And there. Can. Be. Yeah there we go is Rod Stewart and c.e.o. Think I'm sexy it Forces Radio be f.b.s. To know I know this song has been kicking about for a while but you actually have to ask the question I'm not sure we're going to get positive answer. You get me. It's not a winner. A lady that we're going to have a problem here so Lay gets in touch and puts in a really good guess for today's big question and he says I'd like to vote for the r.a.f. But if we win is there any chance of a different jingle as Top Gun is a Navy pilot sono Vista by its role in on again so get back in touch on what you have course you know what's what's a suggestion for the r.a.f. And obviously offer up solutions like playing with the voice from the volleyball saying. It's good so anyways I guess I can tell he says yeah but it's so that's the American naive day so I think it might be leaving on a jet plane to which I respond to your on it come on man give me something to work with now only gets back in touch and he says it's so ahead so many times in the full plans I get that but I think I think we need something that more kind of up so if you've got any suggestions if you really don't like top gun if it's just not doing it for year I want you to get in touch me let me know are all right so then next time. If wins which is obviously imminently. I can play something that is not American Navy if it's you know if that's if that's where we are I am happy to oblige but I just don't think leaving on a jet plane is the one Ok have a think about it get in touch and that Mean are a couple of the incorrect guesses that have come in so far today hello and hello to the Youngs on holy bulbs in Madeira the guys are enjoying as a thank you for taking me with you this is also I'm enjoying it enormous a. Real on your holiday Guys thank you for getting in touch. Well. I saw this one in the playlist and I thought you know what we have to have this for the fabulous You remember they came and. Put together a music special that was so much fun and this track from the album. original forces music special forces net jump on line see the listen again or listen on demand and this love is in the it's a great stuff that it's all free as well and you can listen to the voice. We get on with today's big question that. People involved today thank you very much so the average woman 6 of A's the average man just one What is it. Is it that says my. Putting it. Ok I'm going to put it. Getting there now. In Afghanistan. On the. Very very. Live be. Fish up in the. Skin could. Keep it from going. Beyond just being blinded by the bride. Of war we'll be cool. Again. But never lose the broom live being. Must be shoved in the. It's good. 6 good. Good keep C C it from going. Sure a lot of them knows you a lot of them knows your love them knows. Your love and know most. Of them knows. Even though I'm nothing to you. Even though I'm no things you. From. Front door when. He says a Forces Radio. Tellings and I still to come and little mix as well biggest The Youngs have got a great suggestion for the r.a.f. They say out what about m.i.a. Paper planes that is such a good shout representing the aria for its good will get in there so bad learning to fly paper planes and a couple other random suggestions no offense can touch and let me know what you think as well is that it is time to call Last Chance Saloon the average woman and 6 of these and the average man earns one What is it I will tell you next this radio v.f. Yes Remember when getting a job is all about shiny shoes a sharp suit and the right qualifications if your forces spouse and you want to work in social media or you've got a business you want to grow these days you need more than just shiny shoes you need to pull the shop your social media skills I know how you can do it at the social media spouses light of events on Friday November 29th in and just over my social media can you existing business all set you on the path towards a new career that allows you to work flexibly from how you meet successful forces and if you are a military spouse or partner get your free tickets if that isn't fun. Slyme social media award winning for programs. Likes to poke his fingers in other people's eyes punching way about his weight and reasserting who's up on the global Little. Says radio b f b asks. Am . Well we'll get into to recommend some new music for the area as well so thank you very much for that number ending 36 saying Hey Amy what about Dakota. That's another good suggestion I like that and then Elliott gets in touch representing the Navy of course and he says what's going to Hotel California. Ferry. A good guess as well I get to park that just for one minute and get on with the big question so today I asked you the average woman own 6 of these the average man. Now we've got everything from crocs to pants to handbags to hair brushes to. All sorts. Right well done and we did get quite a few get it right and I can tell you victory for Monday the 18th of the. The Royal Air Force Very nicely done so that is Monday's point for the aria and people on those suggestions you might pull up tomorrow and see what people are thinking this is an eye. On the big show. Just. To see. Stands among his radio b.s. B.s. Right that's it for me make you my full force a sport have a good one. And I'll see you tomorrow. Are Coming up in today's show you cast football as repair in the best possible way for the country when the when all they've got a tough task of picking out school about waiting for next week for the squad while I stand by cries for get back in the 2nd somebody. Has a wife. And see what happens and we look ahead to this week's all me Sports Awards on him from one of the nominees a young on. Me awfully Typee Michel be a real springboard for success by