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Of Germany and the armistice in November 1910 is Holden's grandad fought in the battle he's travelled from Melbourne in Australia to go to the commemorations in northern France it's a great honor to be here to represent my grandfather about family as well Australians know a lot about the 1st 10 months of the war but not too much about the last 10 months of the war especially victories around Villa's but eval more than 150 people are now known to have died in the earthquake that struck Indonesia on Sunday 156000 people have been displaced because their homes on the island of Lombok have been damaged rescue efforts have been affected because roads and bridges have been destroyed and man has appeared in court charged with murdering 28 year old midwife Samantha Eastwood in staff a chair 32 year old Michael Stirling He's the brother in door of her ex fiance will appear in court again for a plea hearing in October a body that was found on a beach in Wales by an aria F.M. And 33 years ago has been formally identified as that of 63 year old Joseph Brendan Dowdy the body was washed ashore in Anglesey but the death was not treated as suspicious it was interred in an unmarked grave before being examined in June following an investigation Boris Johnson is continuing to resist calls to apologize after he compared women who wear the burka to letterboxes or bank robbers to resume a has aged him to say sorry at as has Lady Vassie the 1st British Muslim woman to serve in the cabinet supporters of the former foreign secretary say he's speaking up for liberal values the former Conservative Party chairman pickles says his language was inappropriate this is misspoken this is a little cross and I think an apology would go a long way and I hope that the debate isn't a stopped by but there's nothing there isn't a danger that is we should have courage to deal with these difficult problems the Advertising Standards Authority has ordered K.F.C. And Kellogg's to remove adverts that promoted junk food to children it says Kellogg's featured a Coco Pops product during a Mr Bean cartoon in. K.F.C. Used to find books by a school just tie from the Advertising Standards Authority says new rules banning advocates of certain foods to under 16 must be enforced the advertising has an effect of the toys wouldn't use that approach and we need to know that ads play a small parts in preferences for children and it's really important that we act as a regulator to make sure that appetizers of being really responsible in the way that they are promoting these products and the Royal Navy warship has its go to 2 Russian warships as they pass through the English Channel Type 45 destroyer H.M.S. Diamond sailed from Dover to monitor the vessels in what's been described as routine business that's the latest. To. Connect. The Army reservist who's just won 2 caps for England in the sport of shooting. The British army. 7 point. 0. 300 yards and. On the way a half assed Also tonight at $930.00. Be raising awareness and breaking down misconceptions in a program called stammering the unspeakable truth yesterday. We introduced you one of the people in the program Captain James Lang. Successful career in the military despite. And experiences at school people. Keep seeing. Shouldn't do that. And. Somebody. Incredible. Talking more with. The truth I'll give you some more details about the show and. Evening you can catch it again. For Wednesday Wednesday the 8th of August. Was it. Because. I. Various locations that have had the heat wave for a while. Because there's a. Extra Channel 4 was showing it tonight $745.00 U.K. Time is called Britain. The documentary examines how the extreme weather has affected many parts of the country Joe. Does this guy's Corey up in cloud out in the rain starts to fall new series as well and B F E S extra quarter to 10 this evening U.K. Time I called How to start an airline and sporting wise from 645 on Woods' support B F B S Channel 5 S T 20 cricket action is how much it's a Somerset. Wednesday the. Life simply writes Here's a quick thing for you though if you're in the. Area surrounding areas maybe older. Just up the road. For more information. You know the. Big. Simply write played in a stadium tax property that 12 years ago I mean ridiculous what that was the time go music on the way from Kasabian it certainly connected from Forces radio vs seeing a member of the aria family isn't a normal life and that they already have families Federation we understand that and want to help the R.A.F. Families Federation life in the R.A.F. Online survey is now live and ready to hear your opinions we want to know how you Leg Manic Street Preachers hold me like a heaven the armed forces are known for their sporting achievements and have produced some incredible talent over the years counting gray in jail is from the Royal Wessex Yeomanry reserves and has recently taken part in it taking part in a shooting competition it's all forces ready to be F.P.S. Presenter Adam pound me about how he got there so I joined the squadron there were 6 Amy back in January 27th he knocked I left they're all trying Regiment it's why I human has been for a number of years was a regular and it was the logical to do step where I was going to and I was you know it. Is from the regulator reserves because you've stayed within the tank environment have any yet so we do the same thing moving from a slightly larger organization doing tanks that battle group in a brigade context through what you share with me. On delivering its F. A C. It a squadron level delivering I think it's about 10 tanks ready for the failed Army Audit as battlefield the replacements all individual placements had to your sporting achievements you do shooting Tell me more about the. Sheet target rifle for the British army it's the $7.00 versions which is not included coolly as full it's firing a single shot ball action rifle from distances between $300.00 yards and a 1000 yards and how did you get into that was not for the army so who was a kind of a hobby that you took on no I C's 1st off doing it when I was back in the kid at school and then continued 3 when I joined the regular army and it continued into the reserves and you have just won some caps in shooting for England yeah I just won my 1st tee caps or England I was selected for the short range National Match which is 20 as a top England shots and the long range MacKinnon match which is the top 12 shots and it's the most conventional sport really is that what the competition like who the other competitors is that is a quite difficult you to tend to shoot in 3 