Hello and welcome to world news today. Day four of Donald Trumps impeachment trial in the us senate has begun. Democrat prosecutors argue that the president should be removed from office for abuse of power and for obstructing congress. They say hes used Foreign Policy for his own personal, political gain. Mr trump has dismissed the trial as boring. In the past few hours, us media has reported a recording has emerged of the president apparently saying he wanted the ambassador to ukraine, marie yovanovitch, fired. One of the houses impeachment managers, adam schiff was asked his thoughts before todays session got underway. I dont have enough background to give you a response to it at this time but, plainly, if the president , at the urging of giuliani or parnas or fruman, if this is additional evidence of his involvement in that effort to smear her, it would certainly corroborate much of what we have heard, but im not in a position yet to analyse that, not having looked at it. The Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer has been speaking making the case for witnesses to be allowed to give evidence. The bottom line we are seeking the truth at a momentous time in the american republic. It is on the shoulders of four republican senators tojoin us in demanding it. We have made the argument forcefully. The American People have made the argument forcefully that they want the truth. Will four republican senators, just four, rise to the occasion, do their duty to their constitution, to their country to seek the truth . Republican senator Lindsey Graham has hit back at democrats, claiming that if they wanted more witnesses, they should have allowed joe biden and his son hunter biden to be called during the house inquiry. The manager said there is not one piece of evidence to suggest that hunter biden did anything wrong in this record. And there never will be if you dont call any witnesses they tried to call hunter biden and People Associated with him, and they were shut out. I was pretty offended by the idea that there is a record here and there is not one shred of evidence that hunter biden did wrong, when you stop the house from calling hunter biden. So thats having your head in the sand. I asked our washington correspondent Gary Odonoghue about whats on the agenda today. What they are focusing on today is the second of the two articles of impeachment and that is the one that relates to what they call obstruction of congress, and that effectively is saying look, the president in the white house did not handle every hand over any documents and stayed in the way of people giving testimony and present prevented using witness is the one that and thats an impeachable offence in its own right. So they are making that case, they are going over a lot of the old ground in terms of the detail of ukrainian business in order to illustrate what was missing and what is missing from the narrative about that because of what they call obstruction of congress. So, that will go on for the rest of the day and then tomorrow at president s defends team will kick off their case, they have 24 will kick off their case, they have 2a hours to do that in the same way as democrats they. They will start at ten a m. , a bit earlier tomorrow morning, is not entirely clear that the defendants will use their entire 24 the defendants will use their entire 2a hours, they may go shorter. The defendants will use their entire 24 hours, they may go shorter. Is there any more detail on the recording which emerged which reportedly you can hear President Trump calling on the Us Ambassador to ukraine to be fired . No, nothing in any great detail about that at the moment, i think we have to be cautious about that at this stage. But the democrats believe that more and more things are coming out of this trial but remember they had this trial but remember they had this whole release of documents from a ukrainian businessman who they believed was working for the president plus plus press no lawyer, trying to in some ways kind of oust the Us Ambassador to ukraine, so that me all play into that so we will see what happens. Thousands of people have been marching in the streets of baghdad demanding that all us troops be expelled from iraq. The marchers chanted anti us slogans, and some carried effigies of President Trump. Around 5,000 us soldiers are in the country as part of the International Coalition against the Islamic State group. One of iraqs most powerful and influential shia clerics Moqtada Al Sadr had called for a Million People to join todays march close to the us embassy in the capital. 0ur middle east correspondent martin patience is in baghdad . If you control this street in iraq than you can rule the country. This was downtown baghdad today, supporters were out in force. This movement is the political and spiritual backbone of the country. And their message for the man in the white house was unmistakable. There isa white house was unmistakable. There is a carnival like atmosphere here that this is a serious political event. There is she a cleric as a man who can draw supporters out onto the street and with this march, he is showing his political hand, he wa nts all is showing his political hand, he wants all american voices to leave iraq. The us and the assassination of iran top military commander changed the dynamics here. Iraq now finds itself centre stage, caught in the struggle between the us and iran. Translation , the the struggle between the us and iran. Translation , the americans killed many of us, all of the explosions here are because of them, both america and iran has no place here. They should both be expelled. Translation he will use all the hermetic means available to him. But if the us still does not withdraw its troops from iraq, it will face the resistance. Today, the protest was peaceful, but it was a warning to america. The us troops must leave iraq or they may have another fight on their hands. A powerful earthquake has struck eastern turkey, killing four people