surprise but I got nominated to the world but he could still get the people to nominate the yes I mean it's just. Kind of good because it is that feel like you have an opportunity to get a pretty good shot. Beyond the women rugby players stage that trials and a 1000 range in football games and the servicemen who graced some of them plus fighters national and international sports knees. Bulls college football in the u.k. Ask or have been preparing for their defense of the Kentish Cup which takes place next month in the Netherlands with a 2 new victory over wording f.c. Golson the already asked Mike Campbell in the 1st half and a 2nd from the Army's Dan Steinmann just not a half time run off to see off the Ryman League side you can't award it debuts to roll Navy strike rule Marines players don Robert Blendon and the Jake who all gave good accounts of themselves after the game you can head coach flight sergeant the Long spoke to Kathy Brice short time together as always but yeah that's really because vets are too afraid making their debut but once 10 to 12 minutes and we have it it's a got a lot of it done very well yeah promising head of you know your your biggest tell you which is the Kent Yes is the city's going for us are all competitive to try to fix this so we're trying to arrange for anybody to play games where they were I started in hopes that us that for a plan the trophy on Saturday you know some really accomplished players a fact very very accomplished to try and sort of put that the mentality in the. Plans that we do want to try to go into practice then tells you about your debutantes come from the Navy today and and also live about Jake as well yeah as you say in. Myself and to found wanted to make this a real representation of free services over last 45 years I think we've done that by going. To rolling start coming to grips with the last couple days getting up surface not buffed out while time coming on the sub and there was no very common sense off and then Jake Yeah great football experience for Armed Forces football asserts a play with release notes at the start of his service caress so I think our job is against some previous football but it will bring in the bring real quality but also to make him you know silence of service life in giving really service experience and the monks that there was there were 2 services from the Air Force it's always been a mission of USA The force a years you've been in charge a to get that job try service fail to make them feel proud to pay the council says but also you'll you'll you'll sort of thought that profession asked you how to scouting for pets looking out for people's time and that you had known for. Coming in the rank of players people talk so he's gone for trend he's done well he's not passed in and you know he's played international football he's played football and and that's great I think the thing for us is real credibility so we come to really good money clubs and you know we win the game more importantly that really impressed with our forces football sort of subatomic and this is the best on forces will sing or service of a lot and what do you do in now in preparation this is the last match you have before going out to the whole unfit for the Kentish Cup So was it stolen off the players before they head out or come back tonight recovery tomorrow it will be bright as a group always got a tough task of picking a squad but get my banks waiting for next week well amongst the squad while I stand by players bring it back in on the 2nd December and then we're ready to go out as always prep prep see what happens in the summer and you go all positions covered you say it's a tough decision to get down to 80 but you go all positions covered no worries in the team of of any position is out of sync the boys are not of the Coliseum always look to replace if I can ultimately were balanced we're happy. You know I will do our best to pick the best players with the right players for the group but those that don't come with us to the cancer have got a great future in our forces. And still defending champions in that it's been something you've done for last years and successfully maintained the economy to do that again confident but it's gone and so is the next one I so that's nice to look out by Actually it's all about the next 2 games. And I want to be satisfied if we if we win the cancer's any other message you want to support relate you know all forces football is blessed with really good players the boys really want to play this high level we need that we need to get a free services right behind us as I said it all and I keep saying everything in our sort of executive meeting get behind us and with the liver and we'll be out in Holland over the week of a little 13th of December the Dutch forces meet the French on Monday the 9th you calf will play either of those teams the losers of our March almost the 11th and the final game will be on the front of her jeans I'm looking for some you can remember looking for a record breaking 4th successive Kentish Cup title is. Now the 29000 Army Sports Awards will be staged the real military academy San Hurst on Thursday night as ever a wide variety of sports represented as Susan Shalit can now tell us will be a huge amounts of interest in the nominations for sportsmen and sportswomen of the year for the men Corporal Simon Horsfield a former winner of the official of the Year for his work with Army sailing has been nominated after a hugely successful year in a dinghy winning and national title hopefully in Heinz is one of the country's top exponents of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a string of titles to his name and another national title holder is box that Lance Sargent Latin granule sports woman of the year will also be