people to a target it's quite competitive because you can often have up to 300 people farming at the same time and it's essentially making sure that you she deflect elevation and to say read the wind conditions but also see what other people are doing it at the same time across the range now is it hard to get in see no the British Army runs 3 introductory begin to courses a year that anybody from the regular is able to request to enter they'll get caging normally between 3 or 2 or 3 days on the weekend or during the week all the kit is provided for them and they get introduced and if they she well and they enjoy it then they can continue on at a unit level or if they are deemed to have the potential skill sets they will put on to the potential. Army teams and they get into the development squad and we will see if we can bring them up to standard to get them into the Army in one day or your 2 caps for English using what's next few years or any more competitions coming up the next set of competition out in Canada I don't think having. Africa this year and the U.K. National competition I'll be going today but I wish some of the British Army team are going out for that so I wish them the best of luck counting Graham Jill speaking with Adam tell me about winning 2 caps for England in the sport of shooting. And the. One. That. You. Write. A. Scene particularly in the area. He's running right now. With us for more information. Running through. One of the. Big. Visit the site of cultures as Roman Circus chariot track season runs through until the end of September September 29th to be precise with the visitor center open through the other period. The Roman Circus Visitor Center is on the circular road north you can basically get there by the borrowed car park head along there and visit the Roman chariot track basically which I'm guessing having driven around culture so many times visiting at least in the days and the crew there Curtis Of course cutting back on Breakfast is probably him better condition with fewer poles than most of the roads around cultures that I . Have Ever whole center is our culture. The 975. Loving someone just about the collective Forces Radio B S B S So all this week in a special we've been looking at the unspeakable truth the show itself is on forces T.V. Tonight at 930 U.K. Tell me if you want to be able to say that for any reason there are other opportunities to see that I will share those with the in just a few minutes time after we've spoken with Captain James lying aka Jimmy who's been chatting with our Amy Casey about stammering and how it's sort of had impacts on his career and his early life and everything else we'll be talking a bit more about like you know when the show is on to our own forces T.V. There is of course a lot of support including on social media there is the defense stammering network which you'll find on Twitter at U K D S U K D S N As in defense stammering network and you'll find their Twitter page load to support available will be talking with Jimmy in 5 for now if this is your idea of a good night. Every night then maybe you're letting alcohol take control of you. Have a drink make sure you look at the cell phone you make sponsible take a break and place this. Second intro. Visit every location which was going. And live from Germany head of a new program airing tonight on T.V. Stammering the unspeakable truth all this week we've been hearing the story of lying initially turned down by the Marines. In the army and silenced any by showing he superiors How could a soldier. He. Was the 1st time he felt. That he belongs somewhere and we pick up the story looking back at Jimmy's early days at school when you do stuff at Lake put a mini skillet either stuff or Google is not the same and it's probably because that was the any really any rule one of those. People who. Keeps getting or you've got one maybe you shouldn't do that on maybe you can't do that and I just got really sick. And I thought Stop telling me what I can't do somebody tell me why I can't buy a gun so suddenly when I was on the block. Suddenly I had so many opportunities to display in the day ministry what I was actually capable of and I actually felt I was very. Capable I just. Now Jimmy has obviously nails you know you've gone and you throw yourself into everything that's ever been Elsevier in your service life you've completed and you've done it really really well but have you ever felt lonely or unable to communicate. Not ideal a good question. I think the tame that I ever met noticed dark was when I was a high school I can actually see that aren't I was the. Captain of all of that I must go on the part of my duty was to be the. Half and Hamilton. And I was just saw. Sort of rating than everybody thought I did if. He's not it's such an important vein to tickle me G.'s excited that Shirley asked if someone. Else could. I always remember the absolute. Future feeling of being. Lonely because it was the thing that I thought. Control of me then. It was an absolute horrible sort of. Feeling and I don't think of really fail to. The army is so large but what a lot of people don't really teach and if you said. It's the dealy. Bottle it's the dealy so are. Loneliness of the people who see the Dharma because people just don't understand dharma don't. Think that if they like. The program there's not normally someone. Who's the Dharma who's is on guard for some sort on the. Humanistic value you saw people get these are not a Mexican state or. The Here are some bug that are more it's like a ha oh my God he stammered he can't do that what do you do. Kind of speak to him about it kind of do yeah you can speak to people about it and you should because the more you speak about Dharma in the movie you understand the ties they see in the army knowledge is. And you can hear more incredible stories like Jimmy's tonight at 930 you Kate on OWN foresees T.V. In the program stammering the unspeakable truth we'll have more tomorrow here of Forces Radio B.F.S. Is where the inspirational story of how Jimi moved on with these career if you for whatever reason don't catch the program tonight stammering the unspeakable truth forces T.V. At 930 you you got other opportunities to see it back on again at 130 on Thursday afternoon these are all you Kate on 130 Thursday afternoon and again at 530 U.K. Turn on Sunday evening armed forces T.V. And Forces Radio B S B S this Sunday the 12th of August will be a 10 minute mini version of a T.V. Documentary which will air in the 1st hour of foresees life with Fiona where just after 1 o'clock you Kate I'm.

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