and damaging buildings near the epicenter of the tremor. The quake shook the siv riss district in the province of elazig, at a shallow depth of 10 kilometres. Weve just received these pictures of rescue efforts underway in the area. The quake oocured in a remote and relatively sparsely populated region and it could take some time for authorities to find out the full extent of the damage. The Lunar New Year holiday has begun in china, but the festive spirit is being dampened by drastic measures to prevent the spread of the new virus that has killed 26 people, and infected over 800 more. But the World Health Organisation says its not a global problem yet, although cases have been confirmed across asia, in the united states, and as of the last few hours, in france. Stephen mcdonnell sent this report from beijing. You cant move around china at the moment without being aware of this crisis. Health screening is in place at transport hubs across the country. Public celebrations marking the Lunar New Year being cancelled and the inconvenience is considerable. At most, people are welcoming Decisive Action from the government. Translation china is a very strong country, it can definitely control the virus, also a vaccine will be developed, we are very confident. Translation typing this thing will go away in the near future, like sizing 2003. Now the governmentsjob is to prevent its spread, i think it will disappear by itself. In wuhan, hospitals are stressed to the limit. I had a fever and a cop so i am worried that i am infected. I dont know the results yet but i am concerned, and a bit nervous i have the virus. Wuhan is a very large city with a large population. The medical capacity of wuhan alone cannot withstand the outbreak of the virus. It needs the support of a whole country. The Chinese Government has any footage ofa Chinese Government has any footage of a new quarantine facility under construction at a frantic pace. They say it would be used to cope with an ever growing number of patients infected with the coronavirus. Chinas new years eve is much more quieter this year than it normally would be. In most cities, there are very few people on the streets, it seems a lot of people dont want to leave their homes for fear of catching the coronavirus. Instead of a mood of celebration its one of trepidation with many wondering just how bad this problem is going to become. The potentially deadly coronavirus is thought to have spread from animals into humans at a life Produce Market in the wuhan. Officials have all but locked down the city of ii officials have all but locked down the city of 11 Million People to try and slow the speed of the sickness spreading. If we all work as one, we can contain the virus in wuhan and export number cases from here. We can stop the virus from spreading nationwide. For many at this chinese new year, its pretty bleak, but if they can get through it without them oi they can get through it without them or their loved ones falling ill, they will be pretty happy. The bbcs africa editor and veteran war correspondent fergel keane has annouced he will be stepping down from his position, citing the effects of post Traumatic Stress disorder. Keane has reported from the frontlines for the bbc since the 1980s, gaining widespread recoginition for his coverage of the rwandan genocide in 1994. His posting have included some of the bloodiest conflicts of the past two deacdes, including iraq, ukraine and syria. In a statement a bbc spokesperson said he had been dealing with condition privately for several years, and is recieving professional medical advice. Bruce shapiro is a journalist and director of the dart center forjournalism and trauma, a think tank focusing on the psychological impact of reporting traumatic events. Thank you so much for talking to us here on bbc news. First of all, lets talk about for a goal because obviously he is a huge figure in their field of conflict reporting, so their field of conflict reporting, so this announcement by him has a big impact, doesnt it . Certainly, he isa big impact, doesnt it . Certainly, he is a hero ofjainism but as a special irony that someone who has done so much in his career to draw public attention to the real impact of yr and conflict and poverty on ordinary folks, now is one of those casualties of violence. It may not come as a surprise casualties of violence. It may not come as a surprise and yet it says something about the courage and the dedication of fergal keane and other correspondence to do this work knowing that there is the risk of occupational injury, occupational psychological injury which is just as real as the risk of being wounded oi as real as the risk of being wounded or killed. How did that you think oui or killed. How did that you think our understanding is of ptsd in relation to journalism and trauma, we talked about surgeries and ptsd, what about journalism 7 how we talked about surgeries and ptsd, what about journalism . How developed you think our understanding of that has become . Ten or 20 years ago, there was virtually no conversation, no one in history of psychology and no one in history of psychology and no one in the history of general exa m no one in the history of general exam until the late 90s had ever really bothered to think much about this. Over the course of the last 20 yea rs, this. Over the course of the last 20 years, there has been now whole Body Research around the world showing that genetics and not only were correspondents but generalists covering crime, generalists covering intimate partner violence, generalists covering all sorts of natural disasters that we are on the one hand a resilient tribe with an importantjob one hand a resilient tribe with an important job to do one hand a resilient tribe with an importantjob to do and the skills to do it and on the other hand, we do have the real risk of ptsd. Many news organisations now incorporate trauma awareness and incorporate generalists and peer support and other attempts to address what is