hotly contested major Karen Owen has had one of her best ever seasons in karate Corporal Danny Hodgkinson Similarly in track road and cross-country athletics Well that will stand Lance Corporal De Paul a car race capped a great season by playing for Fiji in the World Cup in Liverpool the 3 nominees for rising star are all. Wimmin triathlete Captain Pat Riley pentathlete officer good at Cape Bryson and athlete private Jesse lots which in addition the sports official of the year will be awarded to either the left turning kernel of naval for rugby league cuts in Nicky O'Donnell for Rugby Union to nickel or made too many to gain for her work in volleyball same of the years already been announced in the frame with the Army Parachute Team and the British soldier oceangoing racing team but receiving the title on Thursday will be the women's cross country and Wade wanting team into services champions for the past 30 years also being awarded will be the Army major and minor units titles to a Chinese would sang and we may and 16 probably company will military place and the evening will conclude with a lifetime achievement award to attending Colonel Charles Bromley Gardner for his services to a whole raft of sports including orienteering athletics rugby and new digs skiing and as you hear there from Suzanne one of the nominees for the rising star of the year at this week's awards is athlete Jessie lit which she will Evans has been to Mesa. Army track and field athlete Jesse Lewis which has enjoyed a breakthrough season in the sport the culmination seeing the burning and based runner nominated for the rising star prize at this year's Army Sports Awards other I think my surprise when I got nominated for the words but he considering the other people. Yes it's just kind of gives you the confidence of progress and realize that you do have an opportunity and you don't really get shot yet still in her early twenty's Jesse is emerging from the juniors to become a force at senior level as a student nurse however the hard part is balancing training with her studies for the student Nasheed you take my don't mean 12 itself 34 days a week say some days it's hard to the ever and here you are in the morning and I think that you've got a really is no use these days off to get a good session distance running is proving to be its own medicine for Jessie last year she made her debut in the national Cross-Country Championships finishing a highly respectable 12 in the Under 23 category because I never got a bit more about that with declare whether it's not a good decision that was made here and I think I'm pretty I think I mean like nothing's been done in the slot in stature but with an enormous engine Jesse achieved a personal best in the 3005000 metres this year combined with a Polish performance in the London marathon with a time of 2 hours 50 she was called up into the u.k. Armed Forces team that competed with the Les to 10 k. Race in Budapest finishing with podium success is a brilliant opportunity of you feel very proud so like it was and where it was that you can try and think that it's all right the support from the crowd exist and human interest that goes that was a chance to wear the top military brass the you like so have you got an eye on running for England or one of the home nations is that some you'd like to do you know I mean that be fantastical in the air with the long run I think that's right. And it's probably that me you get into if you go yeah. It will be ambitious if you grit. In the meantime Jessie is delighted to receive her nomination at the Army Sports Awards just a look which they're talking to Julie Medlin So we'll have full live coverage of the 2019 Army Sports Awards this Thursday on the right from the real military academy Sandhurst on all forces News You Tube channel and also on our Web site forces don't mess with reactions on interviews with the winners across all social media and of course on b f b s radio hope you can join us on Thursday night from round about 9 30 pm to stretch. The. School silicone for the small tube a special remembrance for will March from Catterick I'm the only woman hopeful of getting into this year's rugby squad to challenge the r.f. And the war Navy before that is the latest national and international sport with Andrew Cheel and the John 1st of all Lewis Hamilton ends the Formula One season with a disciplinary it's likewise for Saracens as they start the Rugby Union season but 1st England's footballers are being tipped for glory and England will now be among the top 6 seeds when the draw is made for Euro 2020 and then ended their qualifying campaign in style over the weekend every week since the penalty area 3 weeks ago or so of course George Curry carried out hurricane right will come in from the 1st rain and Marcus rush to chip chip into the portable one corner as they know me trail the nation the British 1st for his country course at O'Neill and then for half a major amount very shortly 1st of all Gower Southgate England had already qualified for next summer's tournament but that victory ensures wanted 2 advantages for South Side side or does it we don't actually know if that's a fair or not because some of the seeds of to import 3 could be extremely tough but I think you want to take as much control of your destiny as you can and. We know there are some big teams that means we don't have the plane in the group. Most teams would have relished coming to Wembley to play us England will have 3 matches at Wembley minimum in the euro 2020 as it will have jails You may feel the most amount that came off the bench to score that goal is quite surreal moment it was happening so quick for me and. This is a brilliant moment. Proud Family watching because of a loss of Bernard Shaw long feels England easily the