sort of stuff it is old in one place now there are 5 or a federal partners working with this initiative including the role British Legion Safa combat stress connect assist and it's been funded by the armed forces covenant . It's a brilliant brilliant set up so going to introduce each one of the referral partners in around 15 minutes time and if you've ever heard of mission most a sport you know what an amazing job that they do we have a little sneak peek is what's coming he had to force his radio be f.b.s. Next week as we look at veterans gateway and how it can help you and yours are this is just the way now you that's b.s. B.s. . Can. Tell you. Told. Me b ass rag got the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Plessy by next he States forces breakfast found out that. The question stale. Move soft. Go to school as a job get married to hire a mortgage would be kids. We missed a step before the kids may be generic you forgot to write a will have you not today Bill is the only way you can be sure your money and possessions go to those you care. Row Navy and the one Marines charity are running on another make a willful night from February 12th to the 25th solicitors around Plymouth and Portsmouth alternating the time to run basic single enemy road Williams in return for their nation to the charity last year they raced 6. So you signed out. Our mc don't you k. Slash make a willful. Fierce and valuable your opinion is to be as free as your opinion could make a difference to what we do or do you could win Such a bell south of us a very pure mourning place as Forces Radio b.s. B.s. . All right 0 next week Air Forces Radio b f yes we are going to be working with a new initiative called Veterans gateway Now this has been set up with several forces charities and organizations as the 1st point of call for veterans and their families now as January or employment month winds down we're going to be having a look at recess women some of the steps that you can take via veterans gateway to ensure support and success on city streets and I want to give you a little sneak peek of what's to come so I caught up with the team from Mission motor sport head advocation and trading Adam Marchant when cost much of my school was founded in 2012 by a form attachments obstacle James Cameron has returned from Afghanistan and wanted to help his guys unsparing a petrolhead he was Sorcha's unity in the Mosul world and started taking some of these guys to do most wanted to oversee Since then the organizations have been in existence for 6 years and we operate under the mantra race retrain and recover and that manifests itself in $33.00 activities most of support and then we use the most of support a judgment tool to to retraining and vocational activity going to tell you I love the sound of this because it's like you say I think I'll service family and and solace calls and sports and most useful it certainly goes hand in hand so tell me a little bit about your relationship with better and Gateway we pioneered a collaborative model of working with all of the service terraces. So we really came to be part of the visions gateway and we're now a formal referral part for the veterans Gateway we are a referral partner because of the employment. Opportunities that we offer mission motor sport and well I mean the stats are amazing 700 service personnel being recruited into the organization and 28 of those had been medically discharged so working method what you've got going on $750.00 have been employed by one organization which is Django Landrover and we've in the last 4 years we've developed a relationship with them and we helped them put together their own forces engagement program and the program manager of that organization Landrover is x.r.e.f. Next hour is medical dental Morton and that has been an incredibly successful program which we're really proud of what we're doing now is taking that model and applying it to other companies large automotive industry but not exclusively Ok so if someone listening to this today they're looking to retrain What can you offer them as part of mission most a spa or we're very happy for all that to get in touch with those we can offer some initial career advice we'll have a telephone call with them we run open days about once a month headquarter workshop in Wanted. And we also run a veterans outreach program based a heritage which is. Veterans of also generations of very welcome to turn up and talk to us and what we do is just the needs of where people are at in their lives and their recovery or just in general and see how we can help as I say we've been doing this for 6 years now so we're pretty good at it how we can help people it's really so I think it's not just moving in like in the motor industry is it moving in other directions as well yeah absolutely it sounds cool but I frankly I don't care where people end up plumbers are really happy and it's got some purpose and meaning in their lives and through their careers service although we specialize and are very focused on the automotive industry where we don't have organizations that are to have. Somebody terrorists or somebody who's recently 6 perhaps are in the northwest of England or somewhere where we may not have a contact we will know people but another service charges that we can help people by research in order to look at their industries little say before I let you go what is the strongest message that you would like Al serving personnel to know about veterans why are things the most important thing is to just ask the question come with very happy to take calls from anybody that this will be about what they're going to pay off service terms of the longer term employment opportunities or if you're a veteran you know just come and ask a question and see how you can help to go just one wanting to go in to be a paramedic the other woman starts natural health where able to contribute suppose churn is in pretty useful ways so just ask the question and we're here to help but it's an amazing story and talk about generating forces engaged months with different programs throughout not just also mostly the manufacturing but logistics hospitality leisure emergency services and construction What a pleasure to talk to you Adam much and when caught Have yourself a great day today and thank you so much for joining us the Forces Radio b f b s courage still to thank you having destroyed. Listening. Politicians and union leaders have welcomed the decision by u.s. Officials not to go ahead with imports tariffs of almost 300 percent on planes partly made in Northern Ireland the u.s. International trade commission rejected a complaints by Boeing that the Canadian company was receiving unfair financial support from the Canadian and British governments well than a 1000 jobs in Belfast depend upon the success of bone body c. Series planes the day you pm pay for Belfast a scout and Robinson says. The decision was a great boost for the city the fundamentals of the c. Series and the fundamental arguments upon Bardi have made 3 like this have been vindicated and fell apart to them I'm delighted with the news this evening and I wish them every success and selling what is a magical aircraft 3 teenage boys have died after being hit by a car as they stood near a bus stop in West London police were called to the scene in Hayes last nights a 28 year old man who was inside the vehicle a black Audi has been arrested police are appealing for witnesses the Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders has said all current rape and serious sexual assault cases in England and Wales are to be reviewed as a matter of urgency The move follows the collapse of several recent trials because evidence was not disclosed to the defense his.