a serious Occupational Health hazard and a serious cost to bearing witness. Very briefly, what is the best way do you think to help generalists to deal with, and to in some cases perhaps avoid being traumatised as much as they could be . Well, first of all, the leadership of generalists like fergal keane who have come forward and they have been others as well to talk about their own psychological injuries and the impact that their coverage has had, that has praised the way for a generation of younger reporters who are much more willing to co nfro nt reporters who are much more willing to confront these issues and feel less stigma am talking about it. That has been one crucial thing. Secondly, its terribly important than these organisations incorporate some training in self care and incorporate trauma and awareness into Data Management schemes. Find ways to pace generates occupational exposure. Simply have an open conversation about our evolving understanding of trauma. This is not just about the mental well being of a single generalists that is certainly important. Its really about the robust ability of generalists to bring the public, the information they need. A generous to is sidelined by ptsd is a and thats a loss to the world. So good to have you on the programme, thank you very much. Stay with us on bbc world news, still to come Serena Williams, chasing a record equalling 24th grand slam singles title, is knocked out of the Australian Open. Donald trump is now the 45th president of the united states, he was soaring in the forest several hundred thousand people on the steps of capital here in washington. Its going to be only America First America First demonstrator is waiting for the rebel cricket team were attached with tear gas and rebel cricket team were attached with t anti apartheid campinas is a dogs, anti apartheid campinas is a state they would carry on the protests throughout the tour. They call him the picture of a young, he is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia, the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france, there he was the gestapo chief. Millions came to beat as close as possible to this spot, believed ebay officials that have broken all records. This is bbc world news today. The latest headlines day four of Donald Trumps impeachment trial has begun as democrat prosecutors wrap up their case against the president. As china celebrates the Lunar New Year a Massive Campaign is underway to try to stop the spread of the new virus thats killed 26. Now, who would like to pay more taxes . Well a group of more than 130 of the worlds richest people say they do, and theyve written an open letter urging their fellow million and billionaire peers to do the same in the interest of fighting climate change. The letter, written by the group called the patriotic millionaires, argues taxes are the best tool to overcome innequality and to ensure the things our societies need get the funding they require. In their letter the group writes . Most reasonable so how realistic is this vision . Chuck collins is one of the co authors and signatories of the letter, i put that question to him a little earlier. I think ithink our i think our hope is that the more and more people recognise, my wealthy people recognise that both the Climate Crisis and the destabilising inequalities in our communities and societies are bad for everybody, including the health and well being of wealthy families and well being of wealthy families and so its actually in our self interest. We are kind of reaching out to say its time to step up, charity is important and its not a substitute for paying your taxes. And we are worried that our society has becoming more polarised we are going to sort of not have the nimbleness and support in society to address the ecological and Climate Crisis and so its really in all of our interest. Its all well and that thing lets pay my taxes but its up to that government in charge to use that money in a good and proper way to fight social inequality and to fight climate change. How do you know if that happens governments will play ball so to speak . There are things you need to do to strengthen democracies, over 2000 billionaires on the planet have disproportionate power to shape what government priorities are, wealthy people have disproportionate power is so not only should we do taxes but we should speak out in support of policies that reduce the destabilising inequalities and im sitting in boston in the united states, we need to tax ourselves and restore the progressive tax code that we used to have and make investments that lift up everybody and that really will be a healthier society and more nimble in our ability to respond to the ecological crisis ahead. Lizzie Greenwood Hughes has all the sport. The 15 year old coco has caused the biggest shock of the third round of the Australian Open knocking out the defending champion knocking out naomi osaka and took to 67 minutes to beat osaka and straight sets, 63, 64. To beat osaka and straight sets, 6 3, 6 4. There was a shock except for a Serena Williams who lost the dick cheney spare for the first time that she has gone out this early for 14 years. It means her quest to witness the record of 24 grand slam singles titles continues. Meanwhile, the six time winner, Roger Federers poutine third round match against the unseeded australianjohn tend not to be anything but routine, it took five grilling sets to reach the fourth round. Neck and neck the whole match the final set went to a tie break, the third seat fighting down to win the last six points and to ta ke down to win the last six points and to take his 100th win at the Australian Open. The 38 year old was going for his 21st grand slam career win. The final test between south africa and england looks like it would be a lot closer than englands huge victory in the third test after losing the session injohannesburg continued to rain, the batsmen started well with a century opening stand. Thats the first time in thes