best side a Europe at the moment and he's backing them to win the tournament next summer they play football they play on society's play with speeds they play with and into quality technical quality for me it's a difference with the teams in Europe now for me it's it's the best team now we know clear for them a vote of confidence in the opposition good thing or not I'm not sure Scotland can't qualify for a leg group but they are hoping to progress to the championships via the play offs in March Scotland won 21 away in Cyprus Jonny muscle is gone and striker places football in America and reckons doing so puts more pressure on him to perform when he gets called up to the Scotland squad they see a lawyer the stuff but not as much as special the guys point score and then you can apportion and on the ropes or if you have a time away on it make an impression on every part of us probably a lot more than everyone else because I probably won't be seen but waste Wales boss Ryan Giggs says both Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey are fit to start their crucial year at 2020 qualify with Hungary tomorrow a win in Cardiff would see Wales reach next summer's finals in what would be just their 2nd tournament in 61 years and gauge is confident he will have his star players available after they each played in part of Saturday's win in Azerbaijan the boat ready to start got the minutes they needed labor to get out of off after getting some minutes and then rush hour in as well it was a game on the pitch was it which was him. As well so yeah everyone in the squad is available to know the Niners slim chance of automatic qualification are over which will post huge damage for Steven Davis. The smashes it was a car the 1st time he's missed a penalty even Northern Ireland and it was a crucial one Northern Ireland captain missing a spot kick in the goal is drawer with Netherlands at Windsor Park they will now need to come through a playoff to reach the finals Glen Whelan is been given the task of keeping Christian Eriksen quiet in the Republic of Ireland 02020 showdown with Denmark the teams make in Dublin tonight and the win for either side will see them secure a place in next summer's tournaments turning to Formula One when booze Max fished up and won the Brazilian Grand Prix and in the la Goss world champion Lewis Hamilton was given a 5 2nd penalty after being blamed for a collision with Red Bulls awnings on the album he was demoted to 7th place Ok race mix it up and that's because they were just they just process in terms of overall performance and we can keep up with them in the streets as a race my heart out I gave it everything and that not been on the table and I took a lot of risk anglers cricketers will continue their preparations today for the 1st Test against New Zealand now begins on Thursday in the bay oval in man's Mongan Louis Chris Silverwood side drew their warm up game against New Zealand a yesterday but the England coach is delighted the batsman Joe Denly got some runs on the board after recovering from injury I was placed really place where is great save out of a sack speculum article injury and discoursing runs as well as are law character so very pleased with so I know you are with a team of the full 11 but is he pretty much inked in for my on going to his place best before residents of us ever give you that same base is is there itself a well the good I'll go on give us the team England cricket captain Joe Root is hoping for a strong batting performance when their 1st test begins it's the start of a busy period for the team who are set to travel to South Africa and straight Lanka in the coming months to. Says exactly what is mine what about long specially 1st innings right into the game and give us a real opportunity of making big scores 400 plus scores which generated you can dictate terms from England rugby union head coach Eddie Jones is now focusing on the 6 Nations after the team's World Cup disappointment in Japan which saw them lose in the final to South Africa Jens also says he's not thinking about extending his current deal beyond 2021 next period of time to rethink how we take England rugby food to rethink how we can establish a strong retain and we can work on that diversity within the team to make it a stronger thing until the next World Cup or 21 along on a contract the 2021 year I'll say after that you hold the cards right not really I think you might sound reasons will not appeal against their 35 point deduction and 5000000 pound fine for breaching rugby unions Premiership salary cap the English and European champions had a vision he said they would fight the ruling Sarson as chairman Nigel Ray said we've made mistakes and so with humility we must accept those penalties his rugby union reporter James Burridge with more despite insisting they would appeal last week that was never really an option available to Saracens they could only request a review or clarification of the findings and only if they had been some basic unfairness or procedural error this is been a 9 month investigation conducted by independent legal experts who have already considered and dismiss our sins as defense the club maintain the decision is unjust by accepting the fine and the points deduction Saracens will attempt to draw a line under the whole affair the details of the investigation likely to emerge either but the questions won't go away tennis and the 21 year old Stefan a stupid ass came from a set down to be Dominic Team 676276 that made him the youngest winner of the a.t.p. Finals in 18 years correspond. Russell Fuller was watching at the o 2 Arena city passes year started with victory over Roger Federer and a semi final appearance at the Australian Open and ended with by far the biggest title of a short career the 