open as he reached 100 for three years. It signalled the colla pse three years. It signalled the collapse faking his first test wicket and dismissing after they went. Ben stokes was caught by them to send and be all around there was then clearly heard exchanging obscene words with a spectator who is likely to result in some sort of punishment within the last couple of hours here at the bbc sport centre ben stokes has issued this statement saying translation just before we go, take a look at this from the monte carlo rally, the World Champion genetically crushing his car in the mountains. Now somehow he walked away from this committee is driver lost control and careened off the road to a section where speeds can get up to 110 mph. Miraculously he and his co driver and escaped without injury and even more remarkable when you see how many spins he did in the dash cam footage. Extraordinary. Thats all the support from me for now. Thank you very much. That looked pretty serious, that car crash, glad everything is ok. Huge swarms of locusts, like something out of the old testament, have been sweeping through large parts of east africa, destroying crops, and threatening the Food Security of the region. One of the worst affected countries is kenya, which last dealt with a plague of locusts on this scale our senior africa correspondent anne soy reports. From a distance, it looks Like Northern kenya is burning, but these are swarms of desert locusts, spreading like wildfire across the horn of africa. Just one swarm can have more than 200 million insects. These are tiny creatures flying above me. They look harmless, but if you consider that hundreds of millions of them are flying at the same time, the amount of destruction they can cause is unimaginable. Ali bila waqo tells me this is the second invasion of locusts hes witnessed in about 60 years. This time, hes lost nearly all his maize and bean crops. Translation its painful. We had no rain for several years. When it did finally rain last year, we were so happy, but then these insects have come and destroyed our crop. Weve incurred huge losses. He says he brought dozens of people here to help ward off the invasion. Elsewhere, gunshots, tear gas and whistles. People, and governments, across the region are desperate to save plants from being devoured. Which way are they moving in . Theyre moving this way. Yeah . Conservation groups are helping track the movement of the swarms. Dont forget you can get in touch with me and some of my team on twitter, im bbcmaryam. Grey and gloomy skies tending to dominate through friday, we saw lots of Quality Photos sent in by our leather watchers. This one sent in from eastbourne, not a lot of sense and can be found here, plenty of blue sky in this photo sent in by a weather watcher in north yorkshire. This pretty skylit setting media exception to the rule. If you take a look at the satellite picture from friday afternoon you can see lots of cloud across much of the uk, many brea ks to cloud across much of the uk, many breaks to be found to be east of high ground. As you go to tonight generally cloudy, misty and here fog cloud thickenerfor generally cloudy, misty and here fog cloud thickener for the arts spot of dread drizzle or a light rain at times. Starting to see a few clear spells feeding into southern england and a potentially but for most it will be a frosty night. Not a great day of change as he moved into the start of the weekend, the area of High Pressure keeping been settled and starts to clearly and be see this cold front edging into the northwest which will bring change as he moved into sunday. How to start on saturday at the end they will be missed and here fog cloud could be picking up for drizzle in one or two showers particularly for Western Areas and a breezy year day and friday. Pushing to the far north and west, temperature is around nine, 10 celsius. As he moved into sunday we start to see a shift, something more u nsettled start to see a shift, something more unsettled this cold front pushes its way southeast behind a phl year air mass feeding him. They sunday it will start with outbreaks of rain for a Western Areas and some of that could be quite heavy at times and that rain will push you through the day on sunday and brightest guys feeding him behind particularly for a night in ireland and reston scotla nd a night in ireland and reston scotland and showers for northwest scotla nd scotland and showers for northwest scotland could be in three of her high ground at a blustery day for the south, southwest 80 win. Temperature is ahead of that sitting in double figures around 10 celsius from the north and west. And then as he moved into the start of next week that cold front clears towards the southeast and this feature could bring some tricky conditions first thing on monday with the potential to see snow for parts of Northern England and ireland and scotland. Much cooler feel for things to the start of next week with some rain and showers. This is a leading pro democracy politician in syria. On october 12, she was dragged from her car and killed. Our world, who betrayed her . Tomorrow, 9 30pm on bbc news channel. When this is bbc world news, the headlines day four of Donald Trumps impeachment trial in the us senate is underway. Democrat prosecutors are arguing the president should be removed from office for abuse of power and for obstructing congress. As the Lunar New Year begins, china has launched a Massive Campaign to try to stop the spread of the virus that has killed 26 people. Europes first two cases have been diagnosed in france. Tens of thousands of protesters in the iraqi capital baghdad have called for us forces to be expelled. It follows washingtons assassination of an Iranian Military commander in baghdad three weeks ago. A man has shot dead six members of his own family, including his parents, in the southern german town of rot am see. Police said a suspect had been detained and that no one

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