21 year old has 2 championship points forehand wide front door they. Had set to pass becomes the youngest champion at the 80 people at all since lately here 18 years ago having lost the 1st settle a tie break his serve then allowed him to assume control and it was a surprise when team broke back to level the decider at 3 games all into a deciding tie break they went with shouts of City Pass ringing around the arena human waste of watching this on t.v. And thinking all these guys are of the same year to be playing here and now I'm in the position where on the champions so it was awesome and it was the 21 year old who made the fewest errors when the pressure was at its most intense Tommy Fleetwood is 2nd in the season long golf standings after winning the Nedbank challenge in Sun City South Africa the final event of this season's European tour the d.p. World to a jumper gives start on Thursday free was victory over Sweden's Marcus can hold in the playoff this is 1st victory since January 2818 and he admits it's been a long time coming judge Trump retains his Northern Ireland snooker Open title at the weekend the world champion and world number one beat 20 or so of and by 9 frames to 7 in Belfast doesn't happen very often where you define the title so after when in here last year it was sort of a special place for me for my career so a kick start from there that's it for me more force the sport now with John Andrew thanks very much indeed my rugby union in the army women season is up and running with a selection camp in short more now from Julian Evans a record number of hopefuls turned out in shot for this 2 day training trial session at stake the chance to impress the coaching staff and get into the army development team with a longer term of making it into the senior squad the sport is thriving for women it's not really. Level runs across the country America has been reflected within the forces for lighting head coach magic Gemma Stanbridge Smith defeat to be an area in last season's into services championship so the army get slipped that title with the Light Blues Crown winners for the 1st time and the fact that we've had 6 or 55 goals completely new really to set up sign up to this open training camp and trials I think really demonstrates the significant improvement we've made it into the player base that we've now got billable in the Army to select the represented sports of course for you the key thing is bolstering the sport that you've got put into services and I know you're still hurting from last year we worked really hard in consultation with so community level rugby so we try and build up their base and make sure that we're focusing on the player individual development so they got we got course there was so that the girls come to the representative season which starts today but already I could start playing as it was time to go back to the beginning yes this is a launch party for you then you've got fantastic numbers here what are you hoping to do between now and when you have to call upon them to worry about red shirt for the 1st time and also where absolute in our selection face of the purpose of this today is really to look at a lot of fresh talent we look to select some of the interval of the senior 15 under on the in squad value season which gives a real good clinic players as we move through into the development phase which then gives us the biggest pool possible to pull from in a sense a sport as we move into and so performance physical skills and the army can call upon some of the best club players in the country over the years their reputation is a highly competitive Elvis a scene then invited to play international opposition another season of high profile fixed uses in prospect when they get their campaign underway in the coming days we start season and next week with our pre-season training camp with a training match against most inside inside 6 months which is a period for sure they've got a couple of really good for China the season ticket is still 15 with her playing in big stadiums in front of big crowds are also assert myself a bit on the looking at the sport across the country the moment you civilian Why isn't. So many women are getting involved in rugby and now if you join the forces it's a chance to go either way and play against top clubs and of course marry it up with your good your military career the action and I think that's why we've worked so hard to tie in with the Germany level of being the armies that is everything from try right through to the high performance level now so anybody interested in want to play with us will be there is an opportunity in the army which is great for you as head coach how long does it take to mold you know this sort of group of players into that winning side that you hope for. A lot of these girls from you know if they do get a chance to put a red shirt on this season the community and is set up for what that does is consistent but he has yet to get into this into the senior sports when we build up player base which means we can spend 2 or 3 years developing people into the homes we must reach here we must remember because the some of these women have never even picked up a ripple ball before until they join the army Yeah absolutely we've got 3 or 4 girls are here today that are put the hard up to come to this open training camp again I've never played rugby but are just really good quality athletes and it's great that they have the confidence to turn up today and throw a ball around major Shantelle Miller had never played rugby before joining the army she's gone on to be capped by wells in both the 15 a side format and sevens Now one of the senior members of the army set up she's been enthused by the turn out to her and last season was a tough season for us however while trying to do here is just go back to the basics get the basics right and I'm happy building blocks to having so many players we're going to be able to stop competition for shit as it were for you I mean how disappointing was he to to let slip your title to get all the force to places like in the Army when obviously it's tough you know we play with a aggressively and we play to win but we can't really take any credit for away from the our after great really well you know outs to make us up our game for next time so that's why it's really important to get as many people here as possible go back to basics and start building for Ultimately we want to get out of about the season the army women face their 1st appreciation of the season next week when they tackle . June Evans They're reporting from all the shots now to Catterick Garrison where the annual i.t.c. Boxing Night pitched the army against German army boxers over 3 bouts and a further 4 with men from the north of England the army won 5 bouts including all 3 against German opposition and staying in North Yorkshire Catterick Garrison marked Armistice Day with a very special remembrance football match in a friendly the infantry training center took on Arya Fleming and the labor and Road Stadium both teams fielding a couple of experienced tax professionals in their ranks watch the action. a good start keeping the ball in the visitors hard but then barely 10 minutes into the game Leming send the ball into the back of the net that's enough of a boost for the r.a.f. Side to take command of the 1st car. After the break a charged up Army team try to respond but they don't have the accuracy and missed several opportunities to score the end result see mail carrier to him and 3 cited Steve Connelly as Arya Fleming's manager for error. Considering the weather has been pretty rubbish all the boys have come out and going to bat for charity and good night so it's only through the game the 1st off we dominated We played some real football from the part where we always talk our goals Well the ball you scored with a cold and 1st of all goalkeeper normally so it's always a when we talk in 2nd off solidly defended last that you Times and somewhere for you know when there is there's some close call so when the yeah it was considered it's all me versus Air Force I would be local stations we thought maybe a bit more face here than it was Bobbsey understood in the spirit it was for a good charity and for members of the leavings Captain I say see Jake Moore is delighted with the results everybody loves reading and often more than when where it's from they are called a lot of winning and keeping clean sheets are sent off as well just brilliant night for me is it good to get one over the army it's always good to get one over there. Yeah I. Am with so we are currently on a short. Trip obviously start a fair not so bad against. You know to lose 3 and it was a bit disappointing but you know it's not about results that are. So obvious to a player Lehmann in the league and then I'd like to obey him this much was a little different for gas player toting McMahon the former middle spread midfielder but he jumped to the chance to take part of your soon as I got invited along I said yesterday where we had a good night everyone enjoyed themselves regret cause and lots of Kamiya be allowed scam support Let's go right behind their team and make a little bit hectic for us but they said we got a win and we came to win I would Life would say we didn't come because we didn't. Enjoy it it could not all around flaming may have got the victory but the real way now the charities that benefit from this game will find its nights this last 7 days small the 1000 England football International the 7 nil win against Montenegro on Thursday followed by the 1000 and 1st game a 4 nil win yesterday in Kosovo over. A 147 years they've been more than a few service men who've warm the famous end and should I think associate historian Brian bid has been telling under Cheel about 2 notable ones that come to mind many folk or those represented their country and. None more so than Tom Cooper who made his mark on history for file Dobbin little 115 England caps before the thought 2nd world war then joined the army force he was killed in the road traffic accident in June 1000 for. The spice motorcycles including military and he died as a result now the subsequent inquiry into the accident elated as a direct consequence of the accident and. That from the point on which all the fighters who had a crush on it so Tom Maybe Marty posterity on and off the field and then another player who springs to mind is Duncan Edwards the $100.00 United player who tragically died in the Munich air crash it will be tell us about his military experience. Was representative of many of the 4 or those who did the National Service in 1950 but were still able to play for their clubs don't consider the will on the ordnance Corps on this note the exact details we play for an army fighting one guy in defense. On his side and hunted something like 5 mil down or don't and took it on himself from my back playing out front and scored and at the score more than one goal the side went on we don't immediately be attacked when the game 65 extraordinary play was done I would Sobran be there was talking 200 chill let's just about it for this edition of for sport back in the next week with all the reaction of course of the $29.00 Seen on The Sports Awards. On satellite t.v. In the u.k. . The International Criminal Court says it could open its 1st investigation into the British military as b.b.c. Panorama prepares to air a program tonight about alleged war crimes Well King with the Sunday Times it found